CHINA BAN US Import and Crash US Economy: What's Next?
美国和中国的关系跨越了两个多世纪,其特点是合作、竞争和冲突交替进行。本概述概述了两国地缘政治和经济互动的关键发展。1784 年 2 月 22 日,美国开始与中国进行直接贸易,当时商船“中国皇后号”从纽约港出发,标志着美国进入利润丰厚的对华贸易。这艘船也被称为“中国皇后号”,是一艘三桅方形帆船,重 360 吨,最初建于 1783 年,作为私掠船使用。《巴黎条约》正式结束美国独立战争后,这艘船被改装用于商业目的。“中国皇后号”载有各种各样的货物,包括 30 吨金枪鱼,在中国因其价值而受到高度重视。药用特性 船长约翰·格林曾是美国海军军官,商业代理人或超级卡罗塞缪尔·肖和托马斯·兰德尔曾是美国大陆军的军官 船主集团包括新国家的一些最富有的人,例如罗伯特·莫里斯 这艘船于 1784 年 8 月抵达广州,现在的广州,货物在那里被换成中国商品,如茶叶、丝绸和瓷器 中国皇后号于 1785 年 5 月 11 日经过 14 个月零 24 天的航行返回纽约 这次旅程的成功鼓励了其他美国商人与中国进行贸易,从而导致了被称为旧中国贸易的时代 在整个 19 世纪,美国扩大了其在中国的商业存在 然而,在此期间出现了紧张局势,特别是在鸦片战争期间 1839 年至1860 年,尽管美国没有在军事上参与这些冲突,但它从这些冲突的结果中受益匪浅。1844 年,中美签署了《万吉条约》,这是美国和中国之间第一份正式协议。该条约赋予美国最惠国地位,确保其与其他西方国家享有平等特权。它还提供了治外法权,允许在华美国公民根据美国法律而不是中国司法权接受审判。《万吉条约》为美国在中国的经济利益和传教活动开辟了新的机会。它允许美国人进入中国五个港口进行贸易,并允许美国人购买土地、建立教堂和医院。该条约还取消了以前阻止外国人学习中文的限制。在第二次世界大战期间,促进了更多的文化和商业交流。美国通过军事援助、财政支持和外交等方式大大增强了中国抗日侵略的能力。人员部署,特别是飞虎队,这个团体正式被称为第一个美国志愿团体,中国空军的 AVG 成立于 1941 年,由克莱尔·沙诺领导,她是一名退役的美国陆军空军上尉,由从美国各军种招募的飞行员组成,AVG 的任务是保卫中国和缅甸,现在的缅甸,抵抗日本军队,他们独特的鲨鱼脸柯蒂斯 P40 战鹰飞机成为他们勇敢任务的象征,飞虎队于 1941 年 12 月 20 日取得了第一次战斗胜利,击落了 10 架袭击昆明的日本轰炸机中的 9 架,这大大提升了美国和中国军队的士气,1945 年日本投降后,国民党全唐国民党和中国共产党之间的中国内战重新开始,尽管美国支持国民党,包括军事援助和咨询援助,但中国共产党由1949 年 10 月 1 日,毛泽东占据上风,宣布在大陆成立中华民国,而蒋介石领导的国民党则撤退台湾继续宣称自己是中华民国 随后的几年里,美国在冷战和遏制共产主义战略的大背景下努力应对其对华政策 最初,美国在外交上正式承认台湾的中华民国是全中国的合法政府,拒绝承认中华人民共和国 这一立场受到地缘政治考虑和支持非共产主义政权的愿望的影响 美国向台湾提供经济和军事援助,加强其对潜在中华人民共和国侵略的立场 这一政策一直持续到 20 世纪 70 年代,当时国际关系的变化最终导致美国与台湾关系正常化 冷战时期从 1949 年到 1971 年 在冷战初期,美国实施了孤立共产主义国家的政策,包括中华人民共和国 这一战略涉及全面的贸易禁运,限制向中国出口战略物资和技术,旨在扩大其经济和政治影响力,美国一直保持单方面禁运,直到 1969 年尼克松政府解除了对中国大部分贸易的限制,但战略重要商品除外。1950 年至 1953 年朝鲜战争期间,中美两国分别支持冲突中的对立双方,导致两国之间的紧张局势升级。这场直接的军事对抗加深了敌对情绪,巩固了两国之间的分歧。在整个 20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代,贸易限制仍然存在。然而,到了 20 世纪 70 年代初,地缘政治的变化促使美国采取代顿政策,从而改善了两国关系。1971 年 4 月,美国解除了自朝鲜战争开始以来对中国的贸易禁运。这一政策转变最终导致理查德·尼克松总统对中国进行了历史性的访问。 1972 年访问中国,标志着两国外交关系正常化的重要一步。 1971 年至 1979 年的外交关系正常化 20 世纪 70 年代,中美关系发生了重大转变,始于 1972 年 2 月理查德·尼克松总统对中华民国的开创性访问。这是美国现任总统首次访问中华人民共和国。在两国关系数十年的疏远之后,此次访问开启了双边关系的解冻。访问期间,尼克松总统会见了毛泽东主席和李克强总理,进行了讨论,并最终于 1972 年 2 月 27 日发表了上海联合声明。这份联合声明概述了未来合作的框架,承认了双方存在的分歧,特别是在台湾问题上,同时表达了共同努力实现关系正常化的愿望。12 月 15 日,双方关系取得了重大进展。 1978 年,吉米·卡特总统宣布,美国将于 1979 年 1 月 1 日正式承认中华民国。这一决定意味着切断与中华民国台湾的官方外交关系,承认北京政府是中国的唯一合法政府。然而,为了保持与台湾的实质性关系,美国国会于 1979 年 4 月 10 日颁布了《台湾关系法》。《台湾关系法》建立了非官方关系的法律框架,促进了持续的经济和文化交流,并授权向台湾提供防御性武器。该法案旨在维护西太平洋的和平、安全与稳定,反映了美国对台湾安全的承诺,尽管没有正式的外交关系。这些 1970 年代的外交演习为美国和中国之间复杂而多方面的关系奠定了基础,这种关系至今仍在平衡双方的合作与竞争。各个领域让我们稍作停顿,如果你到目前为止喜欢这个视频,我们可以请你帮个小忙吗点击“赞”按钮可以帮助我们接触更广泛的受众,并在评论中分享你的想法或反馈会产生更大的影响,谢谢你的收看现在让我们回顾一下 1980 年代到 2000 年代的经济参与,20 世纪 70 年代末,在邓小平的领导下,中国发起了一系列以市场为导向的改革,改变了其经济,这些改革包括农业的非集体化、国家对外开放和国有企业的私有化,第一阶段在 20 世纪 70 年代末和 80 年代初,涉及农业的非集体化、国家对外开放和允许企业家创业,第二阶段在 20 世纪 80 年代末和20 世纪 90 年代,中国对许多国有企业进行了私有化和承包,这些改革为外国投资创造了重大机遇,美国企业迅速利用了中国庞大的劳动力和新兴的消费市场,导致双边贸易激增。与美国公司开展贸易 在中国建立制造业务,以利用较低的生产成本并进入不断增长的中国市场 2001 年,中国加入世界贸易组织,这是中美经济关系的关键时刻。加入世界贸易组织要求中国实施重大贸易自由化措施,包括降低关税、消除贸易壁垒和向外国竞争开放各个行业,因此,两国之间的贸易迅速扩大,到 2019 年,美国和中国的货物贸易额从 1999 年的不到 1000 亿美元增加到 5580 亿美元。中国加入世贸组织也对其国内经济产生了深远的影响,它加速了中国融入全球经济的步伐,带来了前所未有的经济增长,并使数亿人摆脱了贫困,但也带来了挑战,包括国内产业竞争加剧,需要进行重大的法律和监管改革以遵守世贸组织规则战略竞争 2020 年代到 2010 年代,由于对中国贸易行为的担忧,中美关系变得越来越紧张,特别是对知识产权盗窃和强制技术转让的指控,美国指责中国强迫在其境内运营的美国公司与当地合作伙伴分享专有技术,作为市场准入的先决条件,这些做法被视为破坏了公平竞争并损害了美国企业的利益,作为回应,特朗普政府于 2018 年发起了一场贸易战,对价值约 2500 亿美元的中国进口产品征收关税,中国以针对美国商品的关税进行报复,导致全球供应链中断,增加两国企业和消费者的成本,为了解决这些问题,两国于 2020 年 1 月 15 日签署了第一阶段贸易协议,该协议要求中国在以下领域实施结构性改革:如在财产保护和技术转让方面,此外,中国承诺在两年内增加对美国商品和服务的购买量 2000 亿美元,尽管做出了这些承诺,但该协议仍留下了一些尚未解决的关键问题,包括中国的产业政策、国有企业的作用和网络安全问题,此外,中国的实际购买量未达到协议中设定的目标,部分原因是 covid-19 大流行对经济的影响。 