Dr S Jaishankar Takes George Soros to the Cleaners for his Remarks against India's Government
2023年2月18日 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SjWWiv3iE8
德雷辛博士,您的很多评论都集中在民主、促进民主和不同形式的民主上,我们偶尔会看到一些关于印度民主遭到破坏的评论,最近一次是在 BBC 的背景下,就在昨天的慕尼黑安全会议上,乔治·索罗斯谈到了许多问题,但具体来说是开放和封闭的社会,并呼吁印度进行体制改革,作为印度外交部长,当您与四方部长以及其他人打交道时,您如何解释这一点,嗯,我实际上提出了两点,第一,世界正在发生变化,它正在重新平衡,它不再是欧洲大西洋,我认为并不是每个人都明白这一点,我认为旧习难改,我一直非常坦率,嗯,世界上仍然有人认为他们的定义、他们的偏好、他们的滥用必须凌驾于其他一切之上,所以既然你提到了这个具体的例子我不知道大家对慕尼黑会议上说的话有多熟悉,索罗斯先生说印度是一个民主国家,但他不认为印度总理是民主党人,顺便说一句,几年前,在同一次会议上,我当时也在场,他实际上指责我们计划剥夺数百万穆斯林的公民身份,当然这并没有发生,这是一个荒谬的建议,但你必须明白这实际上意味着什么,我可以认为,所讨论的个人索罗斯先生是一个坐在纽约的老富人,他仍然认为他的观点应该决定整个世界现在如何运作,如果我只能停留在老富人和老富人固执己见,我会把它收起来,但他的老富人固执己见和危险,你知道,因为发生的事情是,当这样的人、这样的观点和这样的组织实际上投入资源来塑造叙事时,你知道,我谈到了全球化,现在全球化做了什么它实际上创造了许多全球化的无缝性,创造了所有机会,也允许你了解叙事被塑造,让资金流入,你知道基金会,现在在这个特定案例中,我的意思是,很明显他有非常强烈的政治偏好,他实际上认为,我的意思是,这是一个拥有 14 亿人口的国家,我们几乎已经到了那个地步,谁的选民决定这个国家应该如何运作,他实际上认为,如果你知道,我再次引用他作为一个极端的例子,好吧,但是在不同的国家还有其他表现,像他这样的人认为,如果我们希望看到的人获胜,选举就是好的,如果选举产生了不同的结果,那么我们实际上会说这是一个有缺陷的民主,你知道这一点,而美妙之处在于,所有这些都是在倡导开放、透明的社会等的幌子下完成的,所以,我们这一代人是在政权更迭等概念的熏陶下长大的,这些概念影响着现在的运作,你可以称之为我的意思是,对我来说,这看起来真的一样,只是带有某种佛教的色彩,所以对我来说,今天我们有必要就民主进行严肃的对话,你知道,当我审视自己的民主时,我的意思是,今天我有一个前所未有的选举结果,这是决定性的选举过程,没有受到质疑,我们不是那种选举后有人去法庭仲裁的国家,好吧,我们也没有任何悬而未决的谈话,你知道你实际上在哪里说,我将坐在审判席上,现在我对民主的感觉是,水应该决定一切,这让我们感到担忧,因为我们是一个经历过殖民主义的国家,我们知道当外部干涉你的政治时会发生什么危险,如果你做这种恐吓贩子,比如数百万人将被剥夺公民权,这实际上会对社会结构造成真正的损害,因为外面有人相信你,有人相信你,而你不相信顺便说一下,把它留给意外吧,你用一个操作来支持它,这样你就创造了那种纯粹的精神错乱,然后你用它来验证你最初的判断,所以,我认为今天你知道谁的民主谁的全球化呃为什么你知道全球进程如何运作的透明度这些都是需要讨论的真正问题
Dr S Jaishankar Takes George Soros to the Cleaners for his Remarks against India's Government
2023年2月18日 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SjWWiv3iE8
Dr dresching you a lot of your commentary was focused on democracy and furthering democracy and different forms of democracy there are occasional comments that we see on the undermining of democracy in India most recently in the context of the BBC and just yesterday at the Munich security conference George Soros spoke on many issues but specifically on open and close societies and called on institutional reform in India how do you as foreign minister of India explain this when you're dealing with your quad
ministers in particular as well as others well uh look uh I I actually made two points one how the world is changing it is rebalancing it is less Euro Atlantic I don't think everybody gets that I think old habits die hard I've been very candidly uh there are there are still people in the world who believe that their definition their preferences their abuse must override everything else
so since you mentioned this specific
example I I don't know how familiar
people are with what was said at the
Munich conference essentially Mr sorrow
said India is a democratic country but
he doesn't think the prime minister of
India is a Democrat and by the way a few years ago in the
same conference I was there at that time
he actually accused us of planning to
strip millions of Muslims of their
citizenship which of course didn't
happen it was a ridiculous suggestion
but you have to understand what this
actually means ah I could take a view that the
individual in question Mr Soros is a old Rich opinionated person sitting in New York who still thinks that his views
should determine how the entire world
works now if I could only stop at Old rich and
opinionated I would put it away
but his old Rich opinionated and
dangerous you know because what happens is when
such people and such views and such
organizations they actually invest
resources in shaping narratives you know
I I spoke about globalization now what globalization does is it actually creates a lot of the seamlessness of globalization which creates all the opportunities also allows you know narratives to be shaped money to come in uh you know foundations uh to go about their their agenda now in this particular case I mean it is very clear that he has very strong political preferences he actually
thinks that I mean doesn't matter that this is a country of 1.4 billion people we are almost there who whose voters decide how the country should run he actually thinks well if you know and and again I cite him as an extreme example okay but it's it's there are other you know manifestations of this in in different countries where people like him think uh an election is good if the person we want to see wins if the election throws up a different uh outcome then we actually will say it's a flawed democracy ah and you know this to my and and the beauty is all this is done under the pretense of advocacy of open open Society of transparency Etc so uh Our Generation we have grown up with Concepts like regime change which influence operations now you can call it what you will I mean to me this really looks the same with a gloss of some kind of do Buddhism on it so for me it's actually necessary today that you have we have today a serious conversation on Democracy you know I I when I look at my own democracy I mean I have today a water turnout which is unprecedented uh electoral outcomes which are decisive electoral processes which are not
questioned we are not one of those countries where after the election somebody goes to arbitrate in court okay we don't have any hanging chats either and you know where you actually say uh I will sit in judgment over the verdict about us now my sense of democracy is the water is supposed to decide and it worries us it worries us because look we are a country which went through colonialism we know the dangers of what happens when there is outside interference in whatever guys in your politics if if you do this kind of scare mongering like millions of people will be deprived of citizenship it actually does real damage to a societal fabric because somebody out there believes you and somebody and you don't leave it to accident by the way you back it up with an operation so you create that kind of pure psychosis and then you use that to validate your original judgment so I I do think today between you know what whose democracy who's globalization uh why you know the transparency of how Global processes work these are real issues which need to be debated