落花飘零 (热门博主)
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I\'ve got to see you.

(2008-12-06 14:03:39) 下一个





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dadaland 回复 悄悄话 做医生除了能见到生老病死,还常常是爱情的见证者啊。每个人感受的都是自己想感受的东西,呵呵。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 苹果花,狼mm,一程哥,很多时候爱情也是一种信念,虽然他已经不记得自己的名字了,但是相信如果他没有这个病,自己仍然是他心中的最爱。我相信Laura明白自己其实是幸运的,那个前妻不能够和他白头偕老,自己才是那个真正守在他身边的人。

纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Reading this piece saddened me. It is inconceivable if one day, all of my accumulated and cherished memories through years would vanish without trace; running such thought in my mind sent chills to my spinal cord :(.

Should we take one day a time and live it at the fullest ?

Hoping your pt’s conditions improve and soon be able to return home for the Christmas holiday.

To the embattled couple in your hospital, I’d also like to dedicate two songs to them -“Memories” and “Say My Name” sang by Sharon den Adel.


Below is the lyric of “Memories”

In this world you tried
Not leaving me alone behind.
There's no other way.
I prayed to the gods let him stay.
The memories ease the pain inside,
Now I know why.

All of my memories keep you near.
In silent moments imagine you here.
All of my memories keep you near.
Your silent whispers, silent tears.

Made me promise I'd try
To find my way back in this life.
I hope there is a way
To give me a sign you're ok.
Reminds me again it's worth it all
So I can go home.

All of my memories keep you near.
In silent moments imagine you here.
All of my memories keep you near.
Your silent whispers, silent tears.

Together in all these memories
I see your smile.
All the memories I hold dear.
Darling, you know I will love you
Until the end of time.

All of my memories keep you near.
In silent moments imagine you here.
All of my memories keep you near.
Your silent whispers, silent tears.

All of my memories....
一程歌 回复 悄悄话 今天心情不错, 瞎转转...

Laura挺大度的, 因为人生使她懂得了, 有一些东西是没法改变的, 人能做的就是在自己可控制的范围内Make the best out of it^-^

歌好听, 在KD听过了, 再到这来MP一下, 哈哈~~

狼来了! 回复 悄悄话 今天心情不好,听了你的故事更是伤悲。

Appleflower 回复 悄悄话 Laura is very understanding. :)