
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~

田鼠妹Ghana追梦70天 ---15

(2012-07-16 13:34:01) 下一个

因为有被蛇咬的恐布经历, 我变的走路非常的小心. 每次走到细小山路时,Shawn就会很细心的从我旁边走到面前. 有天放学,路边草堆突然传来沙沙的乱响,1条蛇从我脚边快速爬过,马上我就吓的尖叫着冲过去猛的抱住走前面的Shawn,他转过身拥抱着我,轻柔的拍拍我的背, 摸摸我的头发,轻声的安抚我.

他的怀抱很宽很温暖还有淡淡的cologne让我突然感觉就像靠在Kim的胸前,那种久违的安全感让我差点都快睡着了.他静静的抱着我1动也不动但我听到他的心跳在快速的奔跑,四周静静的,好像时间也在那刻停止了. 突然天空竟然就下起阵雨, 我想也许是上帝看烦了就直接把洗澡水到下来,他就拉着我的手跑到路边的树下躲雨.

他的微笑有点奇怪让我感觉很awkward, 我就猛道谦. 他竟然坏坏的笑着说"miss my back?I'd love to carry u home if u like""oh,thank u so much, I'd definitely give u a pepper spray if u dare…"我也坏坏的笑着回应"Jesus, never mind~!"说完他就非常开心的哈哈大笑,我也忍不住哈哈大笑.

第2天我跟房东借了条细长木棍,因为怕路上再碰到让我害怕的蛇,也怕继续给他错误signal. 上学路上,Shawn看看我又看看木棍终于忍不住笑出来.我问what? 他说你昨天用pepper spray警告我,今天却用木棍来证明pepper spray的不存在,你觉的我应该怎么做? 他的logic虽然很搞笑却说出我的想法,让我当时差点就想骂S word!

第9周周5,我的脚全好啦! George是我们认识的UNO雇员住在当地已经1年多,还有1部旧汽车. 他和太太约Matt,Shawn,Megan和我周末开车到Accra渡假庆祝我的脚回复健康.

半路在1个小镇停车休息,车窗外突然伸来1支小黑手,原来是个6-7岁小男生在讨钱,我就给他$1,没想到马上就有10几支小黑手伸过来,我们都满足了所有的手.但小朋友不知道为什么不停的回头叫, 我正很奇怪的想,突然就看到不远处像洪水1样跑来超多的小朋友,吓的我们马上就开车逃走了.

著名的independence square对Ghanaian就像Independence national historical park对美国人的重要意义.Independence arch刻着"FREEDOM AND JUSTICE, AD1957"上面有1个有四面的black 5 pointed star,therefore,independence square also known as black star square.每年独立纪念日和其他重要庆祝活动都会在这里举行.

开车沿着Atlantic coast,blue skies,white clouds,beach,palm trees and castles感觉就像到了加州.1直以为世界上所有的海都是蓝色,但在Accra看到的Atlantic却是黑色,听说是因为火山灰沉积的原因才让海水变成那样的sexy,我们就用最快速度踢掉flip flop跑进海中…

光脚慢慢的走在Labadi Beach,海水冲上来淹没我的脚又慢慢退回去.呼吸着咸海风, 我闭上眼睛全情感受和海水跳chacha的快乐感觉.沙滩有很多小洞,长嘴海鸟在四周慢慢散步找食,很多hawker头顶各种wares走来走去,有玩soccer的男生,还有愿意为我们爬上树摘coconut的小男生.很多金发小孩拿各种小桶坐着玩沙,妈妈牵着宝宝在学走路,聊天后知道多数都是外国使馆的家人.

突然,有个亚州女生坐着白马由1个黑男生牵着绕海边慢走,超浪漫!别笑啦,那就是我啦! 看到海边有马出租我马上行动,因为在美国我都是在马场或trail骑马,从来都没机会在海边. 坐的高才能看的远,马上就看到不远处有个topless woman跑进海中,从头上倒下1瓶酒再张开双手站在水里大声pray.牵马人告诉我说这是传统宗教仪式,如果她对什么事不高兴, 像老公不忠诚,就会跑到海里,希望洗去不高兴,重新开始.祝她好运啦!

离hotel只有1 block walking distance Mexican restaurant吃晚餐.餐厅right on the beach and has a liveband. 坐在靠海边的位置,边喝酒聊天边看show,super relax.我点了当地酒made by marula fruit刚喝像奶茶甜甜的,几秒后马上就辣到流泪, 非常好喝却很容易醉…

不久,the band弹起我熟悉的歌---La Sonora Carruseles.歌手是个很年轻的Latino,演唱前他热情邀请会跳Salsa的食客上台和他1起跳舞,我马上就站起来回应了他的邀请,还有1对年轻white couple也站起来.当时我穿着flip flop为了不影响效果就光脚跳Salsa.

