目录 Catalog:11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants;11.2 四大种 Four Big Seeds;11.3 六处 Six Places;11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes;11.4.1 色蕴 Color Node;11.4.2 受蕴 Acceptance Node;11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node;11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node; 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances; 随烦恼 Following Annoyances; 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws;11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node;11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux;11.6 五果 Five Fruits:11.6.1 异熟果 Mutant Fruit;6.2 等流果 Equal Stream Fruit;11.6.3 士用果 Warrior Usage Fruit;11.6.4 离系果 Off-is Fruit;11.6.5 增上果 Escalatory Fruit。
11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants
Law, Dharma in Sanskrit, is nature law, based on the recurrence of phenomena, the ancients often used the analogy of track. All phenomena that have existed in the past, exist in the present, and will continue to exist in the future are laws, such as rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, birds, fish, insects, laws, morals, and principles of affairs, etc. All laws have four quadrants, the first quadrant is Phenomenal Quadrant, the second is View Quadrant, and third is Self-Evident Quadrant, the fourth is Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Law has the four kinds of quantity functions in heart, so there are these four Juristic Quadrants.
The first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, is the objective phenomena, the subjective objects, such as color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts. From the point of view of perception, the external world is a projection of one's heart (i.e., mind). Phenomenal Quadrant is a projection from the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant (i.e., the unconscious). This process of transforming external stimuli into phenomena is a function of the unconscious; we do not feel it; what we feel is the phenomena (i.e., the first Juristic Quadrants). The ancients used the person in the mirror when looking in the mirror to illustrate the Phenomenal Quadrant. Phenomena in the mirror and the person looking in the mirror share the same body.
The second quadrant, the View Quadrant, is the illuminated and clearly seeing, is the function of the aggregate heart’s transformation, clearly mirrored the objective phenomena. The function of sense is discrimination, discernment, measurement. The second quadrant, View Quadrant illuminates the first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, its fruit (i.e., result) of measurement is the third quadrant, Self-Evident Quadrant. And the third quadrant has function of sense’s self-body.
The fourth quadrant, Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant, is the temporary transformation of the heart's self-body, which can act to know the self-body. This fourth quadrant can evidence the third Self-Evident Quadrant, so it is called the Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Because the fourth quadrant is the projector of the first quadrant, the present quantity, i.e., the objective fact, therefore, the fourth quadrant does not need other quadrants to be proved.
古人用 “人用尺量布” 的事例来说明这四分。其中布是所量,是第一相分。用尺量布的过程是第二见分;第二见分是能量。丈量的数据,即量果,是第三自证分。这人读完量果之后,他又核实了一下,明了自己在干什么;这就是第四证自证分。因为第四分的核实作用,第三自证分得知量果,自证明了。
The ancients used the example of "a tailor measuring cloth with a ruler" to illustrate these four quadrants. In this case, the cloth is what is measured, which is the First Quadrant. The process of measuring the cloth with a ruler is the second quadrant; the second quadrant is the able to measure. The data of the measurement is the third Self-Evidence Quadrant. After the tailor reads the measurement result, he verifies it again, realizing what he is doing, what the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant is. Because of the verifying action of the fourth quadrant, the third Self-Evident Quadrant learns of the fruit of measurement and proves itself.
In Buddhism, the symbol of the Juristic Quadrants is the “Philosopher-Stone Navel” (shown as the red circle below Figure 11.1-3), which is said to be formed by the umbilical cord between Zeus and his father (Note: The umbilical cord between godfather and godson is shown in Figure 2). The implements in Figs. 3, 4, and 5 are all called “Philosopher-Stone Taming-Demon Pestle”. The pestle in the hand of Zeus in Fig. 1 is formed by folding the last three Quadrants as the second quadrant. When folded, the four juristic quadrants become two; the first, Phenomenal Quadrant, is the Color Node (see Section 11.4.1), which includes the 11 color laws, and is therefore also called Color. The second quadrant, View Quadrant, includes the Acceptance Node, Think Node (see Section 11.4.2), Migration Node, and Sense Node, totaling 84 laws, and is called Name. Therefore, name and color are all laws. Name-Color is another name for the unconscious, can produce all laws and are all laws. It is the first juristic door to the Juristic Boundary.
图4和5中显示的是雷音(大日如来)的雷鼓瓮金锤。传说雷音用此锤击碎了人的灵魂之石,设计出了睚眦和磨牙(亦作金童和玉女,参见10.9 节《上帝的三和合》)。图3中的匕首是雷音的圣鬼,名作铁匕首(Járnsaxa;参见15.3.6 《王者归来》)。
Figures 4 and 5 show the “Thunder Drum-Urn Golden Hammer” of Thor (Great Sun Tathagata in Chinese Buddhism). Legend has it that Thor used this hammer to break the stone of human soul, designing Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir (aka. Gold Boy and Jade Girl; see Section 10.9 Godly Trinity). The dagger in Figure 3 is the holy ghost of Raiin, known as the Iron Dagger (Járnsaxa; see 15.3.6 Return of the King).
11.2 四大种 Four Big Seeds
The four elements, namely earth, water, fire, and wind, are the four seeds of the tree of life, also known as the four elements; Westerners call them the four basic elements of Theism. Seed is the meaning of cause, reason. Everything in the world is created by the four great seeds; how is this to be understood? It is understood by the fact that the flesh body and the external world are projections of the heart (i.e., mind), as in the case of a newborn baby with a visual acuity of only 20 centimeters or so, and that the world is nothing more than the happy sensations produced by eating milk urinating and defecating. As it grows, the body and the external world grow until it grows into the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (see figure 11 and Chapter 13).
11.2-1 地是界的比喻 The metaphor of earth as a boundary
Man uses limits for thinking, i.e., people use boundaries for cognition, boundaries such as edges, tables, justice, etc. The boundaries are invisible, so Ancients used the earth as a metaphor for the boundaries. The mountains and the lands are the images of the boundaries. Capable of holding, nurturing all things is the function of the boundaries. Toughness is the physical nature of the boundaries. With the images of the earth as a metaphor for the boundaries, one can easily understand the five causal qualities of the boundaries, namely, birth, dependence, establishment, holding, and nourishment. The boundaries mean seeds and the ability to hold. The meaning of seed is about the function of the unconscious that can give rise to all laws, i.e., each of the eighteen boundaries of laws is born from its own seed and has a different phenomenon. The meaning of being able to hold is about being able to hold the self-phenomenon of the law; that is, each of the eighteen boundaries of laws holds its self-phenomenon unperturbed and is therefore called a boundary.
11.2-2 水是识的比喻 Water is a metaphor for sense
In this way, senses have the great images of rivers, streams, lakes, seas, clouds, rain, etc. The nature of senses is like water, such as stickiness, attachment, fluidity, and so on. This Big Seed has flow and wetness as its physical nature, can assimilate as its function, and has the five causal qualities, namely, birth, dependence, establishment, holding, and nourishment.
11.2-3 火是无意识的比喻 Fire as a metaphor for the unconscious
The ancients often used fire as a metaphor for the unconscious; in this way, the unconscious took on the images of a fierce flame, a blazing sun, and red fires. Fire has warmth and heat as its physical nature, and the ability to ripen as its function. It is capable of ripening, as the sun ripening grain. The big seed, Fire, also has the five causal qualities of birth, dependence, establishment, holding, and nourishment.
11.2-4 风是境的比喻 Wind as a metaphor for the environment
The ancients used wind as a metaphor for the ever-changing environment, so the environment has the images of a swift and strong wind. The environment has the nature of easily drifting, the ability to grow as a function, and the five causal qualities of birth, dependence, establishment, holding, and nourishment. Through these four analogies, there are what people call earth, water, fire, and wind, the four big seeds. These four big seeds are all conterminously memoryless. Conterminous, is saying that the four big seeds are all connected to the unconscious. Memoryless, is saying that people have no memory of the four big seeds and cannot be recalled. Everything in the world is made from the combination of these four big seeds. If there is a change in the Four Big Seeds, all things made according to them will change accordingly.
11.3 六处 Six Places
六处是 “十二有枝” (参见13.4.1 《流转》) 的第五枝,义为众生皆依眼根,耳根,鼻根,舌根,身根,和意根,此六处而生长。六处亦作六根。根是因、能生的意思;以能对境生识,故谓之根。读者当知此六处就是一切处,没有事物在此六处之外。
The Six Places are the fifth branch of the twelve have branches (see 13.4.1 Cycle), meaning that all sentients grow from the six roots: eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, and intent-root. The six places are also called the six roots. Root means cause, can give birth; because it can generate senses in response to changing environments, therefore, it is called the roots. Readers should know that these six places are all places, and there is nothing outside these six places.
(1) Eye-root is the one that can see color, is called the eye-root, as it can generate eye-sense in response to color.
(2) Ear-root is the one that hear sound, is called the ear-root, as it can generate ear-sense in response to sound.
(3) Nose-root is the one that of the nose, is called nose-root, as it can generate nose-sense in response to scent.
(4) tongue-root is the one that tastes, is called the tongue-root, as it can generate tongue-sense in response to taste.
(5) body-root is the one that feels and touches, is called the body-root, as it can generate body-sense in response to touch.
(6) intent-root (i.e. preconsciousness) is the one that knows, is called intent-root, as it can generate intent-sense (i.e. consciousness) in response to law.
此六根还有六处,六受,六入等名义。意根是现代心理学中的前意识,佛教中为末那识。古人说末那识形象细微难知,所以用它的主要随从 “意” 来代表。在英语传统文化中,前意识被称为 “夏娃识”。夏娃不是女人吗?是女人!上帝给夏娃识穿上了女人皮后(参见 10.9 《上帝的三和合》),她就出现在这个器世界上了。在亚太文化和墨西哥文化中,夏娃被称作玉女。图4是佛教中的玉女,观音菩萨。
These six roots also have the names of the six places, the six acceptances, and the six entrants. The intent-root is the preconsciousness in modern psychology, and in Buddhism it is called Mana. The ancients said that the image of Mana is subtle and difficult to understand, so it is represented by its main subordinate, “Intent”. In traditional English culture, the preconscious is called “Eve-sense”. Isn't Eve a woman? Yes, Eve is a woman! After God clothed Eve-sense in the skin of woman (see 10.9 Godly Trinity), she appeared in this vessel world. And in Asia-Pacific and Mexican cultures, Eve is called Jade Girl. Figure 4 is the Jade Girl in Buddhism, Guanyin Bodhisattva.
The six places are also known as twelve growth places. The six roots talked above are the inner six places. The six dusts that the six roots are connected to are called outer six places, which are color, sound, smell, taste, touch, and law. Dust is the meaning of pollution, because it can pollute the feeling senses.
(1) Color, the eye sees, such as bright, darkness, substantial hindrance, etc., which can pollute the eye root, so it is called color dust.
(2) Sound, the ear hears, such as the movement, quietness, beauty, and ferocity, etc., which can pollute the root of ear, so it is called sound dust.
(3) Scent, the nose smells, such as through, jam, Scent, and odor, etc., which can pollute the root of nose, and is therefore called Scent dust.
(4) Taste, which is what the tongue tastes, such as salt, lightness, sweetness, and pungency, etc., is called the taste dust because it stains the tongue root.
(5) Touch, which is the sensation of the body, such as separation, union, cold, and warmth, etc., is called the touch dust, because it can stain the body root.
(6) Law, which is known to the mind, such as birth and death, good and evil, etc., is called juristic dust because it can pollute the intent-root (i.e., preconsciousness, Eve-sense).
These six dusts are also known as six desires, six entrants, six places, six environments, and the six thieves.
根,境,和识是个三和合,例如眼根,色,和眼识是一组三和合。前文谈的十二处是“十八界”中的前十二界。界是前文所说的四大种之一,是因义,种子义。 此十八界是:(六根)眼根界,耳根界,鼻根界,舌根界,身根界,意根界; (六境,亦作六尘)色界,声界,香界,味界,触界,法界;(六识,亦作六情)眼识(即看)界,耳识(即听)界,鼻识(即嗅)界,舌识(即尝)界,身识(即触)界,意识(即知)界。此十八界就是传说中夏娃造慧渡(亦作到达方舟)时所使用的 “六六六系统”,如图11.3-3墨西哥夏娃(翠玉女)面对的菩提树所示。
Root, environment, and sense are a threesome; for example, the eye root, color, and eye sense are a set of three, a trinity. The twelve places talked above are the first twelve of the “eighteen boundaries”. Boundary is one of the four big seeds talked in section 11.2, which is the meaning of cause, the meaning of seed. The “eighteen boundaries” are: (six roots) eye root boundary, ear root boundary, nose root boundary, tongue root boundary, body root boundary, Intent root boundary; (six environments, aka. six dusts) color boundary, sound boundary, smell boundary, taste boundary, touch boundary, juristic boundary; (six senses, aka. six feelings) eye-sense (i.e. seeing) boundary, ear-sense (i.e. hearing) boundary, nose-sense (i.e. smelling) boundary, tongue-sense (i.e. tasting) boundary, body-sense (i.e. touching) boundary, juristic-sense (i.e. knowing) boundary. These eighteen boundaries are the “six-six-six system” used by Eve in the legend to create Gnostic Ark (aka. Arrival Ark), as shown in Figure 11.3-3, the Bodhi tree (i.e. Tree of Enlightenment) facing Mexican Eve (Chalchiuhtlicue).
11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes
Life Tree’s five nodes are color node, acceptance node, think node, migration node, and sense node, the five accumulations of karmic habits. What is karma? In ancient times the aggregation of body, mouth, and intent behavioral habits was collectively called karma. Karma is the three karmas: body karma, oral karma, and intent karma. Body karma is the accumulation of bodily behavioral habits, which this flesh body is. Oral karma is the accumulation of habits of oral behaviors, which is what the mouth speaks. Intentional karma is the accumulation of habits of thoughts, and what the heart (i.e., mind) thinks is what it is. Karma is to life tree like the trunk of a deciduous tree (see Figure 11-1 to 22). In winter, the leaves fall off and like the tree loses its life. In spring, when conditions are right, the trunk sprouts branches and leaves, and the deciduous tree becomes full of life again. The growth and prosperity of life tree is reflected in the formation and withering of karmic habits.
五蕴是五种业的积聚体,是从色受想行和识,这五个方面来讲解业的。此五蕴具有集性、取性、和有性,所以亦作五取蕴。五蕴能统摄五位百法中的前94位有为法,不摄无为法(参见11.6.4 离系果),因为无为法与 “集,有,和取” 的性质相违,与 “舍,等,和空” 的性质相应。
The five nodes are the accumulation of the five types of karma, which are explained in terms of the five aspects of karma, namely, color, acceptance, think, migration, and sense. The five nodes have the nature of aggregate, fetch, and have, so they are also known as Five Fetch Nodes. The five nodes can assimilate the first 94 of the “5 positions of 100 laws”, but not the none-as laws (see 11.6.4 Off-is Fruit), because none-as laws contradict the nature of “aggregate, have, and fetch”, and are corresponding to the nature of “renunciation, equality, and empty”.
11.4.1 色蕴 Color Node
Buddhism defines matter in terms of the color that the root of eye perceives. Color is the meaning of transformation and hindrance. Transformation is change, meaning that both the physical body and the external world are transformations and projections of the heart (i.e. mind). Hindrance means obstruction, as a hand can hinder another hand, and a road surface can obstruct a wheel from sinking into the ground. The word "color" in Buddhism is equivalent to "matter" in dialectical materialism. Moreover, the enlightened golden boy and jade girl (aka. Adam and Eve) live in the color finalization sky in the fourth meditation sky (as shown in Figures 11-5). What does that mean? It is telling readers that the concept of color is very important. In Illustration 11, the painter Mexico (also known as Tlaloc, active around 1325 CE) used two color strips (as shown in Figures 5 and 6) to emphasize the importance of the concept of color.
Color Node is the collective name of these 11 color laws: eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, body root, color environment, sound environment, scent environment, taste environment, touch environment, and the laws assimilated by juristic place. Juristic place is also known as INTENT, preconsciousness.