2021 年中美贸易趋势 2024 年中美贸易关系近年来经历了显着波动。 2023 年美国对华出口额约为 478.1 亿美元,反映了受持续争端和中国努力实现进口来源多元化影响的复杂贸易环境。 2024 年的初步数据显示,农业技术和能源等关键领域的贸易继续下降,例如 10 月份美国对华原油出口2024 年从今年早些时候的 4 年低点反弹至约 130,000 桶/天,但这一数字仍远低于 2023 年 259,000 桶/天的平均水平,突显出中国燃料需求疲软以及来自农业领域其他供应商的竞争加剧 美国出口在 2023 年也面临挑战 中国进口了价值 340.5 亿美元的美国农产品,比上年下降了 20%,这一下降归因于中国进口来源的战略多元化以及贸易紧张局势的持续影响 现在让我们来谈谈受贸易下滑影响的关键行业 农产品 中国已大幅减少对美国农产品进口的依赖,尤其是大豆和玉米,转而转向巴西等替代供应商 2024 年前两个月中国从巴西进口的大豆同比激增 21%,达到 696 万公吨,而从美国的进口量从去年同期的 971 万吨下降至 496 万吨。同样,巴西已成为中国最大的玉米供应国,进一步减少了美国在该市场的份额。在贸易紧张局势升级和美国出口管制的背景下,中国加大了在 2023 年支持国内半导体产业的力度。今年前 9 个月,中国半导体进口量同比下降 14.6%,总计 35590 亿单位,低于 2022 年同期的 467 亿单位。这一减少反映了中国致力于实现技术自给自足,减少对美国半导体进口金属的依赖。随着贸易商停止进口,预计中国废铜进口量将大幅下降。在贸易紧张局势不断升级的情况下,美国是其主要供应商,在唐纳德·特朗普总统的领导下,美国威胁要对中国进口产品征收 60% 的关税,并额外征收 10% 的关税,近期宣布的措施引发了人们对北京在今年前 10 个月可能采取报复措施的担忧 中国进口报告数据,并可能导致铜价波动,以应对预期的短缺 北京已允许从 11 月 15 日起进口更多再生铜,旨在促进回收并减少对主要原材料的依赖 这项政策调整凸显了中国为减轻贸易紧张局势对其工业供应链的影响所做的努力 更广泛的背景包括特朗普总统提名斯科特·贝森特为财政部长和詹姆森·格里尔为美国贸易代表,预计他们两人都将支持政府的激进关税政策 这些事态发展加剧了市场不确定性,影响大宗商品市场和全球贸易动态 中国暂停进口美国废铜,贸易紧张局势升级,对美国经济产生重大影响 废铜历来是美国的主要出口产品,中国是其最大买家 对华出口下降减少了美国废料加工商和出口商的收入,近期贸易占总市场的近 20%,这一下降可能导致数百万美元的收入损失 美国回收公司面临需求减少,导致库存积压和小型企业可能倒闭,无法找到替代市场 严重依赖出口的地区失业也是一个问题 能源 中国已实现液化天然气进口多元化,越来越多地从澳大利亚、卡塔尔和俄罗斯等国家采购,从而减少了对美国能源出口的依赖 2024 年前 10 个月 中国从美国进口的液化天然气比 2023 年同期增加了 63%,使美国成为中国第五大液化天然气供应国 然而,中国与其他主要液化天然气生产商的长期合同和战略伙伴关系表明,中国有意采取措施确保从不同来源获得能源供应,减少因过度依赖任何一个国家而可能产生的脆弱性。这些战略转变凸显了中国为减轻地缘政治紧张局势和贸易争端相关风险所做的努力,旨在通过在关键行业实现进口多元化来增强经济韧性。结论美国针对中国的关税政策对美国经济的损害大于对中国的影响,因为美国对中国进口产品征收了更高的关税,导致国内消费者和企业的成本增加,供应链中断,商品价格上涨。这些挑战削弱了美国工业的竞争力,特别是制造业,面临着更高的投入成本、失业和投资减少。中国通过实现进口来源多元化和扩大与其他国家的贸易关系,战略性地减少了美国商品的进口,对农业等行业产生了重大影响。中国减轻了对美国产品的依赖,缓解了其经济受到关税的影响,而依赖中国需求的美国出口商,如大豆和玉米生产商,则处于弱势,突显了贸易战不均衡的负担,而不是振兴美国工业或减少贸易逆差,关税将进口转移到其他国家,而没有促进国内生产,这一政策暴露了美国经济在相互关联的全球贸易体系中的脆弱性,强调保护主义措施往往会带来意想不到的后果,超过其预期的好处,中美关系持续紧张,凸显了制定更平衡和合作的贸易战略的必要性,这就是这段视频的全部内容,
following Donald Trump's reelection as
US president discussions have
intensified around potential shifts in
American trade policies among the most
debated proposals is Trump's plan to
impose sweeping tariffs on Imports with
a strong focus on goods from China such
measures are anticipated to exacerbate
already strained trade relations between
the two Nations while the details of
these policies remain unclear a
significant decline in us China trade
over recent years has already posed
considerable challenges for American
businesses reliant on the Chinese market
China has deliberately reduced its
imports from the United States as part
of a broader effort to diversify its
supplier base and decrease dependency on
American Goods this strategy has had a
pronounced impact on key us Industries
over the past three years trade volumes
between the two countries have dropped
significantly in a very recent move
China has also stopped buying copper
scrap from the US supplier this video
highlights four major sect particularly
affected by the reduction in China's
imports from the United States before
exploring these industries in detail it
is crucial to review the historical
trajectory of us China
relations the relationship between the
United States and China spans more than
two centuries characterized by
alternating periods of collaboration
competition and conflict this overview
outlines key developments in their
geopolitical and economic interactions
the United States in initiated direct
