
* 红酒与君子兰 * ******************
素华对兮目微闭 情深深兮意绵绵 朦朦胧胧兮 天门开启
桂酒红兮幽兰香 贺我生辰兮 从天而降
古人何故兮 用‘君子’以命兰 花娇叶羞兮 恰似淑女 俏立书丛兮 窈窕玉几
君欣欣兮含睇 芳菲菲兮满堂 安我喧嚣兮抚我惆怅
对素华兮悄无语 赏娇颜兮情依依 不离兮不弃 我悦君兮忘夜长
酒自醺醺兮兰何谦谦 君兮君兮意何来 兰兮兰兮可解语
推樽而起兮 顿顿然而长悟 餐日华兮饮月露 生不灿兮不轻枯 万物争苏荣 我之心兮亦同汝
秋菱2004-07-23译自作舟: ________________________
Red Wine and Orchid
Eyes closed. You open a door for me to enter to an endless wonder of love!
Slowly autumn!
Red wine & the orchid comes from nowhere on my birthday.
Gentleman's flower, according to our ancestor's artistry, but delicate and fragile like a sleeping beauty you rest among books on my desk.
You brought peace to my universe of crazed sounds & unnamed wounds!
I sit quietly with you admiring your limbs, eyes and the slow blossoming that makes my day worthwhile.
I wonder what makes you gentleman-like. What is a "gentleman"?
Suddenly I come to know myself, in you, who also needs water and care from loving hands like any other plant that never dies before sharing its beauty.
---LTG, July 2004
乐曲《Just For You》下载: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1181350498.mp3
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