11.4.1-1 五根 Five Roots
Eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, and body root, when these five roots are in contact with its corresponding dust, the corresponding senses can be generated, such as the eye root touches the color dust where the eye senses can be born, so the eye, ear, etc. five are named as the five roots. These five roots are also called the original heart, five colors, and five migrations. The original heart means that these five roots are the root of human heart; other senses, such as intent sense (i.e. consciousness), juristic place (i.e. preconsciousness), and unconsciousness, are established based on the functions of this original heart. The five colors mean that these five roots are five kinds of color laws. The five migrations mean that these five roots are always moving and changing without a traveller or the changer.
11.4.1-2 色境 Color Environment
Color dust is the objective of eye-root, is being aggregated environment by eye-senses; eye-root meets color dust, eye-senses arouse. There are three types of colors: manifest colors, form colors, and indicative colors. Manifest colors are turquoise, yellow, red, and white.
Form colors are the differences in the sublocations of the mixing and matching of manifest colors, such as long, short, square, round, thick, thin, high, low, straight, non-straight, light, shadow, bright, dark, cloud, smoke, dust, fog, distinctive color, and empty.
Indicative colors are the behaviors of sentient beings, such as fetch, renunciation, bending, stretching, walking, standing, sitting, and lying.
11.4.1-3 声境 Sound Environment
Sound dust is the objective of ear-root, is being aggregated target environment by ear-senses. When the ear-root encounters a sound, ear-senses arouse, such as conch, drum, dance, song, laugh, play, woman, man, windy woods, clear, unclear, meaningful, unmeaningful, the lower the middle and the upper, river, fighting, clamor, sermon, discussion & resolution, agreeable, unagreeable, and neither agreeable nor unagreeable, etc.
11.4.1-4 香境 Scent Environment
Scent dust is the objective of nose-root, is being aggregated target environment by nose-senses. When nose-root encounters scent dust, nose-senses arouse, such as good scent, ferocious scent, equal scent (i.e., scent of neither good nor ferocious), distinctive Scent, combinable Scent, mutant scent, etc.
11.4.1-5 味境 Taste Environment
Taste dust is the objective of tongue-root, is being aggregated target environment by tongue-senses. When tongue-root meets taste environment, tongue-senses arouse, such as bitter, sour, sweet, pungent, salty, mild, agreeable, disagreeable, neither agreeable nor disagreeable, flavor, combinable taste, and mutable taste, etc.
11.4.1-6 触境 Touch Environment
Touch dust is the heartland law Touch’s first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, is the objective of body-root, is being aggregated target environment by body-senses. When body-root meets touch environment, body-senses arouse, such as smoothness, astringency, lightness, heaviness, softness, warmth, urgency, coldness, hunger, thirst, satiety, strength, inferior, boredom, itchiness, stickiness, sickness, old age, death, fatigue, idleness, courage, and so on.
11.4.1-7 法处所摄的法 Laws Assimilated by Juristic Place
The juristic place is the preconscious, intent-root, Eve-sense; law dusts assimilated by juristic place are the objectives of the intent-root. Preconsciousness is the working platform of heart, but it does not have its own image. It is like an accident scene, wherever there is an accident, there is the accident scene, so preconsciousness is called juristic place. Buddhism collectively refers to the intent-root and laws assimilated by juristic place, such as 1. extremely abstract colors, 2. distinctive colors, 3. colors induced by acceptance, 4. colors from pervasively abstractions, 5. colors born from self-sufficiency.
11.4.1-7-1 极略色 Extremely Abstract Colors
“Extremely abstract color” means the color law is highly simplified and abstracted. In the process of dealing with objectives, human brain always simplifies the objective objects autonomously, and extracts all kinds of default models, such as man, woman, butterfly, tree, and so on. Then we use these default models to recognize other individuals of the same type. For example, when we see a woman, we may describe her as having big eyes, a high nose bridge, tall stature, a little thin, etc. These descriptions are all features collected by the human brain by comparing the other party with the default woman model in its own thinking mechanism, and then recognize the objective individual woman, or even all women. These default models, men, women, butterfly, tree, etc. are all “extremely abstract colors”, which are the definitions of men, women, butterfly, tree, etc., those are, God, Goddess, butterfly god, tree god, etc.
These default models, man, woman, butterfly, and tree, etc., can also be seen as seeds of man, woman, butterfly, tree, etc., because the men, women, butterflies, etc. in our minds are derived from them. That is, the god is the seed of man, which can give birth to many men; the goddess is the seed of woman, which can give birth to many women; the butterfly god is the seed of butterfly, which can give birth to many butterflies, and so on.
现代心理学描述 “真正的神和女神”的外貌为“可以藏在人群里的人”。例如,你和她不熟,她在前面跑,你在后边追她(如图11.4.1.7-1);路边有几个人,她转身往那几个人中一站,你就找不着她了。
Ancient and modern philosophers believe that the men, women, butterfly, and tree that these human brains think by default are limit concepts, empty, and non-existent. That is, all believe that the god, goddess, butterfly god, tree god, etc. in myths and legends are all limit concepts, empty, and non-existent. That is, all believe that the men, women, butterfly, tree, etc. we talk about in spoken language are all limit concepts, empty, and non-existent. But ancient and modern philosophers also admit that there are people in real life who look like god or goddess, and they have some properties like the gods or goddesses in myths and legends, and they are the real gods or goddesses.
Modern psychology describes the appearance of "real gods and goddesses" as "people who can hide in the crowd." For example, you are not familiar with her, she is running in front, and you are chasing her from behind (as shown in Figure; there are several people on the roadside, she turns around and stands among them, then you can't find her.
11.4.1-7-2 极迥色 Extremely Distinctive Colors
Extremely Distinctive Color is apparently different color law, such as the white aperture in Figure It was said earlier that the heart (i.e., mind) will autonomously abstract and simplify things, and it will use very different colors to render the edges of things in sketching out abbreviated environments, such as grey where the sky meets the earth, which represents emptiness, absence; and dark colors at the interstices of things, which represent distinctions or boundaries of things.
For example, when Thor designed Godly Trinity (see Figure, see Section 10.9), he used red as the background and gap to show the images of Adam-sense, Tanngnjóstr, Eve-sense, and Tanngrisnir. Red is a kind of unconscious constant (note, constant is nameless, unqualify-able, countless) of the unconscious (anciently God-sense), so Thor used red to represent himself. In meditation, the unconscious uses turquoise, yellow, red, and white to render the environment and gap, outline the sides of things, and other different effects. Those all are Extremely Distinctive Colors.
11.4.1-7-3 受所引色 Colors Induced from Acceptances
再如,插图11.是公元七世纪古墨西哥帕卡尔国王(King Pacal)石棺的盖板,显示了“特拉洛克收到了神父过世的信息后,体内发生了爆炸,堕入了地狱(即患了精神病)”。图1整体像似个机械,表示特拉洛克意识到了 “五逆十恶是对心理机制的逆操作” (参见13.1.1节) ,从而悟出了 “人神契约” (即戒渡,参见16.2节)是人的行为规范,是一切法的基础。
Eye-senses, ear-senses, nose-senses, tongue-senses, body-senses, and intent-senses all have bitter acceptance and laugh acceptance etc., on what laws are born are called “colors induced from acceptances”, such as the experiences and lessons learned and so on. Another example, the wedding ceremony will give the bride and groom a lot of feelings that they will remember for the rest of their lives; these experiences and feelings will bind them to take up their responsibilities as husband or wife from then on.
As another example, Illustration is the coffin lid of King Pacal of ancient Mexico in the seventh century CE. It shows that “after receiving the message that Godfather had passed away, Tlaloc exploded inside his body and fell into hell (i.e., became mentally ill).” The overall mechanical appearance of Fig. 1 indicates that Tlaloc realized that “Five Antis and Ten Ferocities” are counter-operations of the mind mechanism” (cf. 13.1.1), and thus came to understand that the “Contract between human and God” (i.e., Covenant Ark, cf. 16.2) is all rules of human behavior and the basis of all law.
图2显示他从地狱里飞出来了,在作为国王去接收上帝(即神父)赐予他的王国的路上。他胳膊上的挎包就代表戒渡。图3显示,他回国后,成为了雨神,正在行法雨;他所教授的就是戒渡。这是在说,特拉洛克是从地狱里的苦受悟出戒渡的,部分戒渡是 “受所引色”。
Figure 2 shows him flying out of hell, on his way as king to receive the kingdom God (i.e., Godfather) has given him. The bag on his arm represents Covenant Ark. Figure 3 shows that when he returned to his kingdom, he became the god of rain and was performing juristic rain; what he was teaching was the Covenant Ark. This is saying that Tlaloc was enlightened on Covenant Ark from his bitter acceptances in hell, and that part of Covenant Ark are “Colors Induced from Acceptances”.
11.4.1-7-4 遍计所起色 Colors Aroused from Pervasively Abstractions
The color that arises from the universal reckoning is the “colors aroused from pervasively abstractions”, such as the theory of contradiction, class struggle, the laws of natural and social sciences, etc. Other two examples are two small precepts in the Covenant Ark, the royal families are born from lice eggs, are filthy blood; the rich and stingy families are born from moisture, mud blood. Of course, some of them are wrong, such as those that are believed to be true because of numerous discussions.
插图11.中脚踩祥云的女神是真主安拉的女儿苦芭芭(夏娃)。她的左手握着面镜子,是在说,“以铜为镜可以正衣冠,以人为镜可以知对错,以史为镜可以知兴衰,以神为镜可以知前世今生”。她的右手拿这个罂粟葫芦,一方面表示她在传播诸法的种子,另一方面表示 “宗教有毒”。为什么苦芭芭说宗教有毒?就是因为有人(如图2所示)执着于邪执倒见而四处奔走相告。插图11-10画的就是一组颠倒的人,表示自化天及以下都是邪执倒见之人。
The goddess on the auspicious clouds in Illustration is Kubaba (Eve), the daughter of Allah. She is holding a mirror in her left hand, which is saying, “by copper as a mirror one can straight clothes, by people as a mirror one can know right and wrong, by history as a mirror one can know the rise and fall of society, and by God as a mirror one can know the previous and this life”. She holds a poppy gourd in her right hand, which means that she is spreading the Juristic seeds, and that "religions are poisonous". Why did Kubaba say that religion is poisonous? It is because some heretical people (as shown in Figure 2) are obsessed with upside-down views and spread those words fervently. Illustration 11-10 shows a group of upside-down people, indicating that Self-conversion sky and below are all people with heretical obsessions and upside-down views.
11.4.1-7-5 自在所生色 Colors Born from Self-sufficiency
Self-sufficiency is a philosophical term, in Buddhism sufficient state is referred to as Stillness, so the “colors born of self-sufficiency” are also called “still-fruit colors”. In the narrow sense, total four states of Stillness (see Section 16.3) that are referred to in Buddhism are, Stillness of Sagely Hold, Stillness of Aggregating Fortune, Stillness of Bravely Practice, Stillness of Mahayana Light. As a result of these victorious stillness, the happiness of daily life increases, and the world becomes new day by day; this is how “colors born of self-sufficiency” is said to be achieved.
插图11.4.1.7-5是埃及夏娃在示范如何修习那四种胜定,在示范洗礼的整个过程(参见16.3节)。另外,第12章中的四禅八定也是定,那里面说的也都是 “自在所生色” 。但读者当知那些状态都是幻觉,也就是 “集起”(参见14.1节) 中缺少某些因素。
Illustration shows Eve of Egypt demonstrating how to practice the Four Stillness and the entire process of baptism (see section 16.3). In addition, the four meditations and eight stillness in Chapter 12 are also Stillness, and what is mentioned there are also "Colors Born from Self-sufficiency". But readers should know that those states are hallucinations (trances), which means that certain factors of “Aggregate Arousal” (cf. Section 14.1) are missing.
11.4.2 受蕴 Acceptance Node
Acceptance is one of Heart Subordinate Laws, is one of five omnipresent heartland laws, means receiving. What can accept is human, what is received is acceptance. Acceptance Node is the sum of the accumulated bodies of the sentient being's eye-senses’, ear-senses’, nose-senses’, tongue-senses’, body-senses’, and intent-senses’ bitter laugh etc. accepting habits. Acceptance can generate desire for love, can be sorted into five categories: bitter acceptance, laugh acceptance, renunciative acceptance, gloomy acceptance, delightful acceptance.
(1) Bitter acceptance, when receiving adverse environment, body and heart feel being forced; with body-sense as heart, the “feeling of being forced” is bitter acceptance.
(2) Laugh acceptance, when receiving suitable or beneficial environment, body and heart are pleased, delightful; with body-sense as heart, the happiness is named as laugh acceptance.
(3) Gloomy acceptance, when receiving adverse environment, body and heart feel being forced; with Intent (i.e., preconsciousness, Mana-sense, Eve-sense) as heart, the “being forced” is named as gloomy acceptance.
(4) Delightful acceptance, when receiving adoptable or beneficial environment, body and heart are pleased, delightful; with Intent as heart, the “enjoyable delight” is named as delightful acceptance.
(5) Renunciative acceptance, when receiving neutral, neither adoptable nor adverse environment, body and heart are neither enjoyable delightful nor being forced, that is named as “neither bitter nor laugh acceptance”, what renunciative acceptance is. Because when people meet “neither laugh nor bitter acceptance”, the neutral feeling, people intent to abandon, give up, leave, therefore, the kind of acceptance is named renunciative acceptance.
Eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, and body-sense, the first five senses correspond to laugh acceptance, bitter acceptance, and renunciative acceptance. The sixth sense (i.e., intent-sense, consciousness) corresponds to all the five types of acceptances. The seventh sense (i.e., preconscious-ness, aka. Intent, Mana-sense, Eve-sense) corresponds to gloomy acceptance, renunciative acceptance, and delightful acceptance. Unconsciousness (anciently God-sense) corresponds only to renunciative acceptance, does not correspond to any other acceptances.
11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node
Think is one of Heart Subordinate Laws, is one of five omnipresent heartland laws, is by fetch image as nature. It generates the inner environment of the mind and facilitates the birth of all kinds of speech. Think Node is the total of the accumulation of thinking habits of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and intent, the six senses. Overall, there are two kinds of thinks: image think and non-image think.
Image Think is all states that heart (i.e. mind) is capable of fetching phenomena, then generating kinds of lingual speeches. The states have two significances, clarity and discrimination. In terms of the dependent roots, there are six kinds of image thinks that can be divided into thinks arising from the eye root, thinks arising from the ear root, up to thinks arising from the intent root. In terms of environmental boundaries, image thinks can be divided into thinks of the desire boundary (see Illustration 11-23), thinks of color boundary, and thinks of edgeless empty place, etc.
Non-image Think is absence of clarity or discrimination, or absence of both, in either the aggregative heart or the being aggregated environment. Non-image Thinks can be categorized into the following three types:
(1) Think of not good at talking, such as babies in desire boundary, etc., because they have not learned language, when they encounter environmental boundaries, although there are images, they can not discriminate and completely understand those colors.
(2) Think of Colorless Still, i.e., nirvana think, which is afar the ten phenomena: color, sound, scent, taste, touch, man, woman, birth, mutation, and extinction. Nirvana has no phenomena; think in nirvana is named as Non-image Think. Think is by fetching image as nature, if there are not phenomena, why would we call it a type of think? There is pervasively non-changing constant, such as or turquoise, or yellow, or red, or white. The constants are nameless numberless quantity-less, are not colors, not phenomena.
(三)有顶想,即是 “非想非非想处”想(如图1)。有义为三有,即欲界(如图11-23)、色界(图11-5至8)、无色界(图11-1至4)。这三种有,人人都有,故名三有。有顶的意思是三有之顶,三界之顶,即非想非非想天。在非想非非想处,虽有分别,想不明利,有情不能于境勾画种种相状,故名无相想。
(3) Have Summit Think is “neither think nor non-think place” (see fig. 11-1) think. Have means “three haves”, refers to the desire boundary (fig. 11-23), color boundary (fig. 5 to 8), and non-color boundary (figs. 11-1 to 4). “Have Summit” means it is top of the Three Boundaries, which is “neither think nor non-think sky”. In the sky, there is discrimination, but absent clarity, sentient being there can not outline kinds of phenomena, therefore think in the sky is named as Non-image Think.