trade with China on February 22nd 1784
when the merchant ship Empress of China
departed from New York Harbor marking
the nation's entry into the lucrative
China trade The Vessel also known as the
Chinese queen was a three-masted square
rigged ship of 360 tons initially built
in 1783 for service as a privateer after
the Treaty of Paris formally ended the
American Revolutionary War the ship was
refitted for commercial purposes the
empress of China carried a diverse cargo
including 30 tons of jinang which was
highly valued in China for its medicinal
properties the ship's Captain John Green
was a former US Naval officer and the
business agents or super caros Samuel
Shaw and Thomas Randall were former
officers in the US continental army The
Syndicate of owners included some of the
wealthiest men in the new nation such as
Robert Morris the ship arrived in Canton
modernday Guang Joo in August 17 884
where the cargo was exchanged for
Chinese Goods like tea silk and Porcelain the Empress of China returned to New York on May 11th 1785 after a voyage of 14 months and 24
days the success of this journey
encouraged other American Merchants to
pursue trade with China leading to the
era known as the old China trade
throughout the 19th century the US
expanded its commercial presence in
China however tensions arose during this
period notably during the Opium Wars
1839 to 1860 although the United States
did not militarily participate in these
conflicts it benefited from their
outcomes in 1844 the Treaty of wangia
was signed representing the first formal
agreement between the US and China this
treaty granted the US most favored
nation status ensuring equal privileges
with other Western Nations it also
provided extr territorial rights
allowing US citizens in China to be
tried under American American laws
rather than Chinese jurisdiction the
Treaty of wangia opened new
opportunities for American economic
interests and missionary activities in
China granting access to five Chinese
ports for trade and enabling Americans
to buy land and establish churches and
hospitals the treaty also removed
restrictions that previously prevented
foreigners from learning the Chinese
language fostering greater cultural and
Commercial exchanges during World War II the United
States significantly bolstered China's
resistance against Japanese aggression
through military aid financial support
and the deployment of personnel notably
the Flying Tigers this group officially
known as the first American volunteer
group AVG of the Chinese Air Force was
formed in 1941 under the leadership of
Clare l shano a retired US Army aircore
Captain comprising Pilots recruited from
the US military branches the AVG was
tasked with defending China and Burma
now Myanmar against Japanese forces
their distinctive sharkface Curtis P40
Warhawk aircraft became emblematic of
their daring missions the Flying Tigers
achieved their first combat Victory on
December 20th 1941 Downing nine out of
10 Japanese bombers attacking Kunming
marking a significant morale boost for
both American and Chinese forces
following Japan's surrender in 1945 the
Chinese civil war between the Nationalist Quan tang kmt and the Communist Party of China CPC resumed
despite us support for the kmt including
military aid and advisory assistance the
CPC led by Mao zong gained the upper
hand by October 1st 1949 Mao proclaimed
the establishment of the People's
