

3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through

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目录 Contents:3.0 前言 Preface;3.1 肉眼通的作法 Making Flesh Eye Through;3.2 肉眼通的功能 Function of Flesh Eye Through;3.3 培养宿命智 Cultivation of Fate Intelligence;3.4 巴甫洛夫楼 Pavlov Building;3.5 肉眼通的鉴别 Identification of Flesh Eye Through;3.6 我幼时的特质 Trait of my Childhood;3.7 作法后的纠纷 Disputes after The Makings;3.8 医学实验的传闻 Rumor of a Medical Experiment;3.9 关于前三章的注解 Annotations on the First Three Chapters

3.0 前言 Preface

1973年9月的一天,梁伯又从抚顺回家探亲,来到我们家作客。我看到他之后非常高兴。妈妈对他说: “你和卢岩是有缘。他见着你就高兴,象似还认识你似的。”

梁伯说: “我看卢岩记得我。”

妈妈说: “你可不知道呢! 去年你走后,卢岩总问,‘我大姨夫怎么不来了呢?’我告诉他你走了。卢岩就哭了,随后就上火了,嗓子肿了好几天;有两天都不能说话了。”

妈妈对前年刘团长的事耿耿于怀,另外她仍然记得去年梁伯对我的影响,说: “我还记着呢!自从上次你给卢岩讲故事,他就懂事儿多了。依我看,你还能算是他的启蒙老师呢!”

One day in September 1973, Uncle Liang came home from Fushun to visit his family again and came to our house as a guest. I was very happy to see him. Mom said to him: "You and Luyan are destined to be together. He was happy to see you, as if he still knew you."

Uncle Liang said: "I see that Luyan remembers me."

Mom said, "You don't know! After you left last year, Luyan always asked, ‘Why isn't Uncle Liang coming?' I told him you were gone. Luyan then cried, and then got on fire, and his throat swelled up for days; he couldn't talk for two days."

Mom was haunted by what happened when Troupe Leader Liu came the year before, in addition she still remembered the effect Uncle Liang had on me last year, saying: "I still remember it! Since the last time you told Luyan a story, he's been much more understanding. In my opinion, you can still be considered his Revelation Teacher!"

梁伯的脸色变得火红,不停地笑,走来走去,说: “也可以这么说。不过,人家都说幼儿园或者小学老师是启蒙老师。”

妈妈说: “我知道,不过我听说,启蒙的本意是,不知怎么着,把小孩儿的眼睛给蒙上了。孩子看东西,像有雾似的,看不清远处。眼蒙被揭开后,他就能清楚地看近看远了。”

梁伯背对着我站在屋地中央,侧着脸看着妈妈,过了一会儿回答: “我也是这么听说的。”

妈妈兴奋地请求: “你是咋听说的,给我说说呗!”

Uncle Liang's face turned fiery red, kept laughing, walked around, and said: "You could say the same thing. However, people say that kindergarten or elementary school teachers are Revelation Teacher."

Mom said: "I know, but I've heard that the original meaning of Revelation was, somehow, to blindfold a child. The child looked at things as if there was a fog and couldn't see far. After the eye blindfold is revelated, he can see clearly near and far."

Uncle Liang stood on middle of the floor with his back to me, looked sideways at my mom, after a while replied, "That's what I heard."

Mom excitedly requested: "How did you hear that, tell me about it!"

3.1 肉眼通的作法 Making Flesh Eye Through

梁伯在屋地上来回走个不停。过了一会儿,他板着脸,背对着我,说: “正常的肉眼通作法有三个步骤。”



Uncle Liang walked back and forth on the floor of the house. After a while, he made a stern face, turned his back to me, and said: “There are three steps in a normal Flesh Eye Through making procedure.”

The first step is to put the child in a place where there is no one around when the child is just sensible and not very sensible. Let a stranger stand at a distance and let the child see him. Then the stranger rushes to the child, surprises the child, and quickly leaves. The child looked at it like this, and with this shock, it is said that the child's eyes were blindfolded. (Annotation, See Chapter 1 for an example.)

Mom said in surprise: “Isn't that just being charged (or rushed)! No wonder the older generation said that children should not be allowed to see strangers casually.”

梁伯笑着说: “听你说,我才明白!就是被冲着了吗!它们还说,当孩子的眼睛被蒙上后,那孩子就总找那个冲他的人;但是,这时候不能让孩子看见那个冲他的人。凤玲,他们说,那个冲孩子的陌生人一般是孩子未来的师父。假如那人被孩子找着了,那这肉眼通的作法就失败了,肉眼通做不出来。”

妈妈想了想,说: “这是讲蒙眼睛;怎么启蒙?”

