

14 集谛 Aggregate Crux

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目录 Catalog:14.1 集起 Aggregate Arousal;14.2 烦恼的名 Names of Annoyances;14.3 烦恼的数 Numbers of Annoyances

Aggregate Crux, also known as Eros (as shown in Figures 14-35 to 38), Love Sutra, Karma Sutra, talks about the causes of bitter in Bitter Crux (Cf. Chapter 13). Eros refer to the three arrows of greed, irritability and ignorance (see Figure 36), which can hurt sentient beings. Greed is the first of the 84,000 annoyances (see Section 14.3) and the first juristic quadrant of Love (the phenomenal quadrant; see Section 11.1), so the Aggregate Crux is also called the Love Sutra. The Collective Meaning summarizes all the troubles in the Great Grand Worlds (as shown in Figures 14-1 through 24), all of which are karma, so the Collective Meaning is also called the Karma Sutra. Karma means the three karmas of body, mouth, and intent. Body karma is the accumulation of physical behavioral habits, that is this flesh body. Oral karma is the accumulation of oral habits, that is this mouth speaking. Intentional karma is the accumulation of thinking habits, which is the mind thinkings. Karma is also the bodily soil, as shown in the upper part of Figure 35. The nine lands shown in Figures 23 to 31, which are the trunk of the tree of life, also mean the bodily soil.

14.1 集起 Aggregate Arousal
Aggregate means gathering, collection, is heart’s function, has three significances: able to collect, the being collected, and aggregate arousal. “Able to Aggregate”, means that heart is capable and continually collect all juristic seeds. What are juristic seeds? Such as the 100 laws in chapter 11 Tree of Life. “The being aggregated” means heart is those gathered seeds. “Aggregate Arousal” means that heart can arouse matured seeds into performances. This subsection first talks about an example of Aggregate Arousal, then talks about its four necessary factors.

14.1-1 尘刹土 Dust Instant Soil
The next text speaks of pure hallucination state, that is “solitary-head environment” (cf. section 11.4.5-3, and 12.1); starts without “bodily soil”, that is without bodily senses or feelings.
In the dimness, faint and hazy little-me (note 1) saw a stump like thing afar (2), thought: “what is that? Looks like a weathered tree stump!? (3; while little-me is watching, teleportation happens.)” Little-me stood near the dead tree stump on the hillside. At the same time, the environment became brighter (4). Little-I on the hillside saw clearly that it is (5) a dead tree indeed, thought, “what is this place?” Looked around. (This Dust-Instant-Soil world grows as little-me wish.) Little-I realized that I am on a hillside. The environment became clearer and clearer, the wind was blowing dry grasses, like waves were rippling, and there were rotten dead birds flying in the sky. Little-I saw a ruined house in the distance, thought: “what is that?” (6, teleportation, I came near the house.) I can see clearly; this is a temple. (The building of the temple becomes more and more clear; the light intensity was changing from dim to bright). Little-I looked around. (The surrounding environment of the temple is in the process of being formed; the light intensity changes from dim to bright). The door of the temple is closed; I thought: “what is it like inside?” (7, teleportation, I entered the temple.) The temple door closed automatically (8, teleportation), and I was in complete darkness.

Note 1: This "dimness" is "non-light", the meaning of stupidity and ignorance. The light in this case is internal light, which has the function of self-evidence, i.e., the light of enlightenment. Pre-consciousness, which the English-speaking world calls Eve-sense, always clings to the former thoughts that have withered, and thus has a weak self-function in the things that Eve-sense clings to. The “little me” is human along thoughts ego inside mind, Chinese as Fortune, also call as Great Strength God, Hindus as Brahmin, ancient Mexican as Quetzalcoatl (the baby in fig. 14.1-4), Islam Christian and ancient Egyptian as Abel (the child in fig. 14.1-5), Germanic culture as Magni.

The behaviors of preconsciousness (i.e., Eve-sense) is very similar to that of an inchworm (as shown in fig. 6). Inchworm’s hind feet always grab something, after the front feet are firmly grasped, the back feet follow. Eve-sense is like that, always grasping something, and which faded former thing has the function of “along thoughts ego”. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians and Mexicans used to hold or breastfeed Abel to indicate that the woman is Eve. Eve-sense is here, this place, the subjective; Adam-sense (i.e., the contaminated part of unconsciousness) is there, that place, the objectives, the objective environment, with no sign of life. God-sense (i.e., immaculate part of unconsciousness) is constant, nameless, innumerable, and quantity-less. Preconsciousness is mind’s ever updating working platform, is intent-place, leaving a long trace of faded Abels behind, which is “Translocation Body Views” (cf. section Translocation as in the case labeled points 3, 6, 7, and 8 are scene transitions. “Translocation Body View” is what we call "I" in daily spoken language, called “sakkāya-di??h” in Sanskrit, "Seth" in English, "Æsir" (I-sir) in Old German, "Titlacauan" in Nahuatl, and "Chiyou" in Taoism.

注2,株杌即枯树桩,是一个异熟果(参见11.6.1 异熟果)。
注4,环境变亮了,就是觉悟了。此亮光是内明,与注1的昏暗、无明相对。此亮光有自证功能,即有法四分中的第三分自证分的功能(参见11.1 法的四分)。
注5,是,古作系,认知义;结合上下文,“是” 是 “系缚结生” 义。
Note 2, the Stump is a mutant fruit (cf. section 11.6.1), belongs to Adam-sense.
Note 3, instant translocation or teleportation a is instant scenery change, just as I instantly went from the darkness to the side of the dead tree stump on the hillside, (cf. section 12.1.7). The same is true of subsequent annotation 7, 8, and 9.
Note 4, what the environment becomes brighter, is enlightenment. This bright light is inner light, as opposed to the dim and unbright in annotation 1. This bright light has a Self-Evidence function, that is the function of the third quadrant of the Four Juristic Quadrants (see section 11.1 Juristic Quadrants)
Note 5, Is, is cognition; combined with the context, “Is” is the meaning of “tether, tethering life”.
Note 8, the darkness is “non-light”, is ignorance. That is, I was stuck again in the state where this case started.