跳完后,掌声口哨四起.歌手就随现场的热情气氛问我们要不要再1起跳merengue? 我们就兴奋大叫sure,why not! 现场又是疯狂的掌声和口哨. 我站在台上看到Shawn站在不远处盯着我微笑, 那1刻我突然就像看到当年Kim在学校里偷看我跳舞时的甜密情节.为什么两个完全不同的人却让我有如此相同的感觉? 撞到我的眼神后,他就向我举起酒杯做cheers的动作,我就笑着对他点点头然后逃开他的眼神不再看他…

接着大家开始跳estas enamorada,Megan最好笑竟然拿着手机跑到前面拍.跳到中场时, 乐队里有人跳出来打非州鼓,超搞笑,这个也竟然本地化啦! 那个歌手声音很好听,跳舞很好也很会lead, 让我感觉好像跟他合作了很久, 长的也很帅, 笑起来的样子很迷人. Oops~!刚才我喝的酒真的是太猛了,搞的我都开始乱讲话啦~哈哈哈

晚餐后,大家决定再到附近的bar继续玩乐,我的酒力很差,晚餐喝的酒都已经感觉头痛了, 就没有参加想直接回hotel休息,Shawn说晚上不安全他要先送我回hotel再去bar.

跟Shawn聊天真的开心,因为他跟Kim超像,喜欢讲各种笑话让我笑,有的要想想才会感觉好笑,有的直接就很好笑. 我1直以为attorney都是很严肃不搞笑的,他却改变了我的印象.

走在回hotel的沙滩.月光下, 看到海上有几排大石头, 海水打到石头冲起白色浪花发出哗哗的声音很有节拍音感. 不远处有个小山, 黑夜中海上有点点火光闪动, 周围显的很神秘.


We kicked off our flip flops and walked barefoot on the beach, music and laughter filled the air somewhere. Moonlight, beach, palm tree, ocean breeze, all romantic keywords popped up and mixed with mysterious spell, drawing an irresistible temptation nigh and nigher…

A warm ocean breeze blew the haze in a soft hush over the howling waves and transformed into a peaceful sanctuary, a murmur of the drowsy ebbing ocean floated into the air like thistledown. The beautiful Luna loosed her stunning silver hair lightly on the undulating sea and intertwining fondly around the ocean rocks like a ring, the palm trees cast slender shadows along the stretch of golden sands. A steady droning sound of many people jumped out from the mysterious black sea chanting to me with some weird incantation,like flat wall of woods as the humming of bees came out of a hive,and had a strange narcotic effect upon my half-awake senses.

Never thought I'd be attracted to a Caucasian but obviously I was wrong. His smile knocked me dead and stupefied me completely, his deep soft voice filled with warmth and expression just like strumming a guitar, how dare he swoon me like no other?? My hair tangled in the warm night winds, my mini-me skimmed over the waves like a seafowl,my perfume waltzed his cologne around delicately in the fevered dark. I know I was definitely a bit tipsy and trapped in a fabulous hallucination.

When he cast sheep's eyes at me and said tenderly"I'm so glad u're here…" I knew I was a goner. His hand accidentally or intentionally brushed against mine lightly while walking, my heart ran like an unbridled pony, my hands were frigid with fear and beads of sweat oozed out of my pores. The fantastically world was getting more and more unreal, tension was building, my mini-me was jittering and struggling with the magnificent confusion of the enthusiastic.

I believe I was starting to doze off and leaning over the rail,till an abrupt burst of yells out of nowhere "for God's sake, don't be silly,let him sneak in,u're dead!"it felt like someone hit me in the back of my head with a baseball bat, an overwhelming outbreak of a pent-up mysterious power and woke me up in a bewildered wonder. It's cut short all at once, the low droning went away with a barely audible sigh, the salty ocean smell wafted through the air and rang with the soothing silence. I glanced at the black sea casually, the beautiful moonlight was burning within still, but no one was there…

"Why r u so quiet all of a sudden?" his question gently broke the awkward silence."Oh,I just had a flashback to the moment of exchanging my wedding vows…"I masked it all with a radiantly smile and said in a calm voice, "cool…"he said with a shrug but looked drained.

We stood in silent for a while and then walked back to the hotel in the pale moonlight before the night grows old, no one said a word just like a poem without words…


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