

(2007-08-10 11:18:32) 下一个



看的是《廊桥遗梦》。 这是第一次看这部电影,尽管10年前已经看过它的书。所以对故事的内容是早已了然于胸。记忆当中这是个悲剧。一段只存在了4天的感情。一个关于舍弃激情诱惑而选择了家庭,责任的故事。


10年后的今天,当我看完整部电影,发现自己泪流满面。我的心情非常复杂。为Francesca Robert之间只存在了四天的情而难过。Francesca也挣扎过,她也踌躇,彷徨过。最后她的理智战胜了激情,她的对家庭的责任战胜了她的私情。我佩服,我惋惜,我难过,我惊叹。从古至今,理智和激情之战一直都是一场难打的战争。可是,Francesca说了,once Robert and her left the house, it would be different. They might not like each other that much at all. 也许这就是我们中国人所说的“昙花一现”。 昙花虽然只开“一现间 却开出了它的及至之美。 FrancescaRobert之间拥有的尽管只有四天,可是那可能是他们之间所能拥有的最美好的了。


Some people say life is interesting, while others say life is a joke. 人生太过完美,反而变成了一种缺陷。人生之美在与它的不完整,它喜怒无常,它的坎坷曲折;人生之美在于象Francesca Robert之间的遗憾。前一刻人们还因为遗憾而流泪哭泣,后一秒人们因为 “峰回路转”,“柳暗花明又一村”而喜笑颜开。Francesca said in her letter to her kids, what she had with Robert would disappear as time passing; what she had shared with Richard (her husband) wouldn’t varnish because of their apart.


Naturally, this movie has reminded me of what I had experienced with Kevin. A relationship died way too early too. I still miss him sometimes. Whenever I hear any form of tragedies, bad news such as some stranger’s death still would make me sad; because they would remind me of Kevin’s death. But I am learning to move on. I am learning to accept what I have at moment. And I am learning to be grateful of that I had had. 人生因为不完整而美丽。




                                                                                                                       405am 11/08/2007 

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