14.1-2 四缘 Four Necessary Elements
(一)能缘缘是是主观的核心,集起的原因。圣人说夏娃识(即前意识)与亚当识(即无意识的污染部分)辗转相望为因缘(如图1)。也可以理解为 “能做因”(参见11.6.3 士用果),此“能”就是前文尘刹土案例中的随念自我,亚伯。与此相对应,图1中也显示了山羊睚眦和磨牙(即亚当和夏娃,参见10.9节《上帝的三和合》)的相望是他们俩婚姻的原因。
There are four necessary elements to Aggregate Arousal: the able to aggregate, the being aggregated, the equally unintermittent, the escalatory. 
(1) The Able to Aggregate is the core part of the subjective, is the cause of the Aggregate Arousal. Sage said that Eve-sense (that is preconsciousness) and Adam-sense (that is maculate part of unconsciousness) watching each other directly or through medias is the cause. It can also be understood as “ABLE as reason” (see 11.6.3 Warrior Usage Fruit). This ABLE is the along thoughts ego, Abel, in the previous example of “Dust Instant Soil”. Correspondingly, Figure 1 also shows that the watch between the goats Tangnjóstr and Tanngrisnir (Adam and Eve, cf. section 10.9 Godly Trinity) is the reason for their marriage.
(2) The Being Aggregated, which is the objective, is of two kinds, Relative Objective and Stranger Objective. What is the Relative Objective? The environment, such as in the example above, is generated and supported by internal considerations, and without the internal considerations, that world of Dust Instant Soil would disappear. What is the Stranger Objective? If, although separate from the capable mind, that objective with the quality can generate and supporting the internal considerations, one should know that it is the Stranger Objective.

(三)等无间缘,八现识及彼心所有法(参见11.4.5 识蕴)后聚于前,自类无间,等而开导,令彼定生。如上文的事例,想取来相,思辨别善恶美丑,夏娃识迅速赋予了临近事务以生机,它们相应而转,和合似一,把一个枯树桩生长成了一个尘刹土世界。所以,它们彼此互为等无间缘。等无间缘即是生命之树的等流果(参见11.6.2节)。
(四)增上缘,例如有法有胜势功能,能于它法或顺或违或不障。虽前三缘也有增上用,此处说第四缘除彼取余,为显四缘差别相故。增上缘很多,但于中胜显者唯二十二根(参见11.6.5 增上果)。那为什么此增上缘是集起的必要因素?日常生活中的集起必须俱全生命之树的六生长处。前文案例是定境,是纯思想意识状态,是幻觉状态。若现实生活中的集起缺六处中的某一处,比如身处有缺失,那这个人就可能在光天化日之下,发现地球的引力变小了,太阳的亮度降低了,和月亮一样,不刺眼。若身处再进一步缺失,就可能发现自己的牛突然具有了印度香象的超能力,会飞了;随后美国人常遇到的外星人绑架事件就可能再一次发生。
(3) Equally Unintermittent, the eight present senses and their heartland laws (see section 11.4.5 Sense Node), the later follow the front, self-classes are uninterruptedly and equitably succeeding, to have the Objective is born certainly.  As in the above example, “think” fetches phenomena, “mean” distinguishes benevolence ferocity beauty and ugliness, Eve-sense quickly gives lives to the neighboring things, and they turn accordingly, harmonizing as one, growing a withered stump into a Dust Instant Soil World. Therefore, they are each other's Equally Unintermittent dependents. This element is the Equal Stream Fruit of Tree of life (see section 11.6.2).
(4) Escalatory Factors, such as a law that has the function of being powerful and can be either yielding to or contradicting to or non-obstructive of other laws. Although the first three elements also have the escalatory functions, the fourth element is said here to be in addition to the others, to show the difference between the four elements. There are many Escalatory Factors, but only twenty-two Escalatory Roots (see section 11.6.5 Escalatory Fruit of Tree of Life) are superior to the others. Why then is this Escalatory Element necessary for the Aggregate Arousal? Aggregate Arousal in daily life must be accompanied by the Six Growth Places of the Tree of Life. The previous case is a state of Stillness, a pure conscious state, a hallucination. If one of the Six Growth Places is missing in the real-life aggregate-arousal, for example, if there is body-place missing, then the person may find that the earth's gravity has become smaller and the sun has become less bright and less blinding, just like the moon, in broad daylight. If there is a further deficiency, one may find that one's cow suddenly has the superpower of an Indian incense elephant and can fly; and then the alien abductions so often encountered by Americans may once again occur.

14.2 烦恼的名 Names of Annoyances
烦恼即糊涂,会令人感觉心绪嘈杂,身心沉重,是拘碍人身心的枷锁,有很多异名,此说26种:1系,2结,3取,4箭,5随烦恼,6随眠,7缚,8盖, 9缠,10瀑流,11轭,12株杌, 13垢,14常害,15所有,16根,17恶行,18漏,19匮,20烧,21恼,22诤,23火,24炽然,25稠林,26拘碍。
Annoyances are muddles, which makes people feel noisy and heavy in body and mind, are fetters that hinder and detain the body and heart. There are many synonyms for them, of which 26 are mentioned here: 1 is, 2 tie, 3 fetch, 4 arrows, 5 latent annoyance, 6 following sleep, 7 bind, 8 twine, 9 cover, 10 waterfall, 11 yoke, 12 stump, 13 maculate, 14 constant harm, 15 possession, 16 root, 17 ferocious migration, 18 leakage, 19 deficient, 20 burn, 21 anger, 22 expostulation, 23 fire, 24 blazing, 25 thick forest, 26 detention.

14.2.1 系 Is.
系即系表动词是,系缚义,缔结生命义(参见前节的注5)。为什么系是烦恼呢?前节案例说了,通过夏娃识的认可(即是),她和亚当识通力合作,很短的时间内就创造了一个尘刹土世界,包括其中的众生和事物。夏娃识制造生命很快,像似水流一样。现实生活中此二识日夜创造众生和事物,而那些都分食 “心识流”,让人心绪嘈杂,身心沉重。所以夏娃识也被称作污染识;亚当识包含了许多坏种,过失也很严重。古人为了提醒后人系的危害,把生命之树上的解脱果命名成了离系果(参见11.6.4节《离系果》)。系有四种:1贪欲身系,2瞋恚身系,3此实执取身系,4戒禁取身系。
“IS” is the verb “is”, means tether, tethering life, (see annotation 5 in the previous section). Why is “is” an alias of annoyance? The case of the previous section says that through cognition (i.e., is) of Eve-sense (i.e., preconsciousness), and Adam-sense (i.e., maculate part of unconsciousness) cooperated to create a “dust instant soil world”, including the beings in it, in a very short time. Eve-sense creates lives very quickly, like water flowing. In real life these two senses create sentients and things day and night, and which all partake of the senses-stream of heart, make one's heart and body heavy. Therefore, Eve-sense is also called Contamination; Adam-sense contains many bad seeds, so also with serious faults. To remind future people of the harms of Is., ancients named the fruit of liberation on Tree of Life the Off-is Fruit (see Section 11.6.4, Off-is Fruit). There are four kinds of is-es: 1 greedy-desire body-is.; 2 irritability-anger body-is.; 3 is-real obsessive-fetch body-is.; 4 precept-taboo-fetch body-is.

