2010 (55)
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2015 (202)
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2022 (291)
After listening to those disgusting comments about Canada and our proud military by those idiots on Fox News, this slideshow shows how Canada honors its fallen heros - who have died in Afghanistan - 155 to date - 151 brave men and 4 brave women each and every time they arrive home in Canada - along the government re-named Highway of Heroes between Trenton and Toronto. On December 30, 2009, along with 4 soldiers, a young female Canadian journalist as also killed. As an adult child of a Navy veteran who spent 5 years of his life on the NORTH ATLANTIC in a small corvette during WW 2 fighting the Nazis, you and all your pals should be ashamed!!!! And I am the very proud Aunt of a nephew Mark who, with a Master's Degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College in Kingston Ontario VOLUNTEERED to go and serve in Afghanistan. Canadians are justly outraged. ...OH ...and by the way.. I was never SO PROUD when the Canadian Government made the decision on behalf of Canadians NOT to support YOUR war against IRAQ! That was the right decision as history will show.