
Jeane Dixon 预言 荣耀的呼唤

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荣耀的呼唤 Jeane Dixon


Jeane Dixon 首次出版于 1973 年 3 月 1 日 184 页

Jeane Dixon 拥有非凡的预言天赋,帮助她预测了许多已经发生的重大事件。我们将会面临什么样的未来?先知坚持认为,荣耀的世界还是人间地狱——选择权在我们手中。在她迄今为止最鼓舞人心、最紧迫的书中,Jeane Dixon 描述了她对没有上帝的生活的惊人而敬畏的愿景,并发出了革命、复兴和重生的欢乐呼吁——一场信仰革命、信仰复兴和人类与造物主亲和力的重生。

2023 年 9 月 13 日



除了艾赛尼派、法利赛人和撒都该人之外,珍妮还描述了另一个被称为狂热分子的群体,他们听起来像右翼恐怖分子(72、75)。珍妮说耶稣也不是狂热分子。 “有人可能会说,法利赛人是犹太教的立法者,撒都该人是犹太教的执行者,文士是犹太教的司法者”(74)。


她预测基督的第二次降临将在 2000-2050 年之间开始。这意味着只有敌基督的先知即将到来(47)。

在她之前的著作《我的生活和预言》中,她说敌基督来自东方,我认为那是指中东。但她从未具体说明。在这本书中,她说敌基督将是一位来自罗马的领导人 (179)。我认为她高估了罗马的力量和影响力,因为她信仰天主教。

她说 2050 年之前会有神圣的干预,但不会是在另一位教皇殉难和数百万人在战争中死亡之前 (115)。

她说罗马人在公元 70 年夷平耶路撒冷是神圣的干预 (125);上帝想惩罚他们,因为他们不知道“他们来访的时间”(126)。像大多数基督徒一样,珍妮把所有坏事都归咎于撒旦 (90),却忽略了他们也相信上帝实际上自己也做了很多毁灭和谋杀的事情。



出于某种原因,珍妮重复了她的 p。 49 预言在书的最后,我觉得很烦人。好像她或其他人没有编辑它以确保没有






她说门徒都很年轻,尤其是约翰(心爱的)和詹姆斯。耶稣开始传教时住在彼得家里。彼得遇见耶稣时大概已经 30 多岁了,尽管艺术家们把他描绘成一个秃头、留着胡子的老头(104)。


“大帝国的黄金时代通常只有 200 年,这种模式在整个历史中一直盛行。人民从奴役走向信仰,从信仰走向勇气,从勇气走向自由,从自由走向富足,从富足走向自私,从自私走向自满,从自满走向冷漠,从冷漠走向依赖,从依赖走向奴役;这是帝国崛起、衰落和灭亡的九个关键阶段”(11)。我认为我们现在处于冷漠阶段,而民主人士正试图将我们带入依赖阶段,这将导致奴役。


珍妮澄清了她对轮回的看法。基本上,她认为灵魂会转世,但灵魂不会。灵魂(希腊语中的 psyche,拉丁语中的 anima)是人的生命原则。“当它与肉体结合时,它使人成为一个活生生的存在。它是个体的、单一的、精神的,永远不会转世到另一个身体里。它是个人生活的主体。你的“灵魂”是你的意识或身份,它在死后仍然存在,如果它按照上帝的意愿生活,就会永远进入上帝的生命。精神(希腊语,pneuma;拉丁语,spiritus)是指心理活动的中心。它不局限于个人,而是可以永生不灭。正是这种品质被转世,或在其他灵魂中继续存在,在正确的时间经历生命周期,符合上帝为我们制定的计划,让我们在人类历史的某个精确时间完成一项特定的使命”(46)。听起来她是在说精神和大脑是一回事,但我觉得大脑会转世是没有意义的。这更像个性吗?但个性不是个人生活,即灵魂的主题吗?在我看来,她是在吹毛求疵,试图说她相信轮回,但同时她又不相信,在几乎相同的词之间做出区分,以达到两全其美的目的。















