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答网友关于Foreclosure 拍卖的起拍价起之问-CND房地产线
评论与提问者: 三言两语 于 09-12-15 11:46
Foreclosure Auction 的起拍价一般是怎么确定的呢?
Notice of Trustee's Sale 上说:...Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: $13,628.77. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $140,684.37.
但最后Trustee's Deed上说:the Trustee then and there sold at public auction to said Grantee (XXBank), the highest bidder therefor, the property hereinabove described for the sum of $132,990.00.
这说明起拍价就是 $132,990.00, 没人要,bank收回,变成REO了。
如果一个房子上有两个贷款,第二Lender Foreclosure 拍卖。应该如何计算 拍卖后应该再给第一Lender多少钱呢?是不是一般只能自己根据贷款额,年限,利率计算出来呢?(在Title Report里没有第一Lender的欠款额计算)贷款余额计算的截止时间是不是第二Lender file Trustee Sale的时间呢?
(注:以上是基于使用Deed of Trust 的州,对使用Mortgage州可能不适用,并且只是本人的理解,不一定正确。请读者查对本州相关法律或咨询本地专业人士)
(注:以上是基于使用Deed of Trust 的州,对使用Mortgage州可能不适用,……)
从你的所引用的文字来看,你那是在使用Mortgage州。这是我不熟悉的Foreclosure程序。我在所有文章、体会、故事中都注明这一点。全美基本两种Foreclosure方法, Trustee sale 和 court order sale。要是不明白,或者想查对你所提到的州,请读我的文章《全美50州Foreclosure拍卖方法简介》。
What does the amount to be raised mean?
That is the amount of any debt owed to the party seeking to satisfy their judgment debt and may or may not have anything to do with the value of the property. Nor is it necessary that the property sell for that amount. Regardless of the purchase price, all liens or claims of the parties in the case will be satisfied and released when the deed passes to the purchaser. Taxes are paid as noted in Question 10.
Who pays the property taxes?
The purchaser shall be required to assume and pay all taxes or assessments upon the property for the current fiscal tax year (i.e. the amount that will be due thru June 30, 2010) and all subsequent years. All other delinquent taxes or assessments upon the property for prior years shall be paid from the sale proceeds if properly claimed in writing and filed of record by the purchaser, as explained in Question 9.
如果拍卖最后所卖得的款项(sale proceed=winning bid)小于all liens or claims of the parties and All other delinquent taxes or assessments upon the property for prior years.
我在你的文章: 乌龙地址还是乌龙看客,资料显示该房子第一按揭欠款11万多,第二按揭欠款8万多,再加罚款,销售的相关税和佣金,必须卖22万以上才能平帐。
你提及罚款, 什么样的罚款?它不包括在” all liens or claims of the parties”中吗?另外你提及销售的税款,难道卖房子还有销售税,是因为以公司的名义卖么? 我以为卖房只有房子增值的部分才交税。