(1) Greedy Desire Body Is. is caused by the craving for possessions, etc., which bind up the body and heart, and make the heart rough and heavy. The heart becomes scattered when there are many greedy desires; this means that greed and desire can bind up self-body of heart and disperse heart-senses stream.
(2) Irritability-Anger Body Is. Due to expostulations and fights, sentients behave incorrectly, which incorrect behaviors can bind the body and heart, and cause the heart to be scattered.
(3) Is-real Obsessive-Fetch Body Is. Due to not according to theories to make intents, reasoning from desirably perused environment, one illusively obsesses to Seth-view (cf. section Fundamental Annoyances), edge-view, heresy, or heretical-view, believes which is the only real, the rest are all foolish delusions. Because of this reason, heart is in dispersion. 
(4) Precept and Taboo Fetch Body Is. Precept-fetch means that to the precepts and prohibitions, one does not understand correctly, indulge in misunderstanding, compassionately obsess to the fetched views from precepts and taboos; due to which bitter of nonbeneficial diligent labours, heart is in dispersion.

14.2.2 结 Tie
The ties talked about here (shown in Figure 14.2.2-24) and the covers, hats, etc., later in the text are said to be the Heart Cloths that God made to Adam and Eve to wear. The sizes of the cloths are the range of cloths’ functions, as shown in Illustrations 23, 26, and 27. Illustration 25 is derived from an ancient Egyptian fresco depicting the Hour-Minute sky were weighing the heart, weighing a feather to pass through. The heart means mind, weightless; they were weighing the heart cloths. In Buddhism, the ranges of heart cloths’ functions are called Tie Boundaries. Tie Boundaries are the mystical field force in movies and stories, essentially spaces of privacy, self-defending heart, taboos, suspicions, fears, etc., (for example case, see the case in section 6.6). In addition, certain benevolent laws in the book's section 11.4.4 are also known as the heart cloths; and the full precepts of section 16.2, also known as the Golden Armor, invisibility cloak, and so on.

The nine ties of love, irritability, and ignorance, etc. can bind people in afflictive situations, combines crowds of bitterness, and set up Tie Boundaries, which contaminate, conceive, and torture people’s hearts, to have them pursue unbeneficial dust labors. The word boundary of Tie Boundary means Seed (see section 11.2), because sentients depend on boundaries to live, to grow. All annoyances can combine bitter, but love, irritability, etc. nine laws are particularly serious, therefore, the nine ties are used to illustrate. The nine ties are: love tie, irritability tie, non-light tie, view tie, fetch tie, arrogance tie, suspicion tie, jealousy tie, and stingy tie.

(一)爱结,以染着为性,是贪的相分(参见11.1节《法的四分》),对于顺境中所感乐受,希望能长期持有。一切烦恼皆能合众苦,就是因为贪爱。众生为贪爱故,广行不善,遂招致当来的不平等、不正确、生老病死忧恼之苦,流转于惑业苦的恶性循环(参见13.4.1 流转),不能出离。
(二)恚结,以愤恨为性,对于违境所感苦受,所起不愤的情绪及嗔恚之想。众生为嗔恚故,广行不善,遂招致当来的不平等、不正确、生老病死忧恼之苦,流转于惑业苦三轮(参见13.4.1 流转),不能出离。
(三)无明结,无明(参见前一小节的注1)即无知、愚痴;即于违顺诸境,苦乐诸受,所起的与道理相违愚痴之想。无明结是说众生心性为无明所覆,于集谛的因法和苦谛的果法不能了解,广行不善,遂招致当来的不平等、不正确、生老病死忧恼之苦,流转于惑业苦的循环(参见13.4.1 流转)之中,不能出离。
(1) Love Tie, love is by dye, clinging as nature, is greed’s phenomenal quadrant (see section 11.1 Juristic Quadrants), is the desire to hold on to the pleasures in enjoyable environment for a longer time. It is because of greedy love that all annoyances are combining crowds of bitter. Because of greedy love, sentient beings perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle karma and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.
(2) Irritability Tie, is by anger and hate as nature, is the acceptances of resentment and the thinkings of irritability and hate. Because of irritability and hate, sentient beings perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality incorrectness and bitterness of birth old illness death, stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle karma and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.
(3) Non-light Tie, the non-light is the dimness in previous section annotation 1, means ignorance, fool, are irrational foolish thinkings that arise amid either adverse or advantageous etc. environments, bitter or happy etc. acceptances. The non-light tie means that sentient beings' hearts are so conceived by non-light that they are unable to understand the cause laws of chapter 14 Aggregate Crux, and the fruit laws of chapter 13 Bitter Crux, perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.

(五)取结,取即所取和能取;所取者是受,能取者是想。此二取习气,即受蕴和想蕴(参见11.4.2, 3 节),是世间本。取结是说众生于所取、能取不能了解,妄意随顺执着此二取习气,广行不善,遂招致当来的不平等、不正确、生老病死忧恼之苦,流转于六道轮回,不能出离。
(4) View Tie, saying that sentient beings compassionately obsess I view (i.e., Seth View), edge view, heresy, view fetch, and precept fetch (for the five ferocious views, see section, perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.
(5) Fetch Tie, fetch includes the capable to fetch, which is think, and the being fetched, which is acceptance. The two fetch habits are Think Node and Acceptance Node (see section Fetch tie means that sentient beings are unable to understand what is the able to fetch and what is the being fetched, they delusionally yield to the two fetch habits, and perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.
(4) Arrogance Tie, saying that sentient beings do not understand I law (i.e., Seth view), illusively lifting I and mine above others. Arrogance tie means that depending on advantage, one arrogantly lifts oneself over other sentients, and perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness, from which they can not be free.