她说马太福音24说地球将被毁灭(54)。但耶稣也说“这世代还没有过去,这些事都要成就。”(马太福音 24:34)而这些事并没有发生在那一代,所以耶稣的预言是错误的。


在第 57 页,珍妮与她的和平布道相矛盾,引用了路加福音 3:7-9:“凡不结果子的树,就砍下来丢在火里。” (树木是假先知的隐喻。)那里的爱和宽恕在哪里?圣经中一个很大的矛盾是耶稣宣扬怜悯和宽恕,但上帝对那些根本不相信上帝的道德人士毫不留情。这既无爱又不公正。

“激发好撒玛利亚人之爱的信仰在人类心中已经消退了几十年,现在几乎消失了”(88)。圣经中最初使用“好撒玛利亚人”这个短语的撒玛利亚人不是犹太人。这就是耶稣寓言的全部要点:一个非犹太人是帮助有需要的人的人,而“信徒”却忽视了他。(路加福音 10:29-37)

2020 年 12 月 4 日

我实际上并没有读完整篇文章,只是浏览了一下并阅读了某些段落。我从图书馆拿到这本书,有点开玩笑,因为我想看看她对 2020 年的预测。然而,我发现我喜欢她的写作风格,在许多话题上都同意她的观点。我特别喜欢关于耶稣和女人的章节。

2024 年 2 月 14 日





其中一些精彩内容包括:“1995 年,盟军将开始集结,对俄罗斯军队发动攻击,尽管取得了所有成功,但仍心存疑虑。” 苏联在 1980 年代后期的公开性证明了这一点是错误的。更可笑的是,“犹太人绝望地被打败,几乎失去了所有希望,但信仰的复苏激励了他们,自马加比时代以来从未有过这种感觉。”


然而,在她的预言中,最搞笑的是“又一连串的战争将开始……最终将在 2020 年的末日之战哈米加顿中达到高潮。”(第 170 页)


2016 年 2 月 21 日

第一次阅读:2013 年 12 月 12 日 - 2013 年 12 月 23 日


她所说的最有趣和最深刻的事情之一是 2037 年将具有重大的基督教意义。我们拭目以待。就我个人而言,我认为人类不可能像目前世界各地的情况那样持续那么久!

The call to glory Jeane dixon

Speaks Of Jesus And Prophecy

Jeane Dixon First published March 1, 1973  184 pages

Jeane Dixon, whose extraordinary gift of prophecy has helped her predict many great events that have come to pass. What sort of future awaits us? A world of glory or Hell on earth-the choice is ours, the prophet insists. Here, in her most inspiring and urgent book to date, Jeane Dixon describes her startling and awesome vision of life without God and sounds a joyous call for revolution, revival and rebirth-a revolution of belief, a revival of faith, and a rebirth of man's affinity with his creator.

Gold Dust
September 13, 2023

I was hoping this book would be about Jeane’s psychic knowledge of Biblical times. Instead, it’s basically just her repeating things the Bible says. There is very little of her prophecies in here, and most of what’s included was already described in her previous books. For those looking for psychic knowledge of Biblical times, check out “Edgar Cayce’s Story of Jesus.” I think Jeane was heavily entrenched in her religious upbringing and that interfered with her ability to be receptive to visions that might contradict the narrative she’d been brought up to believe. Cayce is a more believable psychic IMO because what he claimed during trance went against his own conscious self’s programming/upbringing/desires.

While Cayce said Jesus was brought up as one of the Essenes, Dixon said Jesus rejected Essene ideology as being too strict because “man was meant to be happy” (71). It’s more likely that Dixon herself finds Essene ideology being too strict. As for Jesus thinking man was meant to be happy, I’m not convinced he felt that way, since he preached sharing everything with everyone, and that doesn’t necessarily make one happier. The Essene way of depriving oneself of sex and food actually aligns more with Jesus’ message of depriving oneself of money and material possessions.

