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(2016-04-17 11:29:25) 下一个

4:12 I will be back - 英国病人 来自秋爽斋





This Man Drank 10 Cokes A Day For A Month

The Results Are SHOCKING


Coca-Cola: A terrible plight on our health, or a nice treat from time to time? It depends on moderation, but Coke has been known to have some adverse effects.

Recently, 50-year-old father of two George Prior decided to try an experiment showing the potential dangers 0f overindulging in sugary beverages. He drank 10 Cokes a day for 30 days and blogged the results along the way. His body absolutely transformed — inside and out.

While “10 Cokes a day” seems like an impossible number to most of us, Prior is quick to remind us that the amount of sugars found in Coca-Cola can also be found in teas, sports drinks, juices, and certain coffee drinks. Maybe you’re not drinking 10 actual soft drinks each day, but the same quantity of sugar may sneak in through other beverages.

Scroll down for more information on Prior’s experiment — including a video of his transformation — plus some photos of another shocking experiment featuring the effects of Coca-Cola on teeth. Do experiments like this change the way you think about soda? Let us know in the comments.

Please  SHARE with people you know, especially anyone who might have a family history of diabetes.

很多人都知道喝碳酸饮料对身体不好,却并没有正视。美国大叔乔治(George Prior)就决定当回小白鼠:看看一个月内,每天喝10罐可乐,会对身体造成怎样的影响

  ▼ 他就是乔治大叔。

Prior kept the exact same diet and exercise regime he'd followed before the experiment. The only change to his diet was the addition of the 10 sugary drinks

  ▼ 在实验之前,他的体重是168磅(76.2公斤)。

He started his experiment at a very healthy (for his height) 168 pounds.

  ▼ 体质肪率则是9.4%,身体非常健康!


  ▼ 血压则是129/77。


  ▼ 然后大叔开始为期一个月的实验:每天喝10罐可乐。


  ▼ 乔治的体重开始不停增加……

But after one week of drinking 10 Cokes a day, he saw the scale going up...  


  ▼ 不停增加……

...and up. The pounds quickly packed on the longer George went forward with his experiment. This is part of his message: "There's a real mixed message in the media about how to solve the problem [of obesity]: Do you cut calories? Do you cut fats? Do you take drugs or get surgeries? My message is this: Start with sugar. Start with bread. Don't worry about fats."


  ▼ 实验结束时,乔治的体重已经达到190磅(约86公斤),体脂率也从9.4%变成了16%。血压从129/77升高至145/96,远高于120/80的理想水准,大大增加了心脏疾病和中风的风险。  

  ▼ 一个月后,原本精壮的大叔长出了圆滚滚的肚子……实验结束后,乔治大叔还因为摄入过多糖分,患了“糖瘾戒断症”,对糖上了瘾。

This before/after photo can show the measured effects on Prior's physique. His blood sugar levels also reached a pre-diabetic state.


  ▼ 乔治说:希望大家看完这个实验后,能引以为戒,避免过量摄入碳酸饮料,特别是年轻人。  

  ▼ 除了体重之外,可乐对牙齿的伤害也很大,国外有个妈妈就做了一个实验,把牙齿浸在可乐里,看看会有什么变化。


  ▼ 浸了5天,已经变成这样了。


  ▼ 第16天已经完全变成紫色。


  ▼ 第41天,牙齿已经弱到可以用针轻松穿透了……






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