
After 3 years living in China I went UK and was disgusted

(2024-05-29 15:04:28) 下一个

YouTube Video

How I see the UK after 3 years living in China (I went home and was disgusted.)

Harvey in China  2024年5月29日

Copied 610 comments 和 汉语翻译

@wmhui2001 6小时前
I think the most important for the UK government is that they should be more independent from the US foreign policy towards China, rather than acting as the servant of USA.

@pandabearoceanpark 7小时前
You saw 15 homeless people and are shocked?  Go to San Francisco.   You get to see a hundred in a few street blocks!

@LW78321 7小时前
It's quite sad seeing the state of UK. If only the UK government prioritised the needs of the people first

@edwardohall 7小时前
I lived in Shenzhen. Loved it. Future city. One day at a western bar, Asked many Expats from UK, "Would you move back to UK?" Their response was an emphatic NOOOO WAY!!

@BarrettYT 7小时前
Great Video Harvey, many good points...

@yoyohighness 6小时前(修改过)
Harvey, I am a British expat now living in Hong Kong. I've been living in London, Singapore, Taipei and Beijing. I must say after living in Asia for over 20 years, I can not bear to even stay in London for more than 2 weeks. In London, the living standard is so poor and cost is so high that I can no longer get use to it. Most of my friends left the UK and are staying elsewhere in the world. My opinion is, privatization policy led by Mag Thatcher since the 80s totally ruined the country and following administrations simply made bad policy decisions carried forward. I decided to stay in Asia raising my family and not returning for good. I'd suggest this to you as well. Its a sinking ship and most young lads know it but not everyone can leave, they are simply trapped.

@felixlaupc 6小时前
Every time I heard of freedom and democracy and the rights to vote, I'm laughing my arse out.
Let these gullible continue to live in their democracy world and watch their country sink to the bottom.

@MgWynn 5小时前
Same here in Australia. Homeless people, cost of living, everything is getting worse. Democracy is the source of corruption. Capitalism is the source of pain for poor people. Very important thing: Democracy is the very tool for US to control the whole world. They made international rules that they themselves don't follow. If others don't follow the rules, they get sanctions or punished by all means.

@Samoasoa 6小时前
Reason London has such high homeless people is according to US definition is Over Capacity.

@gunsumwong3948 5小时前
Coming from Hong Kong and having lived in UK for over 50 years I do see eye to eye with the author of this video.
I do have doubt about democracy and am convinced it has some structural flaws especially against another governance like China.
As an ethnic Chinese I could never understand why a democratic society prefers electing a leader by popularity instead of capability.  UK prefers the ordinary citizens to select a leader but how good a leader is will be presented only by the media.  Thus a party or wealthy people controlling the media are effectively  controlling the election.  I can still remember Tony Blair from Labour got into government by playing political spins using tricks arranged by a public relation company.
I think the worst part is in order to show democracy there are always "alternatives" to everything including truth, community interest and even science.   The labour and Tory are finding each other in exactly the same way the Americans Democrats fighting with the Republicans.  There is no common ground.  The party in power will try to undo everything the previous party has done.  Time, resources and attention are wasted for the sake of toeing the party line.
I don't think the Chinese governance is a system suitable for every country but in China the country is governed by people who have previously proven themselves in government first.  China has so many people and will be pulled in all sort of directions if the country must suit everyone's opinion.  Instead China adopts its own system which is based on community's interest first and the  individual's right second.  This in effect in Chinese adopt their own culture that has last for several thousands of years.
I do not think there is a system that could fit all.  Even with democracy UK runs a NHS system like a communist state that the US doesn't have anything similar.  While the US gives freedom for everyone to bear fire arm and suffer the consequence. In UK not every policeman carries a gun.  A governance must be continuously updated and adjusted to suit its population.  Simply brand the Chinese system authoritarian and even evil will inhibit a democratic nation to modify its governance to use Chinese tools and models  even if they show positive results. 
I suppose if China has not risen up and shown its spectacular development then UK and US may seem nothing wrong in the absence of any comparison.

I can't get used to the hostility and negativity in my home country anymore. I still didn't overcome my reverse culture-shock after returning from China. It's like the mind can't accept it anymore, once you've seen that things could be much different. That something better is indeed possible.

After the end of the epidemic, prices in China have dropped a lot, and people have become more rational in their consumption, no longer pursuing luxury goods. I really like this kind of consumption atmosphere.

In China the public can change the policy but not the party, in the west you can change party but not the policy.

I hope I remember this correctly it was George Galloway who pointed this out.

What an honest video. I have been to China, and their transportation, groceries, food, education, etc are extremely affordable!!! Not to mention their infrastructure is so much better too. It's a safe, clean & convenient country to live.

High daily living costs? The rich would never care while the poor always suffer!

The best days of the UK are in the past.

Is it Democracy or  Demoncracy ?

when i arrived @ Heathrow, it's like i'm back to the 80s... the airport is so old from the gate to exit.. it actually reminded me of the old HK Kai Tak that closed on 1998.... even that felt newer than Heathrow... so sad

Well said Harvey  you've always been great at expressing yourself so clearly in a calm manner

It happens when an empire was built on colonies and industrialization, that now it got nowhere to colonize and de-industrialized.

china will not face stagnation like japan did; china is far too dynamic innovative and entrepreneurial to suffer that fate

The UK went to the dogs ages ago, Brits who are born in the UK just dont see it. Those of us who emigrated to the UK recognize the signs.

Your observation is consistent with the vast majority of westerners.  A similar trend is observed in the US/Canada and throughout western allied nations.  The endless QE does not improve the situation either as the hegemon exports inflation around the globe in an effort to tame their economic woes.  Economic prosperity is clearly shifting towards the East now with global south nations expected to undergo further development if they continue to establish cooperation and trade through the BRI.

Poor economic conditions and political instability are often accompanied by drastic decline in the living standards, rise in poverty and crime as wealth is concentrated within a small group of social elites.

Democracy is a good idea, it's the multi-party system that's the problem. They lead to constant division, bickering, backstabbing, sabotaging, etc. to the detriment of the country. There need to be a new way to select public officials much like how the corporations do it.

Remember cn#1 I am even thinking to move to China England is a mere shadow of what it was

I tried to tell my european friends that China is a country worth visiting, they just laugh and think I'm crazy.

The British love their history. 
Don't change anything.

China's return to the glory days , it always happen for china in 3000 years downward after war with new dynasty

Thanks Harvey. I think your views make more sense than many of today's politicians..

Good afternoon Harvey. Big culture shocks for you, from UK China UK. I understand your emotions. 

Excellent presentation, thanks Harvey, from Toronto where similar decay is happening.

Imagine how I feel after coming back to UK after 15 years living in China! 

It is the same here in Canada.
The problem with the Five Eyes countries is that they money is spent on Wars.
All that money should have been used for health care, infrastructures and for the people.

