落花飘零 (热门博主)
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The end of this journey

(2021-11-06 16:04:58) 下一个

These three letters are probably the hardest three letter I have ever typed : DNF.

I didn’t make to the swim finish today at Ironman Florida . The strong current accentuated my weakest leg in the triathlon. I was throwing up and exhausted toward the end of swimming, and was pulled out of water. 

Yesterday I was all worried about the strong wind and low temperature on the bike, but today I would do everything to taste that hard ride. 
I gave myself sometime alone on the beach before I head back to find my family. Mike Reilly walking passed me. That was not the way I imagined to meet him. I am sure he has seen everything.
As a motivated and hard working woman, I very rarely tasted any major failure in my school, career and even during this Ironman journey . Until today.
Mother nature is truly humbling and will pick up the weakest ones. It’s brutally honest. 

Unpacking the carefully packed bike and run bags,the true sadness really settles in.  I realize how brutal the other side can be. 

It’s tough but it’s an experience. 2 months ago with 2 herniated disc, 3 weeks off, I was not even sure if I can do any Ironman event but today I stood at the starting line at the beach. 

The journey does not change, I will continue to work on my fitness. Rising again from this will make me tougher. Today the ocean swimming is not something I will ever forget . 

I always want to be a good role model for Emily , and today my experience showed her another side of the glorious story, something she will also inevitably experience one day in her life. But I will show her how we can get up and fight again. 

Thank you to my coach, my family and all the friends who have been supporting me during this journey.

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平林漠漠 回复 悄悄话 I agree especially with what polebear said, and everyone else, of course. You tried hard, you went for it. Ironman is a process, not just the day when you go competing. Think about the positive side :) Emily didn't lose her mom, your husband has you back in his arms, and your parents will still have many many chances to go with you when you train. Cheers!
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢你们,心里很难受,但是这几天陪着爱美丽在orlando玩,所以会调整心情。你们的话我都仔细看过好几遍,真的非常感谢你们对网上一个陌生人的牵挂和关心,我记在心里的
shidi53 回复 悄悄话 不管成功失败,你永远都是我心中最了不起的真正的铁人!
dev 回复 悄悄话 Proud of you always! You are an Ironman !
kentridge 回复 悄悄话 the journey never ends. this is just beginning. 敬礼
polebear 回复 悄悄话 It's all right!
You don't know what had happened might be a hidden bless and protection.
It's all right,
You're still my girl,
My heroine!

Hug, hug, hug....
严惠姗 回复 悄悄话 我一直惦记着你的比赛,刚从光盐行者那里看到“跟踪了一下佛罗里达大铁比赛的实况。我们俱乐部有两位选手参加这个比赛,两人水平都比我高很多。令人惊讶的是,平常能够一小时十几分结束游泳的那位我的同龄人,今天游了一小时46分,估计游泳的条件非常恶劣。另外一个比我年长五岁的人,我和他一起在公开水域游过好几次,我知道他的速度比我快,每100码大概是两分钟。但是今天半程1.2英里就用了1小时05分,结果游泳被关门了。”我心里一惊,就到你这里查看。看你写的,我心里也为你难过,但看到你安安全全的,我就觉得,没关系,来日方长,你已经非常非常棒了。赶紧让腰好好恢复。不管成功失败,你永远都是我心中最了不起的真正的铁人!妇女楷模!
忘忧草燕子 回复 悄悄话 pat-pat 落花,看网上说今年游泳不容易,很多人游泳被关门,正准备上网查查落花的情况就看到落花发的文章,结果固然重要,但落花每天的坚持努力的过程给我的启示和正能量更深远,在我心中你已经是ironman了。