Acceptance is the being fetched; Think is the capable to fetch. The two fetch hobbies drive all sentients busy day and night, months and years, therefore the two mountain like habits are accumulated, called acceptance node and think node, also known as “sky door mountain” (as shown in fig. 11-16).
11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node
Migration Node talks about behaviors of the heart (i.e., mind), is composed of 51 “heart subordinate laws” and 24 “non-corresponding migration laws” among the “5 Positions of 100 laws”.
行蕴的目录 Content of Migration Node: 心所有法 Heart Subordinate Laws; 遍行法 Omnipresent Laws; 别境法 Circumstantial Laws; 善法 Benevolent Laws; 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances; 随烦恼 Following Annoyances; 不定法 Uncertain Laws; 不相应行法 Non-Corresponding Migration Laws. 心所有法 Heart Subordinate Laws
Heart Subordinate Laws mean that these 51 laws are heart-kings’ servants, followers, also known as heartland laws. Heartland laws mean that the 51 laws are heart-kings’ tour places. Heart-kings refer to the eight senses: eye sense, ear sense, nose sense, tongue sense, body sense, intent-sense (i.e. consciousness), intent (i.e. preconsciousness, aka. Eve-sense), and unconsciousness (aka. God-sense). All heart subordinate laws are divided into six categories: Omnipresent Laws, Circumstantial Laws, Benevolent Laws, Fundamental Annoyances, Following Annoyances, and Uncertain Laws. 遍行法 Omnipresent Laws
遍行是说此作意、触、受、想、思,五法普遍通行于一切心、一切地、一切时。一切心就是眼识、耳识、鼻识、舌识、身识、意识、前意识、无意识,和善心、恶心、无记心。对于道德中性的法,人少有记忆,故名无记心。一切地就是九地,参见插图11-23 至31。一切时就是过去时,现在时,和未来时。
Omnipresence means that attention, touch, acceptance, think, and mean, the 5 laws are universally pervasive in all hearts, in all lands, and in all times. All hearts are eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, body-sense, intent-sense, pre-consciousness, unconsciousness, and the benevolent heart, ferocious heart, memoryless heart. For morally neutral laws, people have little memory, so it is called memoryless heart. All lands are the nine heartlands from figs. 11-23 to 31. All times are the past, present, and future.
(1) Attention means making intent, its nature is to alert heart, its karma is to lead heart to the being aggregated environment. Attention can drive intent, so it means "making intent". It can alert and instigate hearts and heartland laws that should arise in response to objective environment, and leads them to interest their own objective environment, which is Attention’s karmic usages.
(2) Touch is the threesome of root, sense, and environment. Discriminating mutations and letting heart and heartland laws to touch the environment is touch’s nature. Being depended by acceptance, think, and mean, etc. heartland laws is touch’s karma. Karma is bodily usages and functions of “bodily orally and intentionally habits”. At the beginning, environmental mutation happens at root place. Depending on the prior karma, currently touch is leading as function of heart (i.e., mind), which function is like a heart, to let heart and heartland laws to contact that mutant objective environment. The threesome can induce birth of acceptance that can receive the objective environmental mutation. The threesome also can induce the birth of think that can pick up the objective mutation phenomena, the same to mean, etc. heartland laws, and touch provides them power. This is saying that Touch’s karma is the being depended for Acceptance, Think, and Mean, etc. heartland laws.
(3) Acceptance, which nature is to receive favorable, neutral, and adverse environments, which karma is to arouse bitter, gloom, renunciation, delight, and laugh.
(4) Think, its nature is to fetch images to form environment; its karma is to construct and establish kinds of names and speeches.
(5) Mean, its nature is to cause heart to create, its karma is to labour heart in benevolent, neutral, and ferocious environment. Mean can distinguish good, evil, beauty, and ugliness, etc., which causes heart arousing good, evil, etc. bodily, orally, and intentionally karma. 别境法 Circumstantial Laws
Circumstantial Laws mean that the laws are circumstantial, appear in some environments, and there are five of them: desire, victorious interpretation, spell, stillness, and gnosis.
(1) Desire, its nature is to arouse hope in enjoyable environment, its karma is the being depended for Diligence. Desire is compatible with benevolent, neutral, and ferocious moralities; if arousing desire on benevolent laws, desire can arousal correct diligence, thus diligently advance, good deeds are achieved.
(2) Victorious Interpretation, on decided environment, its nature is to resiliently hold; its karma is that cannot be led to alter. The most typical Victorious Interpretations in Buddhism are also called the “Four Non-Hindrance Interpretations” (cf. section 16.9 "Benevolent Gnosis Heartland”).
(3) Spell, that is, read, curse, on the once-acquired environment, its nature is to make the mind clearly remember and not forget, its karma is the being depended for Stillness.
(4) Stillness, on being observed environment, its nature is to let heart focus, not be dispersed; its karma is the being depended for Intelligence. Stillness is bodily and mentally stable state, in which subjective and objective change correspondingly; also known as One Heart.
(5) Gnosis, on being observed environment, its nature is selection, its karma is severing suspicion. Gnosis is the heart of interpreting know, is a kind of intelligence; but in some ways, the two are opposites, the intelligence of establishing affair is intelligence, the intelligence of terminating affair is gnosis. In Buddhism, Vajra is often used as a metaphor for gnosis; in English, Vajra means philosopher's stone. 善法 Benevolent Laws
There are 11 benevolent laws: belief, shame, sin, greedless-ness, non-irritability, non-ignorance, diligently advance, light ease, non-indulgence, acting renunciation, harmlessness.
(1) Belief, it is ardently tolerant with and desire to factual fortunes and virtues, its nature is heart’s immaculateness, its karma is laughingly to do goods. Victorious Interpretation is tolerance, is reason for belief; laughingly desire is belief’s fruit. There are three kinds of belief. (A) Belief to factually haves, that is to deeply believe all actualities and principles, and to deeply believe in that tolerances can be haves. (B) Belief to Virtues, that is to believe in that Four Victorious Cruxes (cf. chapter 13 to 16) are factuality; beliefs can be haves, belief is have. (C) Faith to able, that is to all mundane and transcending mundane benevolent laws, deeply believe in that oneself and other, if willing to study, all can gain those achievements.
(2) Shame, by depending on one’s own juristic power, its nature is respecting sages and valuing benevolences, its karma is to stop and terminate ferocious behaviors.
(3) Sin, by depending on mundane power, its nature is to easily refuse ferocious behaviors, its karma is to stop and terminate ferocious behaviors.
(4) Greedless-ness, in have, and laugh etc. environments, its nature is non-obsession, its karma is to do goods.
(5) Non-irritability, in bitter and adverse etc. environments, its nature is absence of no vexation and hate, its karma is to do good. In addition, non-greed, non-irritability, correct spell and correct stillness are called the Four Juristic Traces in Buddhism, meaning that these four are the footprints (see fig. 11.4.4-2) left by ancient sages.
(6) Non-ignorance, its nature is interpretations clearly of life theories, or interpretations clearly of Four Cruxes theories, its karma is doing goods. Non-ignorance is one of the three non-defilement roots. What are the three non-defilement roots? Such as, a mundane fool sincerely believes in Buddha and is willing to learn and practice Buddhism, he or she has the first non-defilement root, root of unknowing what should be known. By the time he understands Four Victorious Cruxes (cf. chapter 13 to 16), he has the second non--defilement root, root of having known, which is non-ignorance. Upon proving Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, which is Sanskrit, English is Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, she is connect to the third non-defilement root, root of all knowing all seeing.
(7) Diligently Advance on affairs of cultivating benevolent laws and severing ferocious laws, its nature is valiant effort, its karma is to fulfill benevolence. There are five kinds of diligently advances: 1) armored diligently advance, i.e., having potency; 2) extra effort advance, i.e., having diligence; 3) non-inferior advance, i.e., having bravery; 4) no-retreating advance, i.e., valiant; and 5) unsatiable advance, i.e., not giving up on benevolent juristic traces.
(8) Light Ease is afar from heavy and rough uncomfortable feelings, body and heart are easily pleasant; its nature is trustworthy to carry duty, its karma is conversion. The Harmonious Contract Sutra says that this law is nourished by stillness, so it is afar from bodily heavy and rough. When meditation lovers gain Light Ease, they love it, are willing to study and practice more, not willing to speak dirty or behave badly to ruin Light Ease, hence Light Ease’s karma is conversion.
(十)行舍,行舍时的心即是平等正直之心;无功用住为性;静住为业。无功用住,又名无功用行,又名不用处定,又名止观,是修习者达到了“内无能取,外无所取”的修行阶段,安住于无所得的状态,进行 “出尘”来清理身心。
(9) Non-Indulgence is with the four laws of greedless-ness, non-irritability, non-ignorance, and diligently advance as its body. On affairs of nurturing benevolent laws and severing ferocious laws, non-indulgence’s nature is defending cultivation; and its karma is to fulfill all mundane and transcending mundane benevolent affairs.
(10) Acting Renunciation, while one is acting renunciation, its heart is even equality, straight forward; its nature is useless dwell; its karma is quietly dwell. Non-Usage Dwell, aka Functionless Migration, aka Not to Use Place Stillness, aka Samatha-vipassana, is practitioner who has achieved “inner has not human who is capable to fetch, outside there is nothing to be fetch”, is practicing “ousting dusts” to cleaning up the flesh body and mind.
(11) Harmlessness, not annoyed with sentient beings, its nature is non-irritability, its karma is sorrowfully sympathizing with sentient beings. 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances
Greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, and ferocious view, the six laws are the basis of all annoyances, are all annoyances’ first juristic quadrant (cf. section 11.1), therefore they are called fundamental annoyances.
(1) Greed is the desire to stay in a favorable environment, to feel pleasure, or to think craving thoughts. In have environments or laughable environments, its nature is dyeing obsessions; its karma is producing bitter.
(2) Irritability is the thinks of anger and rage in response to adverse environments. In bitter or hostile environments, its nature is vexation and hate; its karma is the being depended for ferocious behaviors.
(3) Ignorance, is also known as non-light, is the foolish thoughts in response to adverse and adoptable etc. environments, is unreasonable thoughts in response to the bitter and laugh etc. acceptances. On affairs and theories, its nature is muddles and gloomy; its karma is the being depended for miscellaneously dyed laws.
(4) Arrogance, depending oneself more than others, its nature is lifting high, its karma is to produce bitter. There are seven types of arrogances: (A) Arrogance, holding inferiority as one’s own victory, holding equality as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (B) Excessive Arrogance, counting equality as one’s own victory, holding victory as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (C) Arrogance Transcending Arrogance, holding victory as one’s own victory to lift heart high as nature. (D) I Arrogance, randomly holding something in five nodes as I and mine to lift heart high as nature. (E) Escalatory Arrogance, in the case of proving laws which is due to special victorious “escalatory factor (cf. section 14.1)”, including having proved minor laws indeed, saying those unattained laws as “I have proved” to lift heart high as nature. (F) Self-Contempt Arrogance, to other’s extraordinary fortunes and virtues counting as oneself is little inferior or little lessor, in this way he or she lifts heart high as nature. (G) Heretical Arrogance, to factually oneself not having those fortunes and virtues, illusively counting as oneself having those fortunes and virtues to lift heart high as nature.
(5) Suspicion, on theories in Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is hesitation; its karma is hindering those benevolences.
(6) Ferocious Views are upside-down inferencing theories of Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is to contaminate gnosis, its karma is to produce bitter. There are five types of ferocious views: Translocation Body View, Edge View, Heresy, View Fetch View, Precept Fetch View. 转移身见 Translocation Body View
Translocation Body View is the view of the self, which is the verbal self I, that is Seth Sky in Figure 11-14, whose nature is to hold the self and dependent objectives in the five nodes. Being depended by all view interests is its karma.
Translocation Body View can be divided into two, one is the "I" in daily speech, and the other is the “along thoughts ego” inside the mind mechanism. These two selves are called “Sakkaya” and “Manava” in Buddhism. In Christianity, Islam and Egyptian culture, the big self is called "Seth”, and the “along thoughts ego” is called "Abel". In German culture, they are called "I-sir” (Æsir) and "Magni". In Chinese culture, they are called "Chiyou" and "Fortune". In Mexican culture, they are called "Titlacauan" and "Quetzalcoatl". Titlacauan means "we are all its slaves". Quetzalcoatl means "ego in one day".
Translocation Body View can also be split from the view muddle and mean muddle, both of which are called "I". "I" means lord, executive. The view muddle is the view or opinion, and the mean muddle is the feeling of sentient beings towards things and affairs. Therefore, the “view muddle I" has feelings due to the “mean muddle I", and the “mean muddle I" has significances due to the view muddle "I".
There are two common ways to unfold the translocation body view matrix, one with twenty sentences and another with sixty-five sentences.
20 sentences of unfolding by five nodes:
1) Counting color node as I, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors.
2) Counting acceptance node as I, I have acceptances; acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances.
3) Counting think node as I, I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks.
4) Counting migration node as I, I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.
5) Counting sense node as I, I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
Of these five groups, the first is counted as subjective I, the remaining three are corresponding to the I, therefore, five of the twenty sentences are egos and fifteen are my objective views.
65 sentences of unfolding by five nodes:
(1) Using color node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am colors, I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belongs to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
(2) Using acceptance node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am acceptances, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me; I am inside senses.
(3) Using think node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am thinks; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances; I have migrations, migration belongs to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
4) Using migration node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am migration; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
5) Using sense node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am senses; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.
In each of these five groups of thirteen sentences, the first sentence in each group is ego, followed by four groups of my objective views. The three my objective opinions in each group of my objective views are each named: my tassel, my servant, and my vessel. 边执见 Edge Views (47 Heads)
Edge Obsession Views are also known as Edge Views, i.e., in which one goes along random obsessions of Severance, Permanence, Have, Nil, etc.; its karma is to hinder twelve growth places, four victorious cruxes, and ousting mundaneness. Severance view is obsessive view of severance and extinction, belong to nihilism. The Permanence view is obsessive view that the body and mind are permanent, and it belongs to the edge-view of have. The Nil views are Edge Views leaning to none.
(1) Permanence Theses (4 Heads)
(A) A mutant (i.e., mundane people) enters meditation stillness (see Illustrations 11-1 to 8), gets to recall what has happened during the past 20 catastrophes, and counts those sentient beings as everlasting and indestructible.
(B) A mutant recall what has happened since the past 40 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.
(C) A mutant recall what has happened since the past 80 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.
(D) A mutant with its swift intelligence or celestial eye (Celestial Eye, is bodily experiences to illustration 11-1 to 8), counts that present all sentient beings and mundane society are permanent.
(2) Both permanence and impermanence (4 Heads)
(A) A sentient being died in Big God Sky (Fig. 11.4.4-8), came and reborn in this world, gained Fate Intelligence (Cf. Section 10.7, Fate Intelligence), and, viewing the former places he or she came from, says that they, the Great God Skies naturally have, and have always been permanent, but we are converted by them, therefore are impermanent.
(B) Those skies, who had lost their stillness, died, and fell into this land for the sake of indulgence in games and laughs, then attained fate intelligence and knew where they had come from before, calculatingly said that the other beings, who did not laugh and indulge, are permanent there, that we, who play games and laughs, hence here the impermanent.
(C) Those sky crowd, who are born with heart with dyeing desires, for which they have lost their stillness and disappeared in non-intermittent karma, later gained fate intelligence, calculatingly said, "Those skies who are without phenomena and dyeing, are permanently dwell, my kinds, born dyeing desirous hearts, are the cause of the impermanent birth and death.
(D) A person with quick-wittedness, after discriminately meaning and calculation, counted that I and the mundane world as permanent and impermanent (i.e., God or soul is permanent, but the flesh body is not permanent).
(3) Have Thinks Theses (16 Heads)
(A) I have a color body after this and have thinks. (B) no color body but having thinks. (C) either having color or having thinks. (D) neither “having color and having thinks” nor “not having color and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to Color Node.
(E) Counting that I die here, and then there is an edge border, and there are thinks. (F) counting that there is not edge border, and there are thinks. (G) counting that either “having edge and having thinks” or “not having edge and having thinks”. (H) Counting that “neither having edge and having thinks” nor “not having edge and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to “Edge and Edgeless”.
