2004 (9)
2007 (61)
2008 (69)
2009 (98)
2010 (87)
2012 (121)
2013 (49)
2014 (89)
2015 (75)
2016 (54)
2018 (169)
2019 (134)
2020 (257)
2021 (186)
2022 (363)
2023 (456)
2024 (457)
Helloooooooo! I currently have my baby with me aka my cat, and he is walking around on my lap. Soooo cute! He is 7 years old.
Today at school, it was a crazy, KAH-RAY-ZEEE day! We had award ceremony. I got honor roll, first honors, and 100 AR club. An AR is accelerated reader, and for every AR quiz you take, you get points. I got 126 points. :) That is ok. I should have gotten more, but I just couldn't find a proper series to read! It was infuriating!
Anyways, soo everything else is going fine. Nothing really happened. Well, next week we have no school (WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Me and my dad are going to take the amtrack (train) to San Fransisco and stay overnight! YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS
Super uper mega ultra super gazillion excited for that! Umm...... I think i'll end this blog early and go eat dinner before my chicken gets cold. I'll pick up tommorrow! Mommy also ate my tofu. >:(