Besides the Essenes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, Jeane describes another group called the Zealots, which sound like right-wing terrorists (72, 75). Jeane said Jesus was not a Zealot either. “One might say that while the Pharisees were the legislators of Judaism, the Sadducees were its executives and the scribes its judiciary” (74).

She was dead wrong on this prediction: “President Nixon will long be remembered for his courage in removing the dollar from the grasp of the greedy gold manipulators, who used this procedure for their own ends” (171). Nixon is best remembered for the Watergate scandal, and no one speaks positively of losing the gold standard. Gold’s value fluctuates, but so does the value of the dollar without the gold backing. At least with the gold standard, one could transfer their paper money to gold if they wanted to, whereas now it’s just paper and useless if it inflates too much.

She predicted the *beginnings* of Christ’s second coming between 2000-2050. This means only the Antichrist’s prophet approaching (47).

In her previous book “My Life and Prophecies,” she said the Antichrist was from the east, which I thought meant the Middle East. But she was never specific. In this book, she says he will be a leader from Rome (179). I thinks she overestimates the power and influence of Rome because of her Catholic faith.

She says there will be divine intervention before 2050, but not before the martyrdom of another Pope and the deaths of millions in war (115).

She says it was divine intervention when the Romans leveled Jerusalem in 70 AD (125); God wanted to punish them for not knowing “the time of their visitation” (126). Like most Christians, Jeane blames Satan for everything bad that happens (90) while overlooking that they also believe that God actually does a lot of destroying and murdering himself.

“I foresee basic changes in American life by the end of this century that will completely alter our way of life. The present deterioration of dignity and self-respect will lead us steadily downhill in crime, sin, and immorality until the outbreak of war—serious global war—will bring us to our senses. The two-party political system will vainsh from the national scene, and there will be repressive measures taken, the like of which we find unbelievable now” (84). It didn’t come true by the end of her century (the 70s-90s were quite prosperous), but it sounds believable for the times I’m living in.

She heard Pilate say, “When the evil of one man can lead the masses to destruction, then no longer can the majority rule the earth or the Church!” (49) There have been many times throughout history when the evil of one man has led to masses being killed. It makes no sense that this should mean democracy should end. One man being at fault implies non-democratic rule.

For some reason Jeane repeats her p. 49 prophecy at the end of the book, which I found to be annoying. Like she or no one else edited it to make sure there were no repetitions?


“If you really love your God you will instantly love one another as He did and proved by His great sacrifice for others” (19). This means most religious people don’t really love their god since they don’t treat others with kindness.

“Surely there is a sound basis for saying something is wrong with diplomacy that leads to war, with science that achieves greater and greater possibilities of nuclear horror, with industry and transportation that soon may pollute us out of existence” (50).

“We are on the brink of even greater discoveries than any we now contemplate. But there is a limit to what science can do and there must be control over the direction it takes—or we will destroy ourselves even quicker and more completely than we have feared with the devices of death we have already contrived” (169).

She says that the disciples were all young, especially John (the beloved) and James. Jesus lived in the house of Peter when he began his mission. Peter was probably in his late 30s when he met Jesus, though artists paint him as being a bald, bearded old man (104).

Roman official Publius Lentulus described Jesus to Caesar and the Roman senate (27): ruddy (red) countenance, shoulder length hair is the color of a ripe filbert (chestnut brown), but more oriental color (black) at the bottom. Has a seam of long hair in the middle of his head (I imagine Rukia from Bleach). Unblemished, unwrinkled, beard is thick, short, and forked. Many have seen him weep but not laugh.

“The life of the golden age of great empires is usually 200 years, and this pattern has prevailed throughout history. A people go from bondage to faith, from faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and from dependence back into bondage; nine crucial stages in the rise, decline, and fall of empires” (11). I’d say we’re in the apathetic stage now, and the democrats are trying to bring us into the dependence stage which will lead to bondage.

