
查理芒格 佩新加坡首任总理

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Aarthi Swaminathan Aarthi Swaminathan ·记者 24, 2021

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伯克希尔哈撒韦公司 (BRK-A, BRK-B) 的副主席查理芒格进一步详述了他对执政三十年的新加坡首任总理李光耀的深深钦佩。

“像李光耀这样的人并不多见,”芒格周三在 Daily Journal 年会上回答了有关这位传奇投资者为何钦佩这位东南亚政治家的问题。 “所以我当然很佩服他。 我家有一尊李光耀的半身像。 我非常钦佩他。”


芒格解释说:“李光耀拥有作为国家建设者的最佳记录。”他的成绩记录可能是世界历史上有史以来最好的。 他接管了一片疟疾沼泽,没有军队……很快,他就把那里变成了这个光荣的繁荣之地。”

此外,芒格补充说,“他的方法非常简单。 他说,“弄清楚什么是有效的,然后去做。” 现在听起来好像任何人都知道这是有道理的。 ......他是一个非常聪明的人,他有很多好主意,他绝对接管了疟疾沼泽,并在他有生之年将其变成了现代新加坡。 这绝对是不可思议的。”

1996 年 12 月 30 日,新加坡国务资政李光耀在后港体育场举行的人民行动党集会上向公众发表讲话。 新加坡持久的族长李光耀不战而胜又赢得了五年任期的国会议员,这保证了他在新加坡继续发挥作用。 法新社照片 ROSLAN RAHMAN(图片来源应为 ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images)李光耀于 1996 年 12 月 30 日在后港体育场举行的人民行动党集会上向公众发表讲话。 (ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP 来自 Getty Images)





从两位数的失业率和 1965 年独立时相对微薄的人均 GDP 516 美元,该国一直被经济学家和政治家誉为成功的典范,如今人均 GDP 接近 61,000 美元 .

伯克希尔哈撒韦公司副董事长查理芒格于 2013 年 5 月 3 日在内布拉斯加州奥马哈接受采访时向路透社发表讲话。路透社/Lane Hickenbottom(美国 - 标签:业务概况)

该国最近因使用为应对 COVID-19 传播而开发的接触者追踪系统而受到审查。

去年 3 月推出的 TraceTogether 应用程序和设备将用于追踪那些与受 COVID-19 影响的居民有过接触的人,并被设计为向公众收集信息的一种方式,这些信息不会传递给 当局,除非它是关于接触者追踪的。

但是,当 1 月份在议会中透露新加坡警方可以使用这些数据进行刑事调查时,一片哗然,促使一名记者称该国为“准专制民主国家”。


——Aarthi 是雅虎财经的资深记者。 可以通过 aarthi@yahoofinance.com 联系到她。 在推特上关注她@aartiswami。


'I have a bust of him': Charlie Munger on why he admires Singapore's first prime minister



Aarthi Swaminathan Aarthi Swaminathan · February  
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Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK-ABRK-B) Vice Chair Charlie Munger further detailed his deep admiration for Singapore’s first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, who governed for three decades.

“There aren't that many people like Lee Kuan Yew who ever lived,” Munger responded to a question about why the legendary investor admired the Southeast Asian politician at the Daily Journal Annual Meeting on Wednesday. “So of course I admire him. I have a bust of Lee Kuan Yew in my house. I admire him that much.”

Munger reiterated his praise for the nation's founding leader for his deft stewardship of the city-state.

“Lee Kuan Yew had the best record as a nation builder," Munger explained. "He had the probably the best grade record that ever existed in the history of the world. He took over a malarial swamp, with no army … And pretty soon, he turned that into this gloriously prosperous place.”

Furthermore, Munger added, “his method for doing it was so simple. He said, 'Figure out what works and do it.' Now it sounds like anybody would know that made sense. … he was a very smart man, and he had a lot of good ideas and he absolutely took over a malarial swamp and turned it into modern Singapore in his own lifetime. It was absolutely incredible.”

Singapore Senior minister Lee Kuan Yew addresses on December 30, 1996 the public at the People's Action Party rally in Hougang stadium. Singapore's durable patriarch Lee has won another five-year termas an MP without a fight, guaranteeing him a continuedrole in Singapore.   AFP PHOTO ROSLAN RAHMAN        (Photo credit should read ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images)Lee Kuan Yew addresses on December 30, 1996 the public at the People's Action Party rally in Hougang stadium. (ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images)

'Just so good'

Later on during the program, he also praised the leader’s son, current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, “who is a bright man.”


But ultimately, Lee Kuan Yew “was just so good,” Munger gushed, noting that Lee Kuan Yew rooted out corruption “and there's hardly anything he touched he didn't improve” from health care to national savings.

Under decades of Lee Kuan Yew’s leadership, Singapore transformed itself from a British outpost into a global trade and finance giant.

From unemployment in the double-digits and a relatively meager GDP per capita of $516 at the time of its independence in 1965, the country has been hailed as a success story by economists and politicians alike, and today boasts a GDP per capita of nearly $61,000.

Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation Charlie Munger speaks to Reuters during an interview in Omaha, Nebraska May 3, 2013. REUTERS/Lane Hickenbottom (UNITED STATES - Tags: BUSINESS PROFILE)

The country recently came under scrutiny for its use of a contact-tracing system that was developed to address the spread of COVID-19.

The TraceTogether app and device, launched in March last year, would be used to trace those who had come into contact with COVID-19-affected residents and was framed to the public as a way to collect information that wouldn’t be passed on to authorities unless it’s regarding contact tracing.

But when it was revealed in parliament in January that Singapore police could use the data for criminal investigations, an uproar followed, prompting one journalist to call the country a “quasi-authoritarian democracy.”

The government has since walked back usage of the data unless regarding investigations of serious offenses, Yahoo News Singapore reported.

—Aarthi is a senior reporter for Yahoo Finance. She can be reached at aarthi@yahoofinance.com. Follow her on Twitter @aarthiswami.

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