好不容易按住蘑菇嘴巴,让他不吐,慢慢按摩它的喉咙,蘑菇也貌似吞了,也不挣扎了,很平静的看着我。哼,小样儿,早知道就乖乖吃下多好!我摸摸蘑菇把他放下地。蘑菇也慢慢溜达走了。我还这个高兴呢,我家儿子真乖!结果蘑菇背对我往前走了三米,头一篇,把已经快化完了的药片给我吐地上了!好家伙还挺会演戏!装作若无其事走两步再吐出来。。。看那个药片也化的只剩薄薄一片。。算了。。。药效也该够了 >.<
今天看pet magazine看到一段,
The Ten Catmandments
1 I am the lord of thy house
2 Thou shalt have no other pets before me
3 Thou shalt never ignore me
4 I shall ignore thee whenever i feel like it
5 Thou shalt be grateful that i even give thee the time of day
6 Remember my food dish and keep it full
7 Thou shalt spend most of thy money on toys and gifts for me
8 Thou shalt always have thy lap ready for me to curl up in
9 Thou shalt shower me with love and attention upon demand
10 Above all, thou shalt do anything and everything it takes to keep me happy
