上月在新汗布什尔州初选前的一次公众集会上,两个男人举着“ Iron My Shirt “的牌子,冲正要发挥中心论点“什么是改变”的希拉莉高呼“熨我的衬衫”。“ Ah, the remnants of sexism _ alive and well," 希拉莉笑道, "As I think has been abundantly demonstrated, I am also running to break through the highest and hardest glass ceiling," 她的话被一片掌声淹没。欢迎听众提问时,她说“我今天在这里回答大家的问题。。。谁想知道如何 熨自己的衬衫?。。。”座下众人大笑。希拉莉的应对机变,正中广大选民,尤其女选民的心,表现真是十分出彩。
这个紧张选战中的小插曲不禁让我想起电影“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”。这部由 Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles 等大牌女星担纲的电影,讲述的是在五十年代保守的威尔斯利女子学院,学生们聪明过人,却为社会传统的妇女角色所束缚,一位热情洋溢的女教师如何启发她们获得心灵自由的故事。电影中有个情节是学校的家政课上,老师出了个题目:“你老公突然通知你,他的上司今晚要来你家吃晚饭。这位上司对你老公的升迁很关键。你计划如何招待这位上司?”威尔斯利女子学院正是希拉莉的母校,也是我的母校。她 1965 年毕业,是典礼上那届毕业生的发言人。美国第一位女国务卿奥尔布莱特也毕业于该校,而她正是我毕业那年典礼上的特邀发言人。这所学校出来的女杰还有菲律宾的阿基诺夫人,中国的宋美龄,冰心等。奥老学姐前阵子出来数落小布什的失政,同时大赞希学姐,为校友撑腰。现在校友们成立了一个“ Wellesley Women for Hillary” 的组织,帮助希拉莉竞选。出于华人的利益立场和对希拉莉个人能力的赞赏钦佩,我也加入了该组织。现在的这些威尔斯利女人们,多半是退能熨衬衫,做精致的晚餐招待老公的上司,进能撑起自己的一片天。希拉莉曾是个称职的第一夫人,如今自己出来竞选, 同样身孚众望。
本来加州的民调说希拉莉遥遥领先,我还想那 Primary 就不用去投票了,反正她赢定了。后来奥巴马直追上来,眼看民调超了希拉莉。我赶紧把 election paper 找出来,核实了投票地址,就等着超级星期二,可以去给希拉莉出两票之力。我目前的影响力就两票 – 女儿两岁半,她是心有余而力不足。她昨天也蹬着她的小三轮车去了投票站,一进门就对管票的居委会大妈大爷们宣称她要投票。问她投谁的票,她清楚的说:“我投希拉莉,你也要投希拉莉!” 逗得老头老太太们大笑。昨天 CNN 的统计说加州 75% 的亚裔支持希拉莉,看来亚裔族群是有共识的。
( 题外话,威尔斯利女子学院似乎和政坛联系颇多,据说很多国家政客的女儿在此就读过,什么巴基斯坦妇女联合会主席的女儿,台湾行政院长的女儿等等。当然,学校里也有很多如我等平民女子,读书时靠资助和打工,毕业后没资本从政,只能搞“挨踢“或其他的。大概受“蒋夫人“影响,台湾人很多认为该校出来的有背景。当年我在一中国门户网硅谷公司工作,盼着公司上市。结果上市受到中国政府的阻力,中国的老总说正全力找关系疏通。有台湾同事半开玩笑问我,你威尔斯利毕业的,家里有背景吧?找找关系,为我们大家发财出把力如何?我答:真有背景,我还在这里混“挨踢“? 就算在这里混, 我也早找关系帮公司上市,自己拿一大头了,还和大家一起死等?另外,该校和邻近的麻省理工学院有互选课承认学分的合作,校车在两校之间每小时一班。麻省理工男生居多,可想而知,每期“ Wellesley Magazine” 上校友结婚布告上,新郎是麻省理工典型或非典 nerd 的居多,倒不象“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”里演的,清一色的哈佛款爷。麻省理工附近有一不入流的女校叫“ Simmons College” 。 关于交友找老婆,麻省理工男们流传一句顺口溜:” Simmons to bed, Wellesley to wed” ,虽然 Wellesley 和 MIT 之间的校车被他们戏称做“ F*** truck” 。可见,男人结婚和女人一样,很现实理智,精英 nerd 们都门儿清的。)
冰心在威尔斯利读书时,寂寞想家时常到校园美丽的Lake Waban边散步,因此在散文集里称此湖“慰冰湖”
"a big portion" still means "most", or else, it would be "a small portion". To state a fact correctly, I suggest you say "some of them are superficial.":)
A big portion of them are superficial. How do you think.
Well, "two" is not considered "most" among Wellesley women. I do know some very superficial Wellesley women too, but I wouldn't say "most", because even if all the Wellesley women I know are superficial, statistically they are still not the majority of all the Wellesley grads. Maybe it just happened that you are surrounded by superifcial women? If you are a man, watch out your wallet. :)
Obama is a question? His change message lacks of substances. He himself lacks experiences. A slogan without experiences reminds me the Culture Revolution in China.
He is still young. He can be a good vice present in deed. After gaining more experieces in the office, he can be the first African president in the future.
This is a better choice for himself, for the people in this country, and for this country. We can not afford another four year fiasco.
100% agree!
Give me a break! Except for his "change" word, what does Obama have?
Mark my words, if Obama is nominated, he'll have no chance to get elected. Though politically not correct, but yes, exactly because he is black. This factor is not obvious yet in the pre-election process. But once in the final decisive stage, the US majority white will from the bottom of their heart not be ready for a black person to be their president. I think in this pre-election GOP is delibrately helping Obama to get nominated by the DNC.
There is nobody us Chinese can count on, because we're deeply divided on just about everything and anything. We lack the unity and political influence of the African American community; we lack clear political representation and social identification, we can't even rally around ourselves in times of crisis. Who do you expect to defend us? Obama? He vowed to stop the import of all Chinese-made toys..blind ambition. A politician who tries to deviate from the status quo too much will not end up well. And who else? has any other candidate publicly attempted to rally our support? And why not? Do you really expect to hear the truth from a politician. You have a personal dislike, or disrespect for Hilary, for whatever reason. Because she does exactly what all politicians ought to do. She hasn't broken any rules. I don't know what your gender is, but a woman who's breaking the glass ceiling on her own is to be admired. My support goes to Hilary.
Why us Chinese should support her? How much has she engaged Asian community (other than asking for donation)? Does she really understand the feelings of immigrants or just being patronistic? A corporate lawyer from Harvard, deeply entrenched in political establishment, is hardly someone you and I can identify with.
For example, in dealing with trade tensions, Hillary is far more likely to go with Union sentiment and pick China as a scapegoat (not that she has not done so during her famous but only visit to Beijing) than someone like McCain. And her message would be far less sensitive to the feelings of Chinese Americans than Obama's would.
Remember she was an idealist before in the Israel-Palestinian conflict (ca. 1994). She soon changed her tone as she "matured" during her first-ladyship. That is what I mean by saying she's entrenched. If you don't like the anti-China tone in the U.S. today, you would be a fool to expect Hillary would lead the effort to change that.
Is that kind of person we Chinese Americans can count on? There will be many female Presidents, but I hope the tradition doesn't start from Hillary. Vote anyone but Hillary.
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