落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2006-07-28 17:27:53) 下一个
早上很早就进病房了,因为今天是short call,白天会收病人,所以想早早看完自己的病人,就不至于在收病人忙得焦头烂额的时候还要顾着自己的病人。



住院医生沉着脸等在病房门口,家属已经陆续赶来了。这个病人虽然病情挺重的,但是他只有50岁,而且在好转,我们都觉得很有希望痊愈的,谁知道发生这样的不测。住院医生run 了整个code,包括插管,电击等抢救,但是没有成功,我们在告诉妻子和儿子的时候,他们脸上惊愕多过了悲伤,在明白过来以后,二十多岁的儿子用汗衫捂住自己的脸,呜呜地开始哭,我的心里难过极了。

上午上班的时候,大家都问我那个病人怎么回事情,我觉得很羞愧因为我只能说,i didn't run to the code, 那种自责和羞愧就一直笼罩着我,虽然我的住院医生什么都没说,但是我知道我的行为一定让他失望了。

中午我们就开始不停地收病人,我和住院医生都没有吃中饭,一个接一个地看病人,分析病情,下医嘱。下午的时候主治医生过来了,我需要向他present我们收的病人,但是脑子里乱哄哄的,很多信息拼不到一起,最后assessment and plan的时候,我几乎说不出什么了,只是重复着一两个可能性。attending睁着灰蓝色的大眼睛,静静地看着我,一个月的培训,他耐心的指导,我还是只能做到这样,一种失望自暴自弃的感觉不可遏止地控制了我。attending注意到了我的异样,说are you OK?我点点头说是的。

新病人不断地来,我的拷机不断地响, ICU的,病房的,药房的,忽然门诊电话给我,说门诊有病人,我才想起来,今天下午我还有门诊。住院医生让我先去门诊,我拿着笔记本电脑匆匆赶去门诊,一个我从来没看过的,上届毕业的住院医生的老病人,已经等了很久了,nurse很不开心,我知道自己没有借口,just simply forgot。等到我匆匆浏览了所有的病人病史,敲开诊断间的门,却看见一个医学生已经在看了。我去了门诊staff的办公室,他说因为病人等久了,他们就让医学生去看了。staff说,please never forget your patient.我道了谦,跟他说我今天on call,他说我可以先去忙了,今天我只有一个病人。

提着电脑走回急诊室的路上,我的情绪低落到了极点, feels like I can't achieve anything, so cluelss。其他intern好像都很organized,该干什么就干什么,从容不迫,好像只有我天天忙来忙去,却还是纰漏百出。

经过食堂的时候,买了自己一瓶水和最喜欢的m&m巧克力,想了想,又给住院医生买了一块pizza。我一边吃着巧克力,一边又跟着他开始收新病人,主治医生也在边上帮着我们做一些诊断分析。我很喜欢这个team,我的主治和住院都长着娃娃脸,成天嘻嘻哈哈,但是工作起来却是一丝不苟。主治毕业于美国屈指可数的大医院,私人从业了很多年,但是决定放弃私人开业,回到医院里来教学。收入少了很多,但是他非常敬业。我们现在看的病人,都是medicare, medicaid的病人,不管看多少,他都不会拿一分钱,但是他在他们身上花的时间,是惊人的。我从他身上学到很多东西,难得的是他对下面住院医生的体恤和关怀,如果我们受到护士或者其他专科医生的不平待遇,他都会挺身而出。

最可爱的是,他们都是非常幽默的人,开起玩笑来一个接一个,我常常笑得眼泪直流,必须大声阻止他们,否则我永远写不完病史。在繁重的工作,不愉快的和病人,其他机构打交道的时候,是很容易stress out的,但是他们总是坚强乐观,自得其乐。今天主治额头上长了一个青春痘,不停地被我们打趣,我们看完病人出来,在分析心脏体检,他忽然把听诊器放在青春痘两边(好像那个青春痘在听诊),说,我的朋友(那个青春痘)听见不规则的心律和杂音,我笑得趴在桌上。


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step1 回复 悄悄话 医生这个职业可怕就在于即便你99%的努力,那1%的偷懒,会让你季度沮丧,甚至内疚终生。
豆沙小月饼 回复 悄悄话 落花,从DC赶回后,匆忙查看你博客的更新,没想到你前些天的好心情会跌落到谷底。




zhaoju2000 回复 悄悄话 You will be fine because you do care the patients!
commit Hey big girl, good job! You are an amazing person with a big heart. Frustrations and challenges can only make your stronger and more determined. Clean all the negative thoughts from your head, focus on the areas you need to improve upon. Remember, you are setting the limit for the followers like me. I truly admire your courage, sense of humor. Wish you best luck and totally believe in you.
也是猫猫 回复 悄悄话 jiejie, come here,
give you a big hug......
流水浮萍 回复 悄悄话 Go conquer, brave gal, sky is the limit for you.

Never minded your whining, in fact greatly admire your courage for putting yourself in a fish bowl and self-deprecatingly parsing through your mistakes. Takes a lot of courage to do that, as most of us who make mistakes would never want to mention it to a living soul. Being open, trusting and humble are good virtues to keep, and you have them all.
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 thank you tabby, i am really happy to have you as my friend during these years, I wish we can go through our residency beautifully together.
tabby 回复 悄悄话 Sometimes what you think of yourself is not necessarily how others think of you. It does not always correlate. And the fact you are very conscious about everything is because you do care about your work and want to do a good job.

Before I started, I once said to a secretary that new interns look fine working on the floor. And she said they just look fine but deep inside they are thinking "oh my god, how am I going to survive this job? Did i do everything right?" She's been in program for 15+ years. She told me everyone looks fine when they first start but they all feel horrible.