(7) Suspicion Tie, saying that that sentient beings suspect the life principles of Four Victorious Cruxes (chapter 13 through 16 of the book), do not cultivate correct behaviors, perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness (see 13.4.1 Cycle), from which they can not be free.
(8) Jealousy Tie, saying that sentient beings are obsessed with fame and wealth, become jealous when they see others fame and wealth, so they perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness, from which they can not be free.
(9) Stingy Tie, saying that sentient beings are obsessed with fame and wealth. Their hearts are greedy and stingy on life assets, unable to donate, so they perform a wide range of non-benevolences, which leads to the inequality, incorrectness, bitterness of birth old illness and death, and stuck in the vicious cycle of muddle, karma, and bitterness, from which they can not be free.

14.2.3 取 Fetch
(二)我语取,谓依我见而取;我语就是口语中的我字,即转移身见,梵语萨迦耶见,英语塞斯,纳瓦特尔语Titlacauan(义为我们是它的奴隶)。当我见破败时,世人又妄执六十二种边见和邪见(参见11. 根本烦恼)。此三种见就是被执取的诤根。下文的见取和戒禁取是依此诤根而执取后有。
Fetch means “obsessively fetch expostulating-root”, and “obsessively fetch later-have”; there are four kinds: desire fetch, I-lingual fetch, view fetch, precept fetch. Desire fetch is established on Desire Boundary; the last three are established on Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary. For the concepts of desire boundary, color boundary, and colorless boundary see chapter 13 Bitter Crux.
(1) Desire Fetch, saying that sentient beings crave color sound incense taste and touch, the five kinds of desires, such as food, drink, sleep, and sexual intercourse.  To enjoy the acceptances of those five dusts, they expostulate and fight with each other. The root cause of these expostulations and fights is the Five Desire Fetches.
(2) I Lingual Fetch, saying that depending on I-view to fetch, “I” is the oral saying of me, I-view means Seth view, Chinese calls “translocation body view”, Sanskrit is sakkāya-di??h, Nahuatl Titlacauan that means we are its slave. When Seth-view is broken, mundane people illusively cling to the 62 Edge-views and Heresies (see section Fundamental Annoyances). These three kinds of views are the expostulating roots of being obsessively fetched. The following View Fetch and Precept Fetch are depending on the expostulating roots to obsessively fetch later haves.

(3) View Fetch, that is the 108 kinds of “Views fetched from Views” among the Ferocious Views (see section, saying that obsessively holding views and their dependent node as the most victorious, they believe in by doing so, can gain immaculate nirvana.
(4) Views Fetched from Precepts and Taboos, generally to say precepts are, 3,000 Majesties and 84,000 Enchantments for man, and 500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms for woman (see section 16.2). Mundane people have misinterpreted and deluded themself into believing that holding some practises and precepts can gain salvation, such as using tap water to baptise, genital circumcision, and monks not eating meat, etc.

14.2.4 箭 Arrows (Eros)
“有果法” ,在五位百法中,前四位都是基于塞斯(参见11. 节转移身见)的法,即基于有的法,都是有为法,都是有果法。由于贪瞋痴是有的组成部分,所以追求 “有果法” 的人就已经中箭了,就已经被贪嗔痴射伤了,为什么?无为法(参见11.6.4节《离系果》),只与舍和空性相应,与有、取、集、和得的性质相违。
Greed, Irritability, and Ignorance, the three poisons can shoot, injure migrators, causing them to compassionately pursue the “have fruit laws” and the causes of Three Haves, thus, birth and death succeed each other unceasingly, therefore Greed, Irritability, and Ignorance are set up the name of three arrows.
“Have Fruit Laws”, among “Five Positions 100 laws”, the front four positions all are based on Seth-view (cf. section Translocation Body View), all are Have-as Laws, all are “Have Fruit Laws”. And because Greed, Irritability, and Ignorance are components of haves, so those who pursue “Have Fruit Laws” are shot, wounded by greed, irritability, and ignorance, wherein? None-as Laws (see section 11.6.4 Off-is Fruit), corresponding only to the nature of renunciation and emptiness, and contrary to the nature of have, fetch, aggregate, and gain. 
Illustration 14.2.4-3 is derived from an ancient Egyptian fresco; it shows the Egyptian Eve demonstrating the process of baptism. There are two arrows above her head in Figure 3 right side, indicating that she still had greed and irritability, the two Mean Muddles at that time. And where is the third arrow? It has been plucked out by herself. When a person understands the Four Victorious Cruxes, her or his ignorance has been eliminated.

14.2.5 随烦恼 Latent Annoyances
前面谈的贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑、和恶见是六种根本烦恼。本小节谈的20位法是根本烦恼的跟随者,故名随烦恼,分别是忿、恨、覆、恼、嫉、悭、诳、谄、害、骄、无惭、无愧、掉举、昏沉、不信、懈怠、放逸、失念、散乱、不正知(参见11.节的 随烦恼)。
Previously talked the six fundamental annoyances, namely Greed, Irritability, Ignorance, Arrogance, Suspicion, and Ferocious View. Here, the 20 annoyances are followers, are “equal stream” of the six fundamental annoyances, hence are Latent Annoyances, namely Resentment, Hate, Concealment, Rage, Jealousy, Stinginess, Deceit, Flattery, Harm, Contemptuousness, Shamelessness, Sinlessness, Depression, Drowsiness, Unbelief, Slackness, Indulgence, Loss spell, Agitation, and Incorrect Know (see section Latent Annoyances).

14.2.6 随眠 Following Sleep
Following Sleep means the seeds of annoyances, i.e., all potential power of annoyances which chase and cling to sentient beings' bodies and hearts to dormant, and they can give rise to all the annoyances, therefore the name of Following Sleep was set up. There are seven kinds of Following Sleep. 
(1) Desir-Love Following-Sleep, that are the seeds of all grades’ greed in desire boundary. To sentient beings who are not free from the greed and chase in desire boundary, their desires and loves are escalating, so the Following Sleep of Desire and Love is established. Grades means the 81 grades in section 14.3.
(2) Irritability-Anger Following-Sleep are the seeds of all grades’ irritabilities in desire boundary. To sentient beings have not left the greedily chases in desire boundary, since their irritabilities and angers are escalating, the Following-Sleep of Irritability-Anger is established.
(3) Have-Loves Following-Sleeps, that are the seeds of all grades’ greed in color boundary and colorless boundary. To sentient beings who have not left heretical contaminations and who are pursuing Godly migration, since their karmas of greed, irritability, and ignorance, the Following-Sleeps of Have-Loves are established. This says that since the beginning of time, greed, irritability, and ignorance are concomitants with have, therefore there are greed, irritability, and ignorance in all haves, in everything.