梁伯说: “我是这么听说的,启蒙就是再找一个和那个冲了小孩儿的人长得相似的人,这人要和孩子既不是陌生人也不是熟人。把那个冲它的人做过的事儿再做一遍,这次让小孩儿看清楚。他们说,这么一作,孩子的眼蒙就被揭开了。”

Uncle Liang laughed and said: “Listening to you, I realized! Is it just being rushed (or charged)! They also say that when a child's eyes are blindfolded, that child is always looking for the one who rushed him; however, the child must not be allowed to see the one who rushed him at this time. Fengling! They say that the stranger who rushes the child is generally the child's future godfather. If that stranger is sought out by the child, then this Flesh Eye Through making fails, and the Flesh Eye Through cannot be done.”

Mom thought about it and said: “This is about blindfolding; How to revelated?”

Uncle Liang said: “This is what I have heard. Revelation is to find another person who looks like the one who rushed (or charged) the child, and whom is neither a stranger nor an acquaintance of the child. Do the same thing that the stranger who rushed (or charged) the child did again, this time letting the child see it clearly. They say that by doing this, the child's blindfold is revelated.”

妈妈说: “啊!那从蒙上到揭开,得需要多长时间呐?”

梁伯说: “我听说,这间隔时间不是个定数。多长时间,得由作法的人,孩子的师父来决定。他师父,咱这么想,能作这件事儿的人,都不是一般人。他师父根据这个小孩儿的智力发展阶段,和它作法的效果来决定。师父作这个法,他是一边做一边观察。一般的,蒙眼睛的时间是三个月到一年。”

梁伯又说: “肉眼通的作法,不是启蒙就完事了。”

妈妈急着说: “大姐夫!那你赶快说,看等会儿忘了,接下来怎么回事?”

Mom says: "Ah! How long does it take from blindfold to revelation?"

Uncle Liang said: “I have heard that the interval is not fixed. How long is determined by the child’s godfather. The godfather, let's think of it this way, is not an ordinary person who can do this. Godfather’s decision is according to the child's stage of intellectual development and the effect of the making. After he blindfolded the child, he observes it. Generally, the blindfolding period is from three months to one year.”

Uncle Liang added: "The workings of the Flesh Eye Through are not finished with revelation."

Mom said anxiously: "Big Brother! Then say it quickly, what happens next? In case you forget it later?"

梁伯说: “听人说,肉眼通作法的第三步是,在这个孩子十七、八岁到二十三、四岁的时候,等到这个孩子的肉眼通已经形成了,孩子的师父,孩子的父母和这个孩子最信任的人一起,把肉眼通作法的事告诉给这个孩子。”

妈妈说: “啊!当小孩儿的眼睛被蒙上时,就总找那个冲他的人。几个月后,孩子找到个假的。孩子明白,但是眼蒙被揭开了。孩子还找那个蒙他眼睛的人。等他长大了,孩子的师父和父母就故意让那孩子找到那个蒙他眼睛的人。然后,一起给孩子解释他小时候发生的事儿。那孩子心中的谜惑就被彻底解开了。”

梁伯说: “我只是听说,觉得就像你说的这样。”

Uncle Liang said: "I have heard it said that the third step of the Flesh Eye Through practice is that when the child is seventeen or eighteen to twenty-three or twenty-four years old, when the child's Flesh Eye Through has been formed, the child's godfather, the child's parents, and the person whom the child trusts the most, together, tell the child about the affair of the Flesh Eye Through making."

Mom said: "Ah! When the kid's eyes are blindfolded, he's always looking for the one who charged (or rushed) him. After a few months, the child finds a fake one. The child understands, but the blindfold is removed. The child still looks for the one who blindfolded him. When he grew up, the child's godfather and parents deliberately let the child find the person who blindfolded him. Then, together, they explained to the child what had happened to him when he was a child. The mystery in that child's heart was then completely solved."

Uncle Liang said: "I just heard about it and thought it was just like you said."

3.2 肉眼通的功能 Function of Flesh Eye Through






Mom said: “Ah! That said, it's all knowledge! What is the use of the Flesh Eye Through?”

Uncle Liang said: “Flesh Eye Through is a living Buddha qualification, the first of Buddha's five eyes. Fengling! I don't know if you believe in Buddha?”

Mom said: “It doesn't matter to me! Say what you hear. I love to hear these strange things!”

Uncle Liang said: “It's only special to hear people say that this has the eye of the Flesh Eye Through! Like magic, there are more than 200 kinds of advantages, more than 40 kinds of disadvantages.”

Mom said: “Give me an example.”

3.2-1 悉知悉见 All Seeing All Knowing





Uncle Liang said: “The eyes of a person who has Flesh-Eye Through are so special that when others look at them, they will think that he understands what is in his heart. They say that if a person who understands Buddhist laws has Flesh-Eye Through, when others see his eyes, they will feel that there is no privacy in their heart, and that the other person knows it all. Then it would be effective to give reasoning and solve puzzles!”

Mom said: "So, this is from Buddhism."

Uncle Liang said: “It's not just in Buddhism. In the past, princes, dignitaries, big officials, and rich families also invited people to give their children Flesh Eye Through. They did it because the eyes were intimidating and inspiring. When they stood there, their looks and eyes would make the person look different, stand out from others, and be noticed by others. They say that the person's appearance is expressed mainly in the eyes.”