You will be fine and I have faith in you!!!
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 :((( typed a lot, but lost when i tried to .

tabby, i went to eat after i wrote this, that's why i was not online. i can understand your friend's crying, i am not suprised at all. what most bothers me is the feeling of being the weakest among my intern peer, i could not help comparing myself with them, and get more frustrated and anxious. the only way to correct it is to study more, work more and grow up more quickly. this is so called silly bird flies first? hehe. i just bought some books, including harrison principle and some other books, really need to catch up.

流水浮萍,thank you, i will work hard and stop whinning, i am actually very lucky to have patient resident and attending, all i need to do is to absorb the information as quick as i can.

damao, long time no see! i miss columbus, don't forget to go Yao's kitchen on 10th street, i miss there, also the nice parks.

wuximm, is that you and your kid? hehe. you are right, i should be there during the code, i feel terribly guilty. it won't happen again. i don't think i criticized myself too much, compared to my league, i have a lot to learn. i will try to be patient and stay strong. thank you.

拥抱阳光,i like this name. thank you for reading and leaving the sweet messages here. I harvest a huge amount of encouragement from my blog, maybe we will never meet in real world, but you and other friends are part of my spritual life, you cannot even imagine how important this blog means to me. therefore, no need to thank me for writing, because I gain much more than I give here.

大皇,i hope so, tomorrow i am on call, my last call in my first month, hopefully everything finishes smoothly.
黄大皇 回复 悄悄话 This is just one of the days that not yours. It happens to everybody. Tomorrow will be your day!
拥抱阳光 回复 悄悄话 It is so nice to see people here are encouraging each other for the same great american dream to come true.

I have been reading your blog for quite a while and I really like your sharing of experience about the way to become a doctor here. Every chinese person here all experience lots of frustrations. I know what a simple encouragement means to me especially when there is nobody to rely on. I can see you're growing up through your writings. Comments by the friends here also encourage me a lot!

I just know that you are already a very good resident. But we always need improvement to achieve our dream. I believe you can do it, so firmly!
bmw328 回复 悄悄话 我没有说清楚,我的意思是不要事后自责,要事前准备。真的错了,不要去想我蛮好干什么干什么,不要去想弥补,没得弥补的了,要想下次要干什么干什么。
bmw328 回复 悄悄话 不是中文谚语翻译的。
put your head down,我的理解是专心做事情,不要想太多,一般会说put your head down and get your job done.

stay foolish and stay hungry是苹果公司老板steve jobs在2005年斯坦福毕业典礼上说的,我的理解是stay foolish so you are eager to learn, stay hungry, so you are eager to eat,说的是一种工作态度。在那个典礼上面他因为宣扬读书无用论+说粗口被人赶下台,轰动一时。

wuximm 回复 悄悄话 I can palpate your pain today. I see myself in your shoes again. Hospital always call for code and you hope it is not one of your patients, so you can finish your work. They should call code with location so that you know for sure if it is yours. Code situation is very intense and they usually have plenty of helps, but it would be nice if you were there to show your moral support for your resident and it is also important for you to get used to the situation. Forget your clinic day, it is understandable and remember it next time. I think you should not overly blame yourself. This is my experiences, American born residents never admit any wrong doing even it is obvious and always blame somebody else's fault. So, they can mentally get over with quickly, while we tend to blame ourself too much, so that affect our performance. If you really feels bad, tell your resident in good day and he will understand. Anyway, no harm has been done, one clinic pt wait a little bit longer, so what, it happens. One didn't survive the code. What is the statistics of pt in hospitals survive the code? less than 10%, among that 10%, how many ever will walk out hospital?

I consider you a very responsible, self disciplined and hard working resident. You criticized yourself way too much. Easy on yourself, you will drastically improve soon. Hug!
damaof 回复 悄悄话 落花好久木有见
tabby 回复 悄悄话 "Put your head down, stay foolish and stay hungry, this is so true."这是啥意思?是中文谚语翻译过来的吗?

住院医一开始几个月stressed out是很正常的事情。我以前的同事刚开始几个月觉得非常抑郁,还常常哭(男的),现在已经是留下做主治了。我遇见他时他已经是fellow,不敢相信他当初住院医开始时如此difficult。(我的第一印象觉得他业务很好)
bmw328 回复 悄悄话 I saw myself. My supervisor always think I'm talented but I just kept disappointing him. I knew my problem but I didn't know how to solve it. Until he left my company I realized what I should do. I wish I knew this before his leaving.

Talk to your attending, ask for his true opinion and discuss how to improve. You need a better plan and better attitude, just like you said, you need to be organized, otherwise your advantage of strong knowledge would be covered by those "small mistakes" which are not "small" at all.

I can see you are in a bad cycle now, mistakes make you feel bad and stressed, then you lose your motivation, look for short cut and later on make more mistaks.

The only thing which can drag you out of this cycle and relax yourself is to make some progress in your work.

Always feel stressed is not good, it makes you always feel you need relax and be comforted. Forget about stress, don't look for shortcut, do whatever you supposed to do.

Put your head down, stay foolish and stay hungry, this is so true.
流水浮萍 回复 悄悄话 落花,


在职场打拼,不要苛求自己。在美国能做医生的也个个是人精。能成为他们中间的一员,你应感到自豪。同你一样,我们每个在美谋生的人都要经历这样的低潮(巨牛人除外)。我周一有两个closing, 从今晚起还有几十个文件要起草,敲定,恐没有几个小时可睡了。对我等秃小子,老伴和客户可没有象对你亮妹哪样耐心的。说这些是想给你鼓鼓气,没什莫大不了的。

You can do it! 让我们共勉。

tabby 回复 悄悄话 你咋不在网上?