Republic of China PRC on the mainland
while the kmt under Chang Kai Sheek
retreate d to Taiwan continuing to assert
itself as the Republic of China Roc in
the ensuing years the United States
grappled with its China policy amid the
broader context of the Cold War and the
strategy of containing communism
initially the US maintained formal
diplomatic recognition of The Roc in
Taiwan as the legitimate government of
all China refusing to acknowledge the
PRC this stance was influenced by
geopolitical considerations and the
desire to support non-communist regimes
the US provided economic and Military
assistance to Taiwan reinforcing its
position against potential PRC
this policy persisted until the 1970s
when shifts in international relations
led to the eventual normalization of
relations Cold War period from 1949 to
1971 in the early stages of the Cold War
the United States implemented policies
to isolate communist Nations including
the People's Republic of China this
strategy involved comprehensive trade
embargos that restricted the export of
strategic materials and Technology to
China aiming to its economic and
political influence the United States
maintained a unilateral embargo until
1969 when the Nixon Administration
lifted restrictions on most trade to
China except for strategically important
goods tensions between the United States
and China escalated during the Korean
war from 1950 to 1953 as both Nations
supported opposing sides in the conflict
this direct military confrontation
deepened hostilities and solidified
divisions between the two countries
throughout the 1950s and 60s trade
restrictions remained in place however
by the early 1970s geopolitical shifts
prompted the United States to pursue a
policy of daytont leading to improved
relations in April 1971 the United
States lifted its trade embargo with
China which had been in place since the
start of the Korean War this policy
shift culminated in president Richard
Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972
marking a significant step toward
normalizing diplomatic relations between
the two
Nations Repro Mon and normalization from
1971 to
1979 the 1970s marked a pivotal shift in
United States China relations beginning
with President Richard Nixon's
groundbreaking visit to the People's
Republic of China in February
1972 this visit the first by a sitting
United States president to the PRC
initiated a thaw in bilateral relations
after Decades of estrangement during the
the visit President Nixon met with
Chairman Mao zidong and Premier Joe en
Li engaging in discussions that
culminated in the issuance of the
Shanghai communic on February 27th
1972 this joint statement outlined a
framework for future cooperation
acknowledging existing differences
particularly concerning Taiwan while
expressing a mutual desire to work
toward normalization of relations a
significant development occurred on
December 15th 1978 when President Jimmy
Carter announced that the United States
would formally recognize the PRC
effective January 1st
1979 this decision entailed severing
official diplomatic ties with the
Republic of China Taiwan and
acknowledging the government in Beijing
as the sole legal government of China
however to maintain substantive
relations with Taiwan the United States
Congress enacted the Taiwan relations
act on April 10th
1979 the TR established a legal
framework for unofficial relations