Mom said: “I guess so! Good things are wanted! And, you see, when people talk about thieves, people talk about ‘thieves' eyebrows and rats’ eyes’, they talk about eyes first.”

注3.2, 插图3.2-2是墨西哥的雨神特拉洛克(Tlaloc),他们用像是带着潜水镜的眼睛来描述特拉洛克的肉眼通;笔者认为那是从 “不眩眼”来定义肉眼通的,即有肉眼通的眼睛不逊光。插图3.2-3是中国三星堆出土的青铜面具,笔者认为那眼睛应该就是 “触目” ;这样来定义肉眼通是因为:人们看见有肉眼通的眼睛时,可能会有被接触到了的感觉。下面我列出几处后文的人们自己述说的看见我时的感觉。

Annotation 3.2, Illustration 3.2-2 is Tlaloc, the Mexican god of rain, and they use the eyes that look like diving goggles to describe Tlaloc's Flesh Eye Through; author me thinks that it is defined from "non-dazzling eyes", that is, the eyes with Flesh Eye Through are not yielding to light. Illustration 3.2-3 is a bronze mask unearthed in Sanxingdui, China, author I think that the eyes should be "touching eyes"; the reason for defining Flesh Eye Through in this way is that when people see eyes with Flesh Eye Through, they may have the feeling that they have been touched. Below author I list a few of the latter people's own account of what they felt when they saw me.







See Section 6.1. A colleague at work felt that it was feeling electrical power running in body, and too sensational, so he had to avoid it.

See Section 6.5. Several thief bosses expressed their feelings: they were electrically shocked and couldn't stand it. When we were together, they all seemed to lower their heads in confession and did not dare to look at me; they were afraid that if they were shocked too many times, they would become mentally ill.

See Section 8.9, dormitory roommates during graduate school: electric shock and sensationalism.

See Section 9.5, an Italian boss of a company where I worked: he was so scared that he was trembling inside.

3.2-2 用来捆绑儿童婚约 To Bond Children Marriage Contract

梁伯说: “凤玲!我发现你想事可真快!你这么一说,我就更相信了。本来我不太明白,跟你一说,把我自己说明白了。还有一种用途,就是用来绑定娃娃亲。说是用肉眼通的作法来绑定娃娃婚约,一准成功,没有失败的。不过,具体是个什么道理,我不太明白。”

妈妈一听,脸色就变了,假笑着说: “咱就是没事儿闲唠嗑,啥真懂假懂的,你就说吧!他们是咋绑的?”


Uncle Liang said: “Fengling! I realized that you think things through fast! When you say that, I believe it even more. Originally, I didn't quite understand it, but after talking to you, I made myself clear. There's another use for it, it's for bonding Children Marriage Contract. It is said that the use of Flesh Eye Through Making to bind the Children Marriage Contract, a quasi-success, there is no failure. However, what exactly is the reasoning, I don't quite understand.”

As soon as mom heard, her face color changed, and she said with a fake smile: "We just have nothing to chat about, what really know, you just say it! How did they tie it?"

Uncle Liang said: “This is all hearsay. In the past, it could be that the two families were on good terms, and both agreed to be betrothed; but it could also be that one family saw something in the other family and did their own juristic affair to bind the kid other family.”

妈妈说: “那咋绑啊?我是一点儿也琢磨不出来。”

梁伯说: “它们说,肉眼通作法的第一步,冲那个孩子的时候,实际上,孩子患上了婴幼儿神经发育失调症,是一种神经病。因为这病,孩子有了视觉障碍,就说眼睛被蒙上了。启蒙后,这病并没有被完全治愈,变成了精神病潜伏症,就是孩子对那个冲他的人仍有惑根,所以才有第三步的作法,来完全移除那个惑根,也就是移除精神病潜伏症。”

妈妈问: “如果没有第三步的作法,那孩子会变成疯子?”

Mom said: "How do they tie it then? I am not figuring it out at all."

Uncle Liang said: “They say that the first step of the Flesh Eye Through Making, when they rushed (or charged) that child, in fact, the child suffered from infantile neurodevelopmental disorder, a neurological disease. Because of this disease, the child had a visual impairment, so they say that the eyes were blindfolded. After the revelation, the disease was not completely cured and became a psychotic latent disorder, that is, the child still had a confusing root for the person who rushed (or charged) him, so that's why there was the third step of the juristic making, to completely remove that confusing root, that is, to remove the psychotic latent disorder.”

Mum asks: "If there was no third step in the operation, the boy would have become crazy?"


Uncle Liang replied: “Right! My understanding is this. They also estimated that without the third step, the child would have mild psychotic symptoms at the age of 24 or 25; at around the age of 30, he would have obvious psychotic symptoms; at around the age of 40, he would be a psychopath; and at the age of 50, 60, whatever time, the neurosis would probably have developed and matured. They also say that the psychotic latency formed by this Flesh Eye Through Operation is so active that it can't be blocked, so this kind of bound marriage won't fail.”