(4) Arrogance Following-Sleeps are the seeds of all grades’ arrogance. There are kinds of sentient beings who start to bosom arrogance after learned some Buddhism, therefore, the Following-Sleeps of Arrogance are set up. 
(5) Non-light Following-Sleeps are the seeds of non-light annoyances. To sentient beings who are ignorant of the of causes and effects in Four Victorious Cruxes, they arouse upside-down illusive thinkings among enjoyable, neutral, and adverse environments, therefore, the Following-Sleeps of Non-light are set up.
(6) View Following-Sleep, which are the seeds of all grades’ view muddles, are the roots of the 112 View Muddles in the later text. Those roots are deep and solid, difficult to dissolve and eliminate.
(7) Suspicion Following-Sleeps are the seeds of all grades’ doubts. Sentient beings are irresolute to the four victorious cruxes, therefore, according to their sequence, the Following-Sleeps of Arrogance, Non-light, View, and Suspicion are established.

14.2.7 缚 Bind
Bind, to the presence or absence of desire and greed etc. environments, but the root-senses can not abandon them, therefore, the bind is named. There are three kinds of binds, greed Bind, irritability bind, and ignorance bind.
(1) Greed Bind, that sentient being are bounded by greedily love, the heart cannot give up on the state of pleasant and laughable environments, when the environment turns bad, which induce deteriorating bitter, let him or her reside in Deterioration Bitter environment. The bitter is caused by laughable environment damages, therefore is named as Deterioration Bitter, is self phenomenon of bitter.
(2) Irritability Bind, that sentient beings are entangled by irritability and resentment, can not give up sequential environment of bitter acceptances; when environment with bitter phenomena present, they reside in Bitter-Bitter. Bitter-bitter is present bitter meeting old bitter, bitter water flows out, hence is named as Bitter-Bitter, is self-nature of bitter.
(3) Ignorance Bind, that sentient beings are bound by ignorance and foolishness, unable to renunciate sequential neither bitter nor laugh environment, so are forced by the unsteady instant drifting phenomena, reside in the Migration Bitter. Migration Bitter is bitter root; Buddhism defines that wherever mental activities exist, wherever Migration Bitter exists.

Based on the three meanings explained above, greed irritability and ignorance, the three names are named as three binds. Also, due to greed, irritability and ignorance, one cannot be sufficient in the practice of extra effort, so the three are called bondages. 
Illustrations 14.2.7-23 and 24 are the explanations of bondage in the story in Chapter 18 of this book. Illustration 23 shows that Mexico (a Tlaloc, Adam) came out of hell and was on his way to the country of Nahuatl to inherit the throne of Huitzilopochtli. However, the acting king Tlaltecuhtli (Chalchiuhtlicue, Eve) refused to hand over the throne to him, and Mexico did nothing for a long time. Illustration 24 shows that later Mexico thought that he was like a piece of wood at that time, and the reason why he could not take corresponding countermeasures was that he was bound by greed, irritability and ignorance.

14.2.8 五盖 Five Covers
Covers mean concealment, obstacle; saying that greed-desire cover, irritability-hatred cover, drowsy-sleep cover, depression-regret cover, and suspicion cover can conceal real heart, to have benevolent laws not manifest. Illustration 14.2.8-38 is the Nahuatl hieroglyph "Mountain", which also means cover, hat, scarf, etc. In Figure 39, Tlaltecuhtli (Eve) is held captive by a mountain-like hat, and Mexico (Adam) is rushing to rescue her (see section 1.4 Mexican Codex).

(一)贪欲盖,契经说,于欲界为诸欲境界漂沦故,违背圣教,立贪欲盖;于出离欲界位为障。什么是出离?就是由五趣杂居地(如图14.2.9-23)去到离生喜乐地(如图24)。在修习出离,摒弃见取见(参见11.节《 见取见》)时,由贪欲盖故,夏娃对于色声香味触五种妙欲境界,随逐净相、欲见、欲闻、乃至欲触,希求受用;贪欲牵引心识散乱向外尘境界,让她于出家不生欣乐。
(1) Greedy-Desire Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings are drifting by the environments of Desire Boundary, are contrary to the holy religion, therefore the Greed-Desire Cover is set up, which is an obstacle for going out household life. What is the “going out household life”? It is from “five interests mixed dwelling land (fig. 14.2.9-23)” going to “leaving generates delight and laugh land (fig. 24)”. On studying and practicing the “going out household life”, detaching and giving up “views fetched from views (see section View Fetch), due to Greed-Desire Cover, Eve seeks to use the five wonderfully desirable environments  of color, sound, incense, taste, and touch, desires to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, and even desire to touch, to pursue the enjoyments. Cravings lead the heart-senses disperse toward the external dusts’ environments, so that Eve does not produce delight and laugh on “going out household life”.
(2) Irritability-Hatred Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings cannot tolerate expostulation, teaching, and reprimand from comrades, which violate all loveable laugh laws, therefore the Irritability-Hatred Cover is set up; is hindrance for perceiving heretical behaviors. When comrades of Godly migration found and reported Eve's mistakes, she felt angry and returned with hatred, so that she could not realize her shortcomings and delayed her cultivation and study on correct behaviors.

(3) Drowsy-Sleep Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “correct stillness” (Sanskrit Samatha; see section 16.3), the Drowsy-Sleep Cover is set up; is hindrance for concentrated Stillness in cultivation and study. Due to not guarding the root doors, and not knowing the amount of food, etc., the drowsiness and sleepiness hinder brightly quiet Stillness, so Eve can not gain Correct Stillness. What are the Root Doors? The six roots of life tree (see section 11.3) are also known as Six Root Doors, from which color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts go in and out heartland.
(4) Depression-Regret Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “Gnostic View” (Sanskrit Vipassana), the Depression-Regret Cover is set up; is hindrance for arousing Gnostic View in cultivation and study. Due to depression, Eve thinks of relatives and the kingdom lands, and due to regret, she misses relatives parted and homeland etc. which hinder brightly quiet mental cultivation, View Gnosis can not be aroused.
(5) Suspicion Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to discussions are contrary to laws, contradict victorious interpretations on nirvana, the Suspicion Cover is set up; is hindrance for renunciation during stage of practicing “Still View” (Sanskrit Samatha-Vipassana).  In this stage of cultivation and study, Renunciation is evenly equality and correct dwell. Because Eve had doubts about the holy teachings and was hesitant about the laws she had learned and the virtues she had proven, which hindered the emergence of Renunciation, so Arrival Ark (Biblical Noah's Ark) could not manifest.

