
亚特兰大笔会 (热门博主)
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金歌儿 永恒的微笑

(2009-01-08 14:07:01) 下一个


梦里的背景永远是昏暗的,没有光明;他的微笑也总带着几丝的忧郁,令我感到陌生。总好像他在某个地方隐居着,有时是山洞,有时在荒原,有时就在他自己的家;又总像他身残了,不是眼失明戴着宽宽的墨镜,便是腿瘸了拄着高高的拐杖而我,又总是大哭大叫忘情地对着他藏身的地方狂呼他的名字:肖阳,肖阳!  你出来,出来呀,别躲我啊,我不怕你眼瞎了,我不怕你腿断了,我爱你爱你啊!……这最后一句现实中从未对他说出口的话,在梦里竟是喊了又喊。梦中的他,对我这几近疯狂的呼唤只是默默地微笑——那种酸楚又无奈的笑……


当又一次类似的梦醒来之后, 我和他多年前第一次的邂逅相遇再次展开在记忆中,历历在目。我哼起了那天他唱的歌,双眼开始潮湿……





                      Your Sunny, Eternal Smile


It was the coldest winter I can remember. I was 13 and came home from a middle school where I was boarding for the winter break. My parents were working in
Henan oil field located in the suburb of Nanyang city, in the province of Henan. The oil field was still in its inception and you could see the construction sites everywhere. More than 80,000 people were transferred there from different areas all over China for a great battle for oil. Very soon, we formed a small town but did not have our own schools, hospitals, department stores, or post offices -- life was hard and inconvenient.


It was a very cold day. There was little food left for my family. Mom gave my brother and me “an arduous task” to go shopping in the country fair which was about five kilometers away from home. We had no bicycles then and walking all the way in such an abominable cold weather seemed so horrible to me -- I’ve always been in fear of coldness my whole life.


With baskets on our backs, my brother and I marched on the bleak and desolate country road. The northwestern wind was howling badly, and it felt as if there were innumerable knives cutting into my face. Although we were still moving, my whole body got frozen gradually. I cursed the weather and kept stamping my feet with anger and pain.


Seeing my suffering, my brother tried to divert my attention from this tough condition by telling me about his school life and his new friend -- the son of his school master. “He can compose songs like our Dad. He plays accordion and violoncello. He’s very nice and warmhearted.” My brother spoke in his high spirit of how this 15 year-old boy had taught them songs and instructed them for a rehearsal. When they finally got to the stage singing and dancing,  he was the one that played his accordion for them. Little by little, I got spellbound by my brother’s words about this talented boy. Unconsciously, my steps were quickened.


The sky was dark, the wind was still blowing. There were few people on the road. Suddenly, a sonorous singing voice was wafted from afar by the wind, “holding a gun in my hands, a myriad of sun rays draping over me, I’m guarding the frontier of my motherland……” words of the popular army song at the time were heard clearer as the singer approaching us nearer.  “That’s him, that’s him!” my brother shouted.  The singing boy stopped singing and walked toward us followed by a girl and a kid at about my age.  Meeting us unexpectedly made him very happy, especially when he knew I was a singer in my school. We started chatting on music, the school band and our dream to become a musician and a singer someday… I was so impressed by his enthusiasm, his sunny smile, his bright deep eyes, and his intelligence that I forgot the time and the terrible weather which had been bothering me.


Since then, we had been friends. When the oil field had its first middle school, he became the monitor of my class. We practiced singing together and he composed a lot of school songs for the class. We not only gave performances in the school but also toured the drilling teams one by one for the workers who had little recreational activities. We went to the universities at the same year and kept in touch by letters. Although we both knew that we loved each other, we just had not expressed the feelings out of our heart.  We thought we were still young and had much of life ahead. We thought the day would come naturally, as if when a melon is ripe and falls off its stem.   Unfortunately and sadly, he left me only sweet and bitter memories… he was gone forever when he was only 21.


Many, many years have passed, my dear friend. Your sunny, eternal smile has been, and will always be, on my mind.







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阅读 ()评论 (29)
戈壁红柳 回复 悄悄话 回复金歌儿的评论:
二道桥大巴扎 回复 悄悄话 回复老秃笔的评论:迎新春白酒Party将在下周末举行,详情见内部通知.善意提醒:请各位提前做一些热身训练,一展英雄本色.
老秃笔 回复 悄悄话 月底就是中国春节了。大家应该聚一下。找个地方包饺子如何?老侯的白酒party还搞不搞啊?
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复岑岚的评论: 谢会长百忙中来看俺! 其实俺贴在别处时,好几个网友建议俺翻成汉语,还是中文吃香呢.
岑岚 回复 悄悄话 同意各位的评论,这篇文章真的很令人感动,写出了初恋的纯真。我要向金歌儿同学学习,有空时也试着写写英文故事。
老秃笔 回复 悄悄话 我坚决支持大宇棒打二宇鸳鸯梦的。幸亏大宇一棒下去,二宇才能有今天呢。再说,当年那个二癞子还瘸腿怎么能配得上二宇啊?结果,二宇果然找到金龟婿了嘛。
大宇 回复 悄悄话 回复万柏林的评论:
大宇 回复 悄悄话 回复二宇的评论:
万柏林 回复 悄悄话 回复二宇:场感动.妹妹知道护哥哥,血浓于水呀.

二宇 回复 悄悄话 回复万柏林的评论:
二宇 回复 悄悄话 回复二道桥大巴扎的评论:
既然二兄发话了,我只好接招,今晚回家 苦思冥想一把,看看还能回忆出多少细节, 不过,千万不要认真,也不要指望妹子的码字水平啊!
万柏林 回复 悄悄话 真美想到我一直尊敬的大宇还做过棒打鸳鸯的事呢。唉。
二道桥大巴扎 回复 悄悄话 回复二宇的评论:
二宇 回复 悄悄话 回复大宇的评论:
二宇 回复 悄悄话 回复金歌儿的评论:
嘿嘿,n 年了,别提它了~~~!
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复二宇的评论: 谢MM的阅读与评论!
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复大宇的评论: 俺也正是此意. 二MM写出来让大家都分享一哈嘛.
大宇 回复 悄悄话 回复二宇的评论:
二宇 回复 悄悄话 太感人了!真是幸福的爱情总是相似的,不幸的爱情各有各的不幸啊!想起了我那一见钟情的初恋~~~~~~~~~~~~!嘿嘿!
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复土豆沙拉的评论: 谢谢土豆沙拉的祝福和评论! 也祝福你!
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复戈壁红柳的评论: 红柳哥也参加过会战?的确亲切啊!以前父亲最爱唱《克拉马依之歌》,克拉马依油田与你有关系吗?

金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复康萧恩的评论: 感谢萧老师一直的支持与鼓励!
金歌儿 回复 悄悄话 回复笑微的评论: 生活中不都是阳光明媚。我很喜欢你说的“他只是去了另一个世界,天堂里,一定还有他的歌声和琴声!”

土豆沙拉 回复 悄悄话 金歌儿,深深地祝福你。
戈壁红柳 回复 悄悄话 深深地感动了我!
康萧恩 回复 悄悄话 It's so touching. Nice writing.
笑微 回复 悄悄话 感动+心痛!总觉得快乐豪爽的金歌儿一定有许多好听的故事,可没想到是那么凄美的....