落花飘零 (热门博主)
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Stuff I don’t know just random things

(2022-07-28 20:37:32) 下一个

Hi. It's me. The Emily. I want to write about ALASKAA!!! Woohoo! Go Alaska! I'm SOOOO excited. I have already started packing and we leave on Tuesday! This blog probably won't be very long, because I want to get back to packing. But, I cannnot describe my excitement in words! More like, AAAAAAAAAHH! I haven't been in the airport, for a year! That is really long for me! Of course, after Alaska, I'm going to Tennessee for a family reunion. Believe it or not, My cousins are in their 30's and they  have kids, and their kids are my second cousins or 1st cousins 40th removed or something. I am not good at genetics. My iPad case broke, so now I am using mommy's which is way cooler. Someone in the comments said that to end a blog just put a period, so . And . For extra effect.


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严惠姗 回复 悄悄话 hahaha,Hug,Hug.Have fun in Alaska,and safe journey.