14.2.9 八缠 Eight Coils
Coils mean entanglements, which means that due to shamelessness, sinlessness, drowsiness, sleep, depression, regret, jealousy, and stinginess (for explanation, see section 11.4.4), again and again present, entangle Adam’s heart, are great obstacles for studying cultivating benevolent laws, hence the name Coils.
(1) on cultivating and studying precepts place (see section 16.2), shamelessness and sinlessness present again and again, Adam did not generate shame and sin, so he violated the precept study place again and again.
(2) on cultivating and studying stillness place (see section 16.3), drowsiness and sleepiness present again and again, which cause Adam’s heart to drown, so he violated the stillness study place again and again.
(3) on cultivating and studying gnosis place (see section 16.4), depression and regret present again and again, which cause Adam's heart to be distracted in the outer dust worlds, so he violated the gnosis study place again and again.
(4) on the benevolent gnosis land (see Section 16.9), when cultivating and studying the “four non-hindrance interpretations”, Adam should share his experiences with comrades, teaching and learning are mutually beneficial. However, he was jealous and stingy, not willing to donate laws (i.e., to teach, to share), which hindered the progress of his improvement.

14.2.10 瀑流 Waterfall
Waterfall refers to the rapid flow of a waterfall, which means that all living beings yield the defilements (i.e., annoyances) of life and death, drift along the currents, and are exiled in the bitter sea of life and death. There are four types of waterfalls.
1) The waterfall of desire, which means that all beings in the desire boundary have desire for color, sound, smell, taste, and touch, and if they do not know how to control it, will be trapped in the bitter circulating current of birth, old age, sickness, and death, can not unfetter and rest. This waterfall of desires are the upper-grade annoyances in the desire boundary. The upper-grade annoyances are to classify each of the nine lands in Great-Grand-Worlds (see illustration 14.2.10-23 through 31) into nine grades: lower-lower grade, lower-middle grade, lower-upper grade, middle-lower grade, middle-middle grade, middle-upper grade, upper-lower grade, upper-middle grade, and upper-upper grade. The term "waterfall" refers to the three upper-grades in the “five interests mixed dwell land”. The middle-grade and low-grade annoyances do not apply to the term "waterfall".

(2) Have Waterfall, have means memory have, having the habits, and the cause and effect are not forgotten. For example, the desire boundary, color boundary, and colorless boundary (in fig. 14.2.10) are three haves, and that 1 to 22 are 25 haves (see Section 13.4). Everyone has those haves, and if don't understand their meaning and go along with them, will suffer from them, without knowing where they end up. The Have Waterfall excludes the haves of Desire Boundary, refers only to the upper-grade annoyances in Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary.
(3) View Waterfall, the view is the 112 View Annoyances later in this chapter; the View Waterfall includes all the upper-grade View Annoyances in the nine lands. This says that all living beings are drifted by the View Annoyances in the three boundaries and are submerged to the bitter sea of birth and death, with no way to escape.
(4) Non-light Waterfall, the non-light is ignorance, darkness, and its essence is not knowing the principles of the Four Victorious Cruxes; the Non-light Waterfall includes all the upper-grade non-light annoyances in the nine lands. This says that all living beings are led by the ignorance annoyances in the nine lands and are submerged to the bitter sea of birth and death, with no way to escape.

14.2.11 轭 Yoke
A yoke is a collar and cage (see fig. 14.2.10-36) used to yoke a cow so that the cow cannot escape from the cart. It is a metaphor for that annoyances can hinder Mutant Sentients to unfetter. This is saying that annoyances not only servile the body and heart of sentient beings, but also prevent sentient beings from escaping from their Natures of Mutant Sentient (i.e. individuality, cf. and escaping from their fate of being slaves. There are four types of yokes: 1st desire yoke, 2nd have yoke, 3rd view yoke, and 4th ignorance yoke. The explanation of these four yokes is like the four kinds of waterfalls in the previous section. Among the nine lands, the three upper-grade annoyances in each land are called Waterfalls, and the three middle-grade annoyances are called yokes. The following is the order, that is, acting according to habitual desires, acting according to habits, acting according to habitual heresies.

14.2.12 株杌 Stump
Stump gets its name from the metaphor, refer to the case in section 14.1-1, which stump is a Mutant Fruit (see section 11.6.1). Mutant Fruits ripen at different times, such as one year later, three years later, ten or thirty years later. Mutant Fruits ripen in different places, such as anywhere of the nine lands in the Great Grand Worlds. Mutant Fruits ripen in different species, the unconscious is a big dye vat where greed irritability and ignorance universally pollute all sentient beings. The stump is a metaphor for the deep-rooted annoyances of greed irritability and ignorance, which are difficult to pluck out heartland by the plow of Path Crux. Since time immemorial, all sentient beings have been accustomed to greed irritability and ignorance, so the three have become karma. Greed karma causes the heart to become uncoordinated. Irritability karma causes the heart to become unqualified for any affairs. Ignorance karma is difficult to unfetter. It is difficult for sentient beings to break away from these deep-rooted karmas of greed irritability and ignorance, therefore the three are set up as stumps.

14.2.13 垢 Maculate-ness.
Saying that because of greed irritability and ignorance, sentient beings violate destroy the precepts and disciplines, commit all kinds of evil deeds, and defiles immaculateness; therefore, greed, irritability, and ignorance are established as the three kinds of Maculate-ness.

14.2.14 常害 Constant Harm
Saying that the three karmas of greed, irritability, and ignorance are always capable of causing harm, inviting birth, old age, sickness, and death bitter, so the three are named the three constant harms.

14.2.15 所有 Possession
This alias of annoyance is named from fruit law. Saying that greed, irritability, and ignorance corresponding to able-to-have, can accumulate all the assets, and constantly correspond to the horrors, etc., so that the heart dwells in dispersal constantly, therefore greed, irritability, and ignorance are established as the three kinds of possessions.