facilitating continued economic and
cultural exchanges and authorizing the
provision of defensive arms to Taiwan
this act aimed to preserve peace
security and stability in the Western
Pacific reflecting the United States
commitment to Taiwan security despite
the absence of formal diplomatic ties
these diplomatic Maneuvers in the 1970s
laid the groundwork for the complex and
multifaceted relationship between the
United States and China that persists
today balancing cooperation and
competition across various
domains let's take a quick pause if
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thank you for watching now let's dive
in economic engagement from the 1980s to
the 2000s in the late 1970s under the
leadership of dung Xiao ping China in
initiated a series of Market oriented
reforms that transformed its economy
these reforms included the
decollectivization of Agriculture the
opening of the country to foreign
investment and the privatization of
state-owned Enterprises the first stage
in the late 1970s and early 1980s
involved the decollectivization of
Agriculture the opening up of the
country to foreign investment and
permission for entrepreneurs to start
businesses the second stage in the late
1980s and 1990s involved the
privatization and Contracting out of
much state-owned industry these reforms
created significant opportunities for
foreign investment and American
businesses were quick to capitalize on
China's vast labor force and emerging
consumer Market this led to a surge in
bilateral trade with United States companies establishing manufacturing operations in China to take advantage of
lower production costs and to access the
growing Chinese market a pivotal moment
in United States China economic
relations occurred in 2001 when China
joined the World Trade Organization this
accession required China to implement
significant trade liberalization
measures including reducing tariffs
eliminating trade barriers and opening
various sectors to foreign competition
as a result trade between the two
Nations expanded rapidly by
2019 trade in goods between the United
States and China had increased from less
than $100 billion in 1999 to $558
China's accession to the WTO also had a
profound impact on its domestic economy
it accelerated China's integration into
the global economy leading to
unprecedented economic growth and
lifting hundreds of millions of people
out of poverty however it also presented
challenges including increased
competition for domestic Industries and
the need for significant legal and
Regulatory reforms to comply with WTO
rules strategic competition 20 0 S
2020s by the 2010s US China relations
became increasingly strained due to
concerns over China's Trade Practices
particularly allegations of intellectual
property theft and enforced technology
transfers the US accused China of
compelling American companies operating
within its borders to share proprietary
Technologies with local Partners as a
prerequisite for Market access these
practices were perceived as undermining
Fair competition and disadvantaging us
businesses in response the Trump
Administration initiated a trade war in
2018 imposing tariffs on approximately
$250 billion worth of Chinese Imports
China retaliated with tariffs targeting
us Goods leading to disruptions in
Global Supply chains and increased costs
for businesses and consumers in both
Nations to address these issues the two
