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如何学得更快 (How To Double Your Learning Speed | Jim Kwik)
21:54 阅读时要问的三个问题: 1. 这个怎么用? 2. 为什么我必须使用这个? 3. 我什么时候用这个?一边记录,一边创造。
11:59 成功公式:头、心、手。想想你心中的事情。用你的双手行动。我们在情感上(心)做事。
19:11 习惯优先考虑并把第一件事放在首位。
22:03 你的日历是你的第一生产力工具。
28:50 慢读者 (1) 缺乏教育。
29:33 慢读者 (2) 缺乏重点。
31:04 慢读者 (3) 默读。
36:17 要打断潜声
38:49 要阅读更多内容,请保留阅读清单以便有针对性
21:54 The three questions to ask when reading: 1. How can I use this? 2. Why must I use this? 3. When will I use this? A note on the left to record the fact, the a note on the right to create.
11:59 Success formula: Head, Heart, Hands. Think about things in your mind. Act with your hands. We do things emotionally (heart).
19:11 Habit to prioritize and put first thing's first.
22:03 Your calendar is your number one productivity performance tool.
28:50 Slow readers (1) lack education.
29:33 Slow readers (2) lack focus.
31:04 Slow readers (3) subvocalize.
36:17 To interrupt subvocalization, (1) stop moving your lips by chewing gum or biting your knuckles,
36:45 (2) listen to music,
36:57 (3) count,
37:25 (4) or give yourself a visual pacer like your finger.
38:49 To read more, keep a reading list in order to target.
NEJM-Rilzabrutinib, an Oral BTK Inhibitor, in Immune Thrombocytopenia
upper panel:
-- Rilzabrutinib treating ITP
--phase 1-2 trial
--40% ORR, time to response 11.5d
--400mg bid
lower panel: how, why, when to use the above info
--learned a new BTK
--other BTK inhibitor may help in ITP too
--how is 40% ORR compared to other drugs in this setting, promacta, fosmatinib
--first gen BTK inh are irreversible