
“如果你可以呼吸,你(就)可以练习瑜伽”--记不清哪里听到的。Namaste(May the divine in me salute the divine in you.)

Build an uplifting environment

(2020-07-20 08:03:31) 下一个

07/11, Saturday,30 min Yoga Flow. 

07/12, Sunday, 20 min Yoga Flow+ 45 min Yoga Flow: Core

07/13, Monday,30 min flow

07/14, Tuesday, 45 min flow

07/15, Wednesday, 30 min Yoga Flow

07/16, Thursday, 20 min Yoga Flow + 30 min Yoga Flow

07/17, Friday, 30 min Yoga Flow: Twists

07/18, Saturday,30 min Yoga Flow

07/19, Sundaay, 30 min Yoga Flow, 10 min Yoga Flow, two Yoga Basics: 10 min Yoga: Transitions and 5 min Basic: Upward Facing Dog

Be mindful of my environment and start to build an uplifting environment! Healthy and possitive! Be grateful of friendship! Be grateful of good health! Be grateful of the tools that serve our life. Namaste! Just image how it feels when it is done! I am grateful! May all beings everywhere be happy, may all beings everywhere be healthy, May all being everywhere be safe and live with ease. Have an uplifting environment!

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