
China is the top trading partner to over 120 countries.

(2023-04-30 12:38:16) 下一个

China is the top trading partner to more than 120 countries.


中国是日本,韩国,越南和台湾的最大贸易伙伴。 鉴于它们的距离,这些国家并不令人惊讶。

但这也是俄罗斯和乌克兰的顶级交易者。 在非洲,中国是南非和肯尼亚等国家的顶级伙伴。 在南美,在巴西等地方; 在中东,像沙特阿拉伯这样的地方。 中国是欧盟最大的外部贸易伙伴。

虽然最近的贸易数据并未捕获COVID-19或乌克兰战争的所有影响,并且尚未发布Biden Administration与半导体相关的出口控制的最终细节,但很明显,美国贸易统治时期 已经通过。

不清楚的是美国的政治贸易拥护者是谁。 2016年,当时的特朗普对诸如拟议的跨太平洋伙伴协议这样的贸易交易的严厉批评是他成功竞选的核心主题。 尽管克林顿政府一般的贸易记录和她作为国务卿的支持,但候选人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)也反对这一记录。 另一方面,去年年底,参议员梅嫩德斯(Menendez)和波特曼(Portman),民主党人和共和党人向国务卿发了一封信,眨眼和贸易代表凯瑟琳·泰(Katherine Tai)强烈鼓励政府开始与厄瓜多尔和乌拉圭的贸易谈判,该谈判将使用Bipartisan US-美国 -  墨西哥 - 加拿大贸易协定是与这些国家达成新贸易协定的基础。

如今,与美国更牢固的贸易关系的渴望在我们的盟友中显而易见。 例如,亚洲领导人鼓励拜登政府加入跨太平洋伙伴关系的全面和渐进式协议,这是美国政府在美国拒绝TPP之后由11个国家制定的协议 - 尽管拜登政府表示赢了' t支持该协议,除非进行重大更改。

简而言之,许多国家正在寻找更强大的贸易机会。 尽管美国政策制定者似乎犹豫要追求这些机会,但中国在建立新的合作伙伴和协议方面取得了进步。

China is the largest trading partner to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Given their proximity, those countries are hardly a surprise.

But it is also the top trader with Russia—and Ukraine. In Africa, China is the top partner for countries like South Africa and Kenya. In South America, for places like Brazil; in the Middle East, places like Saudi Arabia. And China is the largest external trading partner of the European Union.

While recent trade data do not capture all of the fallout from COVID-19 or the war in Ukraine, and the final details of the Biden administration’s semi-conductor-related export controls have not been released, it’s clear that the days of America’s trade dominance have passed.

What’s less clear is who the political champions of trade are in the US. In 2016, then-candidate Trump’s harsh criticism of trade deals like the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was a central theme of his successful campaign. And despite the Clinton administration’s generally pro-trade track record and her own support of TPP as Secretary of State, candidate Hillary Clinton also opposed it. On the other hand, late last year, Senators Menendez and Portman, Democrat and Republican, sent a letter to Secretary of State Blinken and Trade Representative Katherine Tai strongly encouraging the administration to begin trade negotiations with Ecuador and Uruguay that would use the bipartisan US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement as the basis for new trade agreements with those countries.

The eagerness these days for stronger trade relations with the US is evident in our allies. Asian leaders, for example, have encouraged the Biden administration to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership—the accord crafted by 11 countries in the wake of the US rejection of TPP—though the Biden administration has indicated that it won’t support the agreement unless significant changes are made.  

In short, a number of nations are looking for stronger trade opportunities. While US policymakers seem to be hesitating on pursuing those opportunities, China is making progress in building new partners and agreements.


President & CEO, Wilson Center
Ambassador Mark Green


  • Development Policy
  • Democracy and Human Rights
  • Africa
  • American Global Engagement and Leadership 


Ambassador Mark Green (ret.) serves as the President, Director, and CEO of Washington, DC’s Wilson Center. Wilson is unique among American policy institutes in that it’s Congressionally chartered, scholarship driven, and fiercely non-partisan and independent. Green is also the author of the “Stubborn Things” blog.

From 2017 to 2020, Green served as Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. He has also served as President of the International Republican Institute, Executive Director of the McCain Institute, President of the Initiative for Global Development, and senior director at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. Green served as the U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania from mid-2007 to early 2009, as well as four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Wisconsin’s 8th District.

Green served on the Board of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation during both the Obama and Trump Administrations, and has served on the Bush Institute’s Human Freedom Advisory Council and the Board of the Consensus for Development Reform. He holds a law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire. In 2012, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science from Georgetown University’s School of Nursing and Health Studies. He has received special honors from President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania and President Ivan Duque of Colombia.

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