
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~

The sweetest moment of my life

(2012-08-08 11:31:52) 下一个

5月的某1天, 我结束和Dr.G的约会, 他在外面等我. 回家路上, 他开着车我坐在旁边沉默. 突然就不想回家我问他可以到starbucks坐坐吗? 他微笑的说当然没有问题.

坐在音乐里,我喝着hot chocolate掉进奇怪的沉默中. 他坐在旁边,微笑的问我在想什么? 我就问"do u know what's the furthest distance in the world?" 他想了想就慢慢的说"human eyes, they live near to each other but they never meet in person." 没有听到我想听的答案,我抬头看到他很平静的微笑. 我就不讲话继续沉思.

过了1会,他平静的问"do u know what's the deepest hole in the universe?" 我就拼命想答案,连猜几次都不对,他就笑着说"human desire. because people are never satisfied with what they have and always want something more or something different" 开始有点感觉了, 我就抬头望着他,期待更多的惊喜.

他微笑着继续问"what's the worst bomb in the world? hint—aim for the legs but always hit the nose!" 我终于忍不住的哈哈大笑, 虽然知道那个答案,我却撒娇的要他说答案,他就哈哈大笑故意说了其他的答案"that's the difference between reality and dreams…"

我们哈哈大笑后, 我就很开心的问"what's the sweetest moment in the world?"他看着我微笑的摇摇头,我就把头靠在他的肩膀甜密的笑着说"just like now, my daddy's holding my hand and making me laugh. daddy,I love u so much!" 他就很温柔的摸摸我的头发微笑着说"daddy loves u too, my sweetheart."

I'm so lucky to have u as my daddy and thank u for everything!

Today is Aug. 8th, Happy papa's day!!!

版权所有,请勿转载, 非常感谢!

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wxcqq 回复 悄悄话 ha....your first question what's the furthest distance in the world reminds me of one of most quoted lines from a famous poem: the furthest distance in the world is that i stand before you but I can't tell you that I love you...