记得那个月结束的时候,我要把病人给新的team, 我很担心D先生,主治医生说,You do realize he is dying soon.他总是担心我太involve,他说,他的病不是你的病,你尽你的职责就可以了,不要被他的疾病压垮了。今天他告诉我这个消息的时候,以一种审视的眼光看着我,我不想让他察觉我的异样,只能淡淡地说,really, that's too bad.
走进她的房间时,她正在看电视里的喜剧,带着氧气的她呵呵地笑着。我搬过椅子坐在她身边说,I need to talk to you about the CT scan。她静静地听着,我仔细地解释着,尽力地调整着自己的用词,不要像刀锋一样尖锐地撕扯她,但是即使是这样,她还是开始颤抖哭泣。我握着她的手,说了以前和D先生说过的,和无数个其它病人说过的话,不要放弃,我们会和你一起抗争,你不是一个人。但是我的言语,对她,对我自己,都是这样苍白虚弱,无力地飘在我们两人的灵魂之外。
AAAlbert2008-12-08 23:34:28回复悄悄话
One of the saddest things, I think, is to watch your loved one languish, day by day, till the time comes. You know the day will come, you think you are prepared, you think you will not weep. The moment finally comes, and you finally realize this one will not be with you forever, a part of your heart will be lost and never found, and you cannot stop feeling sad - the sadness is so bitter, like it's never felt, and will never be experienced again.
A friend's mother just died from ALS yesterday. I feel the family's pain.
Don't be sad. HUGS. Every one of us come to this world alone and will one day leave this world alone. None of us knows when our last moments will be. The important thing is to live our lives to the fullest everyday and have no regrets.
A friend's mother just died from ALS yesterday. I feel the family's pain.
Don't be sad. HUGS. Every one of us come to this world alone and will one day leave this world alone. None of us knows when our last moments will be. The important thing is to live our lives to the fullest everyday and have no regrets.