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SCAPE Woman Wellness Discussion-Physical Activity 提纲

(2022-06-18 19:51:56) 下一个
Goals -运动要达到的, 和可以达到的目的
lifestyle medicine
Sustained growth
我的健身经历和体验-background,健身启初的动力, 大学期间,来美国,住院医,工作稳定以后
Goals -运动要达到的, 可以达到的目的
--体重,wellness, Aesthetic pleasing, Mental health, social aspects
–Midlife awakening - 中年萌醒,起步于健身
Lifestyle medicine, 80% health behaviors, socioeconomic factor, physical environment
JAMA 2009 article
四个生活习惯-80% reduction of chronic disease
--Never smoking
--BMI <30
--Performing 3.5 h(210min) /wk or more of physical activity
--Adhering to healthy dietary principles (high intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain bread and low meat)
In the study, ~9% had 4 factors. In American, ~2.7% had 4 factors
Participants with all 4 factors at baseline had a 78% lower risk of developing a chronic disease 
(diabetes 93%; myocardial infarction, 81%; stroke, 50%; and cancer, 36%) than participants without a healthy factor
-个人体验:减肥,HDL 43-> 57, Tri/HDL 2 ->1.23, 爱美,体态,平面模特, covid-19 stress management
-为了健康的运动怎么练:AHA, WHO建议
-Structured exercise->lifestyle transformation
SCAPE:35% exercise <3h/week, ~50% BMI>=23
成功的lifestyle transformation需要3个阶段:预备期,诱导期,lose it and live it phase (螺旋式上升 更上一层楼期)
9/2020 -11/2020: 学习,饮食,阻抗训练, 133->124磅, 15分钟腿部练习。
饮食:read label, 打造易瘦体脂, nutritional dense vs. calorie dense, 原型食物, 我的频道
超级食物奇亚籽:一个serving, 150卡,7gm polyunsaturated fat, 13g carb, 10g fiber, 5gm protein. Calcium, iron, potassium. 一片白面包:79卡,0.8gm fiber, 2.7gm protein, 15gm carb.
第二个阶段:8-19week exercise and diet intense monitoring and modification, 5 day exercise, tracking diet habit, fruit/veggie, whole food (lower processed food and sugar), breakfast daily
如何开始:了解你的起点,make a wish (我的沙滩泳装梦想), set a goal, fitness testing, 咨询你的医生
–7/2020-5/2022:110-112  lbs, DEXA 体脂 25.3%, BMI-19.8
 不节食,什么都吃,3 meals a day on weekdays, 2-3 meals on weekend, 2 work-out sessions, 每天动动,2 youtube channels, 1 blog, 1 小红书
–Healthy lifestyle is fun, enjoyable, 接地气
–榜样的力量: Be the role model
ref: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19667296/
Healthy living is the best revenge: findings from the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition-Potsdam study
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