

K娃糖豆对“物理知识”的感知 (1)

(2014-01-09 08:33:18) 下一个

糖豆热衷于玩具。最近玩的起劲的是那4个Perplaxus Balls http://www.amazon.com/Perplexus-BL300-Epic/dp/B004H1V5RU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1386083428&sr=8-2&keywords=perplexus+ball)  。昏天黑地的转过来转过去的!折腾几个小时是肯定的。反正比玩iPad game强。随他了。


13年11月的某一天,小人湿漉漉地被从shower里抱出来。还没着装完全呢,就捧起搁置一边的Perplaxus。突然,他亮晶晶的大眼睛又“闪光”了!急切地问: “Is it possible that the little marble falls, but never touches the outside ball?”  不等我回答,他回答:“Yeah!  If you let the whole ball fall and fall and fall, the marble will never touch the side of the plastic ball.  The marble ball even wouldn’t know it is falling!” 亏得糖豆妈也是个visual spatial learner。早几年读了Einstein传记,里面描述的“Einstein‘s elevator”貌似就是这个道理。顿时将儿子和伟大的Einstein老先生给“搭桥”起来了。


这可还没完呢:“Wormhole is very dangerous!  You jump in, just like the marble falls.  The marble supposes to fall on here! (他一手捧着ball,一手指着底端一点)  But the Universe might be turning. (他转了ball)  Then the marble lands at different place (他的手指着底上一点,但已经不是原来的“点”了).  You really don’t know where you will be once you come out of the wormhole!”  前一阵子糖豆妈在家看了些科普物理知识的书和科教片。记得曾有人提起类似的Universe Turning的问题。当然现在是被否决了。不想禁锢他发散性思维,我憋住了没有纠正他。糖豆继续着他的“imagination”:“The marble falls.  It supposes land on the next level: 60.  But I turned the plastic ball, and made the marble land on level 120!  It skipped so much without even knowing it!  As if it just went through extra-dimension!”  那啥,Space Wrap是不是就讲的:Space Shuttle不动,而将环绕在Shuttle周围的Space用Anti-Matter给快速move了,造成Shuttle近光速行进的可能?(非理科生的糖豆妈的理解,说错了别砸哈!)



糖豆对“物理”类知识有特殊的“亲和力”。从2岁起琢磨Solar system, Universe,到4岁时提出:“Earthquark makes the house shake,but Gravity pulls the houses down”,他也好奇“Newton's 3 Laws of motion” (过去的博文,关于他的早期物理启蒙:http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/62002/201303/24199.html和http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/62002/201304/5514.html)。最近一次活学活用牛顿的定律是在被一5岁女汉子bully了后。一开始只是被screamed at,后来发展到小脸被女孩子铅笔划过!我们希望他能去说服女孩子别这么野蛮:“Treat other nicely just like the way you want to be treated”。糖豆想了一想说:“Yeah!That kinda like if you push something, you actually got pushed back the same time!”

某一天临睡前,糖豆爸爸问“俩球,一个大铁球,一个小皮球。同一高度落下,哪个先着地!假设没有空气”!小人中文不怎么给力,他爹翻E文时疏忽了几个关键词,变成“in deep space, two balls, one heavy, one light, which one drop faster?" 糖豆立马回答"the same!" 他爹高兴啊“怎么知道的啊!”糖豆一边在俺的皮沙发上跳,一边笑道“They both aren't moving! In deep space, if there is No Gravity! They keep the way they are!" 糖豆爸爸立即加道“不是啦!是有gravity的情况下,两个一起same height 掉下来!” 糖豆依旧bounce得那么高兴“The same! The same!还是 the Same!” 他爸灰常满意!再问“what if there is air? one feather,one metal ball?” 这个难不住糖豆的: “friction push the feather UP! metal ball fell first!" (糖豆对“概念问题”一向抓得很准,而且不忘。糖豆爸爸问这问题时,距糖豆同学学习此类知识起码已经是半年后了。)


糖豆对“数学”类知识也很有亲和力(等有时间来818,最近小朋友自己跟着iTune U学的是Calculus,据说“It's fun!”他学知识是跳跃性的,他代数几何是同时学,Trig和PreCalculus也是同时学(其实还没有完成呢!汗!),gap肯定很大,但热情高涨的时候就随他了。)。一天,在高速公路上,我很Casual的介绍了“speed=distance/time”的公式。几天后,还是在高速上,我介绍了Acceleration的名词“A is the rate how soon a car can speed up: one car can do it in 5 seconds from 0 to 60MPH, the other one takes 30 seconds!”  糖豆在后座激动地说: “Oh!  The 5 seconds one has higher A!  A is Velocity divided by Time!”  呵呵呵,差一点啊,就居然正确了!糖豆将“速度”和“Energy”给联系起来了。某天早晨让他擤鼻涕harder!他乐了:“Yeah!Higher Velocity gives more Energy!”



糖豆比较早就知道了Gravitational force如何运作。去年11月的一天,游泳后在更衣室里调皮。更衣室中央有个下水口(呈典型“漏斗状)。糖豆绕着这下水口走,笑道:“That’s the Sun in the middle!It made a dent in the Space-Time!I will fall in。。。”但,突然,他停住了,“What if I am a ball?Not rolling around on the floor (2-D plain), but bounce OVER it?”我说:“没关系啊。Gravity works in 3-D, not 2-D floor 呀!”他认真地看着我:“Yeah! But then why the planets all go around Sun ‘flat’? (8大行星在一个平面上绕日公转)The Milky Way is flat (disc shape) not a sphere?”  这!这!这!当时我真希望自己是物理超级棒的妈啊!


糖豆小时候知道有个东东叫“Space-Time”。他相信“Time Stands still if one travels at the speed of light”。也是去年11月份的时候,某天傍晚时分在加油站,他在后座突然幽幽地说:“I am glad we are so slower than the speed of light!I mean,otherwise,our one minute could be 120 seconds or longer or forever。If you travel at the speed of light,you actually don't have TIME anymore!” 我想了想。是啊:光从一个地方travel去另一个地方,对于“light”自身来说,there is NO TIME。


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