(I) Counting that I end here, and then there are bitter and thinks. (J) Counting having laugh and having thinks.
(K) Counting that either “having bitter and having thinks” or “having laugh and having thinks”. (L) counting that neither having bitter and having thinks” nor “having laugh and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Bitter and Laugh.
(M) Count on my dying here, and then have one think. (N) Counting that there are several thinks. (O) Counting that there is a small think. (P) Counting that there is an infinite number of thinks. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Amount.
(4) Thoughtless Theses (8 Heads)
Thoughtlessness to Color Body: (A) after I die here, I will have color and no think; (B) either non-color or non-think; (C) either “having color and no think” or “no color and no think”; (D) neither “not having color and no think” nor “non-color and non-think”.
Thoughtlessness to Edge and Edgeless: (E) I end hereafter, edgeless borderless and no think. (F) edgeless and non-think. G) Either “having edge and non-think” or “edgeless and non-think”. (H) Neither “having edge and non-think” nor “edgeless and non-think”.
Since these are thoughtless theses, there are not the four sentences of non-think vs. bitter & laugh, nor are there the four sentences of non-think vs. amount, which eight kinds all are thought-inspired opinions.
(5) Neither Having Think nor Thoughtless (8 Heads)
The four sentences of “neither having think nor non-think” (Fig 11.4.4-1) to color, and the four sentences to edge, all are analogous to the Non-Think Theses available, and there are no four sentences of bitter and laugh, also not the four sentences to amount, also because of “neither having think nor non-think”.
(6) Severance Extinction Theses (7 Heads)
(A) This body of mine, which was formed by the Four Big Seeds (i.e., four basic elements, cf. section 11.2), born of parents, and raised by food and clothing, is impermanent and will eventually perish.
(B) This body of mine is not to be extinguished finally, is to be reborn in the Desire Boundary Skies (Figs. 11-9 to 15), which is to be finally extinguished.
(C) Desire boundary skies’ body will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn with all roots (eyes, ears etc.) in color boundary’s skies (Figs. 11-5 to 8), and when that recompenses are consumed, I will be extinct at last there.
(D) In the lands of color boundary, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Edgeless Empty Place” (Fig. 11-4) in non-color boundary and will be extinct at last there.
(E) In Edgeless Empty Place, I will not extinct finally; I will be reborn in Edgeless Senses Place (Fig. 11-3) and will be extinct there.
(F) In Edgeless Senses Place. I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in No Objectively Have Place (Fig. 11-2) and will be extinct there.
(G) In Not Objectively Have Place, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Neither Think nor Non-Think Place” (Fig. 11-1), after that recompenses are consumed, I will fall apart and be extinct there at last. 邪见 Heresies (15 Heads)
前文的边见可被归纳为四种:(一)执有,(二)执无,(三)亦有亦无,(四)非有非无。邪见,谓谤因果作用实事,及非前四见诸余邪执;总有四种: (一)无因而有;(二)有边无边想;(三)不死矫乱; (四)现法涅槃。
The preceding Edge Views can be categorized into four types: firstly, obsessions to have, secondly, obsessions to nil, thirdly, either have or nil, and fourthly, neither have nor nil. The Heretical Views are those that slander the reality of cause and effect, as well as those that are not the front four views; there are four types of them: (A) Non-reason for Have; (B) Edge and Edgeless Thinks; (C) Non-death Making Chaos; and (D) Present Life Is Salvation.
(1) Non-reason for Have (2 Heads)
(A) Someone who was first born in Thoughtless Sky (annotation, it is the fourth sky of the four-meditation sky, aka Longevity Sky, cf. section 13.2.4), fallen and reborn among human society, and then practiced meditation, saw that no heart and no thinks of the previous life, conclude that mundane has no reason, only counting as have.
(B) Some people discriminate them with quick-wittedness, and conclude that the world has no reason, but obsessions as haves.
(2) Edge and Edgeless Thinks (4 Heads)
(A) Somebody enters stillness (i.e., meditation state), sees that the world has edge border, then raises edge view.
(B) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world is edgeless, then raises edge-less view.
(C) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world has edges in nadir and zenith, but in eastward westward southward and northward, it hasn’t edges; or in four directions the world has edges, but in nadir and zenith, it hasn’t edges, therefore he or she arouses both edge and edgeless view.
(D) There are those who, with quick-wittedness, observe the world and have the view that the world is neither having edge nor edgeless.
(3) Non-Death Making Chao (4 Heads)
Some mutants serve the sky whose name is non-Death. When those non-Death sky servers encounter people who ask affairs of the non-Death sky, the first type of people terrorize ignorance, the second type of people with a flattering heart, the third type of people who has a horrible heart, and the fourth type of people who is stupid; these are all kinds of pretentious answers.
(4) Present Life Is Salvation (5 Heads)
(A) Some people say that I am now in Nirvana (i.e., absolutely salvation) in this body. I am happy in the present five desires, this body is Nirvana, and there is no more Nirvana after this. This is saying that Desire Boundary (Figs. 11-23) is Nirvana.
(B) Some refer to the Great God Sky (Fig. 11-8) of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(C) Some refer to the Light Sound Sky (Fig. 11-7) of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(D) Some refer to the Third Meditation Sky (Fig. 11-6) of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(E) Some refer to the Fourth Meditation Sky (Fig. 11-5) of Color Boundary as nirvana. 见取见 View Fetch (108 Heads)
View Fetch is short for “views abstracted from views”, which means that views and their rooting nodes are obsessed as the most superior, leading to immaculate Nirvana. Its karma is the basis for all conflicts. There are 108 types of View Fetches, and they are calculated as follows.
(A) For each of the six roots (eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, and intent-root) there are three kinds of acceptances (bitter, neutral, and laugh), which make up 18.
(B) For each of the six dusts (colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and laws), there are three environments (favorable environment, neutral environment, and adverse environment), which make up another 18; together, they are 36.
(C) Experiencing the past, the present, and the future, which together amount to 108. 戒取 Precept Fetch
Precept Fetch is short for “views abstracted from precepts and forbiddances”, which means to obediently follow the precepts and forbiddances and their dependencies, and to hold them to be the best, according to them one can gain salvation. Its karma is the basis for non-profitable bitter of diligent labours.
Isn't it right to keep the precepts? It is certainly true that obeying the precepts is sequential liberation, but Precept Fetches refer to those who take precepts without understanding the precepts, and those who do not understand the reasons for the forbiddances, indiscriminately obey what they consider to be theories derived from the precepts and forbiddances, such as that monks do not eat meat, that there are temples in India that feed flies and mice in the streets, that Islamists and Christians practice circumcision, etc. 随烦恼 Following Annoyances
These twenty annoyances have “equal-stream fruit” nature, therefore are called Following Annoyances; and are further subdivided into three categories. (1) resentment, (2) hate, (3) concealment, (4) rage, (5) jealousy, (6) stinginess, (7) deceit, (8) flattery, (9) harm, (10) contemptuousness, the ten laws, each arises separately, therefore are called Small Following Annoyances. The (11) shamelessness and (12) sinlessness are prevalent in all nonbenevolent hearts, so they are called Medium Following Annoyances. (13) drowsiness, (14) depression, (15) unbelief, (16) slackness, (17) indulgence, (18) lost spell, (19) agitation, (20) incorrect know, the eight laws are prevalent in all contaminated hearts, therefore are called Large Following Annoyances. 小随烦恼 Small Following Annoyances
(1) Resentment, to the present unfavorable environments, indignity is its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant (cf. section 11.1) as body, holding Crosier (i.e., stuff, club) is its karma. Crosier is a juristic stick, a walking stick, a campfire poker, but also can be used as a weapon like a club. Harmony Sutra says that “holding crosier” is saying from the rough and fierce occupying more percentage, in fact, also the vibrant colors (i.e., matter) include the ferocious filthy languages.
(2) Hate, due to earlier resentment, bosom with ferocities not giving up, tying up complaints is its nature; by irritation’s first juristic quadrant as body, heating up irritability is its karma.
(3) Concealment, in self-inflicted sins, fearing of losing profits and fames, hiding is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, regret and rage are its karma.
(4) Rage, due to earlier resentment, chasing triggering fervidity, brutal violence is its nature; by irritability’s first juristic quadrant as body, maggots and nippers are its karma.
(5) Jealousy, complying with own fames and profits, not countenancing other glories, grudge is its nature; by irritability’s first juristic quadrant as body, gloomily vexation is its karma.
(6) Stinginess, indulging in wealth and laws, not able to beneficially donate, secretly hiding and miserly saving are its nature; by greed’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is vilely amassment.
(7) Deceit, for gain on benefit or fame, cheatingly exhibiting virtues, fraud is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is heretical life.
(8) Flattery, for hoodwinking other, deceitfully saying strange majesties is its nature; by greed’s and ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is hindering being taught and instructed.
(9) Harm, non-sympathy on sentient beings, damaging and enraging other are its nature; by irritability’s first juristic quadrant as body, affiliating rage is its karma.
(10) Contemptuousness, deeply intoxicated in one’s own abundant affairs, intoxicated arrogance is its nature; by arrogance’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by miscellaneously dyed laws is its karma. 中随烦恼 Medium Following Annoyances
(11) Shameless, disregarding the laws of self, easily rejecting sages and benevolences is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, growing ferocious behaviors is its karma.
(12) Sinless, in defiance of the mundane world, reverence for violence and ferocities is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, growing ferocious behaviors is its karma. 大随烦恼 Large Following Annoyances
(13) Drowsiness, having heart unqualified to perform its duty on environments is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, hindering Vipassana (i.e., gnostic view) is its karma. Samatha-Vipassana is a Sanskrit word, often used in Buddhism.
(14) Depression, having heart disquietude on environments is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, hindering “acting renunciation” and Samatha (i.e., equality hold) is its karma. Disquietude is a common phenomenon of annoyances. The self-referential clamor of depression prevents aggregative hearts and laws belonging to hearts from being aroused to perform their normal functions.
(15) Unbelief, not countenancing and laughingly desiring to factual virtues and abilities, heart’s filths are its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is the being depended by laziness.
(16) Slackness, on affairs of severing ferocious laws and cultivating benevolent laws, laziness is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, its karma is to escalate contaminations.
(17) Indulgence, not dyeing immaculate laws, not defending cultivations, going with randomly intentions at large is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as its body, its karma is being depended by hate and damaging benevolence.
(18) Loss spell, on those objective environments, not clearly remembering is its nature; by ignorance’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by agitation is its karma.
(19) Agitation, on objective environments, having heart dispersed is its nature; by ignorance’s and suspicion’s first juristic quadrant as body, being depended by ferocious gnosis is its karma.
(20) Incorrect Know, on being observed environments, wrong interpretation is its nature; by ignorance’s and gnosis’ first juristic quadrant as body, regretting transgressions is its karma. 不定法 Uncertain Laws
Regret, sleep, seeking, and awaiting, the four laws uncertainly appear in benevolent laws, dyed laws, etc., not as if touch, attention, acceptance, etc. certainly pervade in all hearts, not like desire, resolution, spell, etc. certainly pervade all heartlands; therefore, they are named as Uncertain Laws.
(1) Regret, also known as Detesting Deed, abominating what had done past, chasing repentance is its nature; hindering Samatha (i.e., equality hold) is its karma.
(2) Sleep, having heart insufficient and gloomy, skipping on aggregate objective environments is tis nature; hindering Vipassana (i.e., gnostic view) is its karma.
(3) Seeking, having heart hasty, intentionally saying of environments by intention, having heart turning rough is its nature; by first juristic quadrant of mean and gnosis as body, having heart not quietly dwell is its karma.
(4) Awaiting, having heart hasty, intentionally saying of environments by intention, having heart turning slim is its nature; by first juristic quadrant of mean and gnosis first as body, having heart not quietly dwell is its karma. 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws
不相应行法从三义得名:(一)此位诸法无缘虑作用,故不与心法、心所有法相应;(二)此位诸法无质碍作用,故不与色法相应,也不与无为法相应;(三)此位诸法是生灭变异之法,所以也是行法。心不相应行法共有二十四位法:(一)有得,(二)命根,(三)众同分,(四)异生性,(五)无想定,(六)灭尽定,(七)无想异熟,(八 )名身,(九)句身,(十)文身,(十一)生,(十二)老,(十三)住,(十四)无常,(十五)流转,(十六)定异,(十七)相应,(十八)势速,(十九)次第,(二十)时,(二十一)方,(二十二)数,(二十三)和合性,(二十四)不和合性。
Noncorresponding Migration Law is named from three meanings: first, laws in this position have no aggregative heart function, do not correspond to Hearts and Heartland Laws; second, the laws have not substantial obstructive effects, do not correspond to Color Laws, also not corresponding to None-as Laws (cf. section 11.6.4); thirdly, the laws have birth, death, and mutation properties, therefore they are Migration Laws also. There are twenty-four Noncorresponding Migration Laws in total: (1) Have Gain, (2) Life Root, (3) Category Differentia, (4) Mutant Nature, (5) Thoughtless Stillness; (6) Extinctive Stillness, (7) Thoughtlessness Retribution, (8) Name Body, (9) Sentence Body, (10) Literary y Body, (11) Birth, (12) Oldness, (13) Dwell, (14) Impermanence, (15) Cycle; (16) Definite Difference, (17) Correspondence, (18) Potency and Velocity, (19) Sequence, (20) Time; (21) Direction, (22) Number, (23) Combinability, (24) Non-Combinability.
(1) Have Gain, based on the juristic differential position in sentient body and heart, three gains are established: (A) seed achievement, (B) self-sufficiency achievement, and (C) presently performance achievement. (A) Seed achievement. Seed is the meaning of root, cause, and escalation. In the sentient body, some laws that are not active but have the function of potential forces are seed achievement, such as the three non-defilement roots: root of unknowing which should be known, root of having known, and root of all knowing all seeing. The “root of unknowing which should be known” means that somebody interests to, wills to learn Four Cruxes (aka. Four Noble Truths), he or she has the root (or seed). When a man understands the four cruxes, he has the root of having known. After she proves the four cruxes, she has the root of all knowing all seeing (i.e., fig.11-2).
In Illustration 11-15, the second picture from left to right is Enlightenment Seed, which is the seed of “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception” (Sanskrit as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi). The seed is the making of these four great vows: Sentient beings are edgeless, I vow: I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow I study them all! Buddha’s path is non-upper, I vow I endeavor to succeed! The Bodhicitta (i.e., enlightenment heart) seed is also known as Bodhicitta precept, and Will Ark. (B) Self-sufficiency achievement means becoming an independent autonomous individual who is self-sufficient in his or her needs. (C) Performance achievement is that seeds are arising presently as bodily orally and intentionally behaviors.
(2) Life Root is the sentient life; depending on behaviors of preceding karma, unconsciousness’ mutant fruits succeeding-ly sustain the physical and mental life.
(3) Category Differentia is established according to category differentiae of sentient body and heart’s differentiation. For example, based on sentient beings' abidance and transgression by the Ten Fundamental Precepts, and according to their hearts, annoyances, and environments, they are categorized as the six interests: hell-interest, livestock interest, hungry-ghost interest, asura-interest, human-interest, and sky-interest (Illustration 11-1 to 22; Cf. Chapter 13).
(4) Mutant Nature, mutant is a synonym for mundane people, is established by its seeds of annoyances and knows. And annoyances and knows hinder mundane beings departing from their own natures, so the two are also called annoyance hindrance and know hindrance.
Annoyance hindrances are “mean annoyances”, also known as mean muddles, such as greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, and so on. Know hindrances are “view annoyances”, also known as view muddles, such as Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, etc. Annoyance hindrance and know hindrance are interdependent and pairs. Annoyance is recognized by know and know is felt by annoyance, so the two have the same head number and name. Annoyance hindrances are foolishness, ignorance, which can quietness, hinder nirvana. The know hindrance is like intelligence but not intelligence, and can obstruct intelligence and enlightenment, so it is also called the intelligence hindrance.
