一月份头脑发热,在网上报了两门课。但是 “报名一时爽,作业百般拖”。每次该写作业了,就拖延症。实在不能王顾左右而言他了,反跑到图书馆找闲书。想看的《伊利亚随笔》Essays of Elia,架上没有。不肯放弃,麻烦馆员从邻镇借调过来。过了两天,书到了,再专门跑一趟取书。
作者查尔斯 兰姆 (Charles Lamb) 是英国人,1775年生,1834年去世。兰姆一辈子都在东印度公司工作,做书记员。1820 年开始,大约有五年时间,他撰稿给《伦敦杂志》The London Magazine。对话式的文风放松,轻俏,极有个人风格,一发表就大受欢迎 (“immediately popular”)。1823年,散文编录成集,取名《伊利亚随笔》。1833年,又出了续篇 The Last Essays of Elia. 《伊利亚随笔》里的 “伊利亚”,是兰姆的笔名,借用了南海公司一位意大利前同事的名字。我看的是第一本。
回忆旧公司和旧同事的有 The South Sea House。
过年过节发感叹,New Year’s Eve, All Fool’s Day, Valentine’s Day。
写亲戚的 The Relations.
写娱乐休闲的有打牌,Mrs. Battle’s Opinion on Whist. 或者度假,Oxford in the Vacation.
还有世间百态。The Two Races of Men 说世上只有两种人,求借者和借出者 (“the men who borrow, and the men who lend.” p.51),哈哈!A Complaint of The Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis 写乞丐。A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People 写不婚者对已婚者的冷眼旁观,够尖刻,够辛辣。
友情和故人。Distant Correspondents 和 The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers 都写得优美,伤感。
美食篇有 Grace before Meat 和 A dissertation upon Roast Pig。后一篇不厌其烦地讲了一个故事,说中国人是如何无意中发现 (发明)烤猪肉这一美味的。顽童玩火,不但烧毁了房子,还烧死了乳猪 —— 烤乳猪!
童年。Dream-Children; A Reverie 是在英国乡间探亲度假。My First Play 是小时候去剧院看戏.
写看戏和评演技的有三篇。On Some of the Old Actors, On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century 和 On the Acting of Munden. 写的是故人旧事,语气非常伤感。
Grace Before Meat。兰姆认为,饭前祷告的做法实在矛盾,让人糊涂。饥肠辘辘,哪来力气谢主?美食当前,不能大快朵颐,却要一边咽口水,一边喃喃祈祷?(With the ravenous orgasm upon you, it seems impertinent to interpose religious sentiment. It is a confusion of purpose to mutter out praises from a mouth that waters. p. 211)
Distant Correspondents 是怀念友人篇,写得非常感人。尤其是结尾呼唤友人早日回来, “Come back, before I am grown into a very old man, so as you shall hardly know me.” (p. 247) 让我想起李商隐的《寄令狐郎中》:“嵩云秦树久离居,双鲤迢迢一纸书。休问梁园旧宾客,茂陵秋雨病相如。”
同一篇里,兰姆感叹因为距离,无法分享双关语 (“pun”) 的乐趣。写得很有意思,也很能体现他的机智,轻倩的写作风格。“A pun hath a hearty kind of present ear-kissing smack with it; you can no more transmit it in its pristine flavour, than you can send a kiss. —- Have you not tried in some instance to palm off a yesterday’s pun upon a gentleman, and has it answered?…. It was like picking up at a village ale-house a two days old newspaper.” (p. 245) 两百年前兰姆的遗憾,已经成了历史。感谢社交软件,秒回成了日常。
