盈袖2006 (热门博主)
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紧急祷告请求得到神的回应 + 9月23日的重要活动

(2012-09-11 12:20:53) 下一个

2011年11月,我收到一个紧急祷告请求。伊朗牧师约瑟夫Yousef Nadarkhani 因为拒绝放弃对耶稣的信仰,当时正随时随地刻面临被处决。我为他祷告,同时也将这个请求发给所有我认识的基督徒以及教会。今天,约瑟夫证实已在周六被释放!!!!!


当时我贴的紧急祷告请求  http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/8403/201111/10827.html
神当时的回应 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/8403/201111/14295.html
目前的情况:  中文 http://www.gospelherald.com/news/wor-20284-0/%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B-%E5%AE%97%E6%95%99%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1-%E4%BC%8A%E6%9C%97%E5%B0%A4%E7%B4%A0%E7%A6%8F%E7%89%A7%E5%B8%AB%E5%BE%9E%E7%8D%84%E4%B8%AD%E9%87%8B%E6%94%BE-%E5%9F%BA%E7%9D%A3%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1


如果你是一个基督徒,也愿意为拯救世界各地为信仰基督而被迫害甚至杀害的基督徒出一份力,那么就请今天开始把它放在你的祷告里。在大温地区的朋友可以考虑参加9月23号下午在温哥华艺术馆举行的活动。我们需要更多的人来呼吁,请把这个消息传给你的教会以及你认识的基督徒。谢谢。组织者David Waines是一位爱主,为主献身的基督徒。他和妻子在利比里亚已服事了25年,育有四个孩子,领养了一个当地孩子。Kenwah出生后被遗弃达9年,David在街上遇到他时,他只有婴儿的大小,现在是个大小伙子了。


Stop the killing of thousands of innocent Christians. Please join our rally Sept 23rd   2 - 4 pm @ Vancouver Art Gallery

The ongoing “silent genocide” of thousands and thousands of peaceful Christians, killed simply because of their faith, in Nigeria, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, and other countries is increasing dramatically - because the rest of the world remains silent. Just Google “killing of Christians” for details. The world was silent during the genocide of the Armenian Christians, the Jews, and Rwandans, which allowed the scale of those slaughters to become unthinkably horrific.

Lets stand up together, pray, speak up, and take action to stop the ongoing killing aimed at the systematic eradication of all Christians in these countries. We may be next.

Please join us at a rally on Sunday, September 23rd from 2 to 4 pm on the north side of the Vancouver Art Gallery as we respectfully gather to raise awareness, sign and send off letters to the Canadian Government, the UN, the EU, the US, and the governments of countries where this organized genocide against Christians continues. We will call on the media institutions and all individuals to simply do all they can to stop this growing genocide of Christians and others.  

The lights of freedom and love are being snuffed out in so many countries. All that is necessary for the triumph of this growing genocide of Christians and others is for good men and women to be lulled, deceived, confused, or terrified, so that they do nothing effective to stop it.  

This rally is being organized by a committee of ordinary Canadian (BC) Christians who feel burdened to take the humble actions we can to stop the ongoing slaughter of our own Christian family around our world. Yes, it is a huge problem, but with hope and love, let us put doubts and excuses aside and do what we can. Please commit a couple of hours of your time and come to the rally – your presence will make a difference in getting attention and help to those at immediate risk of being the next victims. Please help spread the word and bring your friends. Let’s make this grab the attention it deserves.

Our one and only message is simple: We are calling on all those mentioned above to immediately take the actions they can to stop this growing genocide against Christians. 

In the letters we will sign and send off together at the rally we will list several practical, achievable, effective, appropriate targeted actions that can be taken by various actors- for example: monitoring and raising awareness of the “cleansing” massacres, applying diplomatic pressure, withholding foreign aid, carefully targeted trade sanctions to pressure groups to stop the killings of Christians and other minorities, and appropriate use of UN or regional peacekeepers to protect those at immediate risk of genocide.

If you have any questions, have suggestion or want to volunteer to help make our rally successful please contact. David Waines at davewaines@gmail.com or  call 604 876 4694/ 604 277 1507 or my cell @ cell 604 354 3687

Please pray for the success of this rally and an end to the genocide against Christians. See you at the rally on September 23rd 2 pm to 4 pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery! You’ll be glad you came! 

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