(5) Thoughtless Stillness, also known as Heartless Stillness and Longevity Sky, is one of the eight difficulties of life in Buddhism. The saying is that that a mutant who enters meditation and, with the intention to terminate thinks, continues to forcefully suppress preconsciousness (i.e., Eve-sense), day after day, month after year. Preconsciousness becomes thinner and thinner and is eventually snapped off. This meditator becomes a plant man or woman and dwells in the Longevity Sky waiting for the fruit of this Non-think Stillness to be consumed and then falls back to mundane world. Stillness is one heart state in which the subjective and objective change mutually, the person is even not a heart, how is that called a stillness? Because to terminate thinks is the first thing to go, and the body and mind are at peace, so it is called Thoughtless Stillness.
(6) Extinctive Stillness, also known as Terminating-Objective Stillness, is the state in which all objectives are terminated, is nirvana (i.e., Fig. 11-2 Non-Objective Sky). Nirvana is an None-as Law (aka Un-striving Law), so how can he or she also reach Nirvana when he or she makes such an effort to eliminate the objective objects, which is a Have-as Law (aka Striving Law)? In her or his efforts to act, she or he will surely experience many setbacks and failures, and there will be many moments of discouragement and losing heart, those frustrations or losing hearts correspond to unconsciousness’ renunciative acceptance, therefore also increase the presenting probability of nirvana.
(7) Thoughtlessness Retribution, i.e., Thoughtlessness Mutant Mature, is a brief phase of no-thought that may occur to meditator. Ancient Virtues explain that people often have negative or suicidal thoughts, thus planting the seed of thoughtlessness. When the seed is ripened by fumigation, it initiates the presentation. The ripening of thoughtlessness is a normal phenomenon and is harmless.
(8) Name Body, explains self-nature of laws, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, etc.
(9) Sentence Body explains the differences of laws, such as the saying, "The unconscious is the total root of the pre-consciousness, intent-sense, and body-sense, etc.; and pre-consciousness shiftily support the eye-sense or the ear-sense, etc., so becomes a continually updating work-platform of mind.”
(10) Literal Body, is words, is the basis for names and sentences.
(11) Birth is from none to have among migrations of “Category Differentiae”.
(12) Oldness is deterioration during the successions of migrations, changing into damage is old.
(13) Dwell is going along the course of the successions of migrations.
(14) Impermanence means fade and extinction during the successions of migrations. Impermanence is one of the Three Juristic Seals, the charter of Buddhism. The Three Juristic Seals are: migrations are impermanent, laws have no I (“I” means “Seth View”, lord), nirvana is quietness.
(15) Cycle, Sanskrit Samsara, means that six Interests of sentient beings are driftingly circulating in the three boundaries nine lands (see fig. 11) of the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, without rest or escape. Cycle is one of the seven true suchness (seven axioms) of Buddhism. For a detailed explanation, see Section 13.4 of Bitter Crux.
(十六)定异,就是差别,又作定数,基于因果的种种差别相而设立,如可爱果,妙行为因;不可爱果,恶行为因;在这些种种因果,展转差别相上,假立定异。例如下品十恶(参见13.1.3节)是饿鬼趣人的原因;此因果关系是固定的。再例如,进入了二禅(参见12.2.2节)的人,命终后,一定会在光音天重生;此因果关系是固定的。最后一个例子,上帝给自己的女儿夏娃(玉女)选丈夫,亚当(或金童),一定要有四禅的经历,因为有四禅经历的人能胜任去地狱取回 “人骨(即佛骨舍利,上帝自己的骨头)”并交给夏娃,使夏娃苏醒,成为世界第一,众生之母。
(16) Definite Differentiation is the difference, mutation, also known as Fixed Number, which is established on the differences of cause and effect. For example, the wonderful behavior is the cause of the lovable fruit, and the ferocious behavior is the cause of the unlovable fruit; the fixed differentiation is established on the differences of cause and effect. For example, the ten lower evils (see Section 13.1.3) are the cause of the hungry ghost interest people; this causal relationship is fixed. For another example, a person who has entered the second meditation (see Section 12.2.2) will be reborn in the Light Sound Sky after death; this causal relationship is fixed. The last example is that when God chooses the husband for his daughter Eve (Jade Girl), Adam (Gold Boy) must have experienced the fourth meditation (see section 12.2.4), because people who have experienced the fourth meditation are qualified to go to hell to retrieve the "human bones” (i.e. “Buddha's-bone abnegated-benefit”, God's own bones) and give them to Eve, so that she can wake up to become the worldly No.1 and the mother of all living beings.
(18) Potency Speed is established based on the swift flow of the law of cause and effect.
(19) Sequence, that is one by one in the flow of cause and effect.
(20) Time is established in the continuous flow of cause and effect. Based on the continuous succession of cause and effect, if this cause and effect has been born and extinguished, the past time is established; if it has been born and not extinguished, the present time is established; if it has not been born, the future time is established. Also, the Mundane-World is defined as between two times. Based on the characteristics of the transcendence and growth of unconsciousness (anciently known as God-sense), the ancients established Catastrophe Calendar. In the upper right corner of Illustration 11 is a Mexican catastrophe calendar stone. There are four medium catastrophes in a Mundane-World, namely, Establishment Catastrophe, Dwell Catastrophe, Damage Catastrophe, and Empty Catastrophe. Each Medium Catastrophe consists of 20 small catastrophes. One small catastrophe is composed by one increase and one decrease. The catastrophe calendar is generally used in places where time is slow or the logic of time does not exist, such as the hour and minute sky (see Fig. 11-12) and above and hell. In illustrations 11-12 to 9, time passes slowly, often calculated in thousands of solar calendar years. In the great god sky (see fig. 8) and above, the logic of time does not exist, so it can only be counted by the catastrophe calendar. Time in hell is unstable, sometimes forward and sometimes backward, so the catastrophe calendar is often used to count. But in the story of God creating man, storytellers often convert the catastrophe calendar of God Boy's fall into hell into the solar calendar. In the legend of China's God creating man, Yellow Emperor’s (i.e. Gold Boy’s) experience in hell was converted into 100 solar calendar years; so, it took the Jade Emperor a total of 200 solar calendar years to create man. The ancient Sumerians converted the catastrophe of Sumeru (i.e. Adam) during his time in hell into 300 solar calendar years, so Allah's 100 solar calendar years for creating man became 400 solar calendar years. The ancient Mexicans said that it took 600 years for Huitzilopochtli to create man. Readers should know that 500 years were calculated from the catastrophe when Mexico (aka. Gold Boy) fell into hell. It all took God three generations, or 100 solar years, to create human beings.
(21) Direction, according to the front, back, right, and left of substantial forms, four dimensions of east, west, south, north, and up and down directions are established. Religions in general all have content to talk about the mental world, the inner world, also known as Five Nodes World, such as the first chapter of Bible which tells a mind-mechanical parable in the Five Nodes World. Religions call the solar light world, the materialist world, as Vessel World.
(22) Number is set up on the one-by-one difference of the many color-hearts’ migrations.
(23) Combinability, i.e., the aggregation of the crowds of factors gathered. As in the case of the sense laws, cause and effect are successive, they must be reconciled by means of a multitude of factors: the roots must be intact, the environment must be present, and the attention to generate senses must arise properly. All other laws can be known in this way.
(24) Non- combinability, as is evident from the opposite of combinability. For example, God-sense (i.e., immaculate part of unconsciousness), also known as Fortune (i.e., God-sense), root of all-knowing all-seeing, and salvation, is non-combinable with aggregate, fetch, and have, because unconsciousness only corresponds to renunciative acceptance.
11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
识就是心,有三义:了别名识;思量名意;集起名心。集起复有三义: 一)心能收集储藏诸法的种子;二)心即是那些收集来的诸法种子;三)种子由熏习而生长,而心能将成熟的种子发起,使其成为现时身口意的行为。更多关于集起的解释参见14.1节的《集起》。
Sense is heart, has three significances: clear discernment is named as sense; mean and measurement are named as intention; Aggregate Arousal is named as heart. Aggregate Arousal has three significances again: first, heart can aggregate and storage juristic seeds; second, heart is those juristic seeds being aggregated; thirdly, juristic seeds grow by fumigation, and heart can arouse ripened seeds into performances, has them become bodily orally and intentionally behaviors currently. See section 14.1 for more explanation of Aggregate Arousal.
Among Buddhist 100 laws, there are eight positions of sense laws totally, namely, (1) eye-sense, (2) ear-sense, (3) nose-sense, (4) tongue-sense, (5) body-sense, (6) intent-sense, (7) preconscious-ness, and (8) unconsciousness. The seventh pre-consciousness is the mobile working platform of the former six senses. The eighth unconsciousness is the total root of the former seven senses, also known as the fundamental sense. The sixth Intent-sense, i.e., consciousness, in daily life usually includes the preconscious and the unconscious. The Sense Node is the sum of the karmic accumulations of the former six senses.
11.4.5-1 八识的定义 Definitions of the Eight Senses
(一)眼识,即见色之见。(二)耳识, 即闻声之闻。(三)鼻识, 即嗅香之嗅。(四)舌识, 即尝味之尝。(五)身识,即感触之感。(六)意识, 即知法之知。此六识,即见、闻、嗅、尝、感、知之义,还有六情之名。(七)前意识,佛教作末那识,神教作夏娃识,古人说其自身细微难辨,故用常随之而起的“意”来指代前意识。意是思量、意图、打算义;是第六识意识的根。前意识是思想意识的工作平台,随着意图的变化不断地自我更新着。
(1) eye-sense, which is the seeing of seeing colors. (2) ear-sense, which is the hearing of hearing sounds. (3) nose-sense, which is the smelling of smelling fragrances. (4) tongue-sense, which is the tasting of tasting tastes. (5) body-sense, that is, the feeling of feeling touches. (6) intent-sense, which is the know of knowing laws. The six senses are exactly seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and knowing; and they also have the name of six feelings. (7) preconscious-ness, is called Mana-sense in Buddhism, and Eve-sense in Godly religions. Ancients said that it is subtle and difficult to distinguish, so they use its major companion "Intent" to represent it. Therefore, we call Preconscious-ness as Intent in Buddhism. Preconscious-ness is root for six former senses, is ever updating work platform of heart (i.e., mind), which is constantly updating itself with the change of intention.
古人常用 步屈虫来比喻前意识的行为特点。步屈虫移动时,后脚总是抓着些什么;前脚在寻找落脚点,像似思忖着。前脚抓稳后,后脚跟进。前意识的行为特点与步屈虫非常类似,也总是抓着些什么,四处张望,思量着。前意识“执着的东西”有人随念自我的功能,古埃及人称之为亚伯,墨西哥人称作灵龙。当它发现并转移到新的目标之后,执着的东西也会更新,然后继续寻找新的前进目标。夏娃识(即前意识)执着的东西是前面衰败了的事物,属于亚当识(即无意识的污染部分)。
Ancient people often used "measuring worm" (see fig. to describe the behavioral characteristics of preconscious-ness. When the measuring worm moves, the back feet are always grasping something; the front feet are looking for a place to land, as if pondering. After the front feet have grasped something, the back feet follow. The behavior of preconscious-ness is very similar to that, preconscious-ness is also always grasping something, and looking around, pondering. When it discovers and moves to a new target, it renews its attachment, and then searches for a new target to move on to. The preconscious attachment, which has the function of internal along-thoughts ego, was called Abel by the ancient Egyptians, and Quetzalcoatl by ancient Mexicans. The attachment that Eve-sense's hold is the precedingly faded thoughts, and that belongs to Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of the unconscious).
因为夏娃识有上述的特点,古埃及人用给亚伯喂奶来表示那个女人是夏娃(如图11.4.5.1-2)。图中夏娃整齐的发饰表示“五百威仪十万八千魅力”(参见16.2节),就是上帝给夏娃穿上的女人皮。图3是古墨西哥夏娃,翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue),古墨西哥人也是用给灵龙(Quetzalcoatl)喂奶来标志她是夏娃的。翠玉女对面的是她的从菩提心生长出的菩提树。另外,前意识对语言的形成有促进作用,所以古人也称之为 增语触,义为对语言有增上的作用。
Because of the above characteristics of Eve-sense, the ancient Egyptians used the breastfeeding of Abel to indicate that the woman is Eve (see Figure Eve's neatly arranged pattern (motif) hair in the figure represents “500 majesties 108,000 charms” (cf. section 16.2), which is the woman's skin that God coated on Eve. Figure 3 shows the ancient Mexican Eve, Chalchiuhtlicue, who also signaled her status as Eve by breastfeeding Quetzalcoatl. The tree she is facing is her Enlightenment Tree that grows from her Ollin Heart (i.e., bodhicitta, the oath she took when she was child). In addition, preconsciousness has a promoting effect on the formation of language, so the ancients also call it as Escalatory Language Feeler, meaning that preconsciousness has escalatory function on language.
(8) The greatest characteristic of the unconscious is mutably mature. Mutable matureness means that the seeds in the unconscious are ripened by fumigation and mutation. Mutation is ripening because mutation can hold karma. Here is a brief description of the unconscious in the words of a poem by Tang Tripitaka, “Receiving the fumigation, holding the seeds, it is the root, the body, and the vessel world (i.e., the material world); leaving later, coming first, being the non-lord executive.”
11.4.5-2 八识与九地的相应 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Nine Heartlands
Nose-sense and tongue-sense exist only in Desire Boundary (Figs. 11-23). Eye-sense, ear-sense, and body-sense exist in the Five Interests Mixed Dwell Land (Fig. 23) and the Leave Producing Laugh Land (Fig. 11-24). The former five senses are absent in the third land (Fig. 11-25) and above. The sixth and seventh sense are prevalent in all the three boundaries nine lands, except for the Thoughtless Retribution and the Longevity Sky. The eighth sense, unconsciousness, prevails in all the three boundaries nine heartlands.
11.4.5-3 八识与环境的相应 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Environments
The 8 senses have 3 kinds of objective environments, namely, nature environment, solitary head environment, and qualitative environment. I) Nature Environment, which environment has its own nature, has factual function, is what the aggregative heart manifests after gain of the objective nature, has the following five significances. A) It is obtained from the present quantity. B) It has media qualities, such as a sound must have hearable media qualities. C) It is born from its own seed, can not be produced directly by the aggregative heart. D) It has factual function and usage. E) Its nature and boundary category do not change along heart’s change.
II) Solitary Head Environment, which is projected by the aggregative heart itself alone, its presentation is projected and held on by the internal thoughts, has not other nature. There are four states of mind studied in Buddhism, namely: A) the wakeful state of mind; B) the still state, i.e., hallucinational state, such as the phenomena talked in Chapter 12 Meditation; C) the state of dream; and D) the state of loose mind, such as the occasionally popping up thought by the mind on its own. The last three of these four states are all Solitary Head Environments.
III) Qualitative Environment, that the objective environment has its own based on quality, the subjective viewer can not get its real natural phenomenon. The kind of environment has following two types. A) Truly Qualitative Environment, means that heart aggregates heart, i.e., the sixth sense is to aggregate all other hearts and heartland laws, and the seventh sense alone aggregates view-quadrant of the eighth sense. B) Similar Qualitative Environment means that heart aggregates color (color means matter in Buddhism), the saying is that the projected objectives have similar quality to its own, such as according to sutra’s teaching to make view, which view is not the present environment aggregated by the former five senses.
The former five senses and the eighth sense only aggregate Nature Environments. The sixth sense can aggregate all the three types of environments. The seventh sense only aggregates Qualitative Environments.
11.4.5-4 八识与三量的相应 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Three Quantities
The quantities processed by eight senses have three types, namely Present Quantity, Metaphysical Quantity, and Non-Quantity.
I) Present Quantity is the environment being aggregated by the capable measuring heart, when the heart aggregates the objective phenomena, not having distinguishments and cognitions. Present Quantity has the three significances. A) It is the present time, not past or future. B) The object of cognition must be manifesting, i.e., it must be a law in the present position; seeds can not be Present Quantity. C) Presently have, the able heart and the being measured environment, both must be clearly presenting at front, mutually combined.
II) Metaphysical Quantity is measurement fruit obtained through speculative comparison and conjecture. For example, if you see smoke on a mountain, you know that there must be a fire there; if you see two horns outside your courtyard wall, you know that there is a cow outside the wall.