妈妈问: “你是在说作肉眼通有风险!这和绑定娃娃亲有什么关系?”

梁伯说: “如果做法师傅要条件,不答应就不会让那孩子看见自己,那这孩子就得不到肉眼通作法的第三步。”


Mom asked: “You're talking about the risks of making a Flesh Eye Through! What does that have to do with bound marriage?”

Uncle Liang said: “If the Juristic Teacher or Godfather asks for a condition that if the requisite is not accomplished, he will not be seen by the child, then the child will not get the third step of the making of the Flesh Eye Through.”

Mom said: “I see! If the godfather asks the boy to marry his daughter, then the boy's family will have to agree to the marriage, because no one wants to see the boy go crazy.”

3.2-3 寻找师父 Searching Godfather


妈妈说: “咱就是闲着说话。活佛和灵魂转世,那种事,能有几个人真明白!”

梁伯说: “一般的,肉眼通作法第一步中的那个陌生人就是孩子的师傅。他们说,在西方,那就是孩子的教父。”


Uncle Liang said: “Fengling! Your comprehension is strong, this is something that I have heard people discuss several times, and I have also pondered over it myself several times, but I am still confused. I just told you and you understood. Once you explained it to me, I really believe it now. And...! I really don't understand this one. They say that Flesh Eye Through is originally for creating reincarnated living Buddhas, or for reincarnating souls.”

Mom said: "We are just talking. Living Buddhas and reincarnation of souls, that kind of thing, how many people can really understand!"

Uncle Liang said: “Generally, the stranger in the first step of the Flesh Eye Through Making is the child's teacher. They say that in the West, that is the child's godfather.”

Mom said: “Don't we Chinese say that Teacher and disciple are like father and son!”


妈妈说:“我也听说过,但像你说的似的,不懂! 这故事里还有个钩魂女,不知是咋回事?她和那个年轻人一见面,就把他的心偷走了。然后。法师继续作法,那个年轻人就跑路了。作法师傅跟着那个被作法的人,他跑到哪儿,法师就跟到哪儿,继续作法。听人说,那个被作法的人常能听见小鬼儿说话。据说,如果作法师傅放弃了作法,或者作法师傅死了,那个被作法的人肯定活不了多久了。这事只能成功,不能失败;失败了,都得死。”

Uncle Liang said: “It is very similar! But they said that the relationship formed by the Flesh Eye Through Making is different, there will be a lifelong connection between the boy and the juristic making teacher, and that it will be a matter of life and death. From the first step, the child starts to look for the person who rushed (or charged) him, but of course the child doesn't know that he is his godfather. The boy will look for his godfather for the rest of his life, to see the person in life, and to see the corpse in death. Not being able to see the body, the boy, of course, by then he was an adult, he wanted to see his godfather's grave with his own eyes or get his godfather's relics.”

Mom said: “I've heard of it, but like you said, I don't understand it! And there's a Hooker Girl in this story, I don't know what's going on. As soon as she and the young man met, she stole his heart. Then. The juristic teacher continued to perform the spell, and the young man ran away. The juristic teacher followed wherever he ran to continue casting the curse. It is said that the one who was bewitched could often hear the little ghosts talking. It was said that if the juristic teacher gave up the practice, or if the juristic teacher died, the person being cursed would not live long. This thing can only succeed, not fail; if it fails, all must die.”



Uncle Liang said: “That's what I heard. Just like that, all sorts of connections arose between that child and his godfather, the specifics of which I don't understand. There are people who believe in this, although no one understands what is going on, but many people say that this is true. It's called Polishing Human in our Northeast, it's called Scarabs Farming in the South, and it's called Descending Head in Southeast Asia.”

Mom said: “Ah! I understand! I don't mean I understand reincarnation; I mean I learned a lot from what you said.”

3.3 宿命智的培养 Cultivation of Fate Intelligence





Seeing my mother's face getting red and emotional, Uncle Liang asked: “Fengling, did I say something that you are taboo?”

Mom smiled in embarrassment, but her face didn't get any better and said: “Big Brother! I'm in a bad mood because of what you said. This when you came, I remembered what happened last year and the year before, the betrothal of Little Luyan and Shenyang Old Liu's daughter (i.e., Eve Liu). I don't know what's going on, but when I think about it, I get upset.”

Uncle Liang said: “Ah! It is so, then today we two, no! The three of us, and Little Luyan is also one of us, will study this matter.”

Mom said: “Little Luyan understands nothing! Count him in! So how is it that just by rushing (or charging as described in section 3.1) it, a child can remember it and keep it until he's in his twenties?”


妈妈说: “到二十来岁,被信任的人一说,就信啦?我看这说法有点儿玄乎!”

梁伯说: “对!所以人家说,在肉眼通的第三步作法中得父母和这孩子最信任的人一起告诉这个孩子。”

Uncle Liang said: “That's what people say. I think that when a child is still very young and is strongly stimulated, he is likely to be interested, to look for that person, and then a feeling, a habit is formed. He remembers it but doesn't understand it very clearly. Later, after being nagged and reminded, consciously or unconsciously, by family members and outsiders, he may remember.”

