根据牛顿力学定律,作用力与反作用力同时出现,方向相反。其实,人的生命也是如此。 What you possess will also come back to possess you 。 If you possess money, money will possess the meaning of your life. If you possess hatred, hatred will own your heart 。 但是我不怕健康占有我,我不怕爱占有我,我不怕思想占有我,我不怕智慧占有我,我不怕永恒占有我。我不仅不惧怕这五种存在,我还诚心迎侯他们的降临。 That is why I want to connect to nature, connect to love, connect to consciousness, connect to wisdom, and connect to soul. Open our eyes and search this world, what you really trust, what can give you a creative life, what can give you the confidence to say: yes, I want to give you my heart, come, my life is yours, come, come, come…
For those who live in illusion, they will share illusion; for those who live in truth, they will share truth.
其实每个灵魂都是如此,只是有的人忘记了,我也忘记了。所以有人曾经问我, what are you seeking? 我回答说 : I am seeking the forgotten ONE. 忘记的后果的是严重的。好莱坞的新闻不断地告诉我们,那些得到金钱和名声的人们,为什么他们的生活犹如地狱?为什么他们用各种药品来麻醉自己?为什么他们用摧毁肉体的毒品去填补内在的黑洞?他们在寻找什么?
他们并不傻,他们是非常聪明的人。如果我生活在文革的年代,我可能就是那些革命斗士;如果我生活在二战的德国,那么我可能会拿枪上战场;如果我像那些明星一样,生命成熟前走入名望和财富,我也会陷入黑暗。人心,一旦走入欲望的巅峰,那些围绕在他们脚下的,总是那些同样想走入欲望巅峰的攀登者。明星,似乎是一个令人羡慕的字眼。他们是幸运的,因为他们得到了;他们是不幸的,因为他们得到的不是爱与生命 ,而是黑暗和孤独。更可怕的是,围绕着他们的,不是光明,而是无数个用毒品来代替生命的迷失者。这就是遗忘的诅咒。
Rest in peace, for the souls lost and found, thanks for your beautiful voice. You are always remembered, appreciated and loved.
有人认为进化是遥远古代的事情,我的体验是,进化时刻都在进行着。我们是想继续躺在树上做窝,还是想奔跑于辽阔的草原;我们是想继续沉睡在conditioned ego里,还是想获得生命的自由和解放。Here and Now, I have a decision to make, jump or stay.
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (摘自简爱)
“The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.”
“Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. To attack the first is not to assail the last.”
“I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.”
“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.”
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”
"My future husband was becoming to me my whole world; and more than the world: almost my hope of heaven. He stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun. I could not, in those days, see God for his creature: of whom I had made an idol."
(危险的想法,a blind love,but only love can make a soul to act this way。Anyway, love bravely because it will make your life to thrive and grow.)
最近在收音机里听到2个新闻,一个是黑米的antioxidant的含量,要比Blackberry 高。另一个是,同一个群体中的人会互相模仿,所以其某个行为特征会互相影响和传染。比如一个discipline的人会感染另一个人去约束自己。这说明人之间会互相传递信息,能量和信念。这件事情告诉我们,我们应该意识到自己的目标和生活开拓方向,然后有目的的去寻找这样的团体,然后用另一种强大的力量来提升自我。如果我认为健康重要,那么我就应该去寻找另一个能够约束自己的人,来鼓励自己规范自己的生活模式。
因为没有很多人反馈我的文字,不知道这些文字对于他人是否make sense,是否out of touch。不能因为我的个人体验make sense,real,就觉得别人也这么想。但是我觉得以下几个字很重要,比较具体,值得人们去体味。在生活实践上,注意focus, patience, control。在健身运动上,注意concentration,
control, flow. 如果再延伸一点,加上connection这个字。对自己多叨咕这些字,可能会有些益处。
通过脉, an exposed phenomena that reflects the property of different objects, subtle essence or the whole, we can connect to deeper truth and transcendental world. Just like through body 脉, we can somehow evaluate the body status, through exposed spiritual phenomena and emotional pattern, we can evaluate the health of our subtle world and invisible driving force. it not only can help us to know ourselves in a deeper way, but also gives us the evidence of something beyond our sense. In this we have faith and this faith is not based on broken imagination, but deeply rooted on connection and rational reflection. it always inspires us and lifts us up so that evolution is an ongoing process.
Too much in this topic but this is not the proper place to expand this concept. In awe of the beauty of life, in the grace of the mercy ONE, in the myth of the being beyond, in light of the awakened ancient soul, I find the source of my writing. I write because of love. I am loved and I also love all who are reading and reflecting on the inner truth. Through the inner you and truth, you can know me.)
Wow! That's very encouraging and beautiful.
I actually come everyday to read your blog. A lot of time, I feel certain way but I could not express myself well. When I read yours, I feel you are saying for me.
Thanks for your comments and support.
More importantly your understanding is not because of me, but because of the beauty, love and power you have found within you.
From that true self, flower blossoms, love grows, life radiates. May this beauty and passion be with you everyday.
Thanks for the thought and the effort to share with us.