14.2.16 根 Root
Because of greed irritability and ignorance, heart arouses non-benevolent laws. Greed irritability and ignorance are fundamental roots of all non-benevolent juristic arousals, therefore, the three are established as the three non-benevolent Roots.

14.2.17 恶行 Ferocious Behaviors
Due to greed irritability and ignorance, sentient beings often commit ferocious bodily oral and intentional deeds. Due to greed on gain more assets and profits, people conduct ferocious behaviors broadly. Due to irritability and hatred, people cannot tolerate others' mistakes and commits many evil deeds. Due to bosom ignorance and foolishness, arousal of upside-down heretical views, sentient beings commit many evil deeds. And due to greed irritability and ignorance are heretical behaviors’ nature, therefore the three are named as three Ferocious Migrations.

14.2.18 漏 Leakage
Desire, have, and ignorance, etc., hijack and sub-drain the stream of heart senses, and scatter the mind, so the name of annoyance as Leakage was established. There are three kinds of leakages: desire leakage, have leakage, and ignorance leakage. According to the heart-senses flow concentration of external door, i.e., base on the heart’s dispersion in the five desires of outer dust environments, the Desire Leakage is established; Its body is all annoyances of Desire Boundary, except for ignorance. According to the flow concentration of internal door, i.e., on dispersing in the bodies to establish Have Leakage, its body is all annoyances in Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary, except for ignorance. According to the flow concentration of the first two doors to establish Ignorance Leakage, its body is all the ignorance in the Three Boundaries.

14.2.19 匮 Scarcity
Scarcity means lack, insufficiency; not having contentment and satiation hence name of Scarcity. Because of greed irritability and ignorance, fools are constantly pursuing and not being satisfied with the possessions that support their lives. Because greed irritability and ignorance can make the body and heart feel scarce constantly, the three are called the three kinds of scarcity.

14.2.20 烧 Burn.
By reason of greed irritability and ignorance, fools irrationally obsess those goods of phenomena, arouse strong love to those being aggregated environments, heating up the body and heart fervidly, hence name of burn.

14.2.21 恼 Annoyance
By reason of greed irritability and ignorance, fools linger and look at all lovely environments with pleasure, and when the sates deteriorate, they give rise to kinds of sorrow, sighs, etc. annoyances, which disturb the body and heart, therefore name of Annoyances.

14.2.22 有诤 Have Expostulation
Expostulation means earnest and kindly protest, but it is cause of all quarrel litigation and violence; greed irritability and ignorance can be reason of expostulation. Due to greed irritability and ignorance, fools hold swords, clubs, guns, and artilleries to feed expostulations and wars, therefore, greed irritability and ignorance are named as Have Expostulations.

14.2.23 火 Fire
Since greed irritability and ignorance are like fire that burn up the accumulated firewood of benevolent roots, therefore the greed irritability and ignorance are called fires.

14.2.24 炽燃 Conflagration
炽燃,大火义,此是譬喻贪嗔痴恶业如大火。谓由瞋痴故,愚人为非法贪的大火所烧。非法贪就是贪着十种不善业道(即十恶戒,参见13.1节)。由贪瞋痴故,愚人又为不平等贪的大火所烧。不平等贪就是非法非理的贪求境界。由贪瞋痴故,愚人又被邪法大火所烧。邪法大火就是一切我见、边见、邪见、见取见、和戒禁取见(参见11. 根本烦恼)。由非法贪、不平等贪、和邪法等能够引发身心中的炽燃烈焰,故名为炽然。
This is a metaphor for ferocious karma of greed irritability and ignorance like a conflagration. Saying that due to greed irritability and ignorance, fools are burned by the fire of illegal greed. Illegal greed is the greedily desires for the karmas of ten ferocious paths (i.e., the ten ferocious precepts, see section 13.1). Due to greed irritability and ignorance, later, fools are burned by the fire of unequal greed. Unequal greed is the state of illegal and irrational greed. And again, due to greed irritability and ignorance, fools are burned by the fire of heretical laws. The Fires of Heretical laws are all Seth view, edge views, heresies, view fetch, and precept fetch (see section Fundamental Annoyances). Illegal greed, unequal greed, and heretical laws etc. can cause blazing flames in the body and heart, so it is called Conflagration.

14.2.25 稠林 Dense Forest
Great trees of greed irritability and ignorance are collectively called Dense Forest. Because of greed irritability and ignorance, sentient beings broadly dyed by fundamental annoyances and their crossly bred karmic behaviors, so aggregated as various kinds of bodies, circulating in five interests, like migrating in a dense forest where big trees are gathered. And it is difficult to get out of it.

14.2.26 拘碍 Detentions
Saying that, greed irritability and ignorance can make sentient beings enjoy all kinds of wonderfully desirable dusts and can hinder sentient beings from realizing the transcending mundane laws, therefore the name of detentions is set up. Detentions are established in the five places: 1. Obsessively caring for the inner body, 2. Obsessively caring for desires, 3. Being mixed with pleasures, 4. Lack of following the precepts and teachings, and 5. Being satisfied with a few benevolent laws.

14.3 烦恼的数 Numbers of Annoyances
佛教称凡夫个体为异生,义即变异而生。变异即是成熟的过程,因为异化可以持业。业是身体习惯行为、口语习惯行为、和意识习惯行为的统称。异生的一切烦恼可分为两类,思烦恼和见烦恼,亦作思惑和见惑。思烦恼主要有,贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑、身见、边见、邪见、见取、戒取。见烦恼如身见、边见、邪见、见取、戒取、贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑。见烦恼和思烦恼的头数相同,成对儿存在。思惑附着在见惑上而有义,见惑因对应的思惑而有感,因此两者的名数相等,相互依存。见烦恼即是异生的所知,因为它似智而非智,能障碍有情了知真相, 所以是智障,亦作所知障。见惑不引起不安,障觉悟,不障涅槃。涅槃是寂静义。思惑是异生的思烦恼,能障碍涅槃,所以亦作烦恼障。此两类烦恼不但可以驱使异生劳作,还可以障碍异生脱离其自性,所以也被称作异生性障。
Buddhism calls mortal individual as Mutant, meaning they are born from mutations. Mutation is the process of maturation because mutations sustain karma. Karma is a collective term for bodily oral and intentional behavioral habits. All the annoyances that arise in a mutant can be divided into two categories, Mean Annoyances and View Annoyances, which are also known as Mean Muddles and View Muddles. The Mean Muddles mainly include greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, and precept fetch. View muddles mainly include Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, and precept fetch, greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, and suspicion. The Mean Annoyances and View Annoyances have the same names and number of heads and exist in pairs. The mean muddle attaches to the view muddle to have its significance, the view muddle due to the corresponding mean muddle to have its feeling; therefore, the two have the same name and head number, and are mutually dependent, relying on each other to exist. View Muddle is the know of a mutant sentient, is like intelligence but not intelligence, can hinder sentients to understand the factual phenomena, therefore is hindrance of intelligence, aka. Know Hindrance. View Muddle does not cause uneasiness, hinder enlightenment, does not hinder Nirvana. Nirvana is the meaning of quietness. Mean Muddle is sentient beings’ mean annoyance, can hinder nirvana, so is called Annoyance Hindrance. These two types of muddles can not only drive mutant sentients to work, but also prevent them escaping from their own nature, therefore Mean Muddle and View Muddle are also called Mutant Nature Hindrance.

