昨天值班,又有病人要看。那个病人坐在活动室里吃饭,看上去很正常,谁知道一开始说话,就再也止不住了,我不断地打断她回到话题,但是都不成功。好不容易我的pager响了,终于脱身去打电话。打完电话要走的时候,那个病人竟然就在电梯口等着我,又是滔滔不绝,结果一个护士过来说can i borrow the doc for a sec,她带着偷偷地去了后面的电梯,这样就不用经过这个病人了,她通过摄像头和对讲机再三确认了我安全离开了,才锁上了门。
涩郎2006-07-16 20:41:53回复悄悄话
such a baby, how can a crying baby handle people who are mental:) run run run
wuximm2006-07-16 20:38:21回复悄悄话
It is funny. Aren't you having fun? I think it is a privilege that as a physician, we meet so many different people everyday, and they give us the trust and tell us their life stories. BTW, can your pager send textile message? you should be able to write and page your resident from your pager just in case you trapped in another dangerous zone in the hospital. Have a wonderful day off.