Harvey China is the greatest nation in the world. We are best society

Really great video. Can't wait to see more from you. 

The problem is the illusion of capitalism when underneath that thin layer its more like corporatism...

Something must be wrong with the UK and the politicians in charge there.  Where do those in charge drive their energy and thinking at?

Subscribed. We have a lot of homeless people around city area at night in Australia, just don't feel safe.  The cost of living is SO SO SO bad, many people can't afford a pack of tomato for 3 months, yes many! I guess the Australian politicians are just blind.

Thatcher’s legacy coming to fruition.

When an African comes to Britain, we think we have arrived in heaven, when an indigenous brits returns to Britain after living in China, he sees third world conditions.

The politicans are on Epstien list...

Things go around come around, the U.K went to the top it is time to go down. Perhaps for time being China could provide more opportunity in term of job, growth and great living conditions …

Spot on. I concur with these observations and analysis

It must be tough being a pensioner in the UK when they can't afford heating in winter, i looked up the European pension breakdown index and the UK pensioner has dropped to 15th spot behind countries like Spain, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Bosnia, and the UK is the only G7 nation where living standards are worse than before the pandemic. The future is not looking to good for Britain.

I’ve traveled to Hong Kong 4 times over the past two years so I’ve sampled China, what a great place and nice people. 
Coming back to the UK is depressing after a visit to China or many other parts of Asia.

quite rare to 
listen to the truth. now i know more. thanks harvey.

Have to give a thumb up to u , very logic and we’ll organise to elaborate the truth and fact . 

Thanks Harvey for this video.

I am glad that I left London, UK in the 70'.
Lived in Bayswater, London. Have a nice day and take care.

All Anglophone countries in general all facing the same decay as UK. East Asia is booming for 5 reasons: 
1. Freedom Only to law-abiding citizens. 
2. Common sense policies. if you encourage homelessness you got homelessness, if you empower crime you got crime, if you support drugs you got everything in between.
3. No race theory, no race war. Diversity and inclusion yield way to nationalism and patriotism.
4. No Free food, Free Housing, Free medical, Free education. Everybody has to pay for things they want. If you don’t want to work you die. 
5. If you shoot, you die.

Thank you Harvey for being so brave and telling the truth! People need to hear it!

UK to concentrate on anti China and Russia rather deal with in own problem. 

I am glad you didn't get accused of being a paid agent of China.  Great comparison of the two countries.

Your wife is GORGEOUS you two are gonna make BEAUTIFUL BABIES?

You just talked me out of a visit to London.

It cost me £30 pounds to travel from Manchester Airport to Chester a distance of 32 miles. That's outrageous expensive.

UK is just too expensive.

Thank you for the enlightening video! 
The issues on crime, safety and poverty are indisputable.
On the matter of cost of living, price is lower in China but so is the average salary. To compare more fairly, we have to somehow calculate the ratio of salary to living cost....

I am a Chinese,I watch your Videos study English,so many good English people like you,shout out to you!

It is truly terrible UK is a calamity is depressing and is becoming a 3rd world country

Subscribed, by the way, very good content.

Thank you, really enjoyed watching your take on the UK and China,


西方民主政治最大的問題有2:  1. 金字塔結構下,人民素質不均,然而人人一票,教授與流氓票票等值,造成政客良莠不齊。2. 政客為求當選獲連任,討好所屬特殊選民,短視近利,無法有長期宏觀眼光。

Man what a beautiful and honest video. I totally agree with you, since I've lived in Shanghai for 3 years (until the start of the pandemic) myself too. For me tho, I can't see myself living there because it's just so different. Yes it's MUCH cleaner, has WAY BETTER transportation, healthcare and everything... But I just don't feel comfortable. All the concrete, the lack of green parks (ones where you can actually go on the grass lol), the lack of constant fresh air, and the difference in culture is simply too much for me to live there. The food is brilliant too---but it's almost impossible to get the normal bread and cheese I eat back home in Germany. Those are the things that truly make the difference too me.

I travelled through the Baja California desert by bus to San Diego....1500mi?es no problems when I got to Londonm
And then got stuck in the underground for 3hours...same as BR my train was late and the driver told passengers he had over-slept...you are spot on...and the UK population are too complacent
Learn Chinese stay in Asia

Thanks for sharing this with everyone...
I'm little bit on the side (Taiwan), but believe all of this, because I have been few times in China...

I would say that China's party system is more similar to the parliamentary system in the West. The Communist Party and several progressive democratic parties cooperate to establish a coalition government. Unlike the West, the Communist Party of China has assumed the historical responsibility of organizing and implementing policies and building the country. The difference between China and the West is that unlike the West, China does not hold general elections, but formulates a five-year plan for national development through the National People's Congress and entrusts it to a professional government to implement and promote China's industrial development and construction. The prime minister of the government is elected by the National People's Congress. However, both the National People's Congress and the government are guided by the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics and the leadership of the Party to carry out national construction.

I know how you feel.  I used to live in NYC and flew to HK once or twice a year.  NYC > HK = like taking a time traveling machine into the future.   HK > NYC =  fucking depressing.  And take into account that HK is a bit behind in comparison to all the crazy new shit in mainland.

China has democracy. It’s just a different and more beneficial democratic system from the US-UK empire.

yes, London has the most expensive train tickets, and people are trains are quite nice on some lines, some beautiful girls, much better than US. lol London Chinatown is great place to visit, much better than Chinatown around US, Canada....the food is too expensive though lol

I agree that household energy cost has increased to an unreasonable level in UK and still not near the end yet. But the grocery shopping cost is still OK, comparing to some other countries. The cost of eating out is really hurting.

You can see the same decay and decline in many of the other European capitals.

Michael Hudson remarked that the Collective West now has a 'rentier economy' (thanks neo-liberalism!) that extracts wealth through the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate), benefiting only a select few.

Compare this to China and the Global South in general that creates new wealth by manufacturing, innovation and new infrastructure. Which seems to be benefiting the many. 

I've observed (by leaps and bounds) the relative and absolute decline of the economic heartland of Europe for some 50 years. This process is now visibly accelerating. 

The world has caught up with the Collective West and the odd 200 years of western global supremacy are over. Not that the US-led status quo is going to give up without a fight. 

Arguably the best thing that can happen to the Collective West is a rapid collapse - following that we can pick up the pieces and have a fresh start.

Crime in Australia is increasing as well.

Since I moved to the UK 6 years ago it has gone terribly downhill. Wages are shocking compared to rest of Europe for similar jobs. And people just take it.

What is really astonishing to me it to see that this guy is really critical and intelligent, an absolute exception among the brain washed youth in the West. Congratulations, because people like you are our only and last hope. Thank you Harvey.