countries signed the phase 1 trade
agreement on January 15 2020 this deal
required China to implement structural
reforms in areas such as in ual property
protection and Technology transfer
additionally China committed to increasing its purchases of us goods and services by 200 billion dollars over two
years despite these commitments the
agreement left several critical issues
unresolved including China's industrial
policies the role of state-owned Enterprises and cyber security concerns moreover China's actual purchases fell
short of the target set in the agreement
partly due to the economic impact of the
covid-19 pandemic recent Trends in us China trade 2021
2024 trade relations between the United
States and China have experienced
notable fluctuations in recent years in
2023 US exports to China amounted to
$47.81 billion reflecting a complex
trade environment influenced by ongoing
disputes and China's efforts to
diversify its import sources preliminary
data for 2024 indicates continued de
lines in key sectors including
agriculture technology and energy for
instance us crude oil exports to China
in October 2024 rebounded to around
130,000 barrels per day from a 4-year
low earlier in the year however this
figure remains significantly below the
2023 average of 259,000 barrels per day
highlighting weak Chinese fuel demand
and increased competition from other
suppliers in the agricultural sector us
export have also faced challenges in
2023 China imported
$34.05 billion worth of us agricultural
products marking a 20% decrease from the
previous year this decline is attributed
to China's strategic diversification of
its import sources and the lingering
effects of trade
tensions let's now talk about the key
sectors affected by declining trade
agricultural products China has
substantially reduced its dependence on
us agricultural Imports notably soybeans
and corn by turning to Alternative
suppliers such as Brazil in the first
two months of 2024 China's soybean
imports from Brazil surged 21% year
on-year reaching 6.96 million metric
tons while imports from the US decreased
to 4.96 million tons from 9.71 million
tons in the same period the previous
year similarly Brazil has become China's
leading corn supplier for further
diminishing the US share in this
market technology and electronics amid
escalating trade tensions and US export
controls China has intensified efforts
to bolster its domestic semiconductor
industry in 2023 China's semiconductor
Imports declined by
14.6% year- on-year in the first 9
months totaling
3559 billion units down from
46.7 billion in the same period in 202 2
this reduction reflects China's
commitment to achieving technological
self-sufficiency and reducing Reliance
on us semiconductor
Imports Metals China's Imports of scrap
copper are anticipated to decline
significantly as Traders halt purchases
from the United States its primary
supplier amid escalating trade tensions
under President Donald Trump's
Administration the US has threatened to
impose a 60% tariff on Chinese Imports
with an additional 10% tariff. announced recently prompting concerns over
potential retaliatory measures from Beijing in the first 10 months of the year China imported report data and could contribute to copper price volatility in response to
the anticipated shortfall Beijing has
allowed more recycled copper Imports
starting November 15th aiming to promote
