落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2007-12-17 18:28:39) 下一个


LV给我印象最深的是Venetian,所以这次决定带爸爸妈妈去住这家。为了增强震撼的效果,我事先一点也没有描绘这家饭店的特色。等我check in以后,回头看爸爸妈妈,他们正仰着头看绘满油画的穹顶,疲倦之情一扫而光。我说,从现在开始,我们要深刻地发现一下纸醉金迷的腐朽资本主义。爸爸妈妈都是老党员,哈哈笑起来。



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punny 回复 悄悄话 回复落花飘零的评论:

落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢punny,虎啸南山。一回来以后马上就进病房了,爸爸妈妈又开始寂寞了。。。明天要去外地面试,就带着他们出去逛一圈。

纵然平行,谢谢你的留言,你的这么美丽的文字,让我都觉得自己不管怎么回复都太过潦草了,呵呵。写得越来越少了,好像觉得自己需要倾诉的冲动越来越少了,一时的情绪波动,或者瞬间的想法,慢慢地能够自己平稳下来,更注重于自己的反思和独立分析,而不急于立即写下来。但是还是会继续写下去的,只是就像你说的,sentimental, ideal, opinionate and insecure 的东西会少点。
一直不知道你的家乡在哪儿,无论在哪儿,初春的时候回去,有父母的温暖,一定是一次很值得回忆的旅行,千万不要check 华尔街的行情哦,给我知道肯定骂你freak!
damaof 回复 悄悄话 Dear Hua:


纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 So, a year comes to the end, and a new one will be arising on the horizon just hours away. I sincerely wish you’d have a very happy, fulfilling and exciting year ahead.

Judging your smaller quantity of blogging pieces written this year, it seems to me that you have been undergoing some makeovers lately. For one thing, you have shunned away quite a bit from your trademark of “Daydreaming in the Sun Shine”, the signature style often shows your sentimental, ideal, opinionate and insecure facades without apology -. Nowadays, you are tilting towards mature, realistic, humorous and confident sides instead. I guess the transformation might result from the accumulative professional experiences and the elapse time of being grownup.

Put this aside, overall it has be a good year for you, I think. You may not be out of wood yet, but definitely it is closer. Hoping as you are continuing your journey of “metamorphosis” you’d still be able to maintain your uplifting spirits all the tine; no matter if they are your personal struggles in working place, or the highlights/reflections after or during your normal working days or your joys of being around with your parents.

Speaking of parents, your recent postings made me feel like a total jerk. You have spent lots of efforts and time to accommodate your parents since they arrived. On the contrary when my folks visited me in 2004, what I did most was to give them cash and ask them to buy anything they’d like. I did book some tours for them, putting them in most luxury hotels and showering them with lavish gifts. But, what I failed to do is that I did not devote much my time as they were here with me. As the matters of fact, I spent very little personal time with them because I was chasing a promotion which I’d want then badly; I was afraid that any absent time might reduce my chances to get it. Even though I told my parents about my dilemma, and they apparently understood my position I didn’t have the wit to set the priority straight at that time. I remembered that one evening as my parents and I were striding in Central Park after dinner I was busy talking with someone about work on my cell, I overheard my parents’ conversation about me. “I wish we had a girl” my mother said my father. “He is a boy and he is going to do whatever the nature designs him for. Don’t worry he’ll learn.” My father comforted my worried mother.

Looking back I feel sort of guilty. Funny things is that female and male children do approach parents differently as the caretaker, and we , men, might harness adequately to provide financial security; yet comparing to women , we may be poorly equipped sociologically to deal with complex emotional needs of our parents even we’d want to do a good job.

I think that it may be still not too late for me to learn, though. In Fact, I am about to go back home to spend some quality time with my folks in China in couple days. I’ve name my trip “Operation Redemption”.

Enjoy your parents stay and drink enough of Champagne this New Year eve.
虎啸南山 回复 悄悄话 落花,祝你爸爸妈妈在美国开心愉快,happy new year to them.
punny 回复 悄悄话 回复落花飘零的评论:

回来了呀?累是肯定的,好好休息调整一下。但玩的开心最重要,对吧,尤其是爸爸,将来肯定会拿录像出来细细反复品味的呢 :)
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 punny,刚刚回来,累坏了!!不过玩得很开心。谢谢你的建议。我爸爸因为以前当过空军,所以最喜欢那个航空博物馆,每个馆都仔仔细细看,还全程拍摄,说要回去再仔细看。。。我也很想看樱花,但是十二月份以后就没有假期了。不过好在这次节日气氛很浓,所以也算有得有失。
damaof 回复 悄悄话 Dear Hua,
我圣诞节的时候去了VEGAS,也住在这里,也有遥控器开关的窗帘,娃哈哈!我们看了23号晚上的张学友演唱会和MIRAGE的SHOW -- LOVE,是BEATLES的歌曲大串烧,光与影的盛宴,强烈推荐! 好激动,我们居然前后在同一个空间错过,对了,我们还去了二楼的TAO,那个CLUB,"Always a happy ending!" 本店客人可以不用排长队。娃哈哈,太HIGH了。

祝 新年快乐!身体健康!工作顺利!

punny 回复 悄悄话 落花还在DC附近玩吧? 最近我们这里都不算太冷呢,正好出游。:) 祝全家节日愉快!
等着你回来上照片 :)
黄大皇 回复 悄悄话 搞了两次冰钓,鱼钓了不少,但也冻了个半死。
去过DC一次,印象很好。Enjoy your trip, but keep warm!
Blackorchid 回复 悄悄话 你一家人真幸福! 祝福你和父母親旅遊愉快!
明亮 回复 悄悄话 落花MM,过来问好。看你们一家人真幸福。你那个办父母材料很全面,谢谢了。祝圣诞快乐,新年如意!
punny 回复 悄悄话 回复落花飘零的评论:

要来DC了呀。先到NATIONAL PARKS的网上把有些景点的票登记好,比如WASHINGTON MONUMENT,到时候只要去拿票就好了,可以少排队。如果要参观国会山,早上很早就要开始排队了。DC可看的地方太多了:)自然博物馆是我最喜欢的一家。如果有机会的话,等明年樱花节的时候来。JEFFESON MEMORIAL 那里绕湖一周都是花,风吹过落英缤纷的样子可美了。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 谢谢nicelks,我爸爸妈妈玩得很开心,但是挺累的。
stillthere 回复 悄悄话
swanlake 回复 悄悄话 真是幸福温馨的一家人!喜欢你的新头像。
流沙随风 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,希望他们这回真真切切、完完全全地看透了腐朽的资本主义。

Ruby@Cuisine 回复 悄悄话 你照片上的莞尔一笑和做事情的风格迥然不同哦。真是个有孝心的好女儿。
punny 回复 悄悄话 刚发现,换大头照了呀,喜欢这张 ^^
punny 回复 悄悄话 落花是个贴心的好女儿 :)
黄大皇 回复 悄悄话 出去旅行的时候,最累的就是那个做计划、搞安排的。不过在LV,随便走走就已经很享受了,相信你父母非常高兴。在Venetian有没有坐Gondolas?
nicelks 回复 悄悄话 Good daughter indeed. Your parents should be very happy on this vacation.