I just come back from China and got the underground from Heathrow to Abbey Wood and when we got off the train two guy start to have fight on the platform  this is england today and the english government say not to drink the tap water no more they say it dirty water now yes thing are get worse

For me first time I got to the broader Asia back in 2006. 
Since then, most of the East Asian countries had better infrastructures, safety and easy-to-live level than almost any European city. 
Now they are just in a different level when Europe will just be a rotten museum.

Britain is very stressful to live in these days, and driving is getting ever more expensive with cameras and regulations everywhere, parking is the biggest issue with private parking, packed out pay & displays and lots of places to get fines, fines and more fines!

The 1000% yearly profits of British gas do kind of fall in line with the 900% wholesale energy price rise as a direct result of UK imposed sanctions which affect a huge portion of the supply market, with BG maintaining their existing profit margin. What you should be wondering is where the 75% levy on their profits went and how much someone was paid to come up with the 75% figure as oppose to 80%, 85%, 90% of the profits squeezed from the UK population by the hands of the UK government.

To all student, find the scholarship in china, because china will leading the world all aspect, many opportunity

So glad you covered this topic
People think I’m MAD to move my wife and daughter back to China last year even meaning making the sacrifice of only seeing them 4 months of the year while I stay in uk for the rest of the time.
I was physically attacked 3 weeks ago in London and my car cam caught the whole incident with reg no of his vehicle and his face and the police did nothing 
I was in AE after for 3 hours waiting and was informed that it will be another 3 hours minimum even though I was coughing up blood and had severe headache 
I gave up and went home and went to the Gp the next day and he didn’t even examine me and told me to go to the chemist and buy myself some ibuprofen…
Knife crime through the roof in my area Wembley 
A 4 and a 5 year kids  got abducted by a passing van last summer just outside my flat …
List goes on and people don’t believe me of how bad London is ..:
Great Vlog Harvey
We heading to Shanghai this July as part of our planned 3000km road trip starting from Huizhou….
Can’t wait to see Shanghai

Thank you for sharing your story and making people around the world see what most western media will not show or don't want to show

Now go to Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Copenhague, Singapore and Tokyo. To compare all cities.

I've seen the YouTube videos of China's cities at night and Tokyo(Shinjuku Districts) they are stunningly beautiful, colorful and futuristic compared to North American and European Cities

Price hike practices are pretty much the same in Asia.Prices stays up & dont come down

I just cant ignore new, expensive and new and expensive vehicles parked outside in the UK in the footage you provided here.

One thing people are acustom to about democracy is that the emphasis on elections as if elections are synonymous to democracy. There are in fact many forms. The election based democracy (evd) is just one has many problems. People forget the purpose of democracy and many   people simply take advantage of the deficiency. It is to have a government that represents the majority of the society. There have been many study that indicate the western democracy simply has evolved to representing only about 10% of the society. On the other hand China does not do the similar elections any yet more than 80% are satisfied with how the central government conduct its business. It calls its model of democracy a consultation base democrcy (cbd).

So you are telling me the BBC has been telling me lies all these years about China?

Although very young you your comments make sence and are based on reality      Thank you

Blame it on Russia like Rishi. It's not only in the UK it's the same in almost all European countries. Canada and the U.S are following suit .

I remember growing up in the 80s,  I went with out food cos my mother literally had no money after my father died,  she asked for help and the government made her wait a long time for assistance.  They then sent her a giro for a pound.   We had one gas fire in the whole house, no central heating and sometimes we never had 50p for the gas so we went cold, you generally didnt bother bathing cos you had no hot water and the room was freezing .  Its was the same in the 80s under the conservatives but this time its worse cos of the lack of jobs so more people will be feeling it, especially with the rise in single parent families..  They cut and get rid of services and bleed everything dry.  The conservatives dont improve life.  I dont ever remember a time that you cant getvan nhs dentist.  They dispise the working class, poor and disabled.  It will only get worse if they stay in.  They have got to go at this next general election.

They have also shrank our food while at the same time doubling the price

Last week a friend of mine told me the exact same western line about China having the same fate as Japan. Of course they mentioned communist govt and oppressed people lol . I've decided to let them learn the truth on their own.

Look at Covent Gardens today. It’s sad, very sad

tube delays in London are mostlly dued to sombody falling onto the track

Thanks for being candid with your opinion. You made the right decision to opt for China.
As long as Britain is "attached to the hip" to the USA, they will reflect America's attitude towards a resurgent China. So for Britain to be more civil towards China will require America to change it's stance.

UK democratic malaise is turning into democratic fatigue.
The UK people are seeking in 2024 to escape from representative democracy, such is the rejection of the UK Parliament, the rejection of the UK Senate, the rejection of the UK Municipal cliques, the Regional cliques(inner cercle).
Thus, the UK civil servants subjugated the Politicians.
While we have a list of 50 everyday problems to be resolved in the UK by Politicians, it is sad to see their news.

Had similar experience,living in Vietnam;saw transformation in two years (with the help of Peoples Republic).Petrol price per ltr:.27(USD),opened my eyes,also.Upon return,felt like I had gone back in time;infrastructure antiquated,malodorous,beggars and thieves everywhere,(worst was merchant-fraud).
Loved the Orient,wish I could return.?

Ah, “tent cities” are common Canada. I think they’re on their way to becoming slums. Great real estate prices, however!!!~

Yeah, pretty depressing to realise you've emerged on the wrong side of history.  Great piece of video, which illustrates the importance of travel in putting your home country in perspective.  We were in Qatar earlier this year.  Extraordinary place!

Suggestion : put text on screens when you mentioned the lighted points.

Canada hasn't changed leaders for many years. We've been moving in one direction all along, but unfortunately, it's the wrong one.

It’s not that a Democracy doesn’t work, it was more about us being hoodwinked into believing we were living in a Democracy. 
There is a big movement in China called Mai Llai ? where the youngsters would rather not work than work for pittance. Their situation is like ours, poor wages. In many instances.
Surveillance is everywhere in Chinese cities, like in UK now, but whilst the police army get paid well enough, UK is poor, I’m also led to believe now that our police (whom don’t protect us anymore) are actually now privately owned, pretty much like our NHS.

It all comes down to who you vote. As they decide on the foreign policy and politics at home, development, healthcare...

Most of UK money was probably spent (I a, guessing here) funding USA and NATO’s never ending wars or as tax breaks, incentives for the upper classes or simply because it couldn’t rely on its "competitive" advantage it once enjoyed (whatever that may be).

So... when are you heading back?
Note: I lived in Wuhan for seven years, while it was still a Tier 3 city. Even then, with all the dust, dirt, mud and lack of infrastructure (roads, metro, water, etc), yearly visits to the US sent me scurrying back to China ASAP.

