

令人费解的英语成语“on all fours” 【英文精义】

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在Alan Ryan的“On Politics: A History of Political Thought: From Herodotus to the Present”一书中关于亚里士多德的部份有如下一句:
Once again it is worth noticing that our notions of morality and Aristotle’s ideas about ethics are not quite on all fours
这句子中的“are not quite on all fours”十分让人费解。跟据上下文,我们可以猜想作者的意思是说我们与亚里士多德关于道德的想法不尽相同。但“相同”怎么可以用“on all fours”来表示?
“On all fours” is a metaphor used by legal practitioners to describe a previous case with facts that are substantially similar to the case at issue.  The metaphor is meant as a comparison to an animal moving on all four legs.  A case “on all fours” would establish effective legal precedent since it deals with nearly indistinguishable facts and issues as the other case.
这段文字表明“On all fours”被法律界用来表示两个案子本质相同(跟据英美习惯法,处理结果自然也应该一样)。由此我们得知这样的表示相当“正经”。但这还是不能让我们明白为什么会有这样的用法。
from the Latin maxim "Nullum simile quattuor pedibus currit", “No comparison runs on all fours,” i.e., comparisons are generally lame in some respect 
原来是来自一个拉丁文成语“没有任何类比能四条腿奔跑”。 这成语的意思是这样的:一个能四条腿奔跑的动物是一个完善的动物,一个不能四条腿奔跑的动物是一个不完善的动物;没有任何类比能四条腿奔跑,所有“类比”都是不完善的。于是,英语中的“not on  all fours”就被用来表示“不尽可类比”;反过来, “on  all fours”就被用来表示“完全可类比”。 这是“on  all fours”这成语的准确含义。
此外,理解了在“on all fours”中“fours”是指“four legs”之后,我们就会注意到这表示与其他英语中“have a leg to stand on”, “on its last legs”之类成语也有相通之处 - 都是关于“on leg”, 意思是能站立、能成立。
让我们再看几个“on all fours”的例子以加深理解。
这例子摘自剑桥大学出版社的“The Cambridge Companion to Williams James”一书,说明“绝对真实”这概念与“圣人”、“完全经验”等概念是完全可类比的。
The "absolutely" true, meaning what no farther experience will ever alter, is that ideal vanishing-point towards which we imagine that all our temporary truths will some day converge. It runs on all fours with the perfectly wise man, and with the absolutely complete experience; and if these ideals are ever realized, they will all be realized together.
这例子摘自McGraw Hill出版社的“Philosophy: The Power of Ideas”一书,说人们对“Intelligent Design ”跟进化论是不是可以类比有意见分歧。
For instance, these days a controversy exists as to whether Intelligent Design is a scientific theory on all fours with evolution.
这例子摘自Pearson出版社的“Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology”,反对后现代主义把科学看成跟宗教、政治教条和意识形态完全同类。
I find little justification in the postmodernist literature for the claim that scientific constructions, fallible as they are and always subject to disconfirmation and revision, are simply optional myths on all fours with religious or political dogmas and ideologies.
“on  all fours”另有一个含义:四肢一起(做…),类似中文“四脚朝天”、“四脚着地”、“四肢并用”等中的“四肢…”。
and a single minute later he was dressed and out of the window and creeping along the roof of the "ell" on all fours.
The animals watched his coming and going with a kind of dread, and avoided him as much as possible. Nevertheless, the sight of Napoleon, on all fours, delivering orders to Whymper, who stood on two legs, roused their pride and partly reconciled them to the new arrangement.
“on all fours”在这里是个副词成分,用来描述拿破仑发号施令的状态,增加了场景的生动性,凸显了动物们的心理状态。乔治·奥威尔的辛辣跃然纸上:在动物们眼里,四条腿站立与两条腿站立的区别是这样巨大,真是既可悲又可笑。然而,在傅惟慈先生的中译本中,这段描写被译成:
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