
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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ZT - speech

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雅美之途 (热门博主)
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(2017-06-29 10:22:35) 下一个


婚礼按照美国传统由新娘家负责,我们的所有开稍只是正式婚礼前一天的彩排晚餐(Rehearsal Dinner),以及补帖蜜月的部分费用。女方父母为非严格宗教信仰人士,所以选择在相当高级的宾馆举行婚礼,费用是新娘家头痛的事。整个婚礼庄重而温馨,除了类似教堂婚礼的仪式外,还有儿子和媳妇的大学同学的朗诵词。



We are so excited to be here for the celebration! Thank you, Frank and Laura, for hosting this. I don't know if we can call this an American Dream or Chinese Dream, but it is the proudest moment in our extended family. My mother and so many of our relatives have traveled all the way from China, I have to say on their own expenses.


I was a little emotional when the flight staff announced this time that we were approaching San Francisco, actually San Francisco was where I took my first step on American soil. I can tell you a story showing how China has been transformed in such a short period. During my first day in America at San Francisco International Airport almost twenty-seven years ago, when I walked toward the airport automatic door, the door opened to me. I said to myself: "That door is so smart”,I would like to remind you that I was from a top five city in China.


Actually Jason helped himself immigrate to America. When his mom carried him to Beijing to apply for a US Visa, it was so hard to obtain an American visa during that time. But Jason immediately identified me from the passport photo, and they gave him the visa. Once Jason and his mom arrived in St. Louis, I didn't have a car, so my cardiologist friend agreed to go with me to the airport.


Jason is such an excellent son and we as the young parent virtually grew up together with him. He fully experienced all those joys and challenges that first-generation Americans face. Jason is also such an independent man, we had the privilege to raise him and to be friends with him. We also have to say sorry to him at this occasion that we should not leave him at library or bookstore for long hours when we were studying hard to pass our medical boards or exams. Jason's independence was shown to us like this: when we were at his first Christmas party came back home from Yale, one of our friends, an ER physician, asked him: "How was the life at Yale? Did you meet any girls?" We all looked at Jason when he responded: "Yes, I met a girl from Virginia ". This was our first time to know that he met Julia, they’ve been in love since their Yale blind date. Thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter for us as well, we are all so happy that Julia is joining our family for the long and prosperous journey ahead.

(杰森是位卓越的儿子,我们作为年轻的父母几乎是与他共同成长的。 他完全经历了第一代美国移民所面对的欢乐和挑战。杰森也是一位独立的人,我们荣幸能够辅育他成人并且成为他的朋友。我们也必须借此机会向他表达歉意,我们在他小时候不应该把他放在图书馆和书店的时间太长,当时我们需要努力通过美国医学执照和其他考试。

杰森的独立性反应在这个场景中:在他从耶鲁回来的第一个圣诞节,我们出去参加聚会,一位我们的急诊科的医生朋友问他:“耶鲁的生活怎么样?遇到任何女朋友没有?”。我们都望着杰森而他这样回答:“对呀,我遇到一位来自弗吉尼亚的女孩”。 这是我们第一次知道朱丽娅,他们在那个“从未谋面的耶鲁男女生约会”活动中相遇,恋爱至今。谢谢你们也为我们培养了如此优秀的女儿,我们非常高兴朱丽娅能够加入我们的家庭,也祝福他们未来丰富而长久的旅程)。

I was thinking to give Jason and Julia three suggestions, but I realized Jason already followed two of them, the father and the son are the soulmates here. But anyway I will give them now: 1。Marry your classmate; 2。Marry a girl who is a few months older than you. These are two of our family's traditions; 3. Don't bring your stress or challenges from outside into the family's dinner table.



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阅读 (19207)评论 (27)
Sugar88 回复 悄悄话 啥也没有看到.
jason311 回复 悄悄话 祝贺楼主!以后不仅是耶鲁的家长,而且是No0的家长了!
雅美之途 回复 悄悄话 回复 'weston' 的评论 : Thank you!
weston 回复 悄悄话 恭喜,恭喜!夜路总算没白跑,至少抱得娇人归.还算值.
这 Frank应该是Francis吧. 不会把亲家名字都搞错了? :)

吃出健康 回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜!
Pillar 回复 悄悄话 Congrats!

For those who judged the speech, be easy! There is Not a right or wrong way to give a wedding speech! or a formula to follow. It is a deserved opportunity for the dad to say whatever he wants to say.
Patti77 回复 悄悄话 没看完,看到top five city 也很吃惊,这是你说的还是你儿子说的?
秋月冬雪 回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜。觉得好像不久前才看到你在子坛报喜孩子上了好大学呢,现在都结婚啦。

888+++ 回复 悄悄话 太长了吧?
XY6688 回复 悄悄话 发言可见当年国内假大空教育的遗毒。
ZHUOYAO 回复 悄悄话 挺好,美国是移民国家每个人都能带有自己文化融入,这才是自信
1011a 回复 悄悄话 笑脸怎么变问号了?
1011a 回复 悄悄话 祝福新郎和新娘!
每天都是好晴天 回复 悄悄话 恭喜雅美之途!!如果多点照片和新郎新娘的照片更好。
coke_xin 回复 悄悄话 挺好的!不错,小感人呢。就是好奇top five是哪几个。
tina0 回复 悄悄话 赞!
ravic 回复 悄悄话 Sorry, the speech is not good.
古龙 回复 悄悄话 Congrats!
ICMbian 回复 悄悄话 Congratulation!
Tern 回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜!优秀的孩子比什么都宝贵
清漪园 回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜!可您是不是太严肃了?我读您的英文讲稿,没被逗乐。
红新 回复 悄悄话 太幸福了, 祝贺。
lilyzyl 回复 悄悄话 恭喜!恭喜!

hy100 回复 悄悄话 这个讲演太不美国了。亲家和朋友,孩子们的朋友不见的会感兴趣。sorry
minicat7 回复 悄悄话 婚礼现场看上去够节约的。
presto 回复 悄悄话 Congrats!
You tried to be humorous but I'm not sure if people got it. It's like Chinese way of thinking translated into English.
A top five city in China? What is that? Never heard of such saying.
莲盆籽 回复 悄悄话 恭喜雅美先生和太太!
祝福Jason and Julia!
注意: 请不要在评论中留下不友好信息或者类似侮辱性的言辞。
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