


(2014-01-16 08:19:09) 下一个
糖豆4岁时看过一个YouTube clip有关“太阳内的核聚变”。当天晚上帮助他刷牙时,他的俩胖胖小手摊开说:“two Hydrogen are here....”,然后pia一声拍一起"hit each other!  One Helium is here!” 够形象!

糖豆5岁了,当他开始对“WWII”发生浓厚兴趣时,又牵扯出这些“核能”问题。当我很简洁的在纸上画了fission图:(Uranium被Neutron hit后裂变成另外两个elements,释放出3个Neutron!不容易啊!非理科生的糖豆妈被训练成半个nerd了)。糖豆马上声明:I know how to stop this reaction!” 我?他说:“Just remove the neutron or the Uranium!Then the reaction stops!” 我点头。继续教他说:“这个chain reaction不仅仅是release two elements和neutrons。。。”没等我说完,小人又说:“I know! A lot of HEAT!” 然后神秘兮兮地低声在我耳边说:“Is that the nuclear Bomb Ka-boom about?”  当然,这个问题后来又牵扯出了gamma ray。。。小人今天后曾问我哪里可以买到Uranium,被我认认真真地教育了一番。主要是:千万别在外面给我瞎说哈!

同一时期,他又想起了Nuclear Fussion。我找纸笔准备画图,他已经发问:“Will the temperature reaches fifteen or sixteen million degree (15,000,000 degree)when the Hydrogen bomb explores?” 看我愁眉苦脸状,他说:“That is the temperature inside the Sun!”我心虚啊!狗的时候咋就没有仔细看看呢 (BTW,他是对的)。当时,我刚画完现炒现卖的easy diagram(复杂的我记不住啊!汗!),糖豆抓过我手里的笔,刷刷地在反应的product里写上“Neutron”!嘿!小子咋就蒙对了呢。

最近两天,糖豆同学正在琢磨Radioactive decay的问题。看了个扫盲片,讲啥是alpha,beta和gamma decay的。晚上临睡给我总结说“Alpha decay is losing two neutrons and two protons;  Beta decay is one neutron turns to proton or proton changes to Neutron: these two are just the same thing with different charge, I think.  Gamma decay is just releasing energy as gamma ray!”我问:“到底什么是gamma ray啊?”他想也不想地就回答:“Gamma ray is light with a lot of energy!You know,the photon stuff?EM?” 还没等我回过神来,他问:“Is there any particle change involved in gamma decay?" 我心虚无语。

之所以最近糖豆想到这个问题,也算是给我挑的。过节shopping路上无聊,我问:“Arsenic到底是什么呀?最近总想起这个词。”糖豆回答:“It is an element。It is green color and toxic!I think it is number 85.”我立马问了Siri。小朋友说的特性对了,但将As (Arsenic, 33)和 At (Astatine, 85)给搅混了。被纠正后,他继续说:“Is number 85 radioactive?I know 84 Polonium and 86 Radon is。You know the 'Radon' might be in our basement?”然后问题就扔过来了:“Mommy,what is ‘radioactive’ anyway!”


暑假里午餐简单。给他弄了根corn dog。看着冒着热气的corn dog,糖豆努力地吹气,想让它快点儿冷下来。然后,问题就来了:“Mommy!How come browing air can make it cool down faster?”我说:“热空气给吹走了呀!”他点头。啃到一半了,他突然问:“What about the heat from the Sun?There is no air in the Space!How the heat come to Earth!”我不知道啊!老实地承认了。他若有所思地说:“I think the heat might take the ride with Photon to get here!” 他的直觉居然是对的。这就引出了后面一长串的exploration:EM,String theory,Quantum theory等等。

几天后的晚上,发现糖豆将脑袋闷在被子里。我问他为什么,噱他说:“被子里臭臭的!用完Oxygen,你可就麻烦了!”他露出大脑袋乐:“I am heating up the air in my 被子!”然后他说:“The oxygen in air is warm; it is gas so it carries more heat than liquid (oxygen)。”他的口吻是“肯定式”的。我等他入睡后还问糖豆爸爸,俩人琢磨:“liquid吸热才能成gas,貌似有道理哈”。最后还是我去google了,糖豆是正确的:Air molecules carries thermo energy。
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