III) Non-Quantity is a collective term for “similar present quantity” and “similar metaphysical quantity”. Similar present-quantity is that there is distinguishing intelligence that takes measurements on environmental differentiations, such as a wise man who knows that vases and clothes, etc., which are born from treatment and discrimination, because of those significances not based on their self-phenomena. Similar metaphysical quantity, which arises in accordance with the similar causing intelligence at first, such as in the case of mistaking fog for smoke in a mountain and deducing that there is fire there. Another example is to see a vivid stone lion and be afraid, not thinking it is just a stone. The inability to understand correctly that it is a stream of the true but not the true is called the similar metaphysical quantity.
The former five senses and the eighth sense only aggregate present quantities. The sixth sense can aggregate all the three kinds of quantities. The seventh sense only aggregates non-quantities.
11.4.5-5 八识与道德的相应 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Morality
Morality can be simplified to the three kinds: benevolence, memoryless-ness, and ferocity.
I) Benevolence means the behavior that can benefit this and other generations. Eye-sense, ear-sense, etc., the former six senses have benevolent nature.
II) Ferocity means the behaviors can cause damages in this and other generations. The eye-sense, ear-sense, etc., former six senses have ferocious nature.
(1) 有覆无记,这是在说第七识,前意识,其行为是染污但不产生善恶业,此称无记。前意识的记忆像似计算机的内存,随时更新变化,此说前意识的有覆性。
III) Memoryless nature, morally neutral, neither good nor evil behavior leaves behind unrecorded karma, i.e., karma without memory or immaculate karma. There are two kinds of memoryless nature, namely, Convertible Memoryless-ness and Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness.
A) Convertible Memoryless-ness is saying of the seventh sense, preconscious-ness, its behaviors are contaminations, but it does not produce good or evil karma, which is called Convertible Memoryless-ness. Preconscious memory is like the memory of a computer, updating all the time, which means that preconscious-ness is Convertible.
B) Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness is talking about the eighth sense, unconsciousness. Many unconscious natures remain unchanged throughout life, and it does not distinguish good and evil, its nature can’t be contaminated, nor good and evil, hence name of Memoryless-ness. The Nonconvertible Memoryless-ness means that everything is remembered unconsciously from the time a person is born to the time of death, and the memory of its past experiences comes into play whether the person's consciousness remembers it or not.
Among the eight senses, eighth sense, unconsciousness, aka God-sense, is only nonconvertible memoryless nature; seventh sense, preconscious-ness, aka Eve-sense, is convertible memoryless nature. Eye-sense, ear-sense etc. former six senses have all the three ethical natures, which is saying that they appear as good nature when they are among good laws; when they are among evil laws, they show as evil nature.
11.4.5-6 八识与心所有法的相应 Correspondences between Eight Senses and Heartland Laws
The former five senses correspond to the 34 heartland laws (cf. section, which are the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws, namely, attention, touch, acceptance, think, and mean; the 5 Particular Environment Heartland Laws, namely, desire, resolution, spell, stillness, and gnosis; the 11 Benevolent Heartland Laws, namely, belief, shame, sin, greedless-ness, non-irritability, non-ignorance, diligently advance, light ease, non-indulgence, acting renunciation, harmlessness; the Fundamental Annoyances, namely, greed, irritability, ignorance; the 2 Medium Following Annoyances, namely, shamelessness and sinlessness; and the eight Large Following Annoyances, namely, drowsiness, depression, unbelief, slackness, indulgence, lost spell, agitation, incorrect know.
The sixth sense, intent-sense, corresponds to all the 51 heartland laws (cf. section
The seventh sense, preconsciousness, corresponds to the eighteen heartland laws, which are the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws, namely, attention, touch, acceptance, think, and mean; the 1 Particular Environment Heartland Law, gnosis; the 4 Fundamental Annoyances, greed, ignorance, arrogance, and Seth view; and the 8 Large Following Annoyances, drowsiness, depression, unbelief, slackness, indulgence, lost spell, agitation, incorrect know.
The eighth sense, unconsciousness, corresponds only to the 5 Omnipresent Heartland Laws: attention, touch, acceptation, think, and mean.
11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
All sentient beings live by these four foods.
(1) Period Food, formerly known as Combat Food, is the phase of deterioration, which means that in Desire Boundary, that one desires fragrance taste and touch the three dusts can be food matters when deterioration happens.
(2) Touch Food, formerly known as Laugh Food, takes heartland law Touch as its body, and touching environments as its phenomena, the saying is that touching delightful laughable affairs, assimilating delight and laugh etc. can be food matters, as in the case of watching a play, which is not eaten all day long without feeling hunger.
(3) Mean Food, formerly known as Spell Food, and in Bible as Mana food, with heartland law Mean as the body, hope as its phenomenon. The saying is that that Mean and Desire are both revolving, and the hope for lovable environments can be food matter. If a person is hungry or thirsty, and goes to the place of food and drink, he should have the Mean of food and drink, otherwise his health is in danger.
(4) Sense Food, holding on as its phenomena, is said that unconsciousness’ mutant fruits (cf. 11.6.1) flowing out continuously can hold sentient life, can be food matter. As in the Bible, God turns into a pillar of fire at night to warm the migrating beings, and into a great cloud during the day to shade them from the scorching sun, which is the function of God-sense, or unconsciousness, to maintain body temperature and perspiration.
11.5.2 橡子松子海草籽和玉米 Acorns Pine Nuts Seaweed Seeds and Maize
Having previously talked about the food that God-sense feeds Adam-sense Eve-sense and sentient in the mind mechanic fables, the following talks about the four foods that God feeds Adam and Eve after he has clothed them in human skin (see Fig. 11.5.2, right; cf. Section 10.9): acorns, pinon nuts, seaweed seeds, and maize. This legend is derived from the Fifth Sun in Mexican Codex (see Figure 11.5.2, left; see Section 15.4).
根据墨西哥神话,世界之初,造物主阿弥陀生来就是一对儿,名作自在男和自在女。那夫妻俩生了四个儿子,红藏、黑藏、白藏、和蓝藏,分别主宰东、北、西、和南方。600年后儿子们创造了世界万物,包括太阳(神)奥林·托纳修(Ollin Tonatiuh)。奥林·托纳修就是插图11.5.2左图中间的那张脸,本义为 “奥林运动的冠军上前来发光” 。古墨西哥人认为太阳(神)每天东升西降,经历风霜雨雪,损耗很大,需要定期予以补充或重造。再造太阳(神)就是再次举办奥林运动,赛出冠军成为新的太阳(神)。但是举办奥林运动需要神和人为之牺牲。
According to Mexican mythology, in the beginning, the creator Ometeotl, who was both male and female, also known as couple of Tonacacihuatl and Tonacateuctli, gave birth to four sons, the Tezcatlipoca-s of the East, North, South, and West. After 600 years, the sons created the world, including the creation of Sun (God), Ollin Tonatiuh. Ollin Tonatiuh is the face in the center left of Illustration 11.5.2, which originally meant "Ollin champion comes forth to shine". Ancient Mexicans believed that the Sun (God), which rises and falls every day and undergoes rain and wind, wears out greatly and needs to be replenished or recreated periodically. Re-creation of the Sun (God) is to organize the Ollin Games again, the winner of the race to become the new Sun (God). However, to organize a new Ollin Movement requires Gods and men to be sacrificed for it.
11.5.2-1 橡子 Acorns
虎劫是太阳石(如插图11.5.2左所示)的第一象限。橡子是虎劫中,神父喂养金童(即亚当)和玉女(即夏娃)的食物。古墨西哥人把造太阳(神)的世纪工程分成了四个阶段,分别是虎劫、风劫、雨劫、和水劫。虎字是说奥林运动的发起者不是一般人,他有什么特殊的?约公元1285年,中美洲的青松石王子(Turquoise Prince)决定牺牲自己,发起新的奥林运动,他将把墨西哥帝国送给新的奥林冠军。
Tiger Catastrophe is the first quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (shown on the left in Illustration 11.5.2). Acorns were the food that the Godfather fed the Gold Boy (i.e., Adam) and Jade Girl (i.e., Eve) during the Tiger Catastrophe. Ancient Mexicans divided the century project of recreating Sun (God) into four stages, namely, Tiger Catastrophe, Wind Catastrophe, Rain Catastrophe, and Water Catastrophe. The word Tiger means that the sponsor of the Ollin Movement is not an ordinary person; what is special about him? Around 1285 CE., Turquoise Prince of Central America decided to sacrifice himself to launch a new Ollin movement, in which he would give the Mexican Empire to the new Ollin champion.
Turquoise Prince sacrificed 500 boys to the ancient god Tlaloc (see Figure Figure 2 shows a mother holding Mexico, who suffered from infantile neurodevelopmental disorder due to the sacrifice. Because of the disease, Mexico's eyes are a little special (see Figure 3, cf. Chapter 3 "Flesh Eyes Through"), which is the first sun created by Turquoise Prince. Figure 4 is the young Mexico. Figure 6 is Uncle Maize feeding acorns to Mexico at the order of Turquoise Prince. Figure 10 shows that when Mexico grew up, he turned black because of eating the acorns and became the Black Tezcatlipoca, the god of north. What is the acorns?
图6下半幅显示那橡子是由从灵水中生长的橡树结出的果实。图8显示内圈是个可以转动太阳石的密码,所以笔者认为那橡子相当于四大种(参见11.2节)之类的基本理论概念。佛教中,地水火风四大种亦被称作种子字。就学那么几个字,金童就成为北方不空成就佛了?《佛学次第统编》说, “界(即地)这一个字就值一尊佛!”
The bottom half of Figure 6 shows that the acorns are the fruits of an oak tree that grows from spiritual water. Figure 8 shows that the inner circle is a code for turning the Sun Stone Calendar, so author me believes that the acorns are equivalent to basic theoretical concepts such as the Four big Seeds (see Section 11.2). In Buddhism, the four big seeds of earth water fire and wind are also known as four seed words. Just by learning a few words like that, the gold boy became the “Northern Non-Empty Achievement Buddha”? The Compendium of Buddhism says, "The single word of Boundary (i.e., earth) is worth a Buddha!"
11.5.2-2 松子 Piñon Nuts
Wind Catastrophe is the second quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (as shown in Illustration 11.5.2, left) and speaks of the Gold Boys and Jade Girls growing up quickly in a stormy, ever-changing environment. The wind is one of the four big seeds (i.e. four basic elements, ref to section 11.2) in the five-node world (commonly known as the netherworld), is the ever-changing environment. During the wind catastrophe, Turquoise Prince sacrificed six young girls, including his own daughter, Chalchiuhtlicue (shown in Figure, to the ancient goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. Mexican legend has it that the god feeds pine nuts to human during wind catastrophe; what are those pine nuts? The life cycle of this pine tree is 600 years, so the pine nuts represent a classic case of a systematic human creation by God in one Godly Cycle, i.e. Spiritual Catholicons (shown in Figure 3). When a person eats such Spiritual Catholicons (i.e., cases), the cases (i.e.,Spiritual Catholicons) gradually becomes parts of the person's soul (as shown in Figure 4). Figures 5 and 6 show that Turquoise Prince feeds many Spiritual Catholicons to the Gold boys and Jade Girls.
图7显示蔻忑鹠鸺 (Coatlicue)正在喂食玉女们灵丹(即上帝造人的案例),即正在给她们讲七色鹿佛(即太阳神阿波罗;参见15.2节《鹿乘教》)的故事。图8显示蔻忑鹠鸺正在为玉女们展示 “千手观音” 的五百威仪十万八千魅力,正在教玉女们如何下蛊(种腐尸虫)。同时,她也对玉女们展示了自己的秘密,即她的力量源自上帝(即青松石王子)。她腰带上的骷髅头是她丈夫的。当青松石王子死后,她就把他的颅骨挂在自己的腰带上了。
Figure 7 shows Coatlicue feeding the Jade Girls with spiritual catholicon (i.e., the cases of God creating human), that is, telling them the story of the Seven-Color Deer Buddha (i.e., the sun god Apollo; see Section 15.2, "Deer Vehicle Religion"). Figure 8 shows Coatlicue showing Jade Girls her “500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms” (cf. section 16.2) of "Thousand-Hand View-Sound Bodhisattva" and teaching them how to “project carrion beetle” on other people. At the same time, she also showed them her secret, that her power come from God (i.e., Turquoise Prince). The skull on her belt is her husband's. When Turquoise Prince died, she hung his skull on her belt.
Figure 9 shows Turquoise Prince presiding over the Ollin Movement, disqualifying two Gold Boy candidates. Figure 10 shows that in his youth, Mexico (aka. Tlaloc, Gold Boy, and Jaguar) has become a scholar and is discussing recommending outstanding people to go on a blind date with princess Chalchiuhtlicue. Others think this is a good opportunity to get promoted and make money, but Mexico thinks it is a good opportunity to obtain the secret of Tree of Life.
Figure 11 shows Mexico (aka. Jaguar) dating princess Chalchiuhtlicue. The lower left corner of the picture shows that during their conversation, he stole a box of Spiritual Catholicons from Chalchiuhtlicue. The back half of Chalchiuhtlicue's face is black, indicating that she is doing something wrong and is projecting carrion beetle on Mexico. The upper half of Figure 12 shows that Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue are secretly helping their daughter Chalchiuhtlicue to steal (to traumatize) Mexico's heart.
The relationship between Chalchiuhtlicue and Mexico was not harmonious. Time passed, and both were past the normal age of marriage. Turquoise Prince threatened that he would not be able to see Chalchiuhtlicue and Mexico marry, he would die with his eyes wide open. Mexico was afraid that Turquoise Prince would force him to marry Chalchiuhtlicue, so he fled (as shown in Figure 13). In the picture, he is carrying a fruit tree on his back, indicating that he has been severely traumatized by Chalchiuhtlicue and has latent psychosis. Five or ten years later, when the fruit of hell (i.e. latent psychosis) matures, he will fall into hell (i.e. suffer from mental illness).
11.5.2-3 海草籽 Seaweed Seeds
Rain Catastrophe is the third quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (shown on the left in Fig. 11.5.2), which means that it always rains in Mexico's world because he was accompanied by a Misfortune. What is a Misfortune? A happy laughing Jade Girl (aka. Eve) is a Goddess, is a Fortune; a sad weeping Jade Girl is a Misfortune. In the Rain Catastrophe, it always rains in Mexico’s world, because goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, due to her father's death with eyes open, was always grouchy toward him.
Many years later, Mexico heard that the Turquoise Prince had passed away (as shown in Figure, and he fell ill (i.e., fell into hell, as shown in Figure 3). He did not understand why his first half life was entangled with the Turquoise Prince (whose name after death is Huitzilopochtli). One day in the following five hundred years, he suddenly recalled the scene when Huitzilopochtli made “Flesh Eye Through” (cf. Chapter 3) for him when he was one year old, and he gained “Fate Through” (cf. Chapter 10). Note: In legends, this rain catastrophe is usually converted into five hundred solar calendar years. At that time, his mother was holding him in her arms, worried and anxious (as shown in the front of the statue in Figure 3, where Mexico holds a sick child).
人三岁以前的记忆力量强大,在墨西哥文化中被称作灵龙,中华文化中被称作大力神和福,日耳曼文化中被称作马格尼,基督教和伊斯兰教中称作亚伯。图4显示墨西哥在灵龙的作用下,从地狱里飞出来了;他正沿着古代圣人的足迹,去继承左翼蜂鸟的王位,并且要把左翼蜂鸟作为上帝发射到墨西哥的天空, 开始墨西哥帝国。
The memory of a person before the age of three is very strong. It is called Quetzalcoatl in Mexican culture, Great Strength God and Fortune in Chinese culture, Magni in Germanic culture, and Abel in Christianity and Islam. Figure 4 shows that Mexico, by the function of Quetzalcoatl, flying out of hell; He was following in the footprints of the ancient sages, going to inherit the throne of Huitzilopochtli, and to launch Huitzilopochtli as God into the Mexican sky, to start Mexican Empire.