Only twice have there beens serious attempts to do away with Judeo-Christian religion: “During the Reign of Terror following the French Revolution, when supposed reason officially replaced faith; and under the Soviets in modern Russia, who have tried to do the same thing. The Reign of Terror was well named. It was a period of bloody chaos which ended only with the restoration of religion as a part of society. In Russia and her satellites, after decades of communism, while some well-being exists, it exists in a profound spiritual void under a reign of terror. But there is still a well-spring of religion left. As the citizens of those countries learned to their sorrow, when people lose their religion, this loss of humanity and dignity is not far behind. . . . The destruction of our religious heritage has begun with appalling consequences: drug abuse, alcoholism, the breakdown of law and public administration, the rising tide of violence, and the deterioration of family life” (13).

Jeane clarifies her opinion on reincarnation. Basically she believes the spirit reincarnates but the soul does not. SOUL (psyche in Greek, anima in Latin) is the life principle in man. “When united with a body of flesh, it makes man a living being. It is individual, singular, spiritual, and never reincarnated in another body. It is the subject of personal life. Your ‘soul’ is your consciousness or identity, which remains after death and, if it lived in conformity to the will of God, enters into the life of God forever. SPIRIT (Greek, pneuma; Latin, spiritus) refers to the center of mental activities. It is not restricted to the individual, but may live on and on. It is this quality that is reincarnated, or continued in other souls, to go through the life cycle at the right time in accordance with God’s plan for us to carry on a particular mission at a precise time in the history of men” (46). It sounds like she’s saying the spirit is the same thing as a brain, but it doesn’t make sense to me that the brain would reincarnate. Is it more like personality? But then isn’t personality the subject of the personal life, i.e., the soul? Seems to me she’s splitting hairs, trying to say she believes in reincarnation and at the same time she doesn’t, differentiating between nearly identical words to have it both ways.

Quotes I liked:

“It is by suffering of one sort or another that we mature and gain wisdom. The acceptance of suffering is the beginning of wisdom!” (99)

“If [people] try to bring legitimate government to a standstill or force it to conform to their ideas, they bring about the same version to force and instinct that polarizes people into attitudes of injustice and war. We must not forge ahead angrily over those who oppose us! We do not prove our superiority over others by force, but by love, work, tolerance,and generosity” (89-90).

“We are so preoccupied with civil liberties that we have forgotten the deeper *religious liberties* from which they originally sprang. Because dissenters and fanatics abused their rights and ours, are we to reply by curtailing the rights of all?! It is as if we sough to correct embezzlement by abolishing money! … The state of our educational system and the condition of our youth should be enough to demonstrate the fallacy. As religion has declined and morality waned, juvenile crime and drug abuse have soared beyond control. As if that were not bad enough, the quality of education in all but our best schools is the subject of near despair in every educational forum. The dilemmas are always blamed on lack of funds; but the debaters always forget that there was better education when there was less money” (82).

“It is not enough simply to denounce or expose evils; it is even more necessary . . . To overcome evil by doing good” (83).

“With the advent of Social Security, the income tax, extensive Government regulation of business, industry, and finance, the draft, licenses of all kinds, and insurance laws came the basic tools of social control. Augmented by computer banks, Government files, and an army of electronic snoopers, there are already in existence the means for our opposing forces to take over American society” (83).

“We think we are so sophisticated and clever! Actually, we are using our talents to destroy ourselves through jealousy, greed, and envy” (128).

An interesting thing I realized about communists: their desire to bring equality to all is motivated by the same thing which motivates the capitalists to accumulate and hoard: greed. It’s only those who have little who want “equality” because they think that that will get them more than they already have, with less effort involved to get it. Those who are wealthy don’t desire any “equality” which puts them in a state of having less.

I disagree with her here:

She blames all of society’s ills on the devil (90).