14.3.1 八万四千尘劳 84,000 Dust Labors
In general, there are 84,000 annoyances in the three boundaries nine lands of the Great Grand World (see fig. 14.3), aka. 84,000 dust labors, plagues, and demon army. Dust labor is an alias for annoyances since annoyances can contaminate sentients’ true natures and labor them in vain. Plague means that these 84,000 diseases are highly contagious, cross-infected among all living beings, and spread continuously. Demon is the saying of stealing assets and harming lives, because the 84,000 dust labors can rob people’s juristic assets of immaculate juristic body, can harm people’s gnostic lives (i.e., intelligence lives), so calling them as Demon Army. The calculation method of this number of 84,000 has the following six steps:

三)历10法界成1000。十法界是根据有情的兴趣儿不同而把人分成了十类:地狱趣、饿鬼趣、畜生趣、修罗趣、人趣、欲天趣、缘觉趣、罗汉趣、菩萨趣(即真人趣)、神佛趣(参见13.4.4 节《十趣因果》)。
1) The 10 envoys are 1st greed, 2nd irritability, 3rd ignorance, 4th arrogance, 5th suspicion, 6th Seth view, 7th edge views, 8th heresies, 9th fetched views, 10th precept fetch. These ten troublesome laws are capable of initiating and reproducing other troubles in a mutated manner, so they are called envoys. The first five are known as the Five Blunt Ambassadors because they are dull in nature and have no wisdom. The last 5 are the View Muddles, which are vicious and brutal, so they are called the Five Sharp Ambassadors.
2) The 10 envoys aggregate with each other, become 100.  For example, if you take greed as the head and use greed as its assistant, then get a new law greed-greed; using irritability as greed’s assistant, then get a new law greed-irritability; in this way, greed aggregates the 10 assistant envoys, forms 10 new laws. Then taking irritability as the head to aggregate the 10 assistant envoys, then 10 new laws are formed like these: irritability-greed, irritability-irritability, irritability-ignorance, irritability arrogance, and so on. With this interplay, the 10 envoys become 100.
3) Going through 10 juristic boundaries, then the number becomes 1000. The 10 juristic boundaries are the 10 categories into which all human beings are divided according to their interests: hell interest, hungry ghost interest, livestock interest, asura interest, human interest, desire-sky interest, aggregate-arousal perception, Ararat interest, bodhisattva interest (i.e., real person interest), and God Buddha interest (see Section 13.4.4 Ten Interests).

4) Going through the 7 branches of the body and mouth, the number becomes 7,000. The three bodily branches are killing, stealing, and heretical sex; the four oral branches are delusive speech, flowery speech, ferocious speech, and two-tongue (see section 13.1 the ten precepts).
5) Going through the past, present, and future, the number becomes 21,000. Here we are talking about the heart (i.e., mind), so the past, present, and future exist simultaneously in the present world. And the unconscious and the preconscious have no sequential and temporal nature, so the calendar and time apply only to the mortal world, under Figure 14.3-12.
6) Each of the Four Big Seeds aggregates the 21,000 positions of annoyances, so the sum is the 84,000 dust labors. Four Big Seeds are earth, water, fire, and wind; refer to section 11.2 Four Big Seeds.

14.3.2 见惑 View Muddles
Mortals' view annoyances are spread throughout the three boundaries nine lands, but their fundamental view annoyances are the 112, which are calculated as follows:
View muddles have 40 positions in desire boundary:
1) 10 positions under Bitter Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
2) 10 positions under Aggregate Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
3) 10 positions under Salvation Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
4) 10 positions under Path Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.

如是,一个异生总有根本见惑112位;解释参见11.节《 根本烦恼》。 
View Muddles in color boundary and colorless boundary, each has 36 positions.
1) 9 positions under Bitter Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, (absent of irritability), ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
2) 9 positions under Aggregate Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, (absent of irritability), ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
3) 9 positions under Path Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, (absent of irritability), ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
4) 9 positions under Salvation Crux: Seth view, edge views, heresies, fetched views, precept fetch, greed, (absent of irritability), ignorance, arrogance, suspicion.
As such, a mundane being has in total 112 positions of Fundamental View Muddles; for explanations, see Section, Fundamental Annoyances. 

14.3.3 思惑 Mean Muddles
After a mundane being understands the Four Cruxes, the 112 fundamental View Muddles of the previous text have been destroyed. The 84,000 demonic armies disintegrate because they have lost their dependents, but there are still remnants of the Mean Muddles, the habits of greed, irritability, and ignorance. These Mean Muddles must be gradually eliminated by relying on the practice of the Path Crux. Mean Muddles leftover in the Three Boundaries are mainly greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, Seth view, and edge view, and 16 of them in total, as listed below:
1) Desire Boundary has 6 messengers: greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, Seth view, edge views.
2) Color Boundary has 5 messengers: greed, ignorance, arrogance, Seth view, edge views.
3) Colorless Boundary has 5 messengers: greed, ignorance, arrogance, Seth view, edge views.
Buddhism has further classified each of the nine lands (see fig. 14.3-23 through 31) into nine grades: lower-lower grade, lower-middle grade, lower-upper grade, middle-lower grade, middle-middle grade, middle-upper grade, upper-lower grade, upper-middle grade, and upper-upper grade. In this way the nine lands become 81 grades in all. Thus, there are 54 Mean Muddles in Desire Boundary, and 180 Mean Muddles in each of the Color and Colorless Boundaries.

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