虽然来这的人少,也记录一下吧。这几天马不停蹄为大选尽一份薄力。从上周末开始我们这个州开始early voting,整个周末都在早投点做义工。周一开始半天工作,半天和校友会里读博时的朋友一起到宾州去宣传拉选票,很累,我希望在我们的努力下能让宾州继续它的Blue Wall,虽然很难很难! 现在我们是头一粘枕头就能睡过去的疲劳,还有几天,坚持住。即使累,即使最后不尽人意,我还是要和朋友们分享下面这段话。这段话是我的长辈白天发给我的。他们一辈子都是坚定的共和党人,然而这次大选第一次犹豫了。发给我代表他们那一代人的心声就说明他们已经投过票了。我向他们保证过,永远不问他们把票投给了谁。God Bless America.
"Today, I voted.
I did not vote for a person.
I voted for values and principles.
I voted for sanity and reason.
I voted for truth and the rule of law.
I voted for tolerance and acceptance.
I voted for dignity and respect.
I voted for the Constitution and America.
And I voted against some things.
I voted against immorality and the lack of ethics.
I voted against insanity and chaos.
I voted against lies and disrespect to the law.
I voted against intolerance and exclusion.
I voted against humiliation and contempt.
I voted against fascism and despotism.
Today, I voted for love not hate.
If I had a message for you today, it would be to give hope a chance.
We know what fear and rage look like. We've seen them before.