I started watching videos about UK social situation this week and I have been very shocked with what I have seen so far.  I was born in an under developed country and know what a poor and dysfunctional country looks.  I have always thought that compared to US, UK is a country that has stable social net to catch those  that fall off the the grind of capitalism machine.  Boy I was  wrong.  Some of the scenes I seen are typical of poor countries.  The other thing that is obvious is that that some buildings and especially housing are run down and probably need to be torn down and new  buildings put up.  Housing  is so expensive that a one bedroom apartment  in a working class neighborhood that is covered with black mold and is rotting goes for 200k pounds in London. I couldn't believe it.  You can live a comfortable , and less expensive life in other countries.  Not surprised that the younger generation is beginning to bail out.

The UK, as member of the Anglosphere led by the USA, has been slavishly following the US on foreign policy matters. If the US said "Jump", the UK politicians will try to fly to please Washington.  All the major parties are the same on China even though most voters (Telegraph and Daily Mail readers excepted) are not hostile towards China these days.

Your perspective is at a high level. This kind of unbiased narrative is rare in western world!

You and your generations are the hopes for this world . 

I just came from long holiday in UK.... its nothing like u are saying. (Sure there are some homeless people etc).

I think its important people give an alternative perspective of China to a Western audience because its highly misunderstood clearly

Forget politics the question is do you want to live in a declining middle class or a growing middle  class ?

Seeing all those homeless people really make me sad.

East European cities are better than West European major cities tbh. Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Warsaw, Zagreb look better tbh and they still have historical old buildings around.

If you were in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, there is a whole district in downtown scrambled with Homeless!

the accent is clear for me.I can hear clearly every word easier than USA's accent

i agree, i seen a few independent YTers showing the real china and how safe it is....i been there once i felt the same

Fighting an economic war with such a big power as Russia (and now starting with China) after being injured by our own Covid tactics. Our leaders are motivated for self gain, instead to model ourselves on the successful countries like China Russia Singapore

Kudos for sn honest, insightful video. Democracy is founded on the bases that everyone votes and voters have the critical thinking ability to enable him to select the appropriate leader. Of course many don't vote and of those who did, many don't understand the issues, economics or geopolitics, much less having the ability to discern the difference.

There is no utopia. China's economy has slackened significantly since covid and there is a large increase in young grasuates 'lying flat'. The issue is that the deterioration in western countries especially the UK has been more marked since covid. It seems developing countries are slowly making improvements and developed countries are on a clear decline.

I think what you see is the old gaurd afraid of loosing grip on its control by manipulation,, hence the lack of change from things that no longer work as intended

Most Chinese even like their homeland when it was full in proverty and problems.  And due to their love and hard work, China is geting better day by day. So, anyway, whatever your country look like right now, never give it up and try to rescue it. (from China)

Its bad in Australia too, USA is too bad to talk about

Western countries need to have a culture change that each citizen needs to care for the society little bit rother than whom self alone.

About democracy, I think the key to democracy is that the government and the people have good communication and consultation, and that the basic goals and development ideas of national development are established through broad social consensus, rather than elections. For me, I am a social conservative. In foreign policy, I adhere to realism and use diplomacy to defend national interests, but I oppose foreign aggression. I defend peace through force, but not by force. I defend trade routes and partners from imperialist hegemony. Internal policy emphasizes big government, control of capital, social market economy, opposition to refugees, and opposition to white left. However, there is no discrimination against ethnic minorities who have joined the country's nationality. However, if someone commits a crime, they will be hit hard regardless of their ethnicity. Support rational environmental policies, support new energy transformation in line with national conditions, support industrial policies, require the government to strengthen investment in emerging productivity and emerging industries, strengthen infrastructure investment, and public education, and the establishment of a complete and low-cost medical insurance system (not free medical care). Support social security, but oppose white left-style high welfare. Specifically, it is to ensure state control in the fields of energy, education, medical care, and infrastructure construction. The government subsidizes emerging industries, but encourages market competition. Opposes false freedom of speech that talks about political slogans. Supports rational policy discussions based on facts and seeks truth from facts.

Dude - how did you manage to stay in China for 3 years? I'm half Chinese, but US born, and we've been thinking of moving to China (from London). It seems impossible to move there long term unless you're married to a Chinese citizen.

Joke":even if you out source to England, you are still out source to India...".

nice to hear this.. you(England, USA and so on...) have destroyed so many countries among which is my country. So nice to hear this..

Harvey i don't know if you ever will see this comment.

But please tell and show about the chinese health care check up system compared to uk

How easy, affordable, useful, impactful, effective and efficient it is compared to UK NHS and how NHS waiting list is killing.

Please tell everyone how different it is to call the drs are in china and call in for a appointment, how you can do it online so quickly yet super cheaply.

Please do tell us and compare and complain about NHS and tell us how amazing service was in china.

Please make a full complete video of it

Think about the bright side of UK, a lot of people actually started living a much better life after moving to UK, their old home countries are much more poorer and dangerous...so, your case is only a single one anyway!

Us needs more Harveys to turn round its course of decline. Once an Empire over which the sun has never set is now reduced to despair and haplessness by poor, incompetent political leadership unfit for its Office. Compared to China with its so called dreadful authoritarian regime, UK today  is a broken mirror with cracks all over in its economy, prestige and respectability of a working democracy, despite high sounding political rhetorics. Political correctness with US is deemed more important by successive elected politicians than serving the economic interest of the UK and its people. For example contracts with China for the new nuclear plant was cancelled in the middle of construction and Huawei equipment was unnecessarily removed at great cost and delay to its 5 G programs. 

As the Chinese saying goes he who  fails to look after its self interest shall “ perish by heaven  n earth” The writing is on the  wall and UK cannot live and depend on past glory for its  future, worse deliberately hurts itself to please the American#.

Overemphasis on crime.  Did you experience any yourself directly or are you looking at what certain media outlets choose to curate ?

China is an industry centered country things we have in the west like human rights, the environment, immigration etc. are not issues in China. The west is post industrial, and burdened with environmental policies that make no sense, DEI policies that discriminate against
Its majority.

if you remember that pianist ,and ppl defending him with culture,democracy, you dont feel sorry for them

Don't worry English are resilient, they will get used to new found poverty.

Democracy should be a goal or outcome to be achieved, not a process, procedure or means. For example, if you want to go to the beach for vacation, you can take a train or a plane. Your purpose is to enjoy the sun and the beach, not only taking a train to the beach is equal to democracy. Why is taking a plane to the beach undemocratic? This monopoly on the right to interpret democracy is basically a dictatorial concept. I call extreme supporters of liberal democracy as liberal jihadists or democratic terrorists, because you can't sanction and bomb other countries just because they don't share your ideology, just like the Soviet Union overthrew other countries by exporting communism revolution/rebellion to non-communist countries, now it's the US exported liberalism to the Muslim world, but it's just against the UN charter.