The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers. 兰姆的朋友詹姆斯,每年都办一个“香肠宴” (“hissing sausages” p. 259),请扫烟囱的工人来吃饭。一个星期以前就发出请柬,确定人数。詹姆斯既是主人,又是招待。兰姆和另外一个朋友也来帮忙,分发酒水。这是慈善宴,也是感谢宴。设宴的诚意待客,被请的也欣然赴宴。一年又一年。但是,天下没有不散的宴席。詹姆斯死了,他的宴席也随着消失了。”James White is extinct, and with him these suppers have long ceased. He carried away with him half the fun of the world when he died - of my world at least. His old clients look for him among the pens; and, missing him, reproach the altered feast of St. Bartholomew, and the glory of Smithfield departed for ever. (p. 261) 我读到这里,想起了汪曾祺的《茶干》,里面写了连万顺酱园店的连老板。“连万顺已经没有了。连老板也已经故去多年了。。。。一个人监制的一种食物,成了一地方具有代表性的生产,也真不容易。不过,这种东西没有了,也就没有了。”
A Complaint of The Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis 里有一个传闻。某个银行小职员,每天早上,往路边要饭的瞎子碗里扔两个钢镚。扔了二十年。瞎子死了,留下遗嘱说所有财产都给小职员。五百英镑的巨款!兰姆想,这样好事为什么没有轮到我?仿佛曾记得有那么一个的乞丐,瞎眼望天。但是,“我” 一直捂紧了钱包 (“steeled my purse against him”)。也许,当时“我” 身上没带零钱? (p. 274) 这些小心思,都很引人同感。同一篇,提到了King Cophetua,“when we read the ‘true ballad’ where King Cophetua wooes the beggar maid?” p. 265) 我一下子想起了刚看过的小说,The Beggar’s Maid,门罗的半自传长篇。
A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People 写婚姻生活对友情的考验和改变。曾经的好哥们,婚后渐渐疏远,重色轻友,都是妻子在挑刺。比方说,妻子毫不掩饰见到丈夫好友的失望:“我想象中的兰姆有涵养,高个,带一点官威。但是真人恰恰相反!” 兰姆忍气没有跟她反唇相讥,但在书里大发牢骚。说自己比她身高五尺五的丈夫还高了半寸,为何被说矮?要说英勇的男子气,都是半斤八两。至于到新婚夫妇家里做客,更是灾难。兰姆抱怨主妇到点不开晚饭,要客人饿着等男主人下班回家,哪怕牡蛎失了鲜味也不管。他嘲讽她失礼,弄反了待客之道,“对客人如家人,待丈夫如上宾。” (“When they use us with familiarity, and their husbands with ceremony.” p. 300)
Distant Correspondents 是给朋友的信,闲话家常。比方说,提起有个朋友娶了女仆。麻雀变凤凰,有人欢喜有人愁。做朋友的,怎么看在丈夫面子上礼遇这位新夫人呢?比方说,讨论文学话题时要节制。还有,诸如地毯,抹布等家务话题,要三思再开口。最安全的做法是完全绕开不谈。还有一个让人头疼的,是怎么在新妇面前跟自己的女仆说话。是那种跟下人说话常用的口气,稍微带点不耐烦的斥责?还是突然换一种亲切的态度?仿佛家常女仆原本是名门显贵,只是命运无常才落难身处下贱?!(“by treating Becky with our customary chiding before her, or by an unusual deferential civility paid to Becky as to a person of great worth, but thrown by the caprice of fate into a humble station.” p. 241) 好一番斟酌掂量,读来有趣。
语言机智,诙谐,英国式的幽默。说一个人循规蹈矩,”His actions seemed ruled by a ruler. (P.10) 说人爱挥霍,“Money kept longer than three days stinks”. So he made use of it while it was still fresh. (p. 55) 成套的书被人借去一本不还,成了残本,“a widower-volumes, with “eyes-closed”, mourns his ravished mate.” (p.58) 烤乳猪美味至极,兰姆坚决拒绝分享,更不会学李尔王拱手送人,One would not, like Lear, “give every thing”. (p.286) 写演员精细的表情变化,比慢慢膨大的气球还要有迹可循。”The balloon takes less time in filling, than it took to cover the expansion of his broad moony face over all its quarters with expression”. (p.313)