走进教室,头一晕。灯光明亮的教室里,年轻的医学生们精神饱满,目光如炬,最厉害的是,孩子们桌子上都是颜色各异的笔记本,有的手里还拿着PDA,这阵势不知道怎么让我想起以前看Legally Blonde里面法学院上课的情形。
今年为了做第二阶段longitudinal research, 参加了个同声传译大课程。主要目的是为了接触PARTICIPANTS,当然了再提高英文在专业场景下的有效而有力的表述也是另一个初衷。
Internal medicine, that sounds very interesting. I used to think that's what I want to do, but I'm very much put off by all the overnight calls that's required. So, now, it's more like my choice #2 or #3.
The gap between US/Canada and Chinese medical education does exist, I clearly feel it even if i didn't attend the medical school here.
Just like you mentioned, evident based practice is a major focus of medical education here while in China we still lack a efficient system to build up reasonable data base.
I am currently in internal medicine residency, I love it because internal medicine is a broad spectrum practice and therefore very challenging. I feel like working as a detective to search for the clues and find out the hidden criminal. Lots of fun.
The program I am working now offers free PDA with epocrates installed. I don't think medical student needs this software yet because it's more for practicing physician.
Uptodate is an excellent reference website, hospital has full access to it and my pda can connect to hospital system. Also I use PDA to check my patient's vitals, labs and other stuff when I am in conference.
Thomson MicroMedex is a pharmacy PDA software that very useful for drug interaction check, epocrates is not as complete and efficient as this one. but again, i don't think as med students, you will really need it.
I also have the account of MD consult, which I don't appreciate it too much because it's inconvinience.
I think PDAs become necessary for med students partly because there's a big push in Canada towards evidence based practice. In one of the teaching clinics at the university I'm in, the residents are required to read up about their patient's condition before reporting to the attending. UpToDate is the program that clinic has on their computer. The PDAs aren't required by the schools, but if all your classmates have one and you don't, you're definitely at a disadvantage. The culture of the medical profession here is very different from China, everyone here is extremely competitive. I was on an exchange program a year ago and spent a month in Fudan Medical School, everyone there is so much more relaxed than here.
The program everyone has on their PDAs in my school is UpToDate, in fact, we had a class order of that too. :) I also have the free version of Epocrates on mine. One of my preceptors has also recommended the 5 minutes consult and the Washington Manual. Any programs you recommend?
I'm currently a 医学生 in Canada. :) As for what specialty, that's the thing that's giving me the biggest headache right now. I sort of need to decide by next March, but I really can't decide. What about you? What residency program are you in?
Hope you're having a good Sunday.
why do you think PDA is mandatory for med student? just curious, what kind of software you usually use?
so you are in medical school now? cool! have you thought about what specialty to go yet?
I think PDAs are almost mandatory for med students in North America. I don't even know any med students who still don't have a PDA in their 3rd and 4th year. My class actually made a class order when we were in 2nd year.
有医学生的residency program,都有教学任务,对我们住院医生来说,一般就是平时一起查房值班,上课不是义务的,一般program挑几个住院医生给医学生们上体检,收集病史这类的小课。