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来源: 随意1  09-09-29 14:35:45

I am sued by tenant. Please Help me!

One applicant signed a TX Standard Residential Lease with $500 deposit on 10/15/08 for moving in my rental property by 11/1/08. She also signed an agreement to pay $550 deposit on 10/24/08 to get keys (rent is $1050). She changed mind for not want to occupy the dwelling and asked $500 back on 10/24/08. I agreed to refund her $500 if she or I would replace a tenant by 11/01/08. Actually I received her written notice in the first week of November. Unfortunately, the new tenant moved in the house in the mid-December.

Security Deposit defined in the Lease and TX Property Code $92.102 is "A security deposit is any advance of money, other than a rental application deposit or an advance payment of rent, that is intended primarily to secure performance under a lease of a dwelling that has been entered by a landlord and a tenant." Since she had signed the Residential Lease and paid the deposit, she should not ask deposit back if she broke the lease, according to TX Property Code $92.102, $92.1031 and $92.104. So I did not return the deposit to her.

However, I have received a citation from the county court for I am sued by this tenant yesterday. I need to file a written answer to plaintiff's petition within 10 days. I have her application, Residential Lease, her written notice, my reply letter, and new lease for new tenant, etc. in hand.

I never had experience to deal with this situation and don't know enough about the process to prevail. Could some experienced landlords help me and tell me what kind of written answer I should write? What kind of support material should I provide to the court?

Thank you a million in advance.

回复:来源: seaspearo  09-09-29 16:05:00

First Did they also file other claims? like bad faith? and ask for extra penalty?
Next what court? small claim or county district court? If it is small claim, you can go yourself. If it is county court, just attorney fee will run you at lease $3000 - $5000 and it will take 6-8 month for your first court hearing. So first thing first, find an attorney to write a settlement letter(cost about $50 to $100) to them, I will give back their $500 and maybe $1000 to settle the case, not worth it to fight.

来源: 随意1  09-09-29 17:05:55

It is in the county small claim court. The tenant sued me by herself for the security deposit and claimed $2000 plus court cost. She asked me to return the deposit in her written notice which was also CC to a lawyer firm last November. There was no any follow up to me from her or an attorney. So I thought it was over.

Texas, If one breaks the lease, they loose the deposit by TX Lease. I think I will win this suit by TX Property Code. I am going to find an attorney to fight it for me.

Thanks all of you a million.

来源: seaspearo  09-09-29 17:23:45

No attorney in small claim court for both parties. So no need to try to find an attorney, just go yourself and you will win. Even you lose, no way small claim judge will reward her extra except the $500 plus court fee of about $50.

来源: 随意1  09-09-30 22:01:50

Update for my case

I got an advice from an online lawyer with a cost of $18 last night. He checked TX code section and thought I would win. He could not tell me how to answer but gave me a sample and let me write a simple answer. I have also gotten advices from a local lawyer charged $30. He also think I can win if I can show all facts fall with in the Residential Lease.

I was told by an experienced landlord that if tenant breached Residential Lease, he/she would lose deposit in TX when I started to be a landlord. In a book of "Landlord's legal guide in
Texas", there is an example for the termination after lease signed but before move in. Landlord can sue tenant if he does not pay the rent as agreed. According to this example, I wrote to tenant for the reason why I could not return the deposit to her after I received a written notice from her last November.

I can counter sue her definitely for lost rent within 2 years. But I did not want sue her last year.
冤家宜解不宜结。 Maybe I need to think about to do so now. I am still waiting for another lawyer's advice. I will keep it updated.

评论与提问:HenryLi  09-10-02 21:20:17

这个 tenant 不能 honor 这个lease 当然要lose 这个 security怎么还会去 sue 这个 landlord 在美国真是什么人都有。




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