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It's not all about you. Take a number and get in line.

Find out for yourself或者Go look it up

Nice or not? How to spot a fake

I was right or I was right
有人喜欢争,在谁那里都要争个输赢,自己家里人也一样。大是大非问题应该争个明白,但生活中有太多事情并非大是大非,有时候可以想一想:Do you want to be right, or do you want a relationship? because there will be no relationship if you always seek to be right in life。

Marriage, in a nutshell
有一个妈妈在未来媳妇快要过门的时候说到,if a man can't make himself a sandwich, he should starve。说得太对了!对于生活中起码的、简单的事情都不会做或者不屑做,这样的人不值得亲近。



The best advice ever, from the mothers of the world.

31 January 2016You’ve heard it before. Probably from your own mum, But, here’s proof, as if you needed it, that she really did have all the answers.

We went to question and answer site, Quora, for some of the best pieces of advice from the world’s wise and long-suffering mums.

‘It’s not all about you’“Brilliant in its simplicity,” start-up lawyer, Antone Johnson, suggested the phrase from his mum: “It's not all about you. Take a number and get in line.”

Johnson’s mother taught him that other people are just as important in their own life-narratives as you are in yours.  The idea, he wrote, is particularly valuable for children as they learn to compromise, share, and live with others.

“No literary critic is standing by to critique your life story scene-by-scene,” he added. “Others are too busy being self-conscious themselves to pay much attention to your item of embarrassment or shame du jour.”

Find out for yourself
Meanwhile, Shannon Holman wrote that because she grew up “before the world wide web was invented. (‘The horror!’)” her parents’ favourite piece of advice was, ‘Go look it up.’

She wrote that her family was fortunate to have enough money to buy a set of encyclopaedias. And she feels lucky that she felt “the world was big enough that we could have a place in it, and it was wide enough that we weren't expected to already know all about it.”  

“So even though the World Book Encyclopedia of 1983, or whatever, didn't give me all the answers by any means,” she wrote, “it taught me that it was okay to ask questions and to not have all the answers, and that is the most valuable lesson I have ever learned.

Nice or not? How to spot a fake
Stephanie Vardavas wrote that when she was a little girl her mother advised her that if you want to find out whether a person is really nice or not, “observe the way that person treats salesclerks, waiters, and other people in service professions who can't defend themselves.”  Vardavas wrote:  “She was 100% correct, and I've never forgotten it. It is very useful in sorting people out.”

I told you I was right
Screenwriter, Ken Miyamoto, wrote that while his family love each other dearly they often have different viewpoints and perspectives which can “lead to many disagreements and overblown arguments, which leaves dear ‘ole mom in the middle.” 

“A few years back, during one of these major debates between my father, brother, and I, my mom said to me, ‘Do you want to be right, or do you want a relationship?’," he wrote.   

Now, when push comes to shove, he comes back to these words “because there will be no relationship if you always seek to be right in life”.  

Marriage, in a nutshell
Michelle Roses wrote that just before she walked down the aisle to marry her son, her mother-in-law told her, "Michelle, if a man can't make himself a sandwich, he should starve."

We couldn’t agree more.





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