Garden club event -- 6/11/2018 (Up state NY, zone 5)
- by Sue Ann DuBios (Master Gardener/Designer, Chips Landscaping co-owner)
Movie about gardening -- <<Being There>>
CSS attitude: Common Sense and Sustainability
- Beauty reliability abundance
- Give me 80% value…just show up each year
- No divas
- No aggressors/bullies
- No low performers
- No random selections
- Have a specific “time for performance”
- Never rely too heavily on one selection
Garden structure
- Gardens are living, breathing, developing thing
- The “bones” of the garden are the trees and shrubs. They grow to maturity just as with the human body.
- The living breathing area requires care and maintenance to sustain its life.
- The “muscles” of the garden are perennials
- A garden has its seasons…just as we do each year of our life.
Native or non-native, mix match, blend them!
Consider soil, water, and light:
- Sun: at least 6 hours
- Part sun or part shade: 4-6 hours
- Shade: bright reflection light, but no direct sun. Morning sun is also fine.
Flowers Pictures:
White daisy

Phenomenal lavender, pretty tough during winter, less die down.

Penstemon -- Beardtongue

Ornamental grass, smaller type, big one is hard to handle.


Leopard Plant (bottle rocket liqularia)

Catchfly -- Lychnis Coronaria (Rose campion) - Hope Mountain Nurseries
A popular garden favorite, this is a short-lived perennial that will usually self-seed for many years. Plants form a low mound of felted silvery-grey leaves, bearing upright stems in summer...


Yarrow achillea