Mom said: “To twenties, being told by someone he trusts, the kid believes it? I think that's a bit mystical!”

Uncle Liang said: “Yes! That's why people say that in the third step of the making of the Flesh Eye Through, the parents and the people the child trusts the most tell the child together.”

妈妈说: “我还是觉得这说法玄乎!小孩儿能记住吗?还要记住那么长的时间。说着,她瞟了我一眼,对梁伯使了个眼色,笑着高声说,‘前年的时候,我们都不在屋里,那个沈阳老刘大哥就自己进屋了。也不知道他是咋整的,那把小卢岩吓得,喳喳的! 叫得像杀猪似的!我和他爸都在厨房呢,听着都刺耳。’”



Mom said: “I still think it's mystical! Can a child remember it? And remember it for so long. Saying this, she glanced at me, winked at Uncle Liang, smiled, and said in a loud voice, ‘The year before last, when none of us were in the room, that old Shenyang brother Liu (i.e., Troupe Leader Liu) came into the room by himself. I don't know how he did it, that scared little Luyan, chirping! Squealing like a pig being killed! His father and I were in the kitchen, and it stung my ears to hear it.'”

I got upset and immediately said: “It's not chirping! Nor does it sound like the squealing of a killer pig!”

Uncle Liang turned to me and said: “Oops! Luyan has heard it all. Then how did you call it, imitate it for Uncle Liang.”

我就模仿我当时的叫声叫。梁伯转身问妈妈: “那时候,他是这么叫的吗?”

妈妈说: “好像是这样叫的,但我记不得了!”

梁伯又转到我跟前说: “卢岩!你给梁伯模仿一下杀猪的时候,猪是咋叫的?”


梁伯站了起来,喜悦地对我妈说: “他都记着呢!这两种叫声根本不一样。咱俩说的话,他也都听明白了。”

I just mimicked what I was screaming at the time. Uncle Liang turned to Mom and asked: “Is that what he called then?”

Mom replied: “I think that's what he called it, but I can't remember!”

Uncle Liang turned to me again and said: “Luyan! Do you imitate for Uncle Liang how the pig squeal when it was killed?”

I then mimicked how the pig squealed when it was killed.

Uncle Liang stood up and joyfully said to my mother: “He's remembered it all! The two squeals are not the same at all. He understands everything we say.”


妈妈说:“我还真不知道;他学的还挺像的! 他们俩人都大笑着。”


妈妈问: “咋地啦?大姐夫!”

他回答: “卢岩不愿意我了;他在看我呢!”

Mom said: “I didn't really know; he imitated it quite like that! They both laughed out loud.”

I stared straight at Uncle Liang, and he noticed. He immediately turned and walked to the far wall of the house, his back to me.

Mom asked: “What's wrong? Big Brother!”

Uncle Liang replied: “Luyan doesn't want me anymore; he's looking at me!”


梁伯说: “刚才,你说他像是杀猪似的叫,他不爱听了。我还跟着你起哄;卢岩要讨厌我了。你劝劝他。”


Mom looked at me and said: “He isn’t upset. Really, why is he looking at you?”

Uncle Liang said: “Just now, you said he was squealing like a pig being killed, and he didn't like it. I even followed your coaxing; Luyan is going to hate me. You persuade him.”

Mom looked at me and said: “Luyan isn’t angry!” And said to me: “Luyan! Don’t stare at people! That isn’t polite! I'm the one who said you just screamed like a slaughtered pig! Didn’t I say that!”

梁伯一听,赶紧过来说: “这就行了!现在他还没怨意。要是烦我了,就晚了。”

妈妈想了想,说: “是啊!这小孩儿就好察言观色,要是认上那个扣儿,烦起某个人来,三年五年也改不过来。卢岩!说你叫得像杀猪似的,是我说的!你看你梁伯干什么!不许这样!”

梁伯立刻说: “凤玲!别说了,这就行了!卢岩不误会我就好!”

Upon hearing this, Uncle Liang hurried over and said: “That's fine! Right now, he's not complaining. If it bothers him, it will be too late.”

Mom thought for a moment and said: “Yes! Child is good at reading people's faces and words, if he recognises that knot and gets annoyed with someone, he won't be able to change in three to five years. Luyan! I'm the one who said you screamed like a pig! What are you looking at Uncle Liang for? Don't do that!”

Uncle Liang immediately said: “Fengling! Stop it, that's enough! It's good that Luyan doesn't misunderstand me!”




妈妈说: “你看,前年沈阳老刘整这事儿还是在我们家屋里呢,小卢岩就记住了。要是把小孩儿突然带到一个新环境,再来个陌生人,那么一吓唬,事后有人有意无意地提醒着,那小孩儿还不得记住一辈子啊。”

Mom suddenly said: “Big Brother! This time I can believe it! What we just said, this kid will remember that Rushing (Charging in first step of making Flesh Eye Through) for eight to ten years. But if he's like us, and we're nagging him about it, he'll probably remember it for 20 years.”

