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今天把这篇文献仔细读了几遍,方法,试验结果,讨论都基本读懂了。以前做microarray, bioinformatics时候的日子浮现在眼前。哈,还是喜欢现在的生活,读数据,比做试验,收集数据容易太多啦。分享几个小知识点/冷知识:
–老鼠在跑步机上啥速度?5cm/s to 18cm/s, 要跑20分钟呢。
–健康人的运动试验是跑步30分钟, 第一组人最大心率的75%。 第二组人跑得快很多:RER (respiratory exchange ratio) above 0.95 running,那基本是zone 2以上的。第二组人跑了多长时间,我没看明白。所以从这个试验看,跑步30分钟就能产生抗癌的代谢改变!
–“Melanoma patients who responded to two types of immunotherapies (TIL-based or anti–PD-1) had highly increased levels of metabolic proteins, mitochondrial activity, and oxidative phosphorylation“, 这一点我以后在临床关注一下。那些癌症控制得好的病人是有更好的精力,能做更多的事情。
–“Low carbohydrate diets, such as the ketogenic diet, have been proposed to starve malignant growth by inhibiting the availability of glycogen storage. Several long-term studies with large human cohorts and studies using animal models have shown a correlation between cancer risk and dietary composition”。这方面还没有定论,我不会因此就采用keto diet。但是控糖不含糊!这也是我开始用CGM的原因。
ref: An Exercise-Induced Metabolic Shield in Distant Organs Blocks Cancer Progression and Metastatic Dissemination