The Chinese government also calls itself socialist democracy, democratic centralism, and people's democratic dictatorship. The CCP called the West a bourgeois dictatorship since half a century ago, and the United States a Jewish oligarchic dictatorship, but you don't have to care about these labels. In the end, it depends on which side's people live can be improved better and faster.

brexit is a huge mistake; democracy is not necessarily a negative the chinese govt has ALWAYS been about doing what is best for the majority of the population; chinese state planning and development since 1978 has been about raising the standard of living; confucianism has always promoted this

09:01  --  "around 15 in half a day"?  Hello from Vancouver, on a good day, try 15 in an hour !

Democracy and party style election are two different things. A country cannot claim to be democratic for having a once every 2 or 4 years election. Look no further than India.

Have you ever thought about this question, why is the CEO of a company not elected through voting? The teachers who teach you in school are not elected through voting? The doctors who treat you are not elected through voting? However, a leader who decides the path of a country is elected through voting.

Brilliant video and couid not agree more. Had exactly the same experience abd conclusions after returning to UK from South Korea. Its embarrassing to say the least.The coutry has disintegrated and no one seems to do anything abiut it. Personally i will definitely not be living here for much longer .

Hope your Indian prime minister will not bring slums and cast system to UK

Canada is no better.  Not fun in North America

Dude, your girlfriend is a hottie!  Well done!

Well we live in Terresa May’s glorious “liberal democracy” isn’t it great!!!!

There was a country called  Biafra in  old Easter Nigeria. Britain heled criminal Nigeria government and six million people Biafrans diead in the civil war because  the oil in Nigeria is in Biafra. Young man what do you want me to do ?

Sounds like an apologist for China, I returned to the UK after 40years, I can honestly say that food in the UK is about half the price of food in the US, it used to be the other way around.
if you get your wandering turnip hat on, you going to see misery in the UK, if you did the same thing in China you would see poverty in China too. You can find misery anywhere if you look for it.

Not just the UK, the entire west especially the G7 are in irreversible decline (morally, economically, culturally, politically, etc). All done on purpose.

" once our great nation was an influence on the World stage, the leaders of the EU, were an empire streatching so far around the world... "

Yea, 1. true.  2. incorrect. 3. Yea, but that was so long ago, it was before I was born, and definitely long before you were born. Thus, today irrelevant.

I wonder how many people in the UK will now call you a "paid CCP troll" because of this video.

clearly you have never been to Japan, if you have visited Japan, you will look at China differently 

Did not add up, why hordes of BNO Hongkongers gold rushing to UK?

Germany is similar. I m waiting to return to my hometown, Shanghai, one day....

 see the UK  after 3 years living in China (I went homeand was disgusted.) 

the accent is clear for me.I can hear clearly every word easier than USA's accent

I would say that China's party system is more similar to the parliamentary system in the West. The Communist Party and several progressive democratic parties cooperate to establish a coalition government. Unlike the West, the Communist Party of China has assumed the historical responsibility of organizing and implementing policies and building the country. The difference between China and the West is that unlike the West, China does not hold general elections, but formulates a five-year plan for national development through the National People's Congress and entrusts it to a professional government to implement and promote China's industrial development and construction. The prime minister of the government is elected by the National People's Congress. However, both the National People's Congress and the government are guided by the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics and the leadership of the Party to carry out national construction.

I used London Underground for years. It is a nightmare. Worst part of working in London is using the Underground. And you pay too much for the "pleasure".

You were disgusted because they laughed at you when you tried to exchange your currency.

britain is a poor country with some richs peoples !

Harvey, I want to come and stay I China, but is it legal to watch YouTube in China? That's my main concern.

if you think there is any democracy in the West, then you are clueless about what democracy is and certainly need to educate yourself

Did you said Buy a house as post graduate?...  You are Lucky compare to the good 80% + Majority of the Population. You says 3 years, thats whats the Tories left for you to see and the whole western fascist rising from the Gutter Again.

The key issue for UK is the racial mix of its population. Compare now vs 100 years ago, you got my point.

90,000 Chinese followers . Propaganda.

There will always going to be pros and cons on both side of the coins, I’m Chinese Australian, Aus is showing the same issue as the rest of the western world, China’s economic issue is showing the same signs as what you said at the beginning about japan, it was literally printing money to prop up the gdp numbers.

The relatives in China in the top 0.1% don’t care too much because they have a lot of wealth, more then enough to spend for the next 50 years, whereas the poorer ones don’t have the motivation to work because average salary is so low they would rather spend time with family than going to work.

While crime is low in China but there are signs of instability and covered up by the media and government to not tarnish its image, the issues of democracy is as an Islam scholar put it, it is for the people by the people but if the people are stupid then a stupid government will be selected, but it is always incheck by other parties

China produces half of the world's industrial products. It has scale advantages and can produce the high quality goods at the lowest cost. The United States/UK and EU are promoting decoupling/de-risking and reducing trade with China, which will naturally push up the cost of living. Also losing China the largest market alongside the United States, incomes will decline too.  China is winning the rapidly growing markets of the global South, the goal of dragging China down will not succeed either.

Maybe you and your generation should pull your socks up and put energy into putting things right instead of bulldusting  you  are the generation that should be working together to correct things instead of preaching and being such a I'm above all this you and your attitude is part of the problem it's easy to pick fault but far more difficult to correct things as Kennedy said  ASK WHAT CAN I DO FOR MY COUNTRY NOT WHAT CAN MY COUNTRY DO FOR ME

You are not objective with your comparisons because as you compare salaries you compare British salaries to American salaries but when you compare prices you compare British prices to Chinese prices. If you compare something you should be consistent and compare to the same country. Strong points of China are prices and infrastructure but  weak points are low salaries. So you talk about Chinese prices but not about salaries. It's a little bit misleading. It would be good if they  compared real cost of living like cost of rent as a precentage of salary or number of houres of work to pay for rent.

Oh, come on man…. UK ain’t that bad - I love London (certain areas).

It’s just as bad here in NYC..  we got illegal guns here

The difference between China and the western world is; one is on the way up and the other is going down. 

Even if the standard of living is lower in China, people are seeing a better future ahead and they feel better just working towards it. In the western world, we see things getting worst and we don't see any way out of the decline, therefor people are more depress and helpless. It is certainly not motivating when you see your purchasing power going down even if you work harder to try to achieve your goal. 

I would also add that our so called leaders are not helping the situation. We mostly have puppets and clowns running the western countries at the moment. Policies are implemented to get elected for the next term and it seems that nothing else matters. The two best examples are the two conflicts we have at the moment in Ukraine and Palestine. Both created by the clown leader in the US and followed by the puppets in Europe to hide the fact that our economies are in recession.

评论 610

已由Harvey in China置顶 8小时前
别忘了订阅,我回英国后会发布很多视频,还会去其他欧洲国家的首都,比较我在那里看到的和每天在中国看到的。另外,看看我的新 Instagram 页面,我每天都会发布来自中国内部的内容:


你看到 15 个无家可归的人,感到震惊吗?去旧金山吧。几个街区就能看到一百个无家可归的人!