Recycling and reduce dependence on
primary raw materials this policy
adjustment underscores China's efforts
to mitigate the impact of trade tensions
on its Industrial Supply chains the
broader context includes president
Trump's nomination of Scott bessent as
treasury secretary and Jameson Greer as
us trade representative both both of
whom are expected to support the
administration's aggressive tariff
policies these developments have
heightened Market uncertainty
influencing commodity markets and global
trade Dynamics the suspension of us
scrap copper Imports by China driven by
escalating trade tensions carries
significant implications for the US
economy scrap copper has historically
been a major export for the US with
China as its largest buyer a decline in
exports to China reduces revenue for
American Scrap processors and exporters
with recent trade accounting for nearly
20% of the total Market this drop could
result in millions of dollars in Lost
income us recycling firms face reduced
demand leading to inventory buildups and
potential closures of smaller businesses
unable to find alternative markets job
losses in regions heavily reliant on
exports are also a
concern energy China has Diversified its
liquefied natural gas Imports
increasingly sourcing from countries
like Australia Qatar and Russia thereby
decreasing its dependence on US Energy
exports in the first 10 months of 2024
China imported 63% more LNG from the US
compared to the same period in 2023
positioning the us as China's fifth
largest LNG supplier however China's
long-term contracts and strategic
Partnerships with other major LNG
producers indicate a deliberate move to
secure energy supplies from diverse
sources reducing potential
vulnerabilities associated with
overreliance on any single country these
strategic shifts underscore China's
efforts to mitigate risks associated
with geopolitical tensions and trade
disputes aiming to enhance economic
resilience by diversifying its import
portfolio across critical
sectors conclusion the US tariff
policies targeting China have
inadvertently harmed the American
economy more than they have impacted
China by imposing higher tariffs on
Chinese Imports the US has triggered
increased costs for domestic consumers
and businesses disrupting Supply chains
and raising prices for goods these
challenges have undermined the
competitiveness of American Industries
particularly manufacturing which has
faced higher input costs job losses and
reduced investment in response China has
strategically reduced Imports of us
Goods significantly impacting sectors
like agriculture by diversifying its
import sources and expanding trade
relationships with other nations China
has mitigated its Reliance on us
products cushioning its economy against
the tariffs meanwhile us exporters
reliant on Chinese demand such as
soybean and corn producers have been
left vulnerable highlighting the uneven
burden of the trade War rather than
revitalizing us Industries or reducing
the trade deficit the tariffs have
shifted Imports to other countries
without boosting domestic production
this policy has exposed the
vulnerabilities of the US economy in an
interconnected global trade system
emphasizing that protectionist measures
often carry unintended consequences that
outweigh their intended benefits the
ongoing strain on us China relations
underscores the need for a more balanced
and Cooperative trade