

(2010-08-01 16:07:30) 下一个
2000年8月6日,阳光明媚,晴空万里,活活,怎么象小时候写的作文?不错,就是在这一天,我生平第一次踏上了美利坚合众国的土地。这一天,在我的记忆当中,确切地说,是阳光明媚得有点刺眼,天上没有一丝云彩。 当我下了飞机,急冲冲地走出候机厅,向 luggage area 走去的时候,心情的确是异常的激动。我相信这里的各位多多少少都有同感吧。

我老婆和她的一位同学已经在等着我了。她的这一位同学大我们约10岁,姓朱,北京人,到美国已多年,人胖胖的,very nice. 他的故事也蛮曲折的,我准备以后专门写一写他。从机场到学校宿舍,大概也就20分钟,第一次行驶在美国freeway上,记得当时我在心里反反复复地问自己,‘这里就是美国?我真的到了美国?“

学校地处南方小镇,高速上几乎一辆车也没有,两边以灌木居多。Again, 再次感到阳光刺眼,气候炎热。当时老婆的宿舍是一个2 bed apartment, 设备非常简陋。老婆的卧室里只有一个mattress, 直接放在地上,靠墙放着一张旧旧的书桌,仅此而已。十年了,当时的场景仍然历历在目,可见印象至深,永远难忘。20 几个小时的旅途劳顿,终于将我彻底征服,和老婆亲热一番后,沉沉睡去。


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mr23af 回复 悄悄话 作者写随笔想怎么写就怎么写.
轻轻河边草 回复 悄悄话 Type in English does not change you from Chinese to English,I think if you can use every chance to practice your English, go for it. remember, you will never forget your Chinese, living in a english society, speak or write good English is a pride. is not it?
I think if I can speak my hometown accent without Mandarin accent, Speak Mandarin without hometown accent, Speak Cantanese without Mandarin accent, speak Chinese in China without adding a single English word, Speak English without much Chinese Accent, I am perfect.
So, if you feel good typing in English, do it.
枫之传奇 回复 悄悄话 Actually I am pretty bad at typing Chinese, Pingying is making me crazy. First of all, I haven't typed Chinese for almost 10 years, second, I can't tell sh v.s. s, ch v.s. c, and ing v.s. in. However, my English is good enough for daily business use, but not for expressing sophiscated feelings. So I still prefer my mother lauguage for writing blog, but sometimes it is just a lot easier to type in English, it would take me sometime to pick up Pingying. I am trying...
smileymoon 回复 悄悄话 Don't understand why you like to mix English words with Chinese. Maybe after living here for 10 years, you forgot how to say "mattress" in Chinese?