Uncle Liang asked: “How do you say it?”

Mom said: “Look, the year before last, Shenyang old Liu (i.e., Troupe Leader Liu) whole this thing is still in our house, small Luyan remembered. If the child is suddenly brought to a new environment, and then a stranger, so a scare, and afterwards someone intentionally or unintentionally reminded, the child likely remembers for life!”


A collage of ancient artifacts

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3.3-4. 注解3.3,宿命智Fate Intelligence

宿命智是能记住从幼年到成年全部重要事件的能力,是宿命通(参见10.5《宿命通》)的基础,是上帝所造的人的智慧源泉(如图3.3-4底部花盆里所示)的所在。图1中,谷伯在喂食 “转世灵童” (即金童)从灵水里生长出的橡树结的橡子(参见11.5《四食谛》)。那橡子就是将来 “转世灵童” 转动世界的力量(如图3所示)。图4显示 “转世灵童” 因为吃了而且记住了那些橡子,长大后成为了 “大黑天” ,即特拉洛克,亚当。

Fate Intelligence is the ability to remember all important events from infant to adulthood. It is the basis of Fate Through (see 10.5 "Fate Through") and the source of wisdom for people created by God (as shown in the flowerpot bottom of Figure 3.3-4). In Figure 1, Uncle Maize is feeding the "turning-world spiritual boy" (aka. God Boy) with acorns (see 11.5 "Four Foods Crux”) from the oak tree that grew in the spiritual water. The acorns are the power for the Gold Boy to turn the world in the future (as shown in Figure 3). Figure 4 shows that the "turning-world spiritual boy" grew up to become "Great Black Sky", that is, Tlaloc, Adam, because he ate and remembered those acorns.

3.4 巴甫洛夫楼 Pavlov Building


梁伯回答: “一次我出差,在一个研究所等待我要见的人。听他们那些年轻的研究人员说的。凤玲,那些年轻的研究人员都会说外语。他们还用现代医学理论研究古代故事里人物的病情。他们还知道肉眼通是什么时间从哪儿传入中国的。说是,开始的时候,是做灵魂转世、转世活佛用的。后来,有钱有势的达官贵人们也要给自己的孩子做,这种作法就在中国广泛传播开来了。”

妈妈说: “当然了!好东西人人都想要。你接着说,你还听说了多少?”

Mom asked: “Big Brother! Where did you hear so much?”

Uncle Liang replied: “Once I was on a business trip, waiting for someone I wanted to meet at a research institute. Listened to those young researchers of theirs. Fengling, those young scientists speak foreign language. They also use modern medical theories to study the conditions of characters in ancient stories. They also know when and where the Flesh Eye Through was introduced to China. It says that, in the beginning, it was used for soul reincarnation and reincarnation of living Buddhas. Later, rich, and powerful dignitaries wanted to do it for their children, so the practice spread widely in China.”

Mom said: “Of course! Everyone wants good things. You go on, how much more have you heard?”


A painting of a person sitting under a tree

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注3.4, 2014年,我完成回忆录后,判断梁伯所说的地方是中国医科大学的巴甫洛夫楼,是个国际医学交流中心。我认为他们所说的那个古代故事就是本书第二章《启蒙》中的《桃花劫》。约在公元二世际,伊朗人安士高(如红袍和尚插图3.4)把这秘密传入中国。应该说这作法在中国那之前就有,安士高更正了其中的一些错误认识。

Annotation 3.4,In 2014, after completing my memoirs, I judged that the place Uncle Liang was talking about was the Pavlov Building of China Medical University, a centre for international medical exchange. I believe that the ancient story they are referring to is the Peach Flower Catastrophe in Chapter 2 Revelation. The Iranian Anshi Gao (as illustrated 3.4 as the red-robed monk) introduced the secret into China around the second century AD. It should be noted that this practice existed in China before that time, and Anshi Gao corrected some of the misconceptions.

3.5 肉眼通的鉴别 Identification of Flesh Eye Through

过了一会儿,妈妈又问: “大姐夫!你说肉眼通的眼神与众不同,咋个不一样?”

梁伯说: “肉眼通的眼睛看东西时,看的时间长。”

妈妈说: “我早就发现某卢岩看东西时,像似看不清楚似的,看的时间长。”

梁伯说: “肉眼通的眼神,别人看了,总是以为他明白。”

妈妈说: “某卢岩的眼睛是有那么一点儿意思。有几次,我认为他在旁边看明白了,就不信他能懂,就试探他到底明白不,结果发现他根本就不懂。”

After a while, Mom asked: "Big Brother! You said that Flesh Eye Through's eyes are different, how are they different?"

Uncle Liang said: "When Flesh Eye Through's eyes look at things, they look for a longer time."

Mom said: "I have long noticed that when Luyan looks at something, it looks as if he can't see clearly for a long time."

Uncle Liang said: "Flesh Eye Through’s eyes, when others look at them, they always think he understands."

