落花飘零 (热门博主)
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match day

(2008-03-17 16:44:46) 下一个

下午结束interview坐在图书馆休息,收到美女小C的电话,原来今天是match day(美国住院医生职位发榜日),美女小C顺利match成功,终于要走上在美行医之路,可喜可贺。

另外还要祝贺siyan mm,希望以后的路一帆风顺!好好享受和爸爸妈妈的团聚。还有zhaoju mm,年纪轻轻就离梦想这么近了,呵呵。








这几天接连收到ERAS和NRMP的信,提醒着最后的match day即将到来。美国的这个系统,还是相当理性并且人道的。详细地解释了那天会发生的所有细节,还有如果没有match上,应该做些什么来尽量弥补,好像一个循循善诱的老师,带着稚幼惶恐的孩子们填报志愿。
一月底就交掉了rank order list,现在除了等待就是等待。

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落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 wukelaihe,is suppose to be wukenaihe?hehe.
i don't think HBV + will affect your applying for residency. first, they would not do HBV, PPD test until july when you start residency. second, when you tested postive, they might have you participate extra precautions for protecting you and your patients, but they will not reject you. i will ask our ID specialist here to confirm.
wukelaihe 回复 悄悄话 落花你好,读你博客好几个月了,你的经历常常重新燃起我心底快要熄灭的火花,最近又听到很多朋友match上了,很是羡慕。朋友也建议我试试,其实作为一个HBV+的人,我有苦衷,好象美国health system不接受我们这样的医生,尤其是外科。小声的问一句:真是这样吗?如果没有希望,还可以走另外的路。非常谢谢你的回复!
aaalbert 回复 悄悄话 By the way, here is a question about the mastication muscles. I am not a MD.

I read that (http://www.nti-tss.com/slide1.htm) for carnivores,the temporalis is the strongest muscle and for herbivores, masseter is the strongest. The same slide offers an explanation related to different functions of these muscles in herbivores and carnivores.

How do you think about that?
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 闹-闹,真的就是这样的,我有时候觉得考执照,申请,做住院医生,不仅是在获得医学知识,更重要的是在不断地成长,变得沉稳,宽容,和以前的自己比,真的有进步,呵呵。



zhaoju,我当然记得你啦,你一路静静地考试,那些困惑,喜悦我可都是一路看过来的,呵呵,真心为你高兴。我的PDA是医院发的,dell x51.
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 玉米,缘分就是很奇妙的哦,希望以后还有机会见面。



feifeibei, enjoy as much as you can in china, i am very happy for you. you should be so proud of yourself!
zhaoju2000 回复 悄悄话 落花,你用的PDA是什么牌子型号的?
zhaoju2000 回复 悄悄话 好久不来了,居然发现自己还被惦记着,感动阿!落花总是这样细腻周到!实际上我现在比你当初match时要老啊!:)
从你这儿真的取了不少真经,以后还是会经常向你讨教的。by the way, you are my role model:)
guidewire 回复 悄悄话 I like the picture you posted yesterday. good luck on your fellowship interview. wish you dream come true.

your article inspire a lot of people, unlike guys, girls have more insight about life, and can see things in different angle. I really enjoy reading your blog.
戈壁红柳 回复 悄悄话 今天没写,是累了吗?
闹-闹 回复 悄悄话 读了这篇文章,忽然有流泪的冲动,独自一人闯荡的日子真的是不容易,多少个关键时候,觉得艰难无比,告诉自己不能放弃,一道道难关就是这么度过的,自己也更坚强,祝福~~
feifeibei 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for the best wishes! You are actually one of two guiders who helped me the most during the whole process. I really appreciate it.
I will go back to China in the end of this month, though I feel guilty about this loooong vacation.
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 "折磨了几年的心脏" I thought that researchers have proven that a human heart muscle is the strongest and toughest muscle in the body, so that a healthy heart would survive and sustain -:).
亚特兰大笔会 回复 悄悄话 非常理解你的感受。等待一个梦想的到来,虽然焦虑,确又美丽。最苦莫过无梦的日子。
粉妆玉琢的玉米 回复 悄悄话 谢谢落花,在那些辛苦黑暗的日子里,也许你也不知道你的文章和你的经历给了我怎样的希望,就象曾经说过的,meeting with you is the most excited thing in the whole interview season!从偶然的看到你的文章,到后来有机会meet in person,有些神奇哦,hehe,我这人从小喜欢带些传奇的事情。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 aaalbert, St. Patrick's day 对我来说没什么意义,除了急诊多了几个醉汉,呵呵。good news很多,但不是我的,希望各位成功match的mm们,都跟身边人好好庆祝一下,you deserve it.
aaalbert 回复 悄悄话 I only know it is St. Patrick's Day. Have something green and drink like there is no tomorrow.

Especially with some good news.