Harvey,我是一名英国外籍人士,现在住在香港。我住在伦敦、新加坡、台北和北京。我不得不说,在亚洲生活了20多年后,我甚至无法忍受在伦敦呆超过2周。在伦敦,生活水平太差,成本太高,我再也无法适应。我的大多数朋友都离开了英国,住在世界其他地方。我的看法是,自 80 年代以来,撒切尔夫人领导的私有化政策彻底毁了这个国家,之后的政府只是做出了错误的政策决定,并一直延续至今。我决定留在亚洲抚养我的家人,不再回国。我也建议你这么做。这是一艘正在下沉的船,大多数年轻人都知道这一点,但不是每个人都能离开,他们只是被困住了。

6 小时前


5 小时前


我不认为有一个系统可以适合所有人。即使有民主,英国也像共产主义国家一样运行着 NHS 系统,而美国没有类似的东西。而美国允许每个人携带武器并承担后果。在英国,并不是每个警察都带枪。治理必须不断更新和调整以适应其人口。简单地将中国制度贴上专制甚至邪恶的标签,会阻碍一个民主国家改变其治理方式,使用中国的工具和模式,即使这些工具和模式显示出积极的结果。


















记得 cn#1 我甚至考虑过搬到中国,英格兰只是昔日的影子

















政客们都在 Epstien 名单上……



在英国当退休老人,冬天连暖气都买不起,这一定很艰难。我查了一下欧洲养老金细目指数,英国退休老人的排名已跌至第 15 位,落后于西班牙、保加利亚、乌克兰、波斯尼亚等国家,而且英国是唯一一个生活水平比疫情前更差的 G7 国家。英国的未来看起来不太好。




感谢 Harvey 制作这段视频。

我很高兴我在 70 年代离开了英国伦敦。


所有英语国家都面临着与英国相同的衰落。东亚蓬勃发展有 5 个原因:
1. 自由只属于守法的公民。
2. 常识性政策。如果你鼓励无家可归,你就会无家可归,如果你助长犯罪,你就会犯罪,如果你支持毒品,你就会得到介于两者之间的一切。
3. 没有种族理论,没有种族战争。多样性和包容性让位于民族主义和爱国主义。
4. 没有免费食物、免费住房、免费医疗、免费教育。每个人都必须为他们想要的东西付钱。如果你不想工作,你就会死。
5. 如果你开枪,你就会死。















天哪,真是一段美丽而真诚的视频。我完全同意你的观点,因为我自己也在上海住了 3 年(直到疫情开始)。但对我来说,我无法想象自己住在那里,因为那里太不一样了。是的,这里干净得多,交通、医疗保健等各方面都好得多……但我就是感觉不舒服。到处都是混凝土,没有绿色公园(你可以真正在草地上散步,哈哈),没有持续不断的新鲜空气,文化差异太大,对我来说,住在那里实在是太难了。食物也很棒——但几乎不可能吃到我在德国吃的普通面包和奶酪。这些才是真正让我与众不同的地方。




st. 共产党和几个进步民主党派合作建立联合政府。与西方不同,中国共产党承担了组织实施政策、建设国家的历史责任。中国与西方的不同之处在于,中国与西方不同,中国不举行普选,而是通过全国人民代表大会制定国家发展的五年规划,并委托专业政府来实施和推动中国的工业发展和建设。政府总理由全国人民代表大会选举产生。但全国人民代表大会和政府都是以中国特色社会主义意识形态为指导,以党的领导进行国家建设。






迈克尔·哈德森 (Michael Hudson) 指出,集体西方现在拥有“食利经济”(感谢新自由主义!),通过 FIRE 部门(金融、保险和房地产)获取财富,只让少数人受益。


我已经(突飞猛进地)观察到欧洲经济中心地带的相对和绝对衰落已有 50 年左右了。这一进程现在明显正在加速。

世界已经赶上了集体西方,西方长达 200 年的全球霸权已经结束。并不是说美国领导的现状会不战而降。


2 小时前



我刚从中国回来,从希思罗机场坐地铁到 Abbey Wood,下车后,两个家伙在站台上打架,这是今天的英国,英国政府说不要再喝自来水了,他们说这是脏水,是的,情况越来越糟了






去年我把女儿送回了中国,这意味着我每年只能和女儿见面 4 个月,而其余时间我都待在英国。

3 周前我在伦敦遭到人身攻击,我的车载摄像头拍下了整个事件,包括他的车牌号和他的脸,警察什么也没做

我在 AE 等了 3 个小时,被告知至少还要再等 3 个小时,尽管我咳血并且头痛欲裂



去年夏天,一辆路过的货车在我家门外绑架了一名 4 岁和一名 5 岁的孩子……


很棒的 Vlog Harvey

今年 7 月,我们将前往上海,这是我们计划从惠州出发的 3000 公里公路旅行的一部分……



我看过 YouTube 上关于中国城市夜景和东京(新宿区)的视频,与北美和欧洲城市相比,它们美得惊人,色彩缤纷,充满未来感



人们习惯于强调民主,好像选举就是民主的同义词。民主实际上有很多形式。以选举为基础的民主(evd)只是其中一种,它存在很多问题。人们忘记了民主的目的,许多人只是利用了它的缺陷。民主的目的是建立一个代表社会大多数的政府。许多研究表明,西方民主已经发展到只代表社会约 10% 的人口。另一方面,中国还没有进行类似的选举,但超过 80% 的人对中央政府的行事方式感到满意。它称其民主模式为协商民主(cbd)。

所以你是说 BBC 这些年来一直在对我说有关中国的谎言?


像 Rishi 一样,把责任归咎于俄罗斯。这不仅发生在英国,几乎所有欧洲国家都是如此。加拿大和美国也在效仿。

我记得在 80 年代长大,我没吃过饭,因为我父亲去世后,我母亲真的没钱了,她寻求帮助,政府让她等了很长时间才得到帮助。然后他们给她寄了一笔一英镑的转账。我们整个房子只有一个煤气炉,没有中央供暖,有时我们从来没有 50 便士的煤气费,所以我们很冷,你一般懒得洗澡,因为你没有热水,房间很冷。 80 年代保守党执政时也是一样,但这次情况更糟,因为缺乏工作机会,所以会有更多的人感受到这种影响,尤其是随着单亲家庭的增加。他们削减和取消服务,榨干一切。保守党不会改善生活。我不记得有哪一次你找不到 NHS 牙医。他们鄙视工人阶级、穷人和残疾人。如果他们继续执政,情况只会变得更糟。他们必须在下次大选中下台。

6 分钟前

5 小时前

3 小时前





有类似的经历,住在越南;两年内见证了变革(在人民共和国的帮助下)。每升汽油价格:27 美元,也让我大开眼界。回来后,感觉自己回到了过去;基础设施陈旧、恶臭、乞丐和小偷随处可见(最糟糕的是商家欺诈)。





