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Hi it is Emily and I am back with what I think is a mild cold! Soo yeah. A bit self explanitory there.
Anywho, I have my Halloween costume here! It is a butterfly! With big butterfly wings!
And over the weekend, a whole buncha things happened.
Mommy was gone because she was in LA, so it was just me and Daddy. On Friday night, we had MOVIE NIGHT!!! (Enter dramatic music)!!!! We watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as well as Harry potter and the Order of the Pheonix. If you don't know what harry potter is, I truly feel sorry for you from the bottom of my heart. Anyways, it was a full ON Movie Night! There was popcorn, there was pizza, there were games and it was GREAT (!!!).
The next day, we went to get a haircut, but the wait was too long, so we went to pick up a mystery thing..... Turns out it was just a membership at this super cool outdoor gun range! I have actually never shot in an outdoor range before. Weird, I know.
Afterwards, we went for lunch at Perko's. You'll never guess who I met there! Bobby! He is a boy in my class. We aren't really friends, more just aquantences who have known each other for six years.
Then we went home, and I went to bed after some other stuff which I don't remember because I have really bad memory.
On sunday we didn't do much stuff, just sat at home and did normal mediocre "Mom is out of the house stuff".
We went shopping for dinner that night, where I cooked filet mignon and some mashed potatoes and gravy. It was delicious! Like, the seasoning we used, MMMMMM!!! But I am getting ahead of myself.
First in that day, we went to home depot! Why you may ask, because my plant died. And I was really sad. And there were tears. And sobbing. And going to home depot to get me a new Venus Flytrap. And a pot. And soil. And, apparently, a lava lamp because I really wanted one!
Those were all the things that happened over the weekend, and I shall regale you with fascinating tales about what happened at school another day because that would take, like, ten more paragraphs.
So to end my blog, a period. And another. And a few more for added effect. ........(Ok I think that's enough).
You are a very smart and very persevering child.
You can afford to go to Harvard or Stanford in the future.