At this stage, Mexico (a.k.a. Gold Boy, Jaguar, Tlaloc) was changing from Gold Boy to Jaguar, and gradually to Tlaloc. His Gnostic Eye was gradually opened, and he saw that the American continent, along with countless ancient civilizations, had sunk into the bitter sea (as shown in Figure 5). The Spiritual Catholicons, which were previously regarded as treasures, were now, under the function of his Gnostic Eye, like seaweed seeds, everywhere; so Mexico extracted countless seaweed seeds (i.e., Spiritual Catholicons, elixirs, as shown in Fig. 6) from the debris of the ancient civilizations. This Gnostic Eye is the third sun made by Huitzilopochtli.
回国的途中,墨西哥发现代理国王翠玉女要杀自己,因此她和她的母亲蔻忑鹠鸺 (Coatlicue)打起来了;他就躲进了蔻忑鹠鸺的庙。过了很长时间,墨西哥认为自己的第一目的是让左翼蜂鸟成为新的太阳神,太阳神价值一百年的全世界GDP,而自己成为墨西哥国王的价值微不足道,就对人说,“我不是特拉洛克,我只是大西洋里的一只乌龟。”墨西哥是什么意思?
On his way back, Mexico found that the acting king, Chalchiuhtlicue, was trying to kill him, so she fought with her mother, Coatlicue; so, he hid into the temple of Coatlicue. After a long time, Mexico, believing that his first purpose was to make Huitzilopochtli the new Sun God, that God is worth 100 years of Global GDP, and that its own value in becoming the king of Mexico is negligible, said to the people, “I'm not a Tlaloc, I'm just a turtle from Atlantic Ocean.” What does Mexico mean?
墨西哥放弃了王位的继承权,而且乌龟是妓院里男佣的别名儿。插图6还显示了墨西哥对翠玉女的暗示 “如果婚礼后的第二天早晨你杀了我,那我辛辛苦苦收集来的这些草籽(即灵丹)都将落回海底,你再也看不见了!” 翠玉女看墨西哥无心和她争夺王位,又这么谦卑,就同意和他结婚了(如图7和8所示)。俩人结合成了一位新的双身神(或佛):阿弥陀。
Mexico gave up his right to inherit the throne, and turtle is another name for the male servant in brothel. Illustration 6 also shows Mexico hinting to acting king Chalchiuhtlicue, "If you kill me the morning after our wedding, all the seaweed seeds (i.e. Spiritual Catholicons) that I have collected with great effort will fall back to the bottom of sea, so you will never see them again!" Seeing that Mexico had no intention of competing with her for the throne and was so humble, Chalchiuhtlicue agreed to marry him (as shown in Figures 7 and 8). The two combined to form a new two-body God (or Buddha): Ometeotl.
11.5.2-4 玉米穗 Maize Cob
Water Catastrophe is the fourth quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (as shown in the left illustration 11.5.2). It says that after Chalchiuhtlicue became the mother of all livings, she aroused a big flood, destroyed the old world, and created a new world called Mexico. In this new world, Mexicans eat corn cobs. So, what are the big flood and corn ears?
The Big Flood means that Chalchiuhtlicue, as the king, launched a cultural revolution, abolished the previous gods and goddesses, changed the country's name to Mexico. The Mexicans worship Huitzilopochtli as new Sun God (Called “Great Sun Tathagata” in Buddhism), Mexico and Chalchiuhtlicue as Mexican primogenitors, Coatlicue as the new Guardian Goddness of Godly Cycle (called “South Sea View-Sound Bodhisattva” in Buddhism), and Mexico's revelation teacher Uncle Maize as the new Maize God (called Lamplighter Buddha in Buddhism). Buddhists worship these five positions as the Five Buddhas. Among them, the gold boy (Adam) is Shakyamuni, and the jade girl (Eve) is Guanyin (i.e. View-Sound) Bodhisattva.
Figure shows that after their wedding, Chalchiuhtlicue showed Mexico her plan to create the Mexican Codex. She wanted to select 1,001 Spiritual Catholicons (aka. Sage’s Pearls and Sky Pearls) from the seaweed seeds, and then use the theory and process of Huitzilopochtli creating humans as clues to tie the 1,001 Spiritual Catholicons into a dragonfly eye tower. Figure 3 is Mexico's portrait currently. His body is like a big auspicious cloud, filling the sky. Figure 4 is the portrait of Chalchiuhtlicue, showing her language talent, speaking fluently, turning the big juristic cloud filled with water of merit into many splendid articles that fell from the sky. The two wove the clues of the story of Huitzilopochtli creating Sun (God) into a net (as shown in Figure 5) and connected the 1,001 Spiritual Catholicons into a maize cob (as shown in Figure 6), to commonwealth with the Mexicans (as shown in Figure 7). This is the Mexican Codex we see today, also known as the Painted Book (as shown in Figure 8).
11.6 五果 Five Fruits
Tree of Life bears five kinds of fruits, namely, Mutant Fruit, Equal Stream Fruit, Warrior’s Usage Fruit, Off-is Fruit, and Escalator Fruit.
11.6.1 异熟果 Mutant Fruit
Mutation, is the main characteristic of unconsciousness. Mutation is ripening because it can keep karma. Karma is the behavioral habits of the body, mouth, and intention. The present behaviors of body, mouth, and intention are the performance of karma accumulated in the past, so karma is the bodily orally and intentional behavior. Mutant Fruits means that the juristic seeds collected by unconsciousness grow in life by being fumigated, and ripen in different species, in different places, at different times. What are the juristic seeds? As for the “5 positions 100 laws” explained in the Tree of Life, all are juristic seeds. What is the said different species? As for the 100 laws in the chapter are all sentient, are categorized into five positions, and more sub-positions, what can be viewed as such a few different sentient species. What is the said different locations? As for any behaviors of present, their mutant fruits may ripen at any heartlands in illustration 11-23 to 31. What is the said different time? As for any behavior, its mutant fruit may ripen in 3 months, in 3 years, in 10 years, or in 30 years.
Unconsciousness self is the self-fruit; the mutant fruit is the manifestation of unconsciousness’ mutation. As soon as the mutant fruits in unconsciousness are ripe, many of them flow out like waterfall streams, constant and continuous, which can maintain the body's life and karma, and thus sentient beings have their life root and karmic power. In the analysis of causality, mutant fruit is in a category of its own, the cause of mutant fruit is mutation.
11.6.2 等流果 Equal Stream Fruit
Fruits are like causes, same category or similar fruit laws, the former leading the latter, continually flowing out from Tree of Life are named as Equal Stream Fruit. The former leading the latter is saying that former benevolent fruits lead succeeding benevolent laws, the being led latter fruits and the former causes are similar; former memory-less karma draws the flow of the latter memory-less karma of the same kind to follow; the front ferocious spells of ferocious behaviors attract the evil karma that follows, the fruits are similar to the reasons, hence flowing out. The fruits are dominated by preconscious-ness though, sages say, it should be considered that this is a function of the heart (i.e., mind) as a whole and that there are Equal Stream Fruits in all the eight senses.
In the analysis of causation, equal stream causes consist of three kinds of causes: omnipresent migration cause, correspondence cause, and same category cause. The omnipresent migration cause means that the five Omnipresent Heartland Laws (cf. section are ubiquitous and can be the causes. Corresponding causes, e.g., when preconsciousness arises, its corresponding 18 associative heartland laws (cf. sense node) will arise; when intent-sense (i.e., consciousness) rises, its corresponding 51 correlative heartland laws (cf. sense node) will also be waiting for the opportunity to move; and when acting renunciation, unconsciousness (anciently known as God-sense, Fortune) will appear. Same category causes are such as victors in preconsciousness attract the same kinds of interests distributed in the three boundaries nine heartlands (see figs. 11.6.2) to partake of the lovely fruits.
In a broader sense, equal-stream fruits are also mutant fruits. Among the five fruits, mutant fruit, warrior’s usage fruit, and escalatory fruit, each can assimilate all causalities. To distinguish the five fruits, should look at the dependent places: dependent place of habits, life tree bears mutant fruits; dependent place of obedience, life tree bears equal-stream fruits; dependent place of warrior’s usage, life tree bears warrior’s usage fruits; dependent place of true view, life tree bears off-is fruits (i.e., liberation fruit); all other dependent places, life tree bears escalatory fruits.
The following is illustrations of equal-stream fruits in terms of the cause and effect of the ten evils and ten goods.
I) Cause and effect of killing livings, the crime of killing can cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths (cf. Figs. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among human beings, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: short life, and many illnesses. If leaving killing, achieves the Ten Laws of leaving annoyance: (1) pervasively donating fearlessness to sentient beings; (2) constantly with great merciful heart to sentient beings; (3) permanently severance off all habits of irritable indignity; (4) constant absence of disease in body; (5) longevity; (6) constant guardianship from non-humans; (7) constant absence of nightmares and enjoyment of delightful sleep; (8) extinction of complaining ties, and self-solutions of all grudges; (9) absence of terrors from ferocious paths; (10) will escalate to sky at end of the life.
II) Cause and effect of stealing, the crime of robbery and theft also cause sentient to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among human beings, gain the two types of fruit retributions: poverty, and insufficient on commonwealth. If leaving stealing, gain the ten kinds of belief laws: (1) accumulating wealth to fulfillment; (2) being loved and spelled by many; (3) not to be bullied; (4) being praised in ten directions; (5) not worrying losses and damages; (6) good reputations spreading prevailingly; (7) being fearless in crowds; (8) wealthy fate, colorful power (color means matter, substance in Buddhism, so here it means physical; cf. color node), and ease-fully enjoying eloquence; (9) always bosom renunciative intentions; (10) escalating to sky at the end of life.
III) Cause and effect of heretical sexuality, the crime of heretical sexual conducts also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: wife is unchaste; cannot get agreeable affiliations. If leaving heretical sexual behaviors, gain the four kinds of intelligences praised by all: (1) all roots are concordant; (2) forever left from clamor; (3) being praised by mundane beings; (4) wife not being intruded.
IV) Cause and effect of delusive speech, the crimes of delusive speeches also cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious interests (Fig. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among humans, receives two kinds of fruit retributions: being slandered often; being deceived by others. If afar delusive speeches, gain the eight honorable laws praised by skies: (1) a constantly immaculate mouth, like fragrant flower in a beautiful vase; (2) faithfully believed by all mundane beings; (3) speeches are readily testified, are respected and loved by humans and skies; (4) always consoling sentient beings with lovable words; (5), gain victoriously intentional laughs, with bodily, oral, and intentional, the three kinds of immaculate karmas; (6) no mistakes in speeches, the heart always rejoices; (7) speech is respected and valued, humans and skies follow it; (8) intelligence and gnosis are superiorly victorious, no one who can subdue it.
V) Cause and effect of flowery speeches, the crime of flowery speeches also causes sentient beings to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: words are not believed, and speeches are not clear. If leaving away flowery speeches, gain the three kinds of certainties: (1) being loved by the wise; (2) capable to answer questions factually by intelligence; (3) definitely the most victorious virtues and majesties among humans and skies, without illusions.
VI) Cause and effect of ferocious mouth, the crime of ferocious mouth also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two fruit retributions: often hearing ferocious voices; words are more about expostulations and litigations. If leaving ferocious mouth, soon can achieve the eight kinds of immaculate karma: (1) words do not misbehave; (2) speeches are beneficial; (3) words definitely concord to principles; (4) sayings and words are wonderful; (5) speeches are agreeably acceptable; (6) speeches are trustworthy and useful; (7) speeches are free from ridicule; (8) sayings are all lovable and laughable.
VII) Cause and effect of two-tongue (i.e., sowing discord among people), the crimes of two-tongue also cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gains two kinds of fruit retributions: family members leave him or her; relatives and clansmen despise him or her. If leaving two-tongue, gain the five indestructible laws: (1) gain of an indestructible body, because of none the capable to harm him or her; (2) gain of an indestructible family, because of none the capable to separate them; (3) gain an indestructible belief, which is obedient to one's own karma; (4) gain indestructible juristic behaviors, because of solid cultivation; (5) gain of indestructible benevolent knowledge, because of not deceiving and suspecting.
VIII) Cause and effect of greedily desire, the crime of greedy desire also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths (see fig. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among human beings, gain the two fruit retributions: heart without contentment; insatiable multi desires. If leaving greedy desires afar, soon achieve the five kinds of self-sufficiencies: (1) three karmas self-sufficiencies, because of having all the roots; (2) financial assets self-sufficiency, because all resentful thieves can not take them away; (3) fortune and virtue self-sufficiency, because everything is available at one's own will; (4) king’s throne (note 1) self-sufficiency, because all the treasures and wonders are offered; (5) all things gained are a hundred times more than one could ever ask for, because one did not be stingy and jealous in the past.
Note 11.6.2-1, All Buddhists are authentic children of God, and so all are juristic princes, juristic princesses, juristic kings, and juristic queens. This is a Buddhist tradition.
IX) Cause and effect of irritable indignity, the crime of irritable indignity also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two fruit retributions: always being asked for faults and deficiencies; often being annoyed and harmed by others. If leaving irritable indignity afar, soon gain the eight kinds of delightful heart laws: (1) harmless heart; (2) non-irritable heart; (3) no heart of expostulation and litigation; (4) soft and qualitative upright heart; (5) gain of sagely merciful heart; (6) always to do beneficial profit to comfort sentients’ hearts; (7) decent bodily appearances are respected by crowds; (8) due to harmonious countenances, speedily aboard godly environment.
X) Cause and effect of heretical views, the crime of heretical views also can cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, receive the two fruit retributions: born in heretical family, with a flattery heart. If leaving heretical views afar, soon gain the ten kinds of virtuous merit laws: (1) gain of intentional laugh of true benevolence, and true benevolent companion, etc.; (2) deeply belief in the cause and effect, rather than perish not to do evil; (3) only converting to Buddha (note, Buddha is a Pali word, means perception), not other skies, etc.; (4) straightforward heart with correct views, leaving afar from suspenseful net of all the auspicious and ominous for ever; (5) constantly reborn among humans and skies, not going to the ferocious paths; (6) infinite quantity of fortune and gnosis, and turning to be more victorious; (7) behaving on correct path, to be far away the heretical paths forever; (8) not arousing Seth-view, and giving up all the ferocious karmas; (9) dwelling on non-hindrance views; (10) not falling into all kinds of difficulties.
11.6.3 士用果 Warrior’s Usage Fruit
士用果,是作者借助于工具媒体等所做事业,如农夫之于庄稼收获谷麦,商贾之于货物仓储运输获得金钱利润,僧道之于道果为他人解惑超渡。士用果的原因是 “能”,称作能作因,圣经用词 “亚伯”(义为能;如图11.6.3-8),亦作观待因,即人的主观能动性。能作因是集起四缘(能缘缘,所缘缘,等流缘,增上缘;参见14.1节)中的能缘缘。那这 “能” 是个什么东西?
Warrior usage fruit, which is the undertakings done by the maker with the help of tools and media, such as farmers harvesting crops, merchants warehousing and transporting goods to obtain monetary profits, and such as, monks and nuns using Off-is Fruits to solve donatory muddles and transcendentally ferry them. The cause of Warrior Usage Fruit is “able,” called “Able Reason”, the Biblical word for it is “Abel” (meaning able; see figs. 11.6.3-8), and known as “reason of watching-that await-here”, that is, human subjective initiative. The “Able Reason” is the first factor among Aggregate Arousal’s (cf. 14.1) four factors: able-to-aggregate factor (i.e., subjective), being-aggregated factor (i.e., objective), equal-stream factor, escalator factor. Then, what is this “able”?
“能”是前意识(夏娃识)执着的 “前念衰败后的痕迹”,有思想机制中内部的“随念自我”的功能。佛教中称此微弱的 “自体”为 “摩纳婆”(汉译为儒童);此状态的身体状态为 “神身天”(如图8所示)。此 “能” 在中华文化中称作 “福”(如图35),亦作大力神,印度教中作婆罗门(Brahmin),基督教伊斯兰教和古埃及文化中称作亚伯(Abel;如图38),日耳曼文化中作马格尼(Magni),墨西哥文化中作灵龙(Quetzalcoatl;如图36,39)。
The “Able” is the “trace of the faded former thought” that the preconscious (Eve-sense) clings to and has the function of internal “along thoughts ego” in mind mechanism. In Buddhism, the “Able” is called “Manava” (which is translated into Chinese as “Genius child”); the physical state is called “God’s Body Sky” (as shown in Figure 8). The “Able” is called “Fortune” (as shown in Fig. 35), also known as Great Strength God in Chinese culture, Brahmin in Hinduism, Abel in Christian Islam and ancient Egyptian culture (as shown in Fig. 38), Magni in Germanic culture, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican cultures (as shown Figures 36, 39).
“Able Reason” or “Watching-That Awaiting-Here Reason” is established in accordance with the place of acceptance, i.e., in accordance with the subjective and objective nature of receiving. The “Reason of Watching-That Awaiting-Here” is that watching-that and awaiting here can cause all affairs to be born or to sustain or to establish or to obtain; accordingly, the cause can be divided into two meanings.
(1) In the case of human beings, this power usage is generated by sentient beings, such as the farmer who pounds wheat into flour, or the merchant who manages his money and makes a profit, all of which business affairs are generated by the human powers.
(2) As far as law is concerned, all laws come into being by means of various tools and medias, such as the farmer harvesting crops and the merchant profiting from goods.
Combining these two meanings, the “warrior’s usage fruit”, is the life business that the maker accomplishes by relying on his tools; and this fruit is broadly applicable to all “have as laws” (i.e., all mundane laws).
11.6.4 离系果 Off-is Fruit
The word “Is” of Off-is Fruit is present tense third-person singular of “Be”, means tethering livings during cognitions. The phrase “to tether livings” means that “Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of unconsciousness) and Eve-sense (i.e., pre-consciousness)” tie up life, and create sentients. Eve-sense can distinguish good, evil, beauty and ugliness, and then embellish subjective and objective things to become life forms and sentients. Adam-sense and Eve-sense create living beings very fast, just in a short time they can create a small world of sentient beings (cf. Section 14.1, “Aggregate Arousal”). As life goes on, Adam-sense and Eve-sense continue to create sentients, therefore human has “84,000 annoyances (also known as dust labors, demonic armies, and diseases; see Section 14.3, “Number of Annoyances”). Or saying that mundane people only create karma, do not eliminate them, so that their bodies and hearts become increasingly heavy, and they become slaves to Seth (i.e., ego, translocation body view; cf. Fundamental Annoyances). In this case, the faults of Adam-sense and Eve-sense are so serious that circumcision and baptism are necessary. The word Off-is means that after receiving circumcision and baptism, a person has eliminated the “84,000 Dust Labors”, untethered from the bondages of annoyances, gained salvation. So, Off-is Fruit means liberation, salvation, nirvana.
什么是洗礼?修习道谛的过程就是根据 “净识害有”的原理,引净识杀死烦恼和习气,消除精神污染的过程。因为识在四大种之中是水(参见11.2节),古人就形象地把修习道谛,这个洗礼的过程说成了,“引发大洪水,淹死八万四千魔军”。在本书的16.3节,埃及夏娃展示了她自己的洗礼,成为众生之母的过程。
What is circumcision? Circumcision is the use of gnosis (also known as philosopher’s stone, broom) to remove muddles and annoyances, like using a knife to cut something, like using a broom to sweep the floor, wherever you go, the darkness of ignorance all can be eliminated. The process of circumcision is the process of learning the Four Victorious Cruxes to remove the “84,000 Dust Labors”.
What is baptism? The process of practicing Path Victorious Crux is the process of eliminating spiritual pollution by invoking immaculate senses to kill annoyances and habits according to the principle of “immaculate senses harm haves”. Because senses are water among the four great seeds (cf. 11.2), the ancients figuratively described the process of baptism as “triggering a great flood and drowning 84,000 demonic armies”. In section 16.3 of this book, Egyptian Eve demonstrates her own baptism into the process of becoming the mother of all living beings.
图11.6.4-35显示离系果是禁果,什么意思?在修习道谛,成就离系果的过程中,修习者是根据 “无意识(古作神识)只与舍受相应”的原理,用 “行舍” 来引发 “正等明”的出现,并滋养其生长壮大。“正等明”就是 “无所有天”(如图2),亦作微妙本心,常寂光天,拯救,涅槃,毕竟空,无上正等正觉,太阳神,大日如来,梵语阿褥多罗三藐三菩提,纳瓦特语奥林·托纳修(Ollin Tonatiuh)。正等明只与舍性相应,只与等、舍、空相应,不与有、集、取相应。若你去摘取离系果,它就灭了,死了,而你就已经损失灵水了,如图35所示。那如何成就离系果?道谛的十渡总括了一切成就离系果的办法,总括了一切善法。
Figure 11.6.4-35 shows that Off-is Fruit are forbidden fruits, wherein? In the process of practicing Path Crux to achieve Off-is Fruit, practitioners, based on the principle that “unconsciousness (anciently known as God-sense) corresponds only to renunciation acceptance”, use “acting renunciation” to trigger the emergence of the “Correct Equality Light” and nourish its growth and development. The “Correct Equality Light” is the “No Objective Have Sky (as in Figure 2)”, also known as “Delicately Wonderful Original Heart”, Constant Silence Light Sky, Salvation, Nirvana, Empty after All, Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, Sun God, Great Sun Tathagata, Sanskrit word Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, Nahuatl word Ollin Tonatiuh. Correct Equality Light corresponds only to renunciative acceptance, only to equality, renunciation, and emptiness, not to have, aggregate and fetch. If you fetch the off-is fruit, it perishes, dies, and you have lost spiritual water, as shown in Figure 35. So, how to accomplish the off-is fruit? The ten Arks in Path Crux summarize all the ways to achieve the fruits, summarizing all the benevolent laws.
为了取得和持有离系果,古人建立了基于涅盘的无为法。无字代表涅槃,如插图2所示,区别于有为法。有为法是基于帝释天(即转移身见,我)的法,如五蕴中的94位法,都是有为法。唐玄奘(公元602- 664)依据成就涅槃的程度不同设立了六位无为法,分别是虚空无为,择灭无为,非择灭无为,不动无为,想受灭无为,和真如无为。
To attain and hold the off-is fruits, Ancients established “None-as Laws” based on nirvana which is as shown in Illustration 2. The word None means empty after all, distinguishing it from the Have-as Law. The Have-as Law based on the Seth Sky (i.e., translocation body view, I), such as the 94 laws talked in five nodes, all are have-as laws. Tang Tripitaka (602- 664 CE) established the six None-as Laws based on different degrees of attainment of nirvana: vague empty none-as, selective termination none-as, non-selective termination none-as, immovability none-as, think acceptance extinction none-as, true suchness none-as.
I) Vague Empty None-as Law. Both ancient and modern psychology have discovered this kind of person who has such a personality or worldview, looking from vague to empty. To be at peace in ever-changing environments, to do nothing, to be open to everything, is “vague empty none-as law”. In addition, some people are good at research, love reading, observing flying flowers and falling leaves, then realize juristic nature and Aggregate Arousal (cf. section 14.1), become a “Path Explorer Buddha”. Because such people's enlightenment is superficial and hazy, not thorough, not systematic, their enlightenments are also called “vague empty none-as law”.
II) Selective Termination None-as Law, the saying is that some Annoyance Hindrance and Know Hindrance are selectively eliminated. Such as in section 15.2 Deer Vehicle Fruits, the first three shamanic fruits (as shown in fig. 33, 35), all are this kind of Selective Termination None-as Law. And in chapter 16 Path Crux, achievements from the first land to the seventh lands, all belong to this category.
III) Non-selective Termination None-as Law, no intelligent selection, depending on immaculateness of juristic nature, practitioner migrates on “Philosopher-Stone Non-intermittent Path” (such as the Great Flood in the Bible; cf. section 16.7 and chapter 17), arrives at termination on both good and evil. Ararat fruit in section 15.2, and achievements from the eighth land to the tenth land in chapter 16, all belong to this kind of achievements.
IV) Immovability None-as Law, after “Philosopher-Stone Nonintermittent Path”, or the repeated study and testaments on those true-suchness in Four Cruxes over a long period of time, the practitioner arouses victorious behaviors in emptiness. Preconsciousness becomes still, namely Immovability, when it encounters empty, does not move, does not discriminate, and because of this all annoyances can not move; this state is called “immovability none-as law”, is the achievement of Mount Ararat and Mahasattvas of the eighth land and above.
戊)想受灭无为,亦名灭尽定,亦名灭受想定,常寂光天(即插图11.6.4-2),圆成实相,无余依涅槃,毕竟空等。修习者依第四禅力,熄灭想和受这两位遍行心所有法,心停滞于常寂光中,清净自在,即是想受灭无为。没有主观和客观的区别,那心(即思想意识)怎么会存在呢?答:客观环境是普遍的常的状态。因为常无名、无数、无量,所以说是无所有天。那状态只有常,没有业变量,所以被称为常寂光天。“天”字代表无意识的纯净部分,义为安静,深奥的知识。也是从这里把无意识的污染部分划分给了亚当识(即阿赖耶识),并定义其为黑色, 是地。佛教以清净为天,烦恼为地,夏娃识(即前意识,即末那识)为众生。
V) Think Acceptance Extinction None-as Law, alias Constant Silent Light Sky (Fig. 11.6.4-2), consummate fact, non-dependant nirvana, empty after all, termination end stillness, etc. Depending on power of fourth meditation, to extinguish Think and Acceptance the two omnipresent heartland laws, heart dwells in Constant Silent Light Sky lucidly, immaculate, self-sufficient, is “think acceptance extinction” none-as law. There is no distinction between subjective and objective, so how can heart (i.e., mind) stand? Answer: The environment is pervasively constant. Because the constant is nameless, numberless, and quantity-less, it is said to be the “not subjective have sky”. That state has only constant and no karmic variables, so it is called the “constant silent light sky”. The word "sky" represents the immaculate part of unconsciousness, meaning quietness and profound knowledge. It is also from here that the contaminated part of unconsciousness is divided into Adam-sense and defined it as black, the earth. In Buddhism, quietness is sky, annoyances are earth, and Eve-sense is crowds of sentient.
VI) True Suchness None-as Law, based on these seven kinds of true suchness, the practitioner attains the off-is fruit. (1) Cycle True Suchness is talking of circulating factuality of Have-as Laws, cf. section 13.4.1. (2) Factuality True Suchness is manifestation when human is empty, and law is empty. This true suchness is nirvana, is Fig 11.6.4-2. (3) Sense Only True Suchness is saying that both contaminated laws and immaculate laws are senses only. (4) Establishment True Suchness is chapter 13 Bitter Crux. (5) Ferocious Behavior True Suchness is chapter 14 Aggregate Crux. (6) Quietness True Suchness is chapter 15 Salvation Crux. (7) Correct Behavior True Suchness is chapter 16 Path Crux.
11.6.5 增上果 Escalator Fruit
增上果是说俱有因之果,是说在集起(参见14.1节《集起》)的四缘 {能缘,所缘,等流缘,增上缘} 中,除前三缘之外的所有元素,由或顺或违或不障之功而为集起的增上因。此增上果是昔日所作的果。增上的因素就事而论有很多,但从胜处而言,只有22处。当知,增上缘即是这22处或根。根是因义,增上义。
Escalatory Fruit is said to be the fruit of a joint cause of the four elements of Aggregate Arousal (cf.14.1) {able, objective, equal stream, escalation}, all elements other than the first three causes are escalatory causes of the set-arising, by the effects of either promoting or contradicting or un-hindering. The escalatory fruits in this set-up are the fruits of what are done in the past. There are many factors of escalation as far as affairs are concerned, but in terms of the victorious places, there are only twenty-two. When it is known that the escalatory factors are these twenty-two places or roots. Root is the meaning of cause, the meaning of escalation.
The twenty-two roots are (1) eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, body root, intent root; (7) male root, female root, life root; (10) bitter root, laugh root, renunciation root, gloomy root, delight root; (15) belief root, diligence root, spell root, still root, gnostic root; (20) root of unknowing which should be known, known root, root of all-knowing all-seeing.
一至六,眼耳等六根是十二生长处中的内六处,参见11.3节。七至九,男根是男人的生殖器;女根是女性的生殖器。命根是无意识,因为无意识的异熟果不断地流出可以维持众生的身心及业。十至十四,苦乐等是五受根,参见11.4. 2节的受蕴。十五至十九,信、念等是五善根,参见11.4.4.1. 3的善法。二十至二十二是三无漏根。未知当知根就是趣向,愿意学习四胜谛。当一个人懂得了四胜谛,他或她就具有了已知根。若证得了四胜谛,就具有了俱知根。
First to sixth, the six roots, including the eyes and ears, are the inner six of the twelve growth places; see section 11.3. Seventh to ninth, the male root is the genitals of men; the female root is the genitals of women. Life root is unconsciousness because its mutant fruits flowing out continually can sustain sentient lives, bodies, and karma. Tenth to fourteenth, Bitterness, happiness, etc., are the five acceptance roots, cf. the Acceptance Node of Section 11.4.2. Fifteenth to nineteenth, belief, spell, etc. are the five benevolent roots, cf. the Benevolent Laws of Section Twentieth to twenty-second are the three non-defilement roots. The “root of unknowing which should be known” means that he or she interests to, wills to learn Four Cruxes (aka. Four Noble Truths). When a man understands the four cruxes, he has the root of having known. After she proves the four cruxes, she has the root of all knowing all seeing.
The following is an understanding of the escalator fruits based on the escalator fruits of the ten good and ten evils.
(1) The escalator fruits of killing karma are that it can cause all fields and forests to lose their fertility, grains and fruits are harvested less, expensive things don’t show up. On the contrary, not killing, all capitals produce lovable fruits.
(2) The escalator fruits of stealing karma can cause ferocious pests in grass trees and fruits, can lead to show up of frost hail and famine disasters. All people of the same kind, whether in a family a county or a country, are victimized. On the contrary, not stealing, a family a village a county and a country, all by their fortunate power induce benefits.
(3) The escalator fruits of heretical sexual conducts karma can cause the land to suffer from the harm of storms, the poison of filthy dusts. On the contrary, not committing heretical sex does not induce climate changes.
(4) The escalator fruits of the delusional speech karma, due to the fact of deceiving others with vile intent, the karmic escalation can cause external objects to be defiled and impure, all purposes are always disappointed; words lose their credibility, and commands are defied, and not being carried out. On the contrary, not saying delusional speech can achieve all affairs without any despair.
(5) The escalator fruits of flowery speech karma can cause officials to lose their positions, businessmen to lose their profits, grasses and trees to be filled with thorns and poisonous plants. On the contrary, not saying flowery speech, officials and businessmen are always prosperous, the mountains and rivers all are agreeable.
(6) The escalatory fruits of ferocious mouth karma are that lives are full of evil things such as stones, glass debris, thorns, and thistles kinds of ferocious things are at touchable distance, there are many not freedoms. On the contrary, not having a ferocious mouth, one has many freedoms.
(7) The escalatory fruits of two-tongue (i.e., sowing discord) karma, escalatory power of sowing discord can cause the earth to be uneven, mountains and hills to be abrupt, roads to be rugged and rocky, crops to fail to flourish. On the contrary, not saying of two-tongue, place and places are pleasantly agreeable.
(8) The escalatory fruits of greedy desire karma can cause lack of harvest and shortfall in wealth. On the contrary, the world is prosperous, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and they handle affairs easily, often encounter honorable people.
(9) The escalatory fruits of irritability and rage karma can increase wars intensity, military and weaponry are not extinct, vines and thorns are everywhere, fruits and vegetables are bitter and harsh. On the contrary, neighbors are in harmony, all industries are booming, the winds and rains are favorable, the garden lands are prosperous, and the mountains the rivers are pleasant.
(10) The escalator fruits of the heretical view karma, due to the severance and permanence edge views, not believing in retributions of good and evil, and principles of cause and effect, can cause the mundane people to lose their benevolent hearts. This escalator power can lead to the loss of the vessel world's fine colors, fragrances, and tastes, and the lack of harvests on all kinds of grains.