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Hello ladies and gentlemen! Tonight, we will get to watch Emily suffer! *Audience cheers*. In all seriousness, I'm sick with like, a cold or something. I don't know. But I DO know that this is not fun. Constant fever, sore throat, blech. Also, I have a piano concert this Saturday and I dang well BETTER be better by then. I have spent my whole December up to current date as well as my last few November days worrying about this concert. I WILL show up even if I have to do it in a wheelchair! Sidenote: Do not think for a second that it is only me performing. My stage fright could never. It is me and all the other students that my piano teacher teaches. I feel like we got a little sidetracked from our original topic, so back to the PLAGUE of...of.......umm......SUFFERING! Or something like that. Anyways my dad got it from my mom, then I got it from my dad and went to school and am pretty sure I got all my friends sick. Oh well. Anyways, I don't have anything else to say so i'll just end with a period.