中国有一场名为 Mai Llai 的大型运动?年轻人宁愿不工作也不愿为微薄的收入工作。他们的情况和我们一样,工资很低。在很多情况下。
中国城市到处都有监控,就像现在的英国一样,但是虽然警察部队的薪水很高,但英国却很穷,我现在也相信我们的警察(他们不再保护我们了)实际上是私有的,就像我们的 NHS 一样。




本周我开始观看有关英国社会状况的视频,到目前为止,我对所见所闻感到非常震惊。我出生在一个欠发达国家,知道一个贫穷和功能失调的国家是什么样子。我一直认为,与美国相比,英国是一个拥有稳定社会网络的国家,可以捕捉那些脱离资本主义机器的人。天哪,我错了。我看到的一些场景是贫穷国家的典型场景。另一件显而易见的事情是,一些建筑,特别是房屋已经破旧不堪,可能需要拆除并建造新建筑。住房太贵了,在伦敦,工人阶级社区里一套长满黑色霉菌、正在腐烂的一居室公寓要价 20 万英镑。我简直不敢相信。在其他国家,你可以过上舒适、更便宜的生活。年轻一代开始退出并不奇怪。











我同意,我看过一些独立的 YTers 展示真正的中国以及它有多安全......我去过那里一次,我感受到了

@stephenshepherd3314 1小时前
在我们自己的 Covid 策略受伤后,与俄罗斯这样的大国打一场经济战(现在从中国开始)。我们的领导人是为了自己的利益,而不是效仿中国、俄罗斯、新加坡等成功的国家

为 sn 诚实、有见地的视频点赞。民主建立在每个人都投票的基础上,选民有批判性思维能力,使他能够选择合适的领导人。当然,很多人不投票,而那些投票的人中,很多人不了解经济或地缘政治问题,更不用说辨别差异的能力了。











但请介绍一下中国的健康检查系统与英国相比的情况。与英国 NHS 相比,它是多么容易、实惠、有用、有影响力、有效和高效,以及 NHS 的候补名单有多可怕。请告诉大家,给中国的医生打电话预约有多么不同,你如何可以如此快速而又超级便宜地在线预约。请告诉我们,比较和抱怨 NHS,告诉我们中国的服务有多么棒。




r 办公室。与中国所谓的可怕独裁政权相比,今天的英国就像一面破碎的镜子,尽管政治言论冠冕堂皇,但其经济、威望和民主的尊严却到处都是裂痕。历届当选的政治家都认为,与美国的政治正确性比服务于英国及其人民的经济利益更重要。例如,与中国签订的新核电站合同在建设中期被取消,华为设备被不必要地移除,导致其 5G 计划成本高昂,延误。



中国是一个以工业为中心的国家,西方的人权、环境、移民等问题在中国都不存在。西方是后工业化国家,背负着毫无意义的环境政策和歧视其大多数人的 DEI 政策。


@wsurfer2147 44分钟前

@lvjinbin28 6小时前


英国脱欧是一个巨大的错误;民主并不一定是负面的,中国政府一直致力于为大多数人口谋福利;自 1978 年以来,中国的国家规划和发展一直致力于提高生活水平;儒家思想一直提倡这一点

1 小时前
09:01 -- “半天 15 左右”?温哥华的问候,在天气好的时候,试试一小时 15 吧!

@cool-eye3674 37 分钟前
民主和政党式选举是两码事。一个国家不能因为每 2 年或 4 年举行一次选举就声称自己是民主国家。看看印度就知道了。

@user-bk4on6fd8z 4 小时前

@mariusmarius4832 4小时前

@MrPathorock 5小时前

@robnews11 1小时前

@peterrichardson9248 1小时前
好吧,我们生活在 Terresa May 光荣的“自由民主”中,这不是很棒吗!!!!


@johnjakson444 1小时前

@PolluxChung 3小时前(修改过)

@apflewis 3小时前(修改过)

是的,1. 正确。2. 不正确。3. 是的,但那是很久以前的事了,在我出生之前,肯定在你出生之前。因此,今天无关紧要。

@monophthalmus3254 3小时前

@sparky9327 1小时前

@xyang17 4小时前

@jaceeblahblah1442 34分钟前 


@zz7zt0p56 4小时前

@Luola999 1小时前

@tianlezheng6829 5小时前

@flowerflower1392 51秒钟前

@chaoskid1211 4小时前

@pastrychef66 3小时前

@albertchan3238 4小时前
Harvey,我想来中国呆着,但在中国看 YouTube 合法吗?这是我最关心的问题。

@Diom79 1小时前

@GizmoMaxx 6小时前
你说毕业后买房?... 与 80% 以上的人口相比,你很幸运。你说 3 年,这就是保守党留给你的,整个西方法西斯又从贫民窟崛起。

@caitlynj7466 2小时前
英国的关键问题是其人口的种族混合。比较现在和 100 年前,你明白我的意思了。


中国最富有的 0.1% 的亲戚并不太在意,因为他们拥有大量财富,足以在未来 50 年内消费,而较贫穷的人没有工作的动力,因为平均工资太低,他们宁愿花时间陪伴家人也不愿去工作。



@lesleycollis7520 9分钟前


@darek795 4小时前(修改过)

@crazygambler920 5小时前(修改过)