Jeane seems to want a one world government aligned with Christian principles, and she predicts it will be so (25).

“By bringing his only son into the world in a stable [God] emphasized once and for all the importance of Christ’s life and death” (17). No, the fact that Jesus was born in a stable shows his humble origins. If God wanted to show how important Jesus was, Jesus would have been born among the highest ranking Jews/Pharisees, or even be a child of Pilate or Herod.

She quotes Isaiah 53:3-12 as being about Jesus, but as usual, the old scriptures are not about him. The servant mentioned in these verses is also said to have many kids and a long life, which is not true of Jesus.

She says Matthew 24 says earth will be destroyed (54). But Jesus also says “this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Matt 24:34) And they didn’t happen in that generation, so Jesus’ prophecy was false.

“The key to survival and well-being, is the same as it always was: Peace through goodwill! The old idea of justice—an eye for an eye—is no longer applicable. Something more is needed now: action upon the principle of love” (55). Let it not be forgotten that “eye for an eye” was recommended in the Old Testament. Why does it have to be either/or? Why can’t it be both? Justice for the wrongdoers and love for those who have committed no crime? It’s common sense, but in case anyone needs proof, we have seen what permissive police, government, and district attorneys gets us: more crime.

On p. 57, Jeane contradicts her peace preaching to quote Luke 3:7-9: “Every tree that is not fruitful will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (The trees are metaphors for false prophets.) Where’s the love and forgiveness there? And a big contradiction of the Bible in general is Jesus preaching mercy and forgiveness, but God showing no mercy on moral people who simply don’t believe in god. That is both unloving and unjust.

“The faith which inspired the love of the Good Samaritan has been waning for so many decades in human hearts it has now all but disappeared” (88). The Biblical Samaritan which started this “good Samaritan” phrase in the first place was not Jewish. That was the whole point of Jesus’ parable: a non-Jewish person was the one to help a man in need, while the “faithful” ignored him. (Luke 10:29-37)

December 4, 2020

I didn't actually read the whole thing, but skimmed it and read certain passages. I got this from the library as a bit of a joke because I wanted to see her predictions about 2020. However, I found that I enjoyed her writing style and agreed with her on many topics. I especially liked the chapter on Jesus and Women.

Michael David
February 14, 2024

I didn't expect I'd spend my Valentine's scanning through this book, but I'd continually recall Popper's theory of falsification and my cognitive psychology books. A rational belief is often resistant to disconfirmation and verification, which is why I'd still occasionally read these books. Science has already debunked most of these clairvoyants as fake, but there still has to be textual basis for one to refer to when calling them out as such.

Dixon's Call to Glory is a pseudo-religious analysis of certain aspects of the Bible. Most important with respect to her reliability as a psychic, however, are her predictions near the end of the book.

For the most part, they were trash.

A few of these gems include: "In 1995 great allied armies will begin the buildup to strike at the Russian forces, apprehensive despite all their success." This was proven to be wrong with the USSR's glasnost of the late 1980s. More risibly, "The Jews, hopelessly outnumbed and near the end of all hope, are galvanized by a resurgence of faith, unfelt since the times of the Maccabees."

Galvanized by a newfound desire for genocide?

Among her predictions, however, the peak of comedy lay in the declaration that "Another series of battles will begin ... will culminate [in] the year 2020 in the apocalyptic battle of Armaggedon." (p. 170)

In short, her predictions were duds.

February 21, 2016

1st Read: December 12, 2013 - December 23, 2013

There is nothing too special or sensational in this book which hasn't been said before. There are a lot of passages from the Holy Bible and quite a lot more repetition. It makes for an annoying read saying the same things over and over, when the point was taken the first and second times! I will not be keeping this book.

One of the most interesting and profound thing she had to say was that the year 2037 would be of great Christian significance. We will have to see. Personally, I cannot see mankind lasting that long as the way things are presently throughout the world over!

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