
正在进行时- 我跟Peter的故事(三)

(2008-03-13 09:00:18) 下一个
自从请Peter吃过那顿饭以后,Lisa似乎跟老Peter的接触越来越频了,她几乎每天放学后(下午三点)回来休息一下,就去楼底下跟Peter聊一会英文,每天还跟Peter通通电子邮件,我还记得Lisa写给老Peter的第一封Email是让我帮她写的,意思是问老Peter是否愿意每周能固定一个时间来我家教她英文。后来Lisa告诉我说老Peter答应可以,但时间不能固定,只能临时定。在Peter正式成为Lisa的英文老师之后,每次Peter来我家,Lisa都会很细心的煲了她最拿手的各种汤,说是请Peter简单吃个饭,我无所谓的,一个爱教,一个爱学,Peter来这里的时候,我躲在卧室里,上我的网,他们在客厅里学,大多时候也听不到他们在讲什么,我偶尔出去好奇,假装去厨房na东西,看他们俩在那里细声细语的一个读,另一个跟着读,有时候看他们俩坐在沙发上,离的那么近,像个情人似的,感觉那幅画面很有趣,Lisa大概从没想到来加拿大遇到了这么一个高资历的英文老师吧。老Peter戴着眼睛,逐字逐句地,不厌其烦地,一遍又一遍地纠正着Lisa的发音,连我看了都不得不佩服他的耐心和恒心。后来我在Lisa面前感慨了:你看人家老Peter。真有耐心啊,换了我早受不了了。是啊,Lisa同感:Sherry,你说如果Peter现在不做保安,还是director of communication, 他要约会你,你干吗?“。 嗯??? 问题是,Lisa,我顿了顿,老Peter现在是保安,如果他不是保安,你我也不可能跟他认识不是吗?”可是,Lisa又重复问我:如果他不是保安,你会跟他约会吗?没有如果,我答道。不过呢,老Peter是个好人,有风度,有气质,有教养,背景也好,可就是。。。。。。那段时间,我整天忙着网配,还时不时地让Lisa帮我出主意,听她的意见,哪个人跟我约会都说了什么,都去了哪里,吃了什么,玩了什么,做了什么,我通通回来向Lisa汇报。说是汇报,大多时间是觉得多一个人就可以多听一种见解或意见。我们经常就人生,爱情,婚姻讨论到大半夜,后来我一个个的淘汰约会的对象,Lisa也跟我一样对他们一个个地失望,直到有一天她跟我说“干脆约会Peter吧,人又知根知底的,又nice,我再去套套Peter的话,看他今后有啥打算,如果他还能做回director of communications,你就先约会他好了。他能吗?我反问Lisa,能不能问了他再说。过了几天,Lisa回来跟我说:“Peter在写书呢,看来这个人还是蛮有志向的,不过,有些事情我英文不够好,怕问不好,很多词我也不会说,如果我写email问他是不是太明显了“ 算了,我说:再说我现在还约会那个房产经纪的洋哥呢,再来个老Peter,我怕招架不住呢,算了吧。在我回国的前一天,Lisa说要请我和Peter吃个告别饭,一是因为我回国探亲,二是她也要在半个月之后回中国,我们以后会很难再见面了,三呢,是她希望我回来后跟老Peter做朋友,当然是因为她是我跟Peter的共同的朋友,所以也想我跟Peter成为朋友。我当然不反对,那天我们去当地的一家川菜馆吃的水煮鱼,宫保鸡丁等一些很辣的菜,想不到老Peter竟然很喜欢吃辣的,最后Lisa问他想不想吃饺子,他爽快的说想,吃饺子的时候,我和Lisa问他怎么样,他说了句:“没有Sherry做的好吃“我一听,嗯??? 为什么?他说:因为你做的味道香的多”我听了觉得他挺好玩,大概吃我做的饺子是头一回,把那种味道当作是正宗的饺子味道了。那个晚上跟老Peter 告别的时候拥抱了一下,因为第二天就要离开多伦多回国,回来后我跟Lisa 又说了一些有关老Peter一些不痛不痒的事情。Lisa 总是替老Peter惋惜,觉得我当时约会的洋哥没一个比得上他的,当然,也希望老Peter有一天会卷土重来,有足够的经济实力来追我。我在国内的时候倒是经常收到Lisa的来信,说没有我的日子里她多么无聊,寂寞,老Peter也很忙,没时间教她英文了,有一天她在学校说英文老师说听不懂她,她回来后很难过,我想或许是因为老Peter忙,没时间教她,我要了Peter的邮箱地址,给他发了一封俄脉络,报告一下我安全抵达中国,同时也希望他能抽出时间多陪练一下Lisa,很快老Peter来信了,呀,我一看,妈呀,咋跟小说一样尼?都是些情景对白,意思是说他有多忙,我越看越觉得人家那文学功底确实不见一般啊,我似乎没啥好写的,干干巴巴地给他回了一封。过了好多天,他又来了第二封email,这下子,更像小说了,里面好多我都不认识的词,摘录其中的一部分大家看看像不像小说? If the Gods of Mississauga were so sad that Lisa left that they cried tears of snow and sneezed freezing winds......then by my logic.... they should be so excited about your arrival, as I must admit I am, that your presence, your personality, your grace, your beauty, your smile, must make the Gods of Mississauga weep joyful tears of soft, gentle rain and sigh warm spring breezes, in welcome.Bless you, Goddess Sherry for delivering us all from the agonies of winter.And now for my big news! Yesterday, in the freezing cold, I was outside writing a parking ticket in the 20 minute loading zone when my cell phone rang. I answered it and the call went like this:"Helllllllooooo?" (I'm almost numb with cold)"Could I speak to Mister Peter --- please?" (Very English accent)"Heee's speaking......" (teeth are chattering because of cold)"Peter! How nice to talk to you! It's Adrian Finnegan calling. I'm an Aquisitions Editor from Hodder and Stroughton in London. You sent us a treatment and samples from your novel a couple of months ago and we're very excited.......""Holy shit!!!!!!!" (Cold vanishes fast)"We'd like you to send us some more and we'd like a resume or a bio to tell us who you are. I know this is your first novel but you've obviously done some professional writing before.....""I'm writing right now!!!""Really?? It sounds like you're outdoors!""I am. I'm writing a parking ticket!""LAUGHTER. Well send us some more stuff that we don't have to pay a fine on! We're seriously considering a first option."Okay, here's what that little exchange actually meant.Hodder and Stroughton is one of the world's largest publishing companies. London is their headquarters and it's through London that they publish their best literature.The fact that they called me and asked for more means this. I have been discovered and now all I have to do is write and I will be a successful novelist!I happy? You maybe happy?Perhaps a small hug between you and I might be in order when you get home, celebrating two enormous events: the fact that Sherry has brought Spring to Mississauga and the lesser event that Peter is going to have money and fame again.Now, when are you arriving home? Do you need a ride from the Airport? Would you like dinner when you get in? Can I see you when you get in? Is your boyfriend going to be around when you get in? Many, many questions.Peter我一看就纳闷了,他信中干吗告诉我如果他的书出版,他就有钱了,有名了,这跟我有啥关系,我哪里知道后来我回到多伦多发生的一件事情让我明白了其实从头到尾Lisa都跟他问有关我的事情。
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