@duprog 4小时前



I went back to England after 3 years away and what I saw shocked me, some incident on board or something, so they had to cancel the train, they've completely stopped the line and everyone's had to get off and walk, I hate to think what the incident was but I just hope it wasn't anything too serious, I recently went home to the UK after living in China for the past almost 3 years and the difference is staggering whereas once our great nation
was an influence on the world stage the
leaders of the EU with an Empire
stretching so far around the world that
the sun simply never set upon it now
those days are a thing of the distant
past in this video I'm going to share
what my experience was like after being
away for so
long ladies and gentlemen we just going
to shut down the engines of this train
because we have a slight problem we got
have some
passers how the UK is different how
China has risen during that time and
what I think the future holds for our
countries 3 years ago I was sat at home
in Oxford thinking about my next steps
should I move to London or should I move
to China I was working in banking having
just graduated from my MBA postgraduate
degree all of my friends around me were
thinking about their next steps too
whether to buy a house what field of
work they wanted to start their careers
in and for those already in careers how
would they get get their next promotion
and pay rise the UK was still an okay
place for a recent graduate at that time
or so it seemed there was still hope of
a good job hope of saving up enough
money to afford a deposit on a house
sure there was still crime on the
streets but nothing like it is today
covid had just ended we had just left
the European Union there was a palpable
sense that the country would bounce back
from the negative growth that we
experienced during the pandemic that new
opportunities indeed were on the horizon
the cost of living was still manageable
even for those on low incomes people
could still afford to heat their homes
and keep warm during winter they didn't
have to choose between eating or
freezing the first thing that shocked me
wasn't the increase in crime
homelessness or living costs rather it
was something aesthetic walking down old
high streets and City centers places
that I remember were once the Heart of
the City filled with vibrancy and packed
full of people eating drinking and
spending money well it isn't like that
anymore not even in London people in the
west say that the Chinese economy is in
Ruins that China is about to follow the
roots of Japan in the 1980s almost
making it to the top but then failing
dramatically well I don't think that is
the case I think that the actual decline
is a little closer to home but because
we're slowly simmering away in the pot
we can't actually comprehend how high
the heat is taking a walk down any
Chinese Street late at night and into
the early hours of the morning you are
met with hordes of locals entertaining
themselves it seems that these people
have disposable income to spend unlike
those in the UK where it seems people
simply can't afford to go out and have
fun anymore how Bleak the environment of
the UK looks today not only that but of
course these days crime has risen
dramatically but it's not just the
amount of crime or the statistics that
is shocking the truly disturbing nature
is in the manner of crime in English
society right now streets where you can
hear a pin drop if not for the screams
of people being robbed or worse with no
one bothering to jump in and help defend
this was us walking down Camden Market
one of the top tourist spots in the
whole of London the illegal breeds of
dogs clouds of marijuana smoke and
people selling drugs could be ignored in
fact it can be argued that it adds to
the atmosphere of London I guess it's
something novel and an environment that
some may find
exciting what couldn't be ignored though
was the news report of a young lad being
tackled To The Ground by police with a
twoot knife being pulled out of his
trousers living in Shanghai or Beijing
or guango or Shenzhen or in fact most
most tier one two or three cities in
China you don't need to worry about
public transport it's safe reliable
clean and affordable those four criteria
are the four fundamental tenants of good
public transportation and infrastructure
how many of those four criteria would
you think that London's underground the
most important city in the United
Kingdom has well it wasn't even reliable
now it might just be bad luck but the
one time we had to use it it literally
broke down and then was delayed and we
had to get off and
walk I didn't even know that it was
prone to doing that I thought that only
happened in New York again information
up for
the apologies this TR on the south has
been held this is due to an in
there we were home for the first time in
3 years heading from Camden to
Westminster and it broke down and of
course that was after we had paid for
which we couldn't get a refund the
ticket to use the underground for the
day was around £15 by the way about $20
or1 130 yuan in China there is no way
something as insignificant as a Subway
ticket would cost anywhere near as much
of a percentage of what you'd expect to
spend in a day of course you can't even
drive into London these days as if you
do you have to pay a tax which costs
$40 so of course we took the train from
Oxford to London which is around a 45
minute to 60 Minute Journey that cost
£60 and of course the train wasn't even
on time luckily I didn't need to use the
NHS whilst I was at home but I have my
doubts as to whether that would have
been a pleasant experience
the cost of living has shot up energy
companies used covid and the sez Canal
Crisis as a pretext to raise prices but
once those crises had passed the prices
remained artificially inflated so much
so that British gas a company that once
belonged to the government to the people
reported a 1,000 increase in their
yearly profits can you imagine that
people can't afford to heat their homes
yet the main energy supp in the country
reports a tfold increase in profits can
you imagine that happening in a country
like China or even just in an Asian
country where the government cares for
its people It's Not Just Energy food
prices have gone through the roof first
things first need to go and get a food
shop done going to buy maybe a week or
two weeks worth of food and see how much
it costs here in the UK compared to how
much it would cost me in Shanghai thanks
in part due to inflation of course but
even as inflation has dropped the prices
have remained high unattainable for much
of the
population and that's not just in the UK
that's in America and all across the
West as well of course high prices due
to inflation wouldn't historically have
been a problem as wages and salaries
usually increase too however over the
past 10 20 years in the UK that's not
what we have seen happen at all wages
have seen slight incremental increases
yet purchasing power has dropped and
inflation increased in fact for many key
Industries like software engineering and
cyber security salaries are up to a
tenth of what the same position would
yield in America and I saw a joke the
other day on Twitter that American tech
companies in Silicon Valley should
Outsource their jobs to londoners
instead of Indians as it has an
English-speaking highly technical
Workforce yet they expect really low
salaries and that's the truth with all
of these factors working against the
average citizen it sadly came as no
surprise to me that I did see a lot of
homeless people much more than I
remember there being living in China for
the for the past few years I'd kind of
Forgotten what it's like to see homeless
people living rough on the streets I
think I've seen one homeless person in
the whole time that I've been in
Shanghai a city of 28 million people and
to be honest I don't even know if this
person was actually homeless or not
contrast that with London a city of just
6 or 7 million and I saw around 15 in
half a day so why has it declined why
has the UK become such a mess whilst
countries like China have seen such a
rise well there are numerous reasons of
course but I'm going to give a few that
are in my opinion the biggest but also
ones that kind of relate to China or can
relate to China of course political
instability is a big issue in the UK off
the top of my head we've changed leader
something like five times in the last
eight years can you believe that five
different people have been leader of the
country in the last 8
years the UK claims it's a democratic
country but in the last 10 years only
one leader was elected initially by the
public before they actually got into
office so of course it's hard for the
country to go in the same direction
follow the same plan if it's changing
leader every 16 months on average
contrast this with China of course now
everyone is on the same team politically
following the same plan doing what is
best for the country yet we're
continually told in the west that
democracy is the way forward it's the
best system of
governance is it now I've seen the other
side I'm really not so sure reason
number two has to be brexit of course we
chose to leave the EU For Better or For
Worse it's what we decided to do yet
it's led to labor shortages more
political instability and political
division then we've had the pandemic
which we never really recovered from
economically the UK has completely lost
its Authority and influence on the world
stage the country is getting poorer it
seems there is no no easy way out and
people are suffering which is having a
huge effect on society and communities
it's Bleak and gloomy China on the other
hand is in the direct opposite situation
it is booming it's progressing it's
becoming the global leader in many key
areas so much so that adversaries are so
threatened that they are continually
trying to tear it down media and
so-called experts claim that the economy
is crashing yet yet it topped 5% growth
year on year I personally hope that we
see a shift in policy from the UK
towards China start trading more and
more become more friendly and become
better Partners it's obvious to any that
are willing to look that the world is
changing rapidly it's becoming
multi-polar attention is Shifting to the
east the UK is simply not the important
influential country that it once was and
being home walking the street it's
talking to people and seeing just how
rundown and bad everything has become
really saddened me now this is a purely
anecdotal video based on my opinions and
experiences it's not being backed up by
facts or statistics and it doesn't
really have any conclusion to it I just
thought I'd share my thoughts with you
guys watching because I'm in a pretty
unique position whereby I actually
inside China viewing it from an unbiased
perspective so if you found it
insightful don't forget to like
subscribe and I'll see you in the next
video thanks for watching

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