
辛泰浩 (热门博主)
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(2021-01-13 19:21:14) 下一个

特朗普这天进行了“背水之战”,结果对于川粉来说无疑是“当头一瓢冷水”, 作为中国“一衣帯水”的邻邦,日本也非常震撼,沮丧,失落,落胆,称“寝耳灌水”,因为美日同盟之间的魚心水心(鱼水之情)。对于某些玩独的人来说来说仿佛魚儿离开了水,鱼目不见水,远水难解近渴。对于民主自由的“我田引水”,上手的手漏水。随方就圆也是水。冰出于水而寒于水。寝耳入水,杯水车薪……。
    PGA废弃了2022年全美职业高尔夫比赛与特朗普所拥有的Bedminister球场合同。“The PGA of America Board of Directors voted tonight to exercise the right to terminate the agreement to play the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump Bedminster.” (PGA理事会决议停止2022年全美职业高尔夫赛使用特朗普的贝德米尼斯特球场的合同)。
    其背景“It has become clear that conducting the PGA Championship at Trump Bedminister would be detrimental to the PGA of America brand and would put at risk the PGA's ability to deliver on many programs and sustain the longevity of our mission.''(很显然,在贝德米尼斯特召开全美职业高尔夫球比赛将侵害PGA品牌印象,因为我们要执行许多项目,在担保我们的使命的永久性上将会有很大的风险)。
 PGA的常务理事欧氏说: “We find ourselves in a political situation not of our making. We’re fiduciaries for our members, for the game, for our mission and for our brand. And how do we best protect that? Our feeling was given the tragic events of Wednesday that we could no longer hold it at Bedminster. The damage could have been irreparable. The only real course of action was to leave.”(我们发现被置身于不是有我们制造的政治漩涡中。我们有责任对我们的选手,比赛,使命,我们的品牌负有受托职责。保护这些的最佳方法是什么?经过星期三的悲剧(特朗普支持者乱闯国会),我们认为全美职业高尔夫的贝德米尼斯特举行已经成为不可能了。形象受损已经无法挽回,唯一现实的理由是选择离开。”
    同时,“This is not because of any pressures we feel. We’re not being forced into a decision. We had to make a business decision. It’s a perpetual institution. My job is to hand it off better than when I found it. One hundred years from now, we still want to be vibrant.”(该决定并不是受到了压力而定,我们并没有受到任何强迫。我们必须做出事业性的决断。PGA将永远存在下去。我的职责是在我负责那天起到交给别人是处于更好的状态。从现在起经过100年后都会光辉四射)。
“Our decision wasn't about speed and timing. What matters most to our board and leadership is protecting our brand and reputation, and the ability for our members to lead the growth of the game, which they do through so many powerful programs in their communities.''(我们的决定不是按照速度和时机而定的。理事会的领导能力最重要的一点就是品牌和名声,以及保护为了普及高尔夫事业许多项目在当地努力地实施的会员。)
 对此特朗普企业申明 “We have had a beautiful partnership with the PGA of America and are incredibly disappointed with their decision. This is a breach of a binding contract and they have no right to terminate the agreement. As an organization we have invested many, many millions of dollars in the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster. We will continue to promote the game of golf on every level and remain focused on operating the finest golf courses anywhere in the world.”(正因为我们与美国的PGA保持着非常好的关系,这次决定异常令人失望。这个决定违反了有约束力的合同,因此他们没有权力终止合同。我们为了举办比赛以及投资数亿元的高额费用。今后我们将尽一切努力推进各层次水平的高尔夫事业,集中精力运营世界上最高水平的高额如球场。”

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辛泰浩 回复 悄悄话 回复 '雪中梅' 的评论 : 是的,青山遮不住,毕竟东流去......平安是福!
雪中梅 回复 悄悄话 真不知道该说些什么,只能说实在不应该发生那一幕。。。令人万分的遗憾。。。好好的珍惜生活,一切来之不易。。。平安是福。