2021 (241)
2022 (436)
2023 (328)
2024 (325)
0:00 - start (开始)
0:22 - after first dose (pfizer covid-19 vaccine) and 2nd dose (第一针,第二针接种体验)
1:12 - how is compared with flu? (和流感比起来如何?)
1:15 - what about going to classes after covid-19 shot? (要请假吗?)
2:18 - Any remedies to help the side effects? (哪些办法减轻疫苗副作用)?
3:42 - how common are the side effects? (在同学中,疫苗副作用常见吗?)
4:42 - How are highschoolers viewing covid-19 shots (高中生们接种新冠疫苗有顾虑吗?)
7:48 - summary of experiences (经验总结和分享!)