Mom said: "Luyan's eyes are that little interesting. There were times when I thought he understood as he was looking at the side, I didn't believe that he could understand, so I tried to find out if he did or not, only to find out that he didn't understand at all."

梁伯和妈妈互相看了看。梁伯转过身去,过了一会儿,转回来说: “我还知道肉眼通的另一个特征,不眩眼。就是那种眼睛,有东西在他眼前晃时,他不眨眼,眨眼即慢又少,还不逊光。”

妈妈说: “啊!那叫眩眼啊!也是,丢脸眩眼是怂啊!这我可没注意!”


梁伯对妈妈说: “自己试验自己不行,得别人试验你。”

妈妈说: “他反应慢,也眨眼。”

Uncle Liang and my mother looked at each other. Uncle Liang turned away, after a moment, turned back and said: “I also know another characteristic of the Flesh Through, the Undazzling Eye. It's the kind of eye that doesn't blink when something is in front of his eyes, blinking that is slow and little, and is also not yielding to light.”

Mom said: "Ah! That's called a Dazzling Eye! Yeah, well, Dazzling eyes losing face is a coward! I didn't notice that!"

Uncle Liang called me to his nearness and began to raise his hand in a gesture of hitting me, testing it a few times. Mom started testing herself.

Uncle Liang said to my mother: "You can't test yourself; it has to be tested by others."

Mom said: “He's slow to react and blinks.”

梁伯对妈妈说: “我听说,这种测试,得四十分就算成功;不过人家用十几种实验方法。”

妈妈说: “一般是60分算成功。”

梁伯说: “我知道,但是人家的那个算法是40分算成功。他们那种算法,我考虑应该是35或者45是最好。但我不知道是高于40还是低于40算是通过。”

妈妈问: “那你看某卢岩的眼睛算不算是肉眼通?”

梁伯说: “我是道听途说,二五眼。凤玲!你别认真,我认为他就在成功和失败的分界线上;说是就是,说不是就不是。”

Uncle Liang said to my mother: "I've heard that for this kind of test, a score of 40 is considered successful; but people use a dozen or so experimental methods."

Mom said: "It's usually 60 points that counts as success."

Uncle Liang said: "I know, but their algorithm is 40 points for success. The kind of algorithm they have, I think it should be 35 or 45 is the best. But I don't know if it's higher than 40 or lower than 40 is considered a pass."

Mom asked: “Then do you think the eyes of our Luyan are considered to be Flesh Eye Through?"

Uncle Liang said: "I heard it from hearsay, do not truthfully understand. Fengling! Don't you take it seriously, I think he's right on the dividing line between success and failure; saying yes is yes, saying no is not.”

3.6 我幼时的性格特质 Trait of my Childhood

我妈妈对梁伯说: “大姐夫,你在地上呢!你把箱子上的那头大蒜递给卢岩。”

梁伯问: “给卢岩大蒜干什么?”

妈妈回答: “我看他瞪着眼睛听咱俩说话,怕累着他;让他转移一下注意力。”

梁伯明白了: “啊!我第一次给孩子玩具,怎么能给一头大蒜呢! 说着,他在自己的兜里摸,掏出了一个花纽扣递给了我。”

My mother said to Uncle Liang: "Big Brother, you're on the floor! You hand Luyan the head of garlic on the box."

Uncle Liang asked: "What are you giving Luyan garlic for?"

Mom replied: "I saw him staring at us listening to us talking, and I was afraid of tiring him out; let him divert his attention."

Uncle Liang understood: "Ah! How can I give a head of garlic when it's the first time I've given a child a toy! Saying this, he felt in his pocket,pulled out a flower button and handed it to me."

妈妈说: “某卢岩可好待了,你给他一根鸡毛,他就能拿着琢磨俩小时。你要是再告诉他,那根鸡毛是令剑,那他就得琢磨两、三天,甚至一、两个星期都放不下。”

梁伯突然惊讶地说: “啊呀!我给他个纽扣,他会不会吃了?”

妈妈说: “他不吃!就连我喂他没吃过的东西,他都不吃,那才难呐!就像我要骗他吃毒药似的!不知怎么回事,就对你还行!别人,谁想摸摸他,那可不行,可把他烦坏了!他就躲;抱他,他就拼命挣扎;放下他,他就躲到一边,自己呆着。平时,他就自己在那儿呆着,不用管他。”

Mom said: "Our Luyan is very easy to be taken care of, that if you give him a chicken feather, he can hold it for two hours and ponder over it. If you tell him that chicken feather is a commanding sword, he can't put it down for two or three days, or even a week or two."

Uncle Liang suddenly said in surprise: "Ala! I gave him a button; will he eat it?"

Mom said, "He won't eat it! He won't eat anything I feed him that he hasn't eaten before, that's hard! It's like I'm trying to trick him into eating poison! I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's fine with you! Anyone else who tries to touch him, it's a no-no. It annoys him! He hides; if you hold him, he struggles; if you put him down, he hides and stays by himself. Usually, he just stays there by himself, don't mind him."


Annotation 3.6, These descriptions are all symptoms of infantile neurodevelopmental disorder: distrust of people and prefer for being alone. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders contains descriptions of follow-up observations of such individuals. At the student stage, such people can also learn everything, but significantly slower than normal; as adults, they can learn most of the common life skills. They struggle with thinking throughout their lives. Many of the problems they consider are not problems to normal people and do not require thinking.

3.7 肉眼通作法的纠纷 Disputes after The Makings

妈妈问梁伯: “依你看,某卢岩的眼睛是不是那个沈阳老刘(刘团长)给整的?”

梁伯说: “我不知道。也可能,就像你说的似的,‘被哪个陌生人给冲了一下;不知道什么时候,他又看到那个人了。’”


梁伯问: “要相片干什么?”

Mom asked Uncle Liang: “In your opinion, are the eyes of Luyan fixed by that Troupe Leader Liu?”

Uncle Liang replied: “I don't know. It is possible, as you said, that he was charged (or rushed) by some stranger; and don’t know when he saw that person again.'”

Mom said angrily: “No way! I must talk to Baiyang and ask that Troupe Leader Liu from Shenyang for a photo for Luyan to keep.”

Uncle Liang asked: “What do you need a photo for?”

妈妈说: “他活着,咋说咋好。他要是死了呢,我们卢岩连个他的遗物都没有。”

梁伯问: “那个老刘多大岁数了?”

妈妈说: “岁数不大!百杨说,就比他大两三岁,最多不超过六岁。但是,他要是出车祸死了呢!他们家的孩子要是不通情达理,将来对某卢岩不听不理,那时某卢岩真是:叫天天不应,叫地地不灵!”


Mom said: “If he's alive, the affair isn’t a big deal. If he died, our Luyan don't even have a relic of him.”

Uncle Liang asked: “How old is that Troupe Leader Liu?”

Mom said: “He is not old! Baiyang said he was only two or three years older than him, no more than six years older at most. But what if he died in a car accident! If their children are unreasonable; in the future, they don’t respond to our Luyan, then Luyan is really saying that the sky doesn't respond, and the earth doesn't work!”

Afterwards, my mother told my father about it. My dad asked several friends in Dahushan Town, but they all lost the information about friends in Shenyang. Later, the affair was forgotten.

3.8 医学实验的传闻 Rumor of a Medical Experiment


One day at our house, my parents and Uncle Liang were working and chatting together. Uncle Liang mysteriously told my parents that there was an ancient story that described the main character's personal life history, symptoms, pathologies, and treatments in detail, but modern doctors could not diagnose the ancient man because there were no relevant cases. The illness of the main character in the story is man-made; it is not encountered in real life for a hundred years. To unlock the many secrets of the story, a man in Shenyang is conducting a real-life medical experiment: creating a case in real life for doctors to study.


妈妈厉声回答: “没看见这在干活呢吗!这么个小人!也想明白!去!到一边儿玩去!”


I couldn't understand from the sidelines, so I walked over to ask.

Mom replied sternly: “Can't you see here is working! Such a little man! Wants to understand also! Go! Go to the side and play!”

Annotation 3.8, I believe that the ancient story referred to in this rumor is the “Peach Flower Catastrophe” in the previous Chapter 2; for specific information on this medical experiment, see the later section 4.5, “Newspaper News of Real-Life Medical Experiments”.

3.9 关于前三章的注解 Annotations on the First Three Chapters


When people are newly born, they think in images. As language skills develop, people's memory patterns, memory extraction patterns, and thinking patterns shift. After about three years of age, people quickly forget what he or she remembered before the age of three. This book here after, neither author me nor my family remembered the first three chapters; it wasn't until forty years later that author, me, recalled the affaires before the age of three by chance. Currently, the psychological community has not found normal people recalling before the age of three, but it is not uncommon among patients with mental illness.


A stone with symbols and images

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Modern psychology holds that what happens before the age of three is forgotten but still plays a role in the unconscious. Ancient Mexicans, however, believed it to be the compass that ruled the wheel of Godly Cycle, as shown in the illustration 3.9. The human face in the Sun Stone is the Mexican god of the sun; see section 15.4, “Mexican Codex”. Illustration 3.9-5 is the father of Mexico, the current Mexican sun god Huitzilopochtli in the Ollin Movement.


How do forgotten memories work? Those are habits. For example, when I encountered something like the in previous article, I was interested and thought about it, as if I had heard of it before, but could not recall it. And then, for example, for some reason, from time to time, from when I remembered to when I was a teenager, I inquired about and looked for a great fortune-teller in Shenyang to be my teacher, until I met Eve Liu; and I was sure that the person I had been looking for was her father. After fighting with her dad (i.e., Troupe Leader Liu), I avoided him to the point of hiding in Canada. When I realized that Troupe Leader Liu had passed away, I started looking for his grave. What for? To give him what he wanted and get back what he owed me; this involves the principles of the function of ancestral tablets, graves, tombstones, and so on. I'm not going to talk about it here